Helpful ReplyArthur!

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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/25 14:02:24 (permalink)
I have issues with slip bobbers if there is wind, especially if only suspending a foot or so deep.  The line will often arc, and have my jig pulled up to the bottom of the bobber.  Unfortunately, Arthur seems to always have wind.  
Same deal with that "ripples set the hook" thing.  Which I agree 100% with, but rarely glass calm to see ripples (although when I get those conditions are usually my best days).  When they are only chewing slightly, and there is some chop, they are a pain in the butt to catch.  In those conditions, I am often doing a slow retrieve and more feeling them bite and using the bobber to just keep them suspended, rather than visual detection of the bite.  Slip bobbers don't work well for this, since you end up pulling your bait to the bottom of the bobber.
No doubt, they are unbeatable if looking to suspend beyond 3'.  Other than that, I tend to have more control and more confidence with the tried and true spring hook on foam bobbers...
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/25 14:44:46 (permalink)
Other than that, I tend to have more control and more confidence with the tried and true spring hook on foam bobbers...

Funny you mention the popping corks.  On my annual vacation to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, EVERYBODY uses those things if they're using shrimp or soft plastics.  I just stick with my good old orange, weighted cigar bobbers from Walmart.  Most times, I'm wade fishing in solitude, but when we hit the harbors or jetties with other fishermen, I've never been outfished by somebody using a popping cork vs. my cheap bobbers.  
I don't do a lot of perch fishing, so dunno if the added noise would work for them.  My perch catches at Arthur and other places are incidental.  But when it comes to panfish, the good old Gulp Minnow under an appropriately sized cigar bobber is always my first choice.  Just jig it back nice and slow with a twitch and pause.  
My youngest and I hit Arthur in the rain yesterday.  Thought it might be good with a full moon, cooling water temps and dropping barometer.  Had some steady bites on cut baits between 5:30 and 6 - not as hard as channel cats normally bite, but harder than bullheads normally bite.  Almost made me wonder if we were into some smaller wipers or something that couldn't quite get our bluegill hunks in their mouths.  Other than that, it was the Dead Sea for us.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/26 09:34:34 (permalink)
I have 5 popping corks.  2 that I made smaller to try this, 2 that are larger that I made for salt water and one that I bought at a bait shop in Avon.  I basically bought it, to put money into the shop for the info that they gave me.  I am kind of skeptical if they do anything more than a standard bobber.  They definitely make more noise.  Nowhere near as easy to adjust depths though.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/26 12:21:12 (permalink)
I do get the theory behind them for predatory game fish, especially speckled trout and reds.  When they're around though and in feeding mode, they are not hard to catch.  In fact, when we can find them schooled up and feeding, it's some of the easiest fishing there is.  Unfortunately, those days are few and far between for us.  
 I would think in freshwater, they might up your odds for pike with a big old shiner or crick chub fished underneath, or maybe even wipers at Arthur when they're on the hunt for alewives.  At Arthur, we have had pike hit our bobbers when pan fishing before.  And of course fishing farm ponds, occasionally a good largemouth will try to take a chomp of a bobber.  
I do have a couple I've bought over the years too, maybe I'll give 'em a try sometime with a 3" Gulp underneath.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/26 13:15:12 (permalink)
I've had that with pike and large mouth before.  Have also had trout come up and swipe at floats (more when I would use that glow bug material floating a nymph under).  I do pop my regular bobber when perch fishing in the fall, and seems to draw strikes.  But not sure if the splash/commotion is what is triggering, or the extra movement of the bait (usually flathead).  Will see if any noticeable difference.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/26 23:01:22 (permalink)
It is well substantiated, 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish.

And they catch them in 10% of the water.
Three Rivers Muskie Club tournament on Arthur this weekend. 8:00AM to 8:00PM Saturday, and 8:00AM to 1:00PM Sunday. $25 entry for members, $35 for non-members. Register before 8:00AM Saturday at the 528 Ramp.
Number 3 son wants to go big time, but number 1 son won't go with him, (it's his boat), preferring to make $50 an hour on overtime on Saturday. I guess I could go with him and take my boat, but I have work to do on the old girls' Jeep and a tranny to put into our Grand Caravan. It may be time to trust my boy with my truck and boat and let him get this tournament out of his system. Even if I put off the automotive work 'til next weekend, I ain't much into trolling for an hour, much less for 16 hours of it. We'll see.

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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/27 07:06:31 (permalink)
40 guys trolling as fast as my boat goes, added to the above noted, looks like a honey do weekend for me. Thanks for noting it was this weekend.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/27 10:22:09 (permalink)
&*#^*  &*^$*(  (*$&@($ "tournaments."  Complete nonsense.  Looks like Wilhelm is the better choice Sunday.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/27 12:03:34 (permalink)
Im still fishing Sunday. Musky guys dont own the lake.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/27 13:17:35 (permalink)
True, but they sure do clog up the lots and ramps at certain times.  You don't want to be around at start or weigh in time.  And where I fish is where they want to fish.  I'm lazy, anchored with a bunch of bobbers out, and they are scooting up and down the shorelines whipping huge lures like insane people.  We generally don't mix.  
Good luck out there though!
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/27 14:09:14 (permalink)
Ha, ha.  I have no issues with musky guys at all.  The trolling speeds they run, they are basically a boat out for a cruise.  40 of them, or however many, will make for some crowded conditions.  A nice weekend, likely one of the last, will likely have a good bit of other pleasure boaters out.  Best luck to anyone making it out.  I'd rather go out on a crappy day and see 4-5 other boats on the water...  This weekend is chores for me.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/27 14:38:51 (permalink)
Well, plan was to make Swimbaits, Crankbaits and Jerkbaits Great Again! Burn them back to the boat and cover shoreline. We will see if those guys are where I want be. Coves and Points, so the points might be congested.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/09/30 20:21:02 (permalink)
How did it go this weekend? Looks like Summer is back for a week or so... I like it warm, but puts a little slow down on water temps getting optimal.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 08:50:17 (permalink)
Last day of September was Skunktober. Bear Run was pretty empty at 7:30, one boat already out on the lake, one tied to a dock, then my boat, then two more staging behind me. The two behind me were musky guys. Guess they didn't have to launch out of 528 for day 2 of the tournament? Or they could be out pleasure fishing.
Water was 10 degrees cooler yesterday, than it was when I fished Arthur on 9/16. We Ran all sorts of lures, from deep cranks to medium cranks, to jerk baits, spinner bait to wacky worms. Nothing. Hit a bunch of spots. Saw few other boats chasing bass, they didn't seem to be doing any better, as they were bouncing spot to spot.
Got rained on which I didn't expect. Didn't see a ton of musky trollers, they were some out and about, but there was plenty of lake for all of us
Bait balls were deep still. Here is couple from my Lowrance at the wheel. Guessing Alewives, with the wipers underneath? The one pic with the "spaghetti" lines, tell me they were active fish.
I assume Alewvies are a lot more prevalent than other baitfish, such as gizzard shad and/or golden shiners? How do you guys net them? Go around docks at first and last light? Never saw any bait busting at the surface. So I think it will be a little while till the baitfish get pushed into the shallows and coves for true fall fishing.
Not sure if the weather shut down the green and brown bass, but something was really off. As far as the 422 bridge, I always mark a ton of bait and fish in front of and around the pilings, but never buy a bite. Not sure if its junk fish hanging in and around the bridge? Did see some carp jumping at various spots on the lake
Lake had good walleye chop early in the morning, then by lunchtime, the sailboats and some yaks and other fisherman were on the lake.


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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 09:44:55 (permalink)
I can only net them when at the surface.  May-July, they are pretty active at dusk, and can usually get a few.  Then again at 10PM-4AM or so, get really active.  Other times of the year, I can't get them.  This time of year, the gizzard shad will skim the surface, and can sometimes get them.  Has to be really calm water to see them though.  I've seen them at dawn, mid day and dusk.  Usually getting more chasing them around dusk though.  Sam has gotten them from the boat, with a deeper running net, using electronics.  I doubt they were that deep though.  I have seen bait balls suspending at 2-3 feet deep in 15-25 FOW, that I would assume you could catch with a faster sinking net than mine and electronics.  When as deep as yours is showing them suspending, then you are at risk of catching a log at the bottom, and destroying your net.  I am sure there are some other tricks to getting them, that I don't know.
My bet is that most fish are in transition, or getting pretty close to doing so.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 10:24:18 (permalink)
Speaking of Sam, I'm  thinkin' we should have heard a report on his expedition over the weekend, by now. 
GOOD GRIEF...  do yinz suppose I should run over to Wilhelm and see if Sam got his 'yak' high centered and is stuck on a stump or sumpthin???   
Or maybe, he is just too busy cleaning fish.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/10/01 10:27:09

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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 12:32:05 (permalink)
Never left the house.  Had the tub loaded and stuff prepped.  Ended up smoking pork butts instead.  Busted up my back for good measure.  Really got beautiful around 2pm at my place.  
Pork - with the heavy net you can pin them to the bottom.  I've scored 'wives in 15/16 fow.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 13:09:24 (permalink)
OH MY, never left the house????  Now you are sounding like somebody else!!!  Sam, sorry to be the one to tell ya butttttttt, I think you're getting old!!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 13:42:38 (permalink)
Tis' the season for the trick backs.  When it goes from hot to cold to hot to cold, I can throw out my back with a sneeze...  One of the reasons that I prefer the trailer boat over the kayak or my tin can small one. 
I have never let my cast net go to the bottom when trying deep.  Maybe that is my issue.  I have issues when in shallow hanging on stuff, but able to grab the horn and free it up.  Have you ever had any issue?
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 13:55:40 (permalink)
PorktownHave you ever had any issue?

Never at Arthur.  I don't know if I'd trust a deep sink somewhere that might have oyster beds, and I learned my lesson in Arthur over the weeds.  But in 12-20 at Arthur you're not going to hang up typically.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 15:53:09 (permalink)
I sort of learned that lesson with the weeds too, but in the salt.  Until 2 nice shrimp plopped out while clearing the grass.  Now, I search out the seaweed!  That sound side seaweed or whatever it is called, isn't hard to pull through, and not too hard to clean out like the Arthur weeds.  Although, crabs and pin fish love to hide in there too.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/01 16:04:22 (permalink)
Sea grass.  Various kinds.  And yep, that's where the good stuff is.  Same reason the mahi are always under sargassum, and the <all the fish> are near weeds in our lakes.  That stuff is the cheap chinese buffet of fish food!  The stuff at Arthur is thick with baby bluegills.  Funny I never see baby perch though.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/02 12:44:03 (permalink)
Baby gills = candy for most fish.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/10 10:09:01 (permalink)
Fall is coming tomorrow.  Which means the USS Fartknocker #2 will be hitting the inland dead sea soon enough.
Perch better watch out!!!  Walleyes and wipers, you are all likely fine.  I'll be searching for you, but always seem to outsmart me...  Dumb fish beware!!!  As soon as the shock wears off from Summer to Winter transition, those fish are going to be jumping into some 350 degree oil!!!
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/10 10:31:24 (permalink)
Better late then never eh Pork? Temps certainly be more fall like by weeks end.

Lots of excitement in your post, good times and tightlines.

Ummm, that hurt... but just a little.🍺

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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/10 11:39:58 (permalink)
Probably a bad weekend for me.  Got a dumpster coming and need to do some work.  Might sneak out Sunday if I get lucky and the weather cooperates.  Hope you slay them.  
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/10 13:45:48 (permalink)
Just excited.  I have a feeling this weekend, the fish will be in major shock.  I will be forcing myself to some work around the house.  It will be painful though.  There is a good 50 degree swing from current high temps to forecasted low temps.  That water temp is going to drastically change in the next 4-5 days.  I wouldn't doubt if a fish kill in the process (likely gizzard shad).  Will likely be a while for them to recover.  When they do, they are going to be about as hungry as I am, watching those perch fillets get golden brown in the fryer!  Watching the french fries might be worse, since they take longer...
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/10 16:03:01 (permalink)
...... watching those perch fillets get golden brown in the fryer!  Watching the french fries might be worse, since they take longer...

That will be "enough" of that kinda talk Pork!!!

Hope your happy, no fish frys till Friday so if you'll excuse me, I need to place an order with my local Chinese fast food outlet.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/10 16:56:04 (permalink)
Don't do it BTDT! That is the Chinese governments long term plan for our extinction. Load us up with Gen. Tso's chicken and other msg, making it so appealing to take 3-4 trips to a buffet. They invade us and we all have a collective, Chinese junk food heart attack!

But fried fish and frenchfries are good for you... Ha, ha.
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Re: Arthur! 2018/10/10 17:05:50 (permalink)
I’m not worried about any MSG being in the food. What concerns me is there any D-O-G?

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