Saturday opener for rifle deer?
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/04 19:08:34
fishin coyote I'd think if they go to a Sat. opener you'll lose more than 1 day of small game. Can't see the Commish wanting dudes in the woods huntin tree rats or turks with rifles the day before buck season opens.
Maybe its a regional thing but few are out hunting the Saturday after Thanksgiving round here. Thanksgiving morning is more popular but even that is minimal.
IMO a reason for that is that on Sat. a lot of hunters are either traveling back to school or home from visiting for thanksgiving or on their way to camp or the rifle range getting set for Mon. Also in my neck of the woods ( westm'd cnty ) some of us are hunting in West. Va. because that Sat. is the first Sat. for their Deer season. Also don't forget that famous Honey-do list. As I said before pros & cons either way. If you don't ,some say we are stuck in the past,if you do its all about the Money same old same old. You are never going to please 800,000 people.. Usually in the past I would almost always stick up for the P G C but that all changed with Gary Alt. I didn't then & I still don't need someone else tell me what I should consider a trophy. First they tell you to let the small ones go to get older & now they tell you that the older bucks are more suseptable to diseases, the best thing IMO that they did with deer manag. was to have the early doe season in Oct. that I believe does save a lot of food that does would eat & then get shot later anyways,also save a lot of deer getting hit by cars during the rut.Unfortunatlly the warm weather is hampering that effort also. sam
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/05 01:35:33
Not to change the topic but since we are are talking rifle season and there is no law against hunting with silencers/suppressors. My new 5.56 NATO chambered rifle with threaded barrel, is in the mail. Umm, as soon as they email the gun is in stock.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/05 06:12:38
I just hunted in an area that permits suppressors (more on that later) and I would love to be able to use one in PA. I had never fired a rifle with one before and was quite surprised with the results.
The report was not as suppressed as I thought it would be (too much movie magic expectations), only about 50% less loud. But the recoil was cut to darn near zero.
The rifle was a 25-06 and the recoil was no more than a .22 magnum. It was much easier to have a gentle trigger squeeze (no flinch over any anticipated recoil), which resulted in me (and my wife) making some shots I would not have thought were within my abilities. Further, since the sight picture was never lost upon firing, it was easy to see where the shot hit the animal, so knowing whether follow up shots were needed (some of these critters were tough) and with no recoil, the animal could be kept in the scope while racking the bolt because there was no need to pull the rifle out of recoil.
I’m a big fan after that experience. The only downsides are they are heavy; they are not conducive to smooth handling because they throw off the balance of the rifle; and they are just plain ugly.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/05 10:21:50
DarDys I just hunted in an area that permits suppressors (more on that later) and I would love to be able to use one in PA. I had never fired a rifle with one before and was quite surprised with the results.
The report was not as suppressed as I thought it would be (too much movie magic expectations), only about 50% less loud. But the recoil was cut to darn near zero.
The rifle was a 25-06 and the recoil was no more than a .22 magnum. It was much easier to have a gentle trigger squeeze (no flinch over any anticipated recoil), which resulted in me (and my wife) making some shots I would not have thought were within my abilities. Further, since the sight picture was never lost upon firing, it was easy to see where the shot hit the animal, so knowing whether follow up shots were needed (some of these critters were tough) and with no recoil, the animal could be kept in the scope while racking the bolt because there was no need to pull the rifle out of recoil.
I’m a big fan after that experience. The only downsides are they are heavy; they are not conducive to smooth handling because they throw off the balance of the rifle; and they are just plain ugly.
Dardys, a couple more downsides ; IMO are that they are fairly expensive & most importantly in this current anti-gun climate is the fear factor to most of the non-shooting public. I see these used quite a bit at our range & also understand that in some countries they are actually required to lessen noise pollution & damage to ones ears .(england) i think. I think that we must try to eliminate giving the antis more ammo to use against us. sam
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/05 10:52:40
I know longer consider anti-gun people at all. Why? Because they are like any anti anything people. The mindset is carved in stone no matter the topic and no amount of logic, pursuassion, argument, bowing, trying to meet in the middle action, or anything else will change their minds to not be totally against whatever they are anti about.
Anti gun people aren’t afraid of suppresssors. Anti gun people aren’t afraid of bump stocks. Anti gun people aren’t afraid of black rifles. They are afraid of guns, period, end of story. They don’t care if it is a howitzer or a B.B. gun. In their eyes, no gun is good and until they are banned and confiscated, their world will not be right.
So, in that light, I don’t care how they see me and my guns any longer.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/05 11:46:28
It is quite legal to use silencers while hunting in PA. The PGC does remind people to have the proper paper work on their person when using such devices. The link I posted refers to a change in PA. law that will terminate the $200.00 transfer tax and make the devices available over the counter to any "law abiding" gun owner. [font="'helvetica neue', arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px"]The proposal was introduced in House under the "Hearing Protection Act". The device does not "silence" a gun as portrayed in the movies..... hell those people still believe, the DeLorean can travel through time.  Little do they realize, the "Flux Capacitor" is an option, that must be special ordered.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/06/05 11:56:54
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/05 13:30:43
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/05 19:50:52
Welllll Atlatl depend. 😒
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/06/05 22:19:18
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/06 06:09:18
What is funnier is that a commissioner that was serious about having a season for them got through the process to be nominated and confirmed.
BTW, we had a doe in the yard yesterday afternoon, much closer than they normally come. There is a section of grass that is probably two feet high (it was too wet to mow before we left, so it grew wild for two weeks). She left, but came back in the early evening. I checked her out with binoculars and she had a fawn nursing on her. First time I ever saw that.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Saturday opener for rifle deer?
2018/06/06 10:22:07
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 