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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/01 23:49:28
HT I hear you on missing Clint, was thinking about him this past week, honestly most times I read the NY boards.  Gone too soon. Hope the knee is improving, sure doesn't make the loads any easier. I am laid up again with a hand surgery, just had a thumb joint replaced a couple days ago, will be a painful spring but hopefully I will be able to handle a rod and net a lot less painfully than the last few years. We processed 10 roosters a few days before surgery, otherwise I wouldn't have been much use. Did a beef roast and beef bones for dogs, which gives me over a gallon of beef stock and bone broth, along with chicken broth from roosters. Ground up all of the bones and scraps from the chickens after they were pressure cooked for broth, along with the organs which had been cooked separately. So today I made a couple gallons of French onion soup from the beef and chicken broths. That is my normal for chicken processing weeks. The extra chicken broth and soups were both canned, 7 qts chicken broth and 5 qts of soup. A good friend who watched our dogs for a couple days when I had the surgery got half the roast (with potatoes and carrots) and a big container of soup, along with some canned chicken, broth and 2 gallon bags of ground chicken for his dogs. So at least feeling productive a bit! The dogs sure enjoyed their beef bones this evening!
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/02 08:30:52
fishin coyote
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/02 19:21:05
Got the greenhouse finished, the trees cut down and 75% cleaned up. Tomorrow is finish the clean up and start making raised bed boxes. 1st picture is a stock pic of the original before the collapse and the rest are the rebuild. FL2 hope you recovery is quick
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/02 19:26:38
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 07:19:22
FC that's a darn nice greenhouse. Glad you were able to get it up and together again. I keep saying I gotta build one but so many things get in my way. I know I could get my contractor here and he'd have it done in about 3 days but it's something I wish to do by my own hands. When do you start putting plants inside ? Wondering how cold would affect them. Good luck on growing and rewards. Worked hard on the pen yesterday and happy the way the pallets and conveyor belt is working out. I'm a little farther ahead than the pictures. My knee and back paid a price but I enjoy working. Heading out now before the rain shuts work down ( maybe). Peace and tuna
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 08:46:42
FC... the rebuild looks great! A lot more substantial and sturdy than the original. Nice work! Looks like the 4x4 posts are now anchored into the ground instead of being just set on surface?
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 10:40:04
Looks like plenty of work got done. Great job fellas. Nice upgrade FC. I am going to start some more seeds this week. Eggplants and maybe a few of those Cherry Bomb peppers. All my tomatoes are doing really well. If this weather ever squares away, I would be able to get that tiller out, but you can't till a mudpit. Anyone have luck with Romaine and Escarole? I'm going to try both this year in addition to all the other lettuces I plant.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 13:43:08
I've done well with romaine lettuce. All leaf greens I direct plant as soon as last frost. I've seen some hydroponic systems for greens that I'd really like to try, they look simple enough using PVC and seed plugs. Greens seem to take up garden space and weeding around them is a pia.. Steady progress on the pen and stall but now rain brought to a halt. Most all my materials have been free so far. Today I went to lumber store for 5 - 2x4x12 and got slammed with an $80.00 bill. Ridiculous for dimensional lumber.. The last stall had osb siding. Sticker shock of $50 a sheet makes me now going to my local saw mill for 1x12x8 rough cut at $8.00 a piece. $80 of lumber will do all 3 sides and be much stronger and lasting. Whenever the time comes, this is how I plan on my greenhouse. I want roof to open for ventilation , rainwater with totes or barrels and pump running off solar and some form of heat be it propane or woodstove.
post edited by hot tuna - 2022/04/03 13:48:42
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 14:17:08
My wife wants me to plant some raised bed herb gardens this year — primarily as a barrier to keep people from going off the 4-foot drop on the patio.
I bought 2 raised beds that are 4’X18” that have self watering and a drain to remove excess rain water.
She had done way too much research on what types of soil to use, so I thought I’d ask the experts here.
Thanks for any input.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 14:42:43
I didn't do anything special when I filled our raised beds. I know Miracle Grow, and probably others, sale raised bed soil. Not real sure what makes it so special. Maybe it's made up to drain better? I found herbs are pretty easy. I did about 6 or 7 kinds and everything grew like crazy. Good luck. .hopethisahelpa
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 15:03:35
Most of your " garden soil " is basically topsoil mixed with ground mulch. I watch the place prepare it. For me , I get the cheapest bulk topsoil available and then mix in peat moss at about 4( top soil) to 1 peat moss. Also a few bags of dried manure for nitrogen. That's starting from scratch.
A compost bin is the best soil. We throw all our fish remains, chicken manure , pig manure, leaves and if I'm ambitious, grass clippings in the compost bin.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 18:21:10
Had some leftover 1x12 x8 rough cut from house project. 5 boards short. At $8.00 each way cheaper than plywood
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
fishin coyote
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/03 21:39:28
Thanks for the compliments. Ht, This will be our 1st spring with it as I wasn’t given the original until late may last year. I kept checking the temp in it today since it was kinda of ugly with snow outside was 33 and inside was 39. We’re thinking that once it gets and stays in the upper 30’s to low 40’s at night she’ll start putting her seed pots in although there’s already perennial’s potted up in it. I like the design in your photo and almost went that route but decided to salvage what I could from the old one. As far as ventilation I made sure that my front and back sections along the roof line can be opened to allow a low to high transfer of air. Starters in the house are doing good so hopefully this was the last of snow.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/04 19:03:16
Thanks gang. I’ll get some dirt as directed and get going next week (we are to get 2 inches of rain mid week, so this week is a wash).
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/05 12:43:43
I took advantage of some decent weather today and tilled that raised bed. Put in my herbs and 2 or 3 kinda of lettuce. Did that romaine also. 🤞. Big garden is just too wet yet. My oldest wants another raised bed for flowers this year. I still havr the room plus the composite boards. I'll havta get a pic up once it's done.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/04/05 12:51:24
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/05 18:58:29
I don't know how you plant your lettuce but I'd suggest keeping everything covered. I used to take clear plastic and cover my leafy green seeds direct into the beds. Kinda a cold frame. Most leafy are not frost tolerant. 28 degrees in my neighborhood this morning.
Need advice from tree farmer. I have 7 apple trees that vary from in my ground, 13 years to 5 years. They are not large and growing slow . I've never sprayed them with pesticides. Last year they produced the most apples ever but they were scabby and insect ridden. What and when should I spray them.
Thank you
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/05 19:14:44
I spray pre bud and again after they flower and sometimes that isnt enough-your right- stop and talk to an orchard guy Old timer told me the worms are in them when they first start growing if ya dont spray early--who knows? Hows the knee Rich- still hitting the river ??
post edited by r3g3 - 2022/04/05 19:17:17
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/05 20:33:30
Rg, thanks for the insight. I don't even know what type pesticides to spray . We don't use any on our vegetables. Yes hitting river tomorrow thru Saturday with wife and sister. They won't be near any water except a pool and spa. Ah the good things in life. I'm very glad to hear your on the mend. Modern medical, medicine and surgeries are a g send. My sister wouldn't be alive today without the medical today let alone walking after her hip replacement last August. I hope you get into a nice fall run and good hunting this fall. My knee,,,, Well I foolishly punish myself and push everything to its limits. I'm hurting today again after a hard work week so far and will most likely pay for it later than sooner. At least I'm upright and will forge ahead doing only what I know until I can no more. I'll report ( hey a SR fishing report) as I return off the water daily. My plan is to fish in shifts throughout the day without any worries.
post edited by hot tuna - 2022/04/05 20:38:59
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/05 21:01:15
Just being there this fall will be nice- shouldnt have been there last oct- when I fell I was top half in the water and bottom half out and couldt get out- fortunately my youngest son ( 47) was there, ran over and lifted me out- He is huge. Elbow finished healing few weeks ago- nice fall-many rocks- lol its been an adventure Hope your trip is all you want it to be Rich-sounds like your hitting the drops and some spawners just right
post edited by r3g3 - 2022/04/05 21:03:22
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/06 07:46:24
Two different tree sprayings — dormant and active. Dormant gets sprayed in fall after leaf drop and in spring before leaf up. This gets what r3g3 said is in the tree as larvae. Many different brands on the market, just make sure it has neem oil. Active gets all the critters and diseases that can happen after leaf up. Spray as soon as green starts. I hit them every 2 weeks until flowering. None during flowering, then once 3-4 weeks, rain depending (don’t want it to wash off) until fruit is picked. Lots of brands, some completely organic. Check your feed store or go to Stark Brothers on the web. They have videos and articles on everything. This is also a good time to prune (after no threat of frost) and fertilize. Also check Stark for their Tree Started fertilizer. Best of luck and hope for no frost after flowering or it is all for nothing.
post edited by DarDys - 2022/04/06 07:58:32
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/06 11:42:50
hot tuna I don't know how you plant your lettuce but I'd suggest keeping everything covered. I used to take clear plastic and cover my leafy green seeds direct into the beds. Kinda a cold frame. Most leafy are not frost tolerant. 28 degrees in my neighborhood this morning.
Need advice from tree farmer. I have 7 apple trees that vary from in my ground, 13 years to 5 years. They are not large and growing slow . I've never sprayed them with pesticides. Last year they produced the most apples ever but they were scabby and insect ridden. What and when should I spray them.
Thank you
Hmmm...I have never seemed to have a problem with my leafy greens....spinach, multiple lettuce varities and onion sets first to go in...early April, usually. WAY behind this year with all the wetness and activities. Any of you yardmasters ever have any luck with products that will get rid of moss in your yard? Scotts MossEx doesn't want to touch it. Last spring, I paid to yet the yard dethatched and aerated and sprayed for moss....didn't touch it. Not sure what to do. I do normal fertilization but I haven't have my yard soil tested, ever. I'd live with it if it were just under my pin oak in the front yard but it seems to spread more and more every year and is starting to get in the back yard.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/06 12:50:30
There is an expensive fast acting lime that did a great job for me with moss- used it kinda heavy and it worked as advertised- sorry dont recall the label but got it at Lowes
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/07 12:03:41
For good soil ie raised beds you want 1/3 medium (peat moss or coco) 1/3 compost ( whatever you choose) 1/3 aeration ( perlite or pumice) pumice is better long term but it's hard to find around here. You may also wanna add trace minerals like gypsum, rock dust or a grain meal. ......... on 3/18 I took about 20 perch crappie scraps and barried them on one side of my raised bed it's like 12'x12' and to my surprise I just dug down and the worms ate em already! ...... last year I filled my bed with peat perlite and mushroom compost with bone and blood meal. And it grew like crazy! I built it with scrap metal roofing ripped in half so it's 19in tall roughly and the landscape timbers for posts. It was like 20$ soil was a bit but now I only have to reamend it yearly. I'll be adding worm castings and trace minerals 2 weeks before planting getting it mixed up again
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/09 17:47:12
It was great to have a get away but its back to work. Time waits for no one and neither do chores. Pig pen, stall, foods, water and bedding secured for tomorrow's arrival 1pm. Tomatoes are doing great but now I have to start thinking about space needed. Garlic is up about 6" Life is showing signs on fruit trees and raspberries. Thankfully , rain stopped but mud hasn't yet.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/10 15:32:18
All good on the compound. Some orange sunshine pig.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/12 17:04:07
Looks like 50 plus tons of work to do here. I need a machine and I'm not it, lol. 20 tons of topsoil coming tomorrow so I can square all my garden away before I drop boat in water water next weekend for striper season. Certainly no rest on this compound.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/14 18:01:31
Time to make the move to acclamation outside. Out of space to just keep them completely indoors.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/14 20:10:12
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/17 11:17:33
Happy Easter all. I started 3 more dozen San Mars yesterday. That should put me well over 100 good plants...Hi, My name is Jason and I'm a tomato-holic. 😆. I'm going to start all my vine plants this week. They don't take long to sprout. You guys think I will be good for the end of May to get them in? I also am going to just plant those peat pots directly inground. I killed a bunch of pickle plants last year. Most of those vines have sensitive roots. Anyone else do that also? Hopefully this weather FINALLY square away and some tilling can be done. I like to get that plastic down and prepped a few weeks before. Have a great day and keep em coming.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/04/17 13:27:31
Happy Easter as well to all. We used to name our pigs Easter and Christmas. Now their just called food on the table. This weather is certainly a challenge.. Don't like the rain and now snow as well as cold. Typically, our safe season is after mother's day. The indoor plants are outgrowing , the indoors but still to early.
Ps: I forgot about cold frame.. I have the stuff. Sounds like tomorrows project
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen