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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/15 00:04:49
Green pickled tomatoes are nice at end of their season.  I like them better than cucumber pickles. Add garlic, onions and a pepper or so if want a little heat. I remove the white center core on mine if needed though.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2022/08/15 00:11:20
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/17 15:15:32
Getting 3 colanders full every other day. Going to grid these up tonight and pick again tomorrow, then on Saturday and do another round of canning. It will probably be my last round of sauce ( over 70 quarts) and the rest that comes will go to salsa and given away to church
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/19 18:49:59
Wednesday I ground 15 quarts. Thursday I only picked 2 colanders. Tomorrow, I'll surely get 3 and then start making sauce. There's still a bunch left to harvest afterwards. I'm sure I'll see tomato plants growing in the pig pen before frost, lol. It really worked out perfectly for us. Not to many, not to few. Our garlic was and is still fantastic. Going to start dehydrating some for powder soon. I should easily have another 400 to replant and take our home usage throughout. I am going to downsize my garlic in October to 300. Or 3 beds total. Its winding down for us but I hope still going strong for others. Rain, or lack of has been my only deterrent to starting more vegetables. Peace and tuna
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/19 20:12:36
Son took garlic to the auction today and bought 60 dozen fresh picked bread & butter sweet corn for $10
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/20 15:34:04
crappiefisher Son took garlic to the auction today and bought 60 dozen fresh picked bread & butter sweet corn for $10 
Wow, that's a lot of sweet corn. I buy a sack of 5 dozen from our local farm for $20.00 We blanch/ freeze that off the cob that takes us through the winter. I may go get another just to make chowder. Today I did 6 pints salsa. Not really happy with the flavor. It's missing something or maybe to much cilantro added. Tomorrow is another day and when I wake up, I'll start over again. Heading to see another free band park show just up the road. I grew up with these guys and it's their 40th year playing together.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/20 16:12:54
Yeah that was a little too much but the price was right. Ate 3 last night without my teeth in and I didn't care. The old lady finished up removing from the cob about a hour ago. She used my antique butcher block I picked up a couple weeks back and a new sandwich knife seemed to work well. Was tempted to use the antique corn sheller with electric motor but she said she was doing fine. Have over 400 butcher and chef knives to go through from auction yet, least she used one today so that was a start. She hated the butcher block on the back patio when she first came up yesterday but think she changed her mind now. Still have to find a place for it yet. She is out cold now. Told her to hold off on the bell peppers until the evening. Garden at camp sucks this year with getting a late start then not having fence up in time before the over abundance of rabbits and and groundhogs. Had to replant a good bit. Then the July drought and some bugs on beans, cukes and zucchini delayed growth. Don't help when gone for a week at a time. Got close to 150 hogs out of yard in the past 4 years but now they seem to come out at night to avoid me Lol!! The peppers and tomatoes are doing great but a month behind.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2022/08/20 16:14:24
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/21 16:04:15
That's a wrap.. 24 quarts sauce canned today. 12 jalapeno, 12 regular. While we still have a strong showing of tomatoes on the vine, enough is enough. Aside from planting garlic in October, my garden season is over.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/21 17:39:51
Picking was heavy today. Bunch of Bells and Hungarians. 12 quart bags, portioned for what we use for a dinner side of green beans. 6 eggplants. Last of the cukes and 4 pie pumpkins. These plums are still coming. Like I said, 15 more quarts of sauce will make 40, thas enough. I have no idea what I'll do with the rest. Probably give them away or maybe take some to the store and put em in the produce case. Nothing helps a gross profit like free product. Last planting of lettuce has all popped. I should be picking that in about 3 weeks or so. It was good year for the garden. I think that 10-10-10 really helped. Guess I'll just manage what's left now and look forward to Columbus Day garlic planting. I think 150 heads this fall. 🤔
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/22 09:48:19
Mater still slow for me as far as enough to pick/can. Did 8 qts of italian stewed maters this weekend....first pick/canning session. Plants are loaded and my san marzanos have hundreds of plump green maters on it so I think end of this month/early sept., I will be busy. Still need to get another planting of lettuce/spinach in. Just pulled old plants yesterday. The rain made for easy weeding/pulling.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/22 17:34:48
So , I started my tomato seeds mid/ late February. They got big fast. By late March they were pretty much planting height. They were able to go in the ground late may due to conditions. I ended up planting 48 . Many I had to trench and lay down the main stem. Only fertilizer I use is from the compost pile of leaves and chicken/ fish/ pigs form prior year. Obviously we had good perception in early June and then the drought. Rain barrels were dry so town water through a carbon filter was key. Just enough and not to much worked well. Peppers on the other hand, suffered. I got enough jalapenos, herbs and oregano to make sauce. Farm market was onions and bell. There are so many improvements I should do and keep saying to do but this was a nice relaxed garden year so I'm happy. Our meats took total priority and working out fantastic. Now the time for us is to support our local farmers.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/24 17:37:16
They won't stop.... I'll have another 3 colanders by Friday. Guess I'm doing another round of sauce.. Right now including pints x2 , we have 73 quarts. What's another 20 right , lol. Honest to gosh, I'm pulling the plants by Sunday.. My garlic dried fantastic.. its rock hard and full of oil.. I haven't even yet started to dehydrate any..
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/25 07:00:13
I need to be picking again this weekend but will need to let them ride for a few days. MIL is going for surgery today (breast cancer) and looks like we will be up her place helping out most of the weekend. The SIL that was supposed to do the weekend shift to be with her came down with Covid this week so she needs to stay away. Anyone have a good recipe for canning pints of sliced hot peppers? I got a bunch that I need to do something with.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/25 21:18:43
We just do a basic 50water 50 white vinegar with a couple cloves of garlic. Good luck at the in-laws🤞. Hope her surgery goes well.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/26 14:21:59
pensfan1 We just do a basic 50water 50 white vinegar with a couple cloves of garlic. Good luck at the in-laws🤞. Hope her surgery goes well.
I was going to say that as well because that's what I do. Just thought someone may have had a recipe
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/26 16:27:55
Came home to 3 homemade pizzas today. 2 square homestyle, and 1 Margherita. Those fresh Romas were very tasty.
I'm gonna give it heck this weekend, for the last round up. Picking and pulling the beans. I'll fill probably 1 more bushel of ripe tomatoes. There are a few eggplants out there and several peppers. After that I'm DONE.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/27 11:56:37
Chickens made what should be their final relocation on fresh grass. They will be 7 weeks on Wednesday. They are a nice size and it's either labor day or the Saturday after. Pigs got pushed back a few days until Sept Sept 12th. They are ready, I'm just not yet until chickens are gone. The only garden items left are basil and oregano. Probably picked the last of basil which is dehydrating now. Heading to fish some water tomorrow for first time since early June. Pan fish.
post edited by hot tuna - 2022/08/27 20:05:40
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/27 21:26:15
☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2022/08/29 19:07:44
Just finished up 32 jars of pizza sauce... Still have a few bushels of maters that haven’t ripened yet. Probably make another batch of spaghetti sauce and feed the rest to the chickens and turkeys. Still have some sweet corn to pick and potatoes to dig up while I wait for the next batch of beans and lettuce to grow.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/08/28 16:59:24
☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2022/08/29 19:07:35
Sometimes there's a garden of nature that offers a bountiful bouquet if you go and get it. There was a change in the diet menu needed and the market obliged. These are beautiful dinner plate bluegill that once caught were immediately put on ice right through their catch, process and soon our table. Life is good for folks that want to be self sufficient.
post edited by hot tuna - 2022/08/28 17:49:04
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/02 19:00:37
No fishing for me until the hardwater comes. Getting set for time in the woods next weekend. While it's a week early, I had to start some planting. 176 garlic cloves put to bed today. Each bed has 88 cloves. I have another 1/2 size bed yet to plant with roja. I'm going to get another 50 or so in this week and call it a day for garlic next summer. I really prefer to let my cloves start establishing before the hard frost comes and I don't think it's that far off. As long as they are covered in thick straw, all will be good next spring. Gardening is officially closed here. Covid sucks I'm sure but what is considered covid these days.. Thankfully, we haven't contracted covid. We played it very safe in 2020 and then moved on with life. Be well to all
post edited by hot tuna - 2022/10/02 19:03:37
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/02 19:02:45
Ya, I'm getting ready too. 100sum last year, I'm gonna try for closer to 200 this year.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/02 19:06:30
I've been doing 400, I'm cutting back to 200 ish. Want to focus some space towards different greens and vegetables. These bulbs/ cloves are on their 7th year in my soil
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/02 20:08:35
One other thing. I don't process my garlic for long term storage until after I've separated the cloves for planting. I usually get a fair amount ( 30-50) of cloves that the skin has pulled off so I set those aside and don't use for in the ground. Today there was enough to fill the dehydrator . Slice thin and these will probably take 2 days before ready to grind to powder. Garlic is heavy in oils so I do them low and slow on the dehydrator. Troutbum sent a picture of pickled garlic. Basically a 1/2 water- vinegar canning. Since I'll have a bunch extra , I'm going to give it a try.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/02 20:11:44
I picked green beans today and if the weather holds I should get one more picking at the end of week. Then I’ll get my garlic in sometime next weekend.Then it’s build another raised bed or two and put everything away till spring.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/16 10:32:04
Got my garlic in a couple weeks ago. Ended up with 100 hard neck and 150 soft. Picked the very last of the lettuce. My daughter brought home some tomatoe plants we stuck in the ground beginning of July. I just picked the last of those also. I am trying to save some seeds from those plants. They must of been a German Plum. Semi-large fruits, with all "meat" inside. I am saving those seeds and just started the process. Any tips? I put them in a jar, covered with water. The inner web says it should take 2 to 4 days for fermentation. Anyone else save heirloom seeds?
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/16 14:45:21
I have not saved seeds for replanting. I did the same search as you and it seemed reason except kinda a pia to ferment them first. Good luck.
As my first time pickling and canning garlic, I was largely disappointed. The garlic is mushy and severely loses its flavor. I milled up a 1/2 pint of dehydrated garlic yesterday with a hand mill. I ordered an electric mill last night. Very happy with the dehydrator and grind method for long term garlic storage.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/17 17:08:21
My $20.00 electric grinder came today from Amazon. Wow was I impressed. In about 30 seconds it pulverized dehydrated garlic to fine powder. The hand grinder took me about 15 minutes to get to consistency of coarse salt. The wife dosen't like it coarse but I prefer both so we now have options. I can see lots of garlic powder on families Christmas list..
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/10/29 08:47:14
I've been dehydrating garlic daily and grinding into powder. It takes a long time to properly dehydrate. About 3 days in the dehydrator then another 3 days to sit and air dry before grinding. One thing you want to do once put into a jar is not to seal the jar with a lid. Notice that I use a paper towel then put the jar ring on so it still gets air. Our friends and family will be receiving homegrown gifts for the holidays. Very pleased to see my cloves planted have established themselves before going into winter hibernation. It's good to know their not just going to be dead seed come spring. This is the last weekend of home projects before I become full time in the woods until November 30th. We got our sights on the garden of the woods. Peace and tuna.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/11/02 17:12:55
This weather is just stupid. We coulda started more beans and lettuce at the end of September. Lol.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/11/05 09:28:28
Late fall for us is butcher time for birds. A friend is learning to raise and butcher now and we have been helping her through the process. We took our equipment to her place and left it so we could stagger the process over numerous weekends since she was growing out some heavier breed roosters, meat birds and turkeys. 2 butcher days down and 1 to go (next weekend). In return for us helping out we now have a beautiful roaster chicken and turkey in the freezer and a whole lot of broth jarred on the shelf and chicken mush in the freezer. I did a soup run also since I had the fresh broth and shredded chicken. I did a pot roast and beef bone broth so I could can up some french onion soup while I was at it. Butchering and canning isn't glamorous but man it's sweet to open that jar on an icy January day and have homemade soup in minutes!
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Re: The garden thread
2022/11/05 09:36:10
hot tuna My $20.00 electric grinder came today from Amazon. Wow was I impressed. In about 30 seconds it pulverized dehydrated garlic to fine powder. The hand grinder took me about 15 minutes to get to consistency of coarse salt. The wife dosen't like it coarse but I prefer both so we now have options. I can see lots of garlic powder on families Christmas list..
Tell me more... my coffee grinder works for really small amounts (maybe 3/4 of a cup at a time) but never quite gets it to soft powder consistency. What amount does your grinder do and what brand?