hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/22 11:50:54
I truly love supporting our local farmers. Yesterday we took a short trip to visit some and returned with another sack ( 5 dozen) ears of the best sweet corn I've ever had. Along with that, about 8 lbs of sweet potatoes, beautiful juicy cantaloupe and 1/2 bushel of delicious white peaches. Today we blanched the corn and prepared it for the freezer. In the process of canning peaches. Please support local and avoid box stores or imported foods.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/23 08:09:04
I made some salsa over the weekend, I am hoping to do small batches of tomato stuff and looks like the plants are cooperative. I have so much corn, onions are great. Garlic is processed.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/26 07:52:33
Tomatoes are coming on hot and heavy now. Started with a couple red ripe ones around 15-20th but everyday its now handfuls of maters, picked 32 on Tuesday and I only have 4 total plants. 2021 has been the latest I can ever remember maters taking this long to get into peak ripening.
post edited by psu_fish - 2021/08/26 08:03:53
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/26 17:24:31
Our tomatoes also took extra long to get to harvest. I'm not getting the normal yield but I also reduced the amount planted. So far we processed 10 quarts of sauce. With this next round , we will do another 10 quarts tomorrow. I expect a 30 quart season. For anyone interested, I chose a different garlic farmer this year to buy seed from. He's local to us and have heard nothing but good things. We purchased 4 5lb bags of some new to us varieties to plant this fall along with my seed garlic. He was super easy to deal with and his garlic looks great. I'm expecting to put in 500 to 600 cloves in October. https://www.gradentalunfa...collections/all?page=3
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/28 14:56:55
Just put in 2 more peach trees and another pear. They looked pretty vibrant at TS today so why not.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/28 16:28:42
hot tuna Just put in 2 more peach trees and another pear. They looked pretty vibrant at TS today so why not.
HT... with the fruit trees and garden you should set up a few honey bee boxes.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/28 17:03:28
Fisherlady, I really thought about it. The church nextdoor had a good set of boxes years ago . I'm not sure I'm up for the task myself however. We plant a significant amount of flowers around along with our perennials. Food for thought though in the future.
post edited by hot tuna - 2021/08/28 17:04:46
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/29 11:24:12
So it's a wrap on our homemade sauce today. We ended up doing 31 quarts ( doubling the 1/2 at jars). With the 100 plus quarts last year, I still have about 20 left that we are eating regularly, this should take us through till next season. Tomatoes are still growing and I'll probably salsa them but they don't have the vigor of what should. Only thing left salvageable now is my cabbage. Hoping to get 6 good heads. Brussels are a bust. In just over a month we'll start planting garlic. Next weekend we have to start scouting at deer camp.
post edited by hot tuna - 2021/08/29 12:29:06
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/29 21:06:33
Canned some peppers and tomatoes today. Will make sauce with the rest. Corn is great, lots of cabbage, even got a few eggplants today. I have 18 Brussels sprout plants looking great. Onions are HUGE this year too. I am a bit disappointed with my butternut squash this year , much rotted. Pumpkins look ok and spaghetti squash average. 2nd crop of beans , peas and radish in a few week. Will plant fall lettuce soon too.
I have a few apple and peach trees, but none are close to producing. I though about bees, but I have not the energy. It took 3 hours to do an hours worth of chores yesterday. Work 10 min rest 5 repeat. Sucks
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/09/23 18:10:33
So tonight I pulled my tomato plot to prepare it for garlic. Tomatoes did ok there but not the location I'd like in future. We did the local orchard apple, pumpkin, gourds and peach pick last weekend. The house has been smelling great from sauce, jams and pies to come. My garden flopped this year. Trying to prepare for next season. The greenhouse project is a must.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/11 09:30:17
Anyone else getting their garlic in? I put in 50 yesterday and going for another 50 today. Ran the rototiller where I could. Still have peppers and eggplants coming so I'm gonna let those go till frost. Should be around December at this rate. Lol.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/11 13:33:55
I have not planted my garlic yet. I prepared my beds awhile back and fertilizer went in. Typically, I plant this week. That's my plan. I have about 600 cloves to get in.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/11 13:55:31
600..Like whoa!! I doubled my amount from last year. Just finished up a bit ago, 100 total.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/11 18:48:51
Will get mine in this week I only do 50
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/11 19:04:47
I will say, this warm weather has me thinking about planting a few later crops at the end of August. You could get a load of beans out by late October if it's gonna be like this every year. Just a thought.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/11 19:42:09
Garlic and herbs don't take up much space or care. Yes I'm doing approx 600 garlic. My harvest last year was approx 288 bulbs. They did very well and I bought another 10lbs different strain to plant. Most bulbs yield 5-8 cloves to replant. 2 years ago, I harvested approx 350 bulbs and sold 150 plus. Big mistake. I have folks that want my harvesting, Garlic is easy. Vine plants become a bit more daunting in time consuming.
The wife is going to have a new job next spring 😉
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/12 17:51:32
2 sets of 75 cloves planted tonight. Daylight is starting to fade fast now. By 5:15 the sun is below the treeline. Hoping another 150 in tomorrow. Super busy around here.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/13 18:02:03
Another good accomplished 150 garlic planting as the sun is below horizon and skeeters are out. 1/2 way there. 200 German white in ground. 100 German red. Total will be 200 of each Red white. 100 music and 100 polish purple stripe. I may add to that.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/10/31 15:07:14
Time is not on my side as always. Only managed to get 400 garlic bulbs in and covered for winter. I ran out of room and no time to start another bed set. Starting Friday, I head to my hunting camp for basically 4 weeks in the woods. 2 weeks will be straight through. The saying goes, there's always next year, lol...
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/02/16 16:28:30
Ordered tomato seeds today... I'm gonna do San Marzanos n Romas for sauce this year. Beefsteaks for the slicers. If anyone is looking for a super great cherry, Galinas were superb last year. They stay yellow.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/03 08:48:27
Seems to be getting that time. We are going to start the tomato seeds tomorrow. I got my Tomatofest order couple weeks ago. Fire up the lights!!!
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/04 11:31:06
I will hopefully be expanding my garden this year. With the price of everything, only makes sense. Do you ever have an issue with your seedlings withering once they get to a certain height? Do you use a sterilized potting soil? I have never had good luck with starting from seeds.....they get about 3-4" high then wither at the base and die. I do good with herbs but not maters and peppers for some reason. Love those San Marzanos for canning. Wish they were even bigger. Taste WAY better than amish paste, at least to me.
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/04 13:53:27
I get those 72 count flats with the clear lid. This will be the 1st year I use bagged seed starter. I didn't see any of The Jiffy brand flats with that "puck" of dirt. Warm water for the first-time and put em in a warmer spot in the house. Keep them watered, from the bottom and lidded. You should see the lid sweating.Uncle Dave says transplant them in 3" peat pot as soon as they get the 2nd set of leaves. I used 2" last year and didnt like em. Plants were little root bound when I finally planted. Then it's 15hours of light. I have a junky timer I bought. Seems to work well enough for me. Amazon 2ft LeDs. Don't drown em but they should always be soft and moist to touch.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/06 07:33:35
Welcome back 👍 I've been pretty busy and haven't started any seeds. While I hate to, I'll most likely have to buy plants this year. For starting seeds, most folks use the smaller sets. I don't. I use 4" plastic jiffy pots. I also save and reuse them. That way you only need to transplant once right into the ground. If you get the plastic trays I believe you can get 18 4" pots in each tray. Just take some plastic wrap and put over the top of all the pots until the seeds sprout then remove the plastic. Always water from the bottom to promote the roots to grow down. Just enough water so the soil doesn't completely dry out. Good luck.
My piglets will be ready for me in 4 weeks, chicks coming 3rd week of April and I have a cow being slaughtered first week of April.
Peace and tuna
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/06 07:49:51
We’ve been eating fresh lettuce grown in a tote under a light. Haven’t started anything else yet. Spent yesterday cleaning up the greenhouse, it didn’t survive the heavy snow :(
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/06 09:32:31
4 years and counting on this thread. Imo, one of the better ones ever done💪👍. After the seeds today, if I have time, I'm gonna dig up all the strawberries. They've never been any good. Very sour. I'll plant more lettuce and herbs in that raised bed. Maybe start over with a different breed of berry. Any suggestions? Sucks to hear about the greenhouse Coyote. It was quite the winter. Hope you get it squared away sooner than later.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/03/06 09:34:33
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/06 10:15:10
I'm giving it one last hurrah on the ice this weekend. Been in lake George since Friday and now it's raining pretty hard. The fat lady is singing so gonna be an early day. Time to turn off the vexliar and build a garden.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/06 14:40:15
Attachments are not available: Download requirements not metAlmost a full 3 trays. I actually got help today, went really smooth. Those young eyes and nimble fingers were put to good use. And so it begins. 🤞🍅💯💯Good luck fellas
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/06 20:27:43
I emptied some pots and toats into my raised bed to start getting ready to reammend everything. I'm gonna wait a few more weeks well probably 2 to start my seeds .I mainly need to clear a space out to start everything. Today's weather was quite nice really got me jonesin to get to gardening. And fishing hopefully that wind today beat that ice all up
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2022/03/11 19:25:42
I am rethinking buying plants. As was 2 years ago, I believe demands might hinder supply. Tomorrow I'm going to start seeds. Where I'm going to house them as they mature, I'm not sure yet. My space has been significantly reduced since the mancave project. I'll figure things out.. That 3 year greenhouse dream might just get priority. People are again going to give it another shot at trying to be self sufficient out of necessity. In a good way, turn off the news and build a garden is positive. Having so many projects is a way of life to me. I seen signs of life in my garlic beds. We still use fresh garlic everyday. Many of my bulbs are still growing inside. I'd love to get some peas started in a bed next week.
Our chicks will have to relocate to our smokehouse as a brooder. Actually, it's set up perfectly for that application. A new stall will have to be constructed before piglets arrive in 3 weeks or so. The boat will need some preparation and love before striper season opens on April 1st and a splashdown docking of April 21. Yup, lots projects and it's officially MUD season 😣.
Oh,, P.S. I am booked for a salmon river fishing trip April 6th until 10th.. WHEW, I'm tired already. Peace and tuna
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen