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beaver run res. news
After years of work by me & others to get beaver run open to the public for fishing & hunting, since it was bought & run with our money, a bud of mine showed me something yesterday that is in the current digest that leaves me not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Look in the consumption advisory for the Ohio River Basin on page 32, there is a caution for consumption of no more than 2 meals per week ,I think , due to Mercury pollution. Take in mind that that is the drinking water for our area & also after the area is supposed to be off limits to the general public . wink,wink Could it be because of the drilling that is going on there? btw a bud was show a pile of approx.75 nice crappie that were taken on the ice this past year. unless someone else on here takes up the cause to get it open for legal fishing we will only be able to wish that we were there., after all , the comm. did get a rail to trail put in there. sam
post edited by mr.crappie - 2018/03/08 00:51:14
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/07 22:48:44
Yea shhhh they don't want us ie the public to know about all the wells an possible pollution not to mention the millions of dollars there getting a year from them ......they still raise the water bill tho to pay for new lines tho lmfao . I also noticed that in the digest PS : wow 75 crappies bet they tasted good 😉😉
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/08 00:56:57
I hear that the walleyes from there are even better. lol sam May be that the consumption alert only covered Bass because the bass are so big.
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/08 07:22:07
Yea I herd there pretty good but there harder to catch than you think , from what I understand beaver run is a shell of what it used to be as far as fish population. Between the commish shocking an restocking at other lakes , and the amount of sizemac testing that is going on out there the fishing is not even close to the way it was 20-25 years ago .
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/13 12:48:10
The mercury pollution was there and in every other PA lake and river long before any drilling (@ least for Marcellus and Utica shale) took place. Old school coal fired power plants are have been big contributors to Mercury pollution. I do wish I could fish there though!
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/14 10:29:04
correct. its just easy for people to point fingers at new stuff. Coal extraction will far out-pollute any Deep O&G Development.
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/14 10:33:54
Yea I get it but the coal industry has been dead in that area for a while just don't explain the y the fish population just is not what it was years ago
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/14 12:07:49
fishing forums much more likely to blame
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/17 10:57:52
I live by the parking lot on rt. 380 . if anyone knows where this is at ask yourself why all of a sudden there are all these monitors floating around this res. if they aren't worried about nothing.
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/19 09:02:20
Crazy have not seen any up da other end yet somthing fishy is gone in out there
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/27 12:40:53
outdoorperson I live by the parking lot on rt. 380 . if anyone knows where this is at ask yourself why all of a sudden there are all these monitors floating around this res. if they aren't worried about nothing.
def have seen these floating throughout the lake...what are they?
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/27 19:14:44
BlueLagoon, when I called to ask what they were the lady didn't have a clue what I was talking about, she had to ask another person what they were and then she said they were monitors for testing the water. seems like a lot of over kill to me,i mean I don't believe you need that many monitors. I still say something going on here...
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/28 14:32:06
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/29 08:32:19
https://lambic.nsm.iup.ed...php/Beaver_Run_Project Pretty comprehensive site, when you click around on the various links. I quickly glanced at some of the data for some of the reporting stations (information overload) and nothing stood out as a concern. Way to much info. to go through and I didn't find a Summary report that talked about the data but I looked at it for maybe 5-8 min. total. The maps are pretty cool.
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2018/03/29 08:49:08
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/03/29 08:54:03
Very interesting artical, 47 marcellus wells hmmmm they are making 10s of millions a year from that
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/04/02 16:43:28
I was there when they were installing the floats on Beaver Run. The guys told me they are solar battery powered electric pumps, to keep the water mixed and agitated. Supposedly it keeps the algae from growing too much near the water inlets. Here's a link to a news story:
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Re: beaver run res. news
2018/04/03 13:11:52
thanks for the clarification its still easier for the sheep to blame something they know little about.
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Re: beaver run res. news
2019/03/15 13:02:07
Has anyone fished below the outflow?
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Re: beaver run res. news
2019/03/17 08:58:44
Years ago I fished the outflow a few times - caught a few bass. It is also water authority land and is posted and subject to a trespassing issue. I also have talked to the fish commission while fishing back in on Beaver Run - they were only concerned that I had a license.
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Re: beaver run res. news
2019/03/17 09:00:43
Also where the creek flows into the kiski is not a magical spot either. I have caught a few fish there as well but not a hot spot for me. Maybe somebody else can add their opinions.
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Re: beaver run res. news
2019/07/09 09:55:12
I helped stock fish and talked to the WCO. He told me he had written a 17 page report/article on why Beaver Run Reservoir should be open to fishing. He was from Hannastown if anyone would want to talk to him. Unfortunately the MAWC refuses to open it. Now with all the gas wells its hard to get in there. Its still possible, you just have to stay off the roads. Also, Quemahonoing (sp) Res. in Somerset County is a 700+ acre reservoir that has been opened to the public. However it’s electric motor only. There has no issues with the water quality that I am aware of. Maybe we should all get together and start pushing the issue. I don’t know of any group that has ever done that beside meetings to discuss the issue.
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Re: beaver run res. news
2019/07/10 00:00:23
cavardave, please read the first post on this topic if you want to know if any one has tried to get Beaver Run open to the public. The now retired deputy (Emil ) did work with us ,but he could only do so much officially. We had petitions with thousands of names & I personally went to meetings with the Water authority & went to meetings with the county commissioners to no avail.I even went to a meeting at Penn State. We pointed out that there are plenty of resivoirs open to fishing with no harmful effects,but could not change their minds.The outlaws that brag about sneaking in there to fish were insulted when we told them that we wanted to open it up to the public I truly believe it was because they knew that they couldn't compete with other anglers. This topic comes up about every year but no one else seems to want to take up the effort. If you want any ideas on what needs to be done you can P.M. me & I will help you if I can. sam
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Re: beaver run res. news
2019/07/10 11:32:09
I am very very local to the lake. More "Outlaws" there than ever and from what I hear the fishing is not what it used to be. Beautiful lake but I think the drilling and outlaws are thinning it out