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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/24 09:38:51 (permalink)
For the plastic fence, it won't keep out groundhogs...if one of them finds your garden.  I think they rather enjoy chewing on it to sharpen their teeth.  
Looks unsightly but, to keep the bunnies and hogs out of my garden, I had to put up 2' chicken wire fence and attach it to my decorative fencing around my garden.
Glad we are finally getting some everything planted this weekend and almost all my power washing done...pool open, grass cut for the 3rd time in a little over a week...washed 3 vehicles, planted flowers....lots of outdoor cleaning...I was whooped....glad to get back to "work" to get a break for chores...
Lettuce and spinach going bonkers.  We have more than we can eat now and with this rain, it will be nuts.  Hopefully it doesn't bolt.  Anyone eat sour cream lettuce?  Getting back to my roots this mom used to make it all the time growing up...just fresh, clean, dry garden lettuce dressed with a mix of sour cream, vinegar, salt an pepper.  Also, tried it a little different dressing with sour cream, lemon juice, sugar, dill, a little salt and fresh cracked pepper. yum, yum...
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/24 11:23:15 (permalink)
As kids we would fill a bowl with vinegar, salt, and pepper and dip fresh lettuce straight in. Loved it then, not sure I could deal with it now.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/24 18:26:48 (permalink)
Other than my garlic, pigs and chickens, I'm considering taking the year off from garden.
With so many projects we've done last year and many to do ahead, I haven't properly prepared my garden here from moving .
We have a really good farm store and local growers that I can get by on vegetables but right now I'm way behind and in a bind.
My swimming pool is an inground frog pond with still underground plumbing issues.
Hopefully I'll get a later season planting going.
I wish all you garden and farmers the best of season and look forward to hearing about the harvests.
Peace and tuna

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/24 18:42:18 (permalink)
HT you have to give yourself a break, there are only so many irons you can safely juggle in that fire so figuring out your best priorities is certainly a good thing. With the good farmers market close by I think it's a great idea to give yourself a break on the garden project.
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/24 18:43:40 (permalink)
HT.... any way to temporarily use the garden area for chickens or pigs? Would help keep the soil dug up and add natural fertilizer to it also.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/24 19:54:35 (permalink)
HT you have to give yourself a break, there are only so many irons you can safely juggle in that fire so figuring out your best priorities is certainly a good thing. With the good farmers market close by I think it's a great idea to give yourself a break on the garden project.

So true. I've always been a crazy working/ hard recreational outdoors person but starting to slow down as the projects grow.
We really didn't expect everything that happened last year and as you said the priorities that mount and time slips so fast.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 07:31:36 (permalink)
I'd give up on my pool before I gave up on my garden..........
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 08:06:31 (permalink)
Very tropical out there this morning. Everything is growing like crazy. I read up about alternative pest control. I cut some lemons and put them around the edges and it seemed to work, for now. I guess critters don't like the smell of citrus fruit. Have to get my help in there this weekend to weed around my seed crops. Beets and what not need it before they get taken over. I've got a few baby peppers and a bunch of tomatoe flowers already. Like I said, this tropical climate really helped the last 3 days.

Hope your feeling better Clint. Also to HT, I'd have to agree with Eyes. No way I'd let the garden go before that swimming pool. Enjoy the day, supposed to be another hot one.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 08:27:15 (permalink)
I have considered cutting mine back, but with the lack of a consistent fishing partner and my need for exercise I keep mine going, although it is getting smaller. I got my seeds in and waiting for rain to put plants in. I will finish up the garden well for irrigation this week too. Took 12 hours to do a 4 hour job due to frequent rest. But it is done. On a side note I had 2 brussel sprout plants make it over the winter. I am letting them go to seed and will harvest the seeds for future use (although I never have luck starting them , cabbage or broccoli) LOL

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 09:58:31 (permalink)
I am on the other side for the pool issue. The vegetables are available through another source for this year at least. With his family responsibilities the pool can be a source of enjoyment, relaxation and therapy for him and in particular his sister. The pigs and chickens take a lot of physical effort and time also. A downsized garden for this year makes sense, it allows for him to have the time to do permanent repairs to the pool system and re-evaluate his time management since the changes in the family needs this past year. Giving himself a break is a good thing, in my opinion. Taking that time to reorganize and reprioritize will help him going forward.
Only he can make those decisions, and I have complete confidence he will figure out what's going to be right for him .

I have a lot of sympathy for what he is going through, a recent injury has me re-evaluating what I can do going forward and it's not always simple or straightforward.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 10:35:29 (permalink)
Thanks Fisherlady.
Normally, I'd agree with the garden but I got 9 grandkids (#10 in July) and the pool is also therapy for my sister.
I have many fires in the iron and right now pool is a priority even though it's for others.
The garden will happen, just not on the scale we are used to.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 11:42:03 (permalink)
Yep, my vote is for the pool, many more benefits there for you this year.
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 13:57:37 (permalink)
Rich - all work and no play aint nice---------
Go for the pool -not that that aint some work-- while the grandkids are small and will be there  - its worth it.
Sooner than ya think they will be grown and not around that much anymore- plenty of garden time.
Quality family time is priceless.
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 18:13:56 (permalink)
Just take Sheryl Crows advice. " if it makes you happy ,it cant be that bad"
It is VERY VERY VERY dry here. We need rain bad.

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 20:18:14 (permalink)
Well Clint, I agree. It's very dry.
Sadly, not getting all the things accomplished I set out for don't make me happy. Its frustrating as all heck and I'm sure you know as well.
Many hands make light work, unfortunately there's only my 2 hands on many projects.

I just mowed my lawn, aka 2 week hayfield.
I'd rather eat, burn or smoke grass than waste time mowing.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/25 20:27:22 (permalink)
Embarrassed, this is the sad state of affairs on my garden. The plants are all from seed and nowhere to go.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/30 08:49:59 (permalink)
The rainy, crappy weather proved to be a blessing in disguise. The original plan for the long weekend was to go to deer camp with my sons and grandkids for some ATV riding, Turkey hunting and tent camping. I'd sacrifice most anything for my family time.
On Friday I decided that would be no fun in the rain ( not that rain bothers me ).
Instead I suited up in full rain gear and worked my butt off outside around the house. Burned a ton of junk wood I had all over the yard, put 2 garden boxes together/ with soil, basically brush hogged the back yard , moved the chicken tractor to fresh grass and played with the pool.

Currently there are 6 brussel sprouts, 6 cabbage, 6 jalapeno and 18 tomato plants, all from seed I started in February, firmly planted in soil boxes.
Up today at crack of dawn to get the fire burning and do some jackhammer work at exposing those underground pool lines.
Life is good
post edited by hot tuna - 2021/05/30 08:51:08

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/30 09:33:13 (permalink)
Depending on your burn pile locations you can park your chicken tractor partially over it. Our birds love digging through and dusting in our burn pit ashes. We save all of the ashes from the cast iron pot belly stove in a 30 gallon garbage can and add it by the bucket full to our chicken run dusting pits (which are actually kid turtle sand boxes) and some of the hens will actually stand a few feet away watching me freshening up their pit and hop in as soon as I am done.  Then they give me a look as if to say "its about time you servant got to fixing our bath tub" 
Another good option for a chicken tractor is over a resting garden plot. They will dig and remove bugs and fertilize it, and the manure with have time to get "rained in" and cool off before next planting season. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/30 09:59:19 (permalink)
Thanks for all your tips and insight Fisherlady. It means a lot to have like minded people sharing. Unfortunately our fire pit is very large ( can be seen from space, lol) and needed for large scale burns. I do save ashes and toss in the compost bin.
On Thursday I had to seek medical treatment. This lyme disease just won't go away and put me in a bad way. Back on powerful antibiotics gave me strength to accomplish tasks yesterday but it seems I'm paying a price today after an early start. With the more steady rain now, I'm going to do some putter projects and get some annual herbs going and put some flowers and bulbs in around the flag pole The perennial oregano and chives are ready to harvest so I'll probably pick some oregano for the dehydrator.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/30 10:10:13 (permalink)
Sounds like you're busy HT.

Those citrus peels seem to be doing the trick for me. I haven't seen any signs of that digging since I started. I also got a plastic owl which is keeping the birds away. Everything is growing nicely. I did re-sow more beets and carrots. Not real sure why all of the original planting didn't come up. Maybe I had some old seeds? My garlic looks like jungle plants. Can't wait to pull those in another month and see how the heads are.
Enjoy the weekend. We have a few people coming over today, nothing crazy though. Burgers n dogs, a few beers and some close friends. Would've been nice if those stupid Penguins were still in it, but that's for another thread. 😆
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/30 10:34:53 (permalink)
HT, I think a good project for you would be a wood fired hot tub, I am starting to pay the price of too many years of pushing my joints to do more than they should.  The Lyme is doing the same to you and going forward you may want to research holistic ways to help you get through flares. Saunas, hot tub, herbals for inflammation (ginger and turmeric come to mind).  
I hate using pills, before lisfranc injury foot surgery last week I was on zero meds, post surgery I was sent home on 8, thankfully they are all short term (1 month), I got myself off of pain meds within first 4 days, but have had real trouble with joint flares that I can't treat with my normal go to (ibuprofen) because its not allowed with the blood thinner I am on. Surface application gels just don't cut it so back to ginger and turmeric, ice and elevation to get by.  Hard to be non weight bearing when one wrist and hand are swollen and paralyzed from an inflammation flare, but still doesn't compare to the whole body effect you are going through with lymes. 
 Whole body effect necessitates whole body solutions. 
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/30 11:16:52 (permalink)
I'm sure you have done a ton of reading on your Lyme disease diagnosis but here are a couple of pages with some interesting options, maybe some garden or greenhouse options to consider.
Please forgive me if I am repeating info you found long ago. I am stuck with one foot elevated in a cast, ice on one hand and too much time on the other, lol
post edited by Fisherlady2 - 2021/05/30 11:21:29
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/30 15:53:38 (permalink)
Humm. A sauna or steam room sounds like a fantastic build project. I'm sure I have all materials here.
No I don't like meds or pills. Very difficult for me to accept doctors that prescribe them as therapy/ treatment.

Good slow day on the homestead. Lots of wood gone. Visited my local farm market for some sweet potatoes, basil to plant and an array of beautiful flowers planted.
We made homade langunie to mix with fresh clams and scallops from my seafood go to.
To top everything off..
These hands felt good like this.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/31 18:04:08 (permalink)
My heart goes out to all that gave the ultimate sacrifice for everything we are so grateful in our lives.

Busy, busy bee.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/05/31 19:17:16 (permalink)
I got my 100 strawberry plants in the ground and most everything is in. Was a little late on my squash starts so they will go in next week.

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/01 19:58:56 (permalink)
2 weeks from the freezer. 50 birds at once is about max I want at once. 30 is ideal.
My station is 20 long x 10 wide. 50 get tight.


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/01 20:30:24 (permalink)
Agree on keeping it at 30 or so, with just me and husband processing we opt to break up butcher runs into a couple days of 6-8 birds each a few days apart followed by a larger weekend butcher day for the rest. We would weigh and mark the heaviest birds with 2 spritzes of blu-kote,  next heaviest group with 1 spritz.  Any who seem 'off' get moved to head of the line to avoid dead loss (known as flips, since usually found flipped on their backs).
This allowed us to keep it manageable on evening butcher runs and maximize bird size while minimizing flips.  We rarely do meat birds anymore since our broodies raise enough chicks that we have enough of a supply of cockerels to provide for our needs. 
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/01 22:08:53 (permalink)
Wife and I can process 30 birds in a long day. Including set up and clean up.
I did 50 with Hope's help was included as 30 of 70 are not mine.
It seems help is in short supply but the recipient has no problem with payment for time.
Honestly, its not $$ that matters.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/02 20:43:48 (permalink)
Feeling a bit better these last few days. Dad said he thinks he saw a new calf, I looked but could not locate it tonight. My Strawberrys from last year are starting to get big and turn pink, not long now

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb

hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread 2021/06/05 14:07:50 (permalink)
My garden is set and pool is temporarily repaired. Once again I just put a coupling on a broken line. I have a plan for permanent fix but kids want the pool running now..
Put the last in the ground of what we will garden this season. Everything else I'll visit my farm store.
Paid for my beef cow that will be slaughtered in March.
Chickens next weekend, pigs early September. Things are working out.
Garden =
300 garlic
40 tomato plants
12 jalapeno
12 cabbage 6/ red 6/ green
6 brussel sprouts
Tons herbs
That's enough to keep us in stock as they are staple foods for us.

Tonight we go see our first live music event.
My sister is very excited to dance


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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