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Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/05 19:43:03 (permalink)
Just picked the first of the strawberries today. I have been feeling like crap. I think I have a respiratory infection as breathing has been difficult. I was tested for covid thursday so at least I know it's not that

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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/06 09:45:17 (permalink)
Our strawberries plants are loaded, can't wait until they get ready to pick. Everything else is doing good also. Really pleased with that raised bed. Lettuce is crazy. I've been picking it once a week, with a very high yield. The big garden is doing good also. With these last few hot days, things have been looking up. I've got flowers on over half of the tomatoe plants. Peppers look great and those brussel sprouts are doing just fine. Hot again today, so everyone's stuff should just keep growing. Was a rough start to May, but now it looks very conducive to what we're all shooting for. My only issue now is Big Lake fishing is about to jump off. 🎣🎣🐟🐟

Take care of yourself, Clint. Hope you feel better.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/06 18:10:45 (permalink)
Tragedy struck on the farm end. About noon my chickens started dropping like flies from heat.
We lost 17 in a matter oh hour.
We immediately decided we had to butcher. Unfortunately the dead ones wouldn't bleed out and the meat was full of blood.
17 went into the trash.
We then focused on live birds. We'll be working into the night for sure as tomorrow is going to be hot as well

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/06 18:16:45 (permalink)
Oh man, that suxs. Nothing like hard work going down the drain, not to mention the food source. Thas terrible.
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/06 20:57:02 (permalink)
Sucks to hear HT, hope you can get the rest done before the heat sets back in tomorrow.  
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/06 21:29:22 (permalink)
We are still working on them .
Probably finish everything close to midnight.
I'm grateful to have a good woman that will go to a concert until 1am last night to see a grateful dead cover band and then stay up until midnight the next day butchering chickens.

Lessons learned. To many birds in extreme heat.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/07 08:13:41 (permalink)
We officially finished at 12:15 am. Took a shower and hit the pillow at 1am up for work at 5:30 am. Gonna be a long day.
Told the wife how grateful I am to have her by my side. She said she had no choice, lol even though she really does.
A good woman she is ❤

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/07 11:38:07 (permalink)
Nowhere near bin comparison to the untimely demise of the chickens and the necessary rush to take care of the others before a similar fate occurred, I had an apple tree and a Redhaven peach tree be my latest fit on having to replace trees.

The apple tree, which was 4-years-old and just ready to really fruit for the first time (it was loaded with blossoms after the obligatory cold snap) was found pushed over, snapped off at the tap root, which was about 1.5 - 2 inches in diameter. The 4-foot high by 4-foot diameter deer fence was tossed aside from where the uprooted tree was found.

I have no idea what did this. It is far way from people access and I don’t think a deer could pull the fence out of the ground (held in landscape cloth and the ground with landscaping pins plus the points of the bottom row of fencing). I guessing a bear might have wondered into the fencing in the dark and freaked out, trashing everything. But I have nothing on the trail cameras in the surrounding areas (none are pointed specifically at the trees). In any case, I replanted the tree with what remains of the root system, but it doesn’t look like that will proved enough for the tree to survive.

The peach tree is more of a mystery. It is 5-years old and had great growth. Last year was a bust due to a 3-day late frost taking the blossoms, but the year before we had approximately 200 peaches off the tree.

This year, it never came out of being dormant for the winter. During the warm spell in February, it had some new growth and even the start of some buds, but so did the other peach trees. After the other trees got blossoms, then leafed out, this tree, which was the largest (about 10 feet tall) and up to this point the healthiest, remained dormant. I gave it a shot of my go to fertilizer, but got nothing.

In an act of desperation to get the tree going, I pruned it back 1/3 of the way all over. Nothing. If I scratch the limbs, there is still green growth under the bark, but nothing is showing. I’m perplexed. I really do not want 5 years of babying this tree to be for nothing and have to replace it.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/08 09:42:48 (permalink)
Well I lost some birds to a predator yesterday, so they will be locked up until I get it. As far as trees I have 3 apples . 2 are doing great , but one the main trunk died and now it is just shooting smaller stuff from the roots. The same happened to the peach tree, but that seems to be doing much better. I will probably replace the apple tree this fall . I lost most of my 2 yrs old blueberry bushes to the weather. I need to rethink where I will replant them.

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/08 15:25:00 (permalink)
My two pears trees seem to have alot of fruit this year, and my peaches appear to have some as well, but my apples and plum tree got hit by frost. So my question is, what is a good all around spray that I can use now since the plums and peaches fruit has set? I want to spray them to protect against bugs, but also scab and other issues like fungus and rot. 
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/09 08:47:37 (permalink)
So you have the dreaded HDPE pipe for your pool plumbing too?  Mine has gotten so brittle over the years....almost can't be repaired any other way than with the flexible couplings....if you try and force the grey connectors in, just splits the IG vinyl lined pool is over 40 years old now.....
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/09 09:15:53 (permalink)
Yes the grey pipe is nasty. Like said, it's a temporary fix. I plan on running all new PVC lines with better access and a drains with shut off tees where they enter the pool.
Our pool is around 45 years old.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/10 20:02:40 (permalink)
5 quarts and not a dent in the strawberries. I went th o transplant some plants and found the seeds i put in the had ts taken off and are as big as the starters. I usually fill in the sowed seed that did not come up with the ones I start as I find the ones that start in the ground are just healthier and produce more. Guess I will try to find a spot for them if not I will let the chickens eat them. LOL

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/10 21:17:14 (permalink)
Great news Clint. Jealous of your diversity. My strawberries never took hold and blueberries eh..
Tomatoes are rocking and I put cages in last night before they got outta hand.
No cukes, beans, greens this season for me. Just basics to make sauce.
Starting to get back into the sunrise after dark routine again.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/10 22:15:37 (permalink)
Critters are crushing my strawberries. They got some ballz too. That raised bed is right up against the house with a flood light on all night. Oh well. Everything else is going bonkers with this rainforest weather we've had.
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/11 09:42:02 (permalink)
Just picked a handful of strawberries this AM for my son's cereal.  A couple had to be tossed due to partial "eatage" by some critter....We only have one plant in a pot...I need to make a small, raised bed to get a better patch going.  Will have to fight to keep the bunnies away though...
I guess I need to make my fence garden is long and narrow and on the backside of the end of my pool.......had the cousins over last Friday and Monday/Tuesday using the pool and well, some of my plants took a hit from errant basketball and football throws in the pool...lost several red cabbages and they were doing so well.........I put my cut off 3 gallon white buckets over them now to protect the ones that are left but only two remain.... lost some cilantro and a few cucumber least I over planted those mounds so they won't be a big deal on the loss....I guess I need to start spraying with Daconil too with all this rain/humidity.  Just stinks as it washes off so quickly with more rain...I hate the BLIGHT!
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/11 10:35:05 (permalink)
Eyes, can you stretch bird netting between the pool and garden area to act as a backstop for the balls? May be a reasonable alternative and simpler than trying to extend hard fencing, which could also affect sunlight.
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/11 11:13:36 (permalink)
I always get nervous when they play kickball or volleyball back there. They know to risk life and limb to keep it out of the garden. 😉
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/12 18:14:21 (permalink)
About 300 garlic scapes cut and ready to process. They also freeze well.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/12 18:43:06 (permalink)
What do you those HT? I have some also
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/12 20:01:25 (permalink)
My friends make pesto out of the scapes I give them. I need to check mine tomorrow

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/12 21:18:37 (permalink)
We use them for basically anything we'd put garlic on or in. Chopped and diced, toss them right on a steak or potatoes. Sauteed in butter or soups.
These freeze well and have many uses.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/13 10:34:35 (permalink)
Mine are just starting to pop out. I got half the garden cultivated and things look good. I have more ambition than energy though

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/13 11:01:05 (permalink)
Can't wait to try those out. How long should I wait before picking those off the tops?

You can only do what you can , Clint. As long as you feel well enough, go for it. If you don't, take a pass.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/13 13:54:00 (permalink)
They come out the top and curl around get to be a foot or so long. They should pull out of the center , but be careful you don't pull the bulb out of the ground. The belt on my mower broke , then th he belt on the rear tiller broke. Keep me away from equipment today LOL . I am down to the front tiller which does the job, but not as good as the rear one. Just have the back garden to do and pick some strawberries, but first a quick nap.

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/13 15:02:24 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2021/06/13 16:11:53
Use scissors. Cut the scape which will be growing from center of stalk about an inch up. Cut them when they start to curl and before the seed flower ( bulb ) gets any bigger than my picture.
This will allow the nutrients, sap to transfer to the actual bulb in the ground. If you don't cut them, you'll have a beautiful flower on top and weak bulb in the ground.

Just rinse, soak the scapes then put in open plastic bags for a day or a week in the fridge.
You can also vacuum seal then freeze after a day or few in the fridge.
post edited by hot tuna - 2021/06/13 15:05:30


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/13 17:40:42 (permalink)
I can't get any photos to upload from my phone. I dunno why. Just clipped them all off. Got 27 of em. We will cook with them and let yinz know how it turns out. Thanks for that info. Can never thank you guys enough for all the info. 👍👍💪💪
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/14 09:46:22 (permalink)
Guess I need to start planting garlic this fall now..........
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/14 09:52:31 (permalink)
Tomatoes shooting up with this rainforest like weather.  I need to install a french drain in the garden though after yesterday...
We sat on top of the hill over South Hills Dek Hockey for almost an hour yesterday trying to wait out the storms for my son's A bracket championship game but the drive was all for naught (game was supposed to be at 6:50pm).  Our game, plus 3 others, got cancelled due to the flooding, lightning, name it.  Probably a good choice!  
Picked a handful of raspberries off the small bush I planted this spring.  Must be doing something right.  In my previous attempts, the berry bushes would have died off by now....
Lots of peas need picked and I need to replant lettuce....just not sure if it will bolt too quick with the heat. 
Lots of small maters and peppers forming....About time to do a little epsom salt treatment...
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/14 11:53:43 (permalink)
4th batch of lettuce this morning. Guess 6 different kinds was a bit much. 😄. Pulled 2 rows and re-seeded. If those go as well as the first planting, we should be good all summer.
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