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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/05 19:56:20
Corn is knee high and everything looks good. Strawberries are just about done. Garlic looks good too. Beans, taters are starting to flower and iij have small squash. The guy that does our hay should come this month. If I ever get my new tractor I will post a pic. The air conditioning was not working and they continue to wait on parts from India. A cabbed tractor us useless without air in the summer
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/06 18:15:02
Clint, hopefully see some sexy tractor pictures soon. Driving in a enclosed bubble is certainly not cool. Having to wait from the hardest country for parts is worse. I've driven dozens, tractors, loaders and haul trucks without an ac, heat or pressurized cab working. Did beat shoveling sometimes, lol. Glad your garden is doing well. We basically flopped on ours this year. Tomatoes , garlic, herbs and cabbage are doing well. All berries, fruits and vegetables become neglected. There's always next year, so they say. I think next year my garden will come back and my animals will take a year off except what's harvested from wild. Kinda sounds like more hunting and fishing in store, lol. I pulled a few garlic samples this weekend. I whole bulb was eaten raw. The others are very decent except the roja I purchased is tiny. Should harvest close to 250 with 50 held to replant. Also good news is garlic festival is back and I'll get some new batches of roja and purple stripe that failed.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/08 17:40:06
Getting nervous with all this rain we've been having. So I pulled 35 today, only 200 some more to go. To much will cause rot and browning of the bulbs.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/08 18:17:13
I pulled mine earlier this month. Everything is a real jungle. I found some huge pickles buried. We put up a few pints and 2 quarts today. Been picking some nice onions also. I have literally, hundreds of tomatoes growing. Can't wait till those get ready. Plenty of peppers also. My poor sweet bananas got overrun by the 2 grape tomato plants. I doubt I'll get anything from those. Looks like I'll be going bigger again next season.
Here's to the same tropical weather, gardens seem to love it. Good luck all.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/09 08:58:48
Anyone getting hit by septoria? I am starting to see it and will need to start pruning some lower branches/leaves and spray heavily with Daconil to try and keep it at bay. This weather is great for growth of everything....esp. these fungi!
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/09 09:10:15
Do any of you tree gurus know what might be causing these limbs to snap about 12-18 inches from the ends?
I first saw it on my fruit trees and thought it might be deer, but many limbs were too high for a deer to reach and others were inside the fencing. Then we noticed it on lots of trees in our woods, with many limbs, all about the same length, on the ground.
Driving around in the area, we saw it all over. Not all limbs, but multiple ones per tree.
It does not appear to be specific to any particular tree species as we have seen it on apple, peach, pear, locust, sycamore, ash, and just about anything else.
The broken limbs quickly due and hang brown.
For the fruit trees, I have pruned off the dead part past the second limb below the damage.
The fruit trees get there regular sprayings, plus a spray of Sevin for beetles. I can see no bugs (there were cicadas a few weeks ago) or visible diseases.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/10 10:02:49
Sry Dardys, can't say I have heard of something like that, esp. for multiple species of trees.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/10 10:22:08
I’ve never seen it before.
Some trees have 1-4 effected limbs, others 1/4 of the tree (thankfully not the fruit trees).
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/11 17:07:53
I need to learn more about fruit trees. My 10 year old apple trees just got their first real crop . They look skanky because I don't use any pesticides. That's what I need to learn about. My peach trees are drowning in water. Far to much rain here for over a month to have a decent garden crop of vegetables, albeit mine was scaled back. All my garlic has been harvested and the bright side is they look fantastic. Very large bulbs. I'll have no problem setting a good crop of 5th generation ( to me ) cloves to plant in October. The farm market has been our go to. Very good products and for the prices, well worth. Pigs are around 230-240 , they go in about 3 weeks.
post edited by hot tuna - 2021/07/11 17:09:36
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/17 20:47:13
17 days into July, 17 days of rain. Mushrooms are growing great. The garden is struggling severely. Heat, humidity then endless rains. It doesn't fare well to things. Feeling sad for my pigs as they can hardly navigate in their pen. Even with bale after bale of hay to try to absorb some of the mud, it's a bottomless pit in there. They are ready at 250 lbs and the first dry spell, out they come.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/18 20:33:19
I harvested my garlic and it looks ok. Garage smells good with it hanging. Got some beans and squash today. Corn is starting to tassel. I sink ankle deep when walking through. Won't see any hay done until mid August at this rate most fields have standing water
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/19 20:32:37
Clint, I hear you on the ankle deep mud. Here, mud season is bad in March. This is the worst I can remember in July, 19 straight rain days. Clay only holds so much water without drainage.
As for garlic. You should really check out Ingersoll Farms in Fulton. I was directed to them 5 years ago from a garlic guru. I'm still running garlic seed from them I bought 5 years ago. Fantastic results and products.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/20 18:12:12
I have not been to the farm but have purchased from them at the local market. They are about 30 minutes away, maybe this fall I will go over
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/25 12:18:17
Word of caution for the garlic growers. With such intense humidity, simply hanging it outside, even with fans, becareful from it rotting. I moved all mine into a climate controlled environment with fans too 2 weeks ago and processed it all this weekend. Came out great and I have 30 seed bulbs of 3 varieties for replant along with the hundreds of use bulbs. Today 50 went to a farm sharing at wife's church.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/25 15:54:44
I've put up a case of quarts and half a case of pints in pickles. I've been giving them away for about a week now. Pulled and canned all the beets. They were kind of weak this year. I got yelled at because I didn't space them out enough. 3 quarts and 6 pints are gonna havta due. I pulled my beans already. The beetles and blight were killing them anyways. We got prolly 20 servings in the freezer of those. Couple meals of koosa (white squash) and I couldn't tell ya how many zukes we've eaten. The wife makes coo-gootz with them. Eggs with sautéed onions and zucchini. Tomatoes are just starting so I'll be busy with those soon enough. With other stuff like eggplants and all the peppers, and whatnot yielding, I'd say this is probably my best year so far. It's been fun reading and sharing between us green-thumbs. I'm still amateur status, but I'm learning. 👍👍💪thanks fellas!!
post edited by pensfan1 - 2021/07/25 19:18:13
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/25 19:34:48
Nice evening, chillin' by the pool. Hope my maters don't go wild while I'm on vacation. So far, perfect amount to pick and eat everyday. I think my cukes will go nuts while I'm gone though. I have about 4 dozen one inchers on the vines right now. Planted late....lemon cukes are doing well and a good pace for salads each day...
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Re: The garden thread
2021/07/25 19:56:12
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/09 09:08:33
It is the 9th day of August, and I have yet to have a single ripe red tomatoes off my plants. Never see a year like this. All of my plants are LOADED too.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/09 09:32:44
I've put up 24 jars of sauce already. I've been picking tomatoes couple times a week with not really any end in sight right now. Peppers are coming like crazy also. I have pulled all my cuke, zuke and pickle plants. Enough was enough with those. They seemed to be dying off anyways. Still haven't picked any eggplants but they're getting close also.
With September being the new August, I wouldn't sweat it too much. Those tomatoes will ripen up.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/09 13:28:40
This season has been a complete bust on my garden. I have around 50 tomato plants and have yet to pick a colander full. Very few fruits on the large plants and yes, they have good soil with plenty potassium. Peppers are nill to none. Brussels are only about 2 feet tall and my cabbage heads are tiny. Homemade, homegrown sauce with have to be made from our local farmer with tomatoes. Side note: I did hand pour 67 80lb bags of quickcrete cement for a sidewalk yesterday. Getting way to old for that stuff anymore but it had to be done so my sister's wheelchair can access the ramp. Ob la di ob la da, life goes on.
post edited by hot tuna - 2021/08/09 13:34:17
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/09 16:50:10
Wow Rich, that took some work,but from the picture it looks like it came out great!Are you going to help me play with some Salmon this year?
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/09 18:41:31
Took a lot of sweat outta me in the intense humidity we've been having. The braces are just to keep the form and removed as poured. I should have found more things to do and ordered a truck. I surely hope to see you this year and local folks. Think it's been to long.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/19 18:35:48
Up to my ears in corn. LOL I did not have good luck with zucchini this year, but it's not my favorite so no loss. I have dug a few taters and they seem nice as well as the onions. Cabbage is ready for kraut making. Brussel sprouts look nice too. Seems like a decent amount of pumpkin and winter squash too. Making salsa this weekend
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/19 18:38:51
It's been so rainy no hay has been done around here in a month.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/19 20:22:23
Anybody got a good pizza sauce recipe they would be willing to share? Dont wanna use a pre mix like Mrs Wages if at all possible. Thanks
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/20 12:18:39
☄ Helpfulby psu_fish 2021/08/23 12:32:51
psu_fish Anybody got a good pizza sauce recipe they would be willing to share? Dont wanna use a pre mix like Mrs Wages if at all possible. Thanks
I can't give you the exact recipe because my daughter makes all our sauce. We use the same sauce for everything. What I do know is everything that goes into it comes from our garden. Oregano, basil, peppers ( both bell ,jalapeno and sometimes dried cayenne seeds) , garlic, onions. She does add salt and maybe something else but I think that's about it. What I do is make the dough. I also add garlic , basil and oregano to my dough. Not everytime though. Things are very chaotic and stressful here right now. Some really bad news but won't get into things. Most likely I won't be leaving my house for any adventures ( salmon etc) for awhile. I did manage to accumulate enough tomatoes to start the process of making some sauce today. One thing I've used for the past 3 years is a tomato press and now wouldn't do it any other way. It's a huge time saver. Peace and tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/20 15:43:09
My tomatoe plants are shot. Blight and fruits are all splitting. Wayyyyy too much rain. I put up a decent amount of quarts(3n half .cases). I have Habeneros and some Cherry Bomb peppers to pick yet and plenty of Eggplants. My sprouts gotten all bug infested so I pulled those. Better luck next year. I have a few beets to pick but that's about it. Everything else is pulled and composting in the feild of weeds that grew up. I'm doing ALL plastic next year. Hopefully you guys up North have few more weeks of growing. Good luck.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/21 19:50:56
Understand Rich- hope alls well as can be
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/21 20:44:37
Thank you Trevor. I hope everyone has a great time on the great lake Ontario tribs this year. Soon I hope to join everyone
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Re: The garden thread
2021/08/21 21:07:03
That tomato press is worth its weight in gold. I got about 25 pounds of taters dug out and 21 jars of sauce made yesterday. Still have beans to pick.
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