Handicapped assistance.

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2018/05/04 08:07:34 (permalink)

Handicapped assistance.

        I was wondering if anyone knows of any handicapped accessible areas along the tribs; other than the launch at Elk and the "wall O' Nuts".  Since I'm in the good ol' wheelchair I'd like to try to get somewhere where I can Fly Fish.  If you are afraid of posting a location on open forum. you can pm me. Looking for next fall.  BTW what you think is wheelchair accessible, might not be.

Illegitimis Non carborundum

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    Re: Handicapped assistance. 2018/05/04 08:43:30 (permalink)
    Indy, sorry to hear you're in this situation. 
    So I'm taking your last sentence under guidance - what I'm thinking MIGHT be accessible to you really might not be, but these are a couple areas that immediately came to mind as possibilities. 
    The smaller hole just upstream of the parking area at the Legion area on Elk.  I THINK (not positive) you might be able to get a wheelchair back one of the short trails from the parking area to the water's edge.  At Streuchen Flats/Platz Road, there is a pull off right along the water at the bottom of the hill and there might be enough room there for a wheelchair.  
    There is also a wheelchair accessible deck at Rick Road but it is pretty high above the water and didn't really look all that conducive to fishing to me.  
    Been a few years since I've fished there, and never spent much time there, but could you get on the beach at Trout Run?  
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    Re: Handicapped assistance. 2018/05/04 09:36:21 (permalink)
          It has to be pretty hard packed.  Me and the chair sink in soft ground and gravel.   Tried the sand bar up by the park, in Girard anddddd got stuck.  They don't make snow treads for these things LOL.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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