hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/10/18 15:58:36
Awesome Clint. Good to hear your feeling well. I'm dog tired... way to many things happening at once and so little time. I managed to put 216 garlic cloves to bed. 200 to go.. Forget to mention, last weekend my wife picked up our cow from butcher. Holy beef. Freezers are full of meats to take us through the hunker down. Only room to spare is for venison and panfish from ice. Someday I'll find time to just sit back and have fun relaxing.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/11/08 19:46:48
Just did the last of the sprouts and one final zucchini was shred. Pumpkins and squash in basement for winter consumption. I kept that one to harvest seeds so it was a biggie. Also trying to harvest my own corn seeds too. 2 calves in 2 more to come. Pretty much ready for winter , thanks to my bro for most of the grunt work.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2020/12/07 18:04:50
Well I thought I would add it here . I OFFICIALLY shut the garden down today harvesting the last 2 brussel sprout plants and we are eating them for dinner. Cows go out Wednesday.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2020/12/07 21:34:05
Nice. I've had Brussels into mid winter. Got cabbage bugs so I haven't planted them the last 2 season. Definitely will in 2021. I am still harvesting oregano and the rosemary pine tree, lol. Great herbs to plant for year round use.
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/12/07 21:36:33
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2020/12/19 16:12:55
Calf number 3 was had outside Tueday. Seems to be doing well and eating.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2020/12/19 17:27:35
Clint S Calf number 3 was had outside Tueday. Seems to be doing well and eating.
Great news! Glad it's doing well. If it's a heifer maybe name it Gail in honor of the snowstorm it beat by a day.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/02/19 09:30:26
So it'll be time to start the seeds in a couple weeks. This will be another first for me this year. I purchased all my tomatoe seeds from They deal in heirlooms only. The sauce went so well last year, I'm doubling our amount, going for around 100 plants. The beets and pickles were a big hit also, so we will raise those totals too. My neighbor brought me load of sheep manure from the barn this past fall. I'll need to spread that alittle better and till in some 10-10-10.
I figured with how this winter has gone, and other aspects of our lives are still upside down, might be a good time to look forward to better days ahead. There are some master growers around here. I'm sure I'll be picking your brains again. 💪🍅🫑🌶🥒🥬
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/02/19 09:53:35
That's awesome pen. Not trying to one up but we typically don't use heirloom just because they are prone to disease easier and tend to split. Maybe it's my growing. While I don't, I would reccomend a soil sample. Those who do have a far better crop. Generally, you'll want to add a good amount of calcium in your soil prior to planting such as bone meal. There's nothing worse than having great looking tomatoes only to get bottom rot due to calcium deficiency. If it happens, you can mix bone meal in a bucket of water to dilute and pour around plants. It usually helps quickly to stop bottom rot but can attract unwanted animals being on the surface. I believe we ended up with 88 healthy tomato plants last season. It was a huge amount and we had over 100 plus quarts of sauce. I'm definitely scaling back to about 50 or 60 plants. Yes, it's time for me to start my seeds too😀. Pepper seeds need a warm soil to germinate and take quite some time to reach planting size so if possible try and warm the trays and plant early. We also secured 100 chickens, in 2 batches of 50. And the piglets are secured from our farmer. With what I seen last season with EVERYONE doing gardening and buying meats, we couldn't wait and hope things would just be available as normal.
Good luck and have a happy, healthy garden
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/02/19 12:18:48
pensfan 1, when you plant your tomatoes crack open and place egg and shell in the bottom of the hole. Also side dress epsom salt around the base of the plant. During the year I save my eggshells, washed and cleaned, then grind them up in my blender. I add the ground up shells to the soil as they are an economical way to add calcium which helps to prevent blossom end rot.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/02/19 12:41:45
Always good tips, Thanks TB.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/02/20 21:25:51
Son has a 26' x 86' greenhouse that needs put together. I told him to pay his Amish buddies for help. I'm waiting for some Dandelion salad and wild mushrooms. We usually save seeds from last years harvest and replant 'em. Did pickup another Hobart Buffalo Chopper with grinder attachment, going to make coleslaw with it tomorrow. Also bought a large old #32, 220 volt beast of grinder that came with a bunch of new plates and knifes. Been making sausage and bologna a few times this month. Son wants me to buy a cow to slaughter but have 2nd thoughts. Be nice to enjoy reading this page again this year. Thanks and have a fruitful year. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - 2021/02/20 21:53:28
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/02 10:45:13
So I have my light set up done. I'm going to start my seeds probably end of the month. Once they pop up and I transplant them into individual peat pots, how much light do they need? I've read a couple things. One says 12 to 14 hours another says 22 hours. What does everyone suggest? *****EDIT I was being lazy. Read back through these pages and found answers. Sorry fellas.******
post edited by pensfan1 - 2021/03/02 13:07:22
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/02 17:01:15
I've finally got my tomato seeds started yesterday. 72 of them. I use the larger plastic square pots so I don't have to transplant until into the garden. Once they sprout, I put my lights on 14 hrs timer and keep it there. If they get long and leggy, then just cut back or move away further from the lights. Prior to transferring to garden, I cold frame them to harden for about a week or so. Also it really helps to put an occolating fan while indoors to help strengthen the stem.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/03 14:56:03
Got 72 tomato seeds done today. Gonna see how they do. If I end up weak, I have more to try. Hopefully it works out... gotta start somewhere I guess.
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/03 17:07:19
That's great news pensfan. I'm still not setup where i need to be with my seed beds. Given the move, continuous construction , they are randomly scattered around the house right now. Seeds don't need light to germinate, it's temperature and moisture but once they sprout then it's game on. Basically with them in our house, I got about 7-10 days before I need to make sure the sprouts grow. Growing and harvesting foods from your own hand is fun and rewarding. For me it's a never ending learning process of improvement. I really, really like troutbum's hydroponic system and will try that on my peppers this year. Enjoy and happy gardening
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/09 12:07:51
I got tomaote seeds pooping!!! Out of the 72, I'd say 50 came up so far. I have another flat to do. Hopefully I can get about 80 plants. Gonna do my pickles and cukes also. I'll put some pics up soon. I forked all the sheep chit my neighbor brought over outta the barn last fall. Is some great weather out there today. Even if yinz just git aht for some rec time. Enjoy!!!
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/13 07:54:56
All my tomatoes have sprouted last week but I've been insanely busy and been trying to nurse them in windows until I get the grow room and lights set up. With construction continuing on the house and mandated 6 days at the job until April 1st, it's tough. I happened into tractor supply and they had cornish chicks. While I have an order of 50 coming on 4/15 , we decided to forgo a 2 batch system and going for all our eggs in 1 basket of raising 80 in 1 shot. First load of lumber came this week and another large load coming next. We have gotten our vaccine shots and the way things are heading, it seems like a right direction in our future. Hopefully everyone is safe and healthy with good times ahead. Peace and tuna.
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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
Clint S
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/14 19:11:28
Made first batch of syrup today, will get the plants started this week. I can still work, just have to take breaks.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/14 20:54:26
Clint S Made first batch of syrup today, will get the plants started this week. I can still work, just have to take breaks.
Whatever it takes Clint. GL.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/15 15:51:36
Looks like I'll be transplanting those seedlings this week. I probably started them too early, but what tha heck I was getting antsy.
What's everyone think about Pickles n Cukes? Should I just plant the seeds when it comes time or should I start some indoor seeds? Mind you, this is my first year for seedlings. I've always bought plants and stuck em in the ground.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/15 17:21:58
We do them both ways. Just so that we can start harvesting them earlier although it always seems the direct sown ones catch right up to the early started ones.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/15 19:09:30
I start them inside about 3 to 4 weeks or so before transplant. If not they get too big too fast and their roots suffer. I add also plant seeds straight in so I have staggered harvest
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/15 20:13:21
Be careful with vine type plants such as cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin and squash. They are all susceptible to being destroyed by moth larvae (vine borers) if planted too early. If you have ever had the plant stalks, which are basically hollow, collapse, turn brown and die it is due to this larvae infestation. Believe it or not Cornell Cooperative Extension recommend that you plant from seed after mid June.
post edited by troutbum21 - 2021/03/15 20:15:45
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/15 21:11:03
I got my tomato plants in the green shelves and lights set up Saturday. They are doing great. I'm actually about 2 weeks behind but things should work out well. Only advice I can give is to not plant seeds in peat pots or small starters. Once they start, their upper stems and leaves need space.
Don't start cukes or zucchini indoors. Direct sow, as TB said, mid June. Do start long run or cooler seeds inside such as cabbage, Brussels, cauliflower and such. You'll want them to be mature by fall.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/27 08:24:40
It's starting to get busy. Uncovered my garlic beds and approx 300 plants doing well. Thes are from my seed cloves. There was a batch of about another 100 that I bought that didn't take and rotted. First 25 chickens I bought live from TS 3 weeks ago are almost ready to leave the brooder. I have 50 chicks arriving on April 15th that will hit the brooder. 86 tomato plants are doing ok, not great as I started 2 weeks late but I think they'll be fine by may when transplanting into soil. Pigs come in 3 weeks. My contractor is here everyday so it's tough for me to get regular stuff done as I'm helping. Hopefully we finish up my projects next week and I can start preparing for the striper season. Have fun with all the endeavors you all encounter and enjoy the great outdoors. Peace and tuna.
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/27 08:59:08
I ran the rototiller the other day. That sheep chit my neighbor brought from the barn went a long way. I ended up with about 70 sum tomatoe plants that really took. I haven't started anything else yet. We planted that herb and lettuce garden already and I moved all the strawberry plants out of the main garden. Speaking of chickens... these girls and the wife are trying to talk me into a dozen chicks. Neighbor raves about how good the eggs are. Maybe later in the summer, I dunno we'll have to see.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2021/03/27 09:02:38
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/27 19:32:31
Really gotta weigh the options on egg birds. Their a year round commitment and is the reward worth the price. Not for us but short term meat chickens are. I've said it before but a real deal greenhouse is in the works before I turn my contractor loose. I'd be eating fresh vegetables by now if I had my plan
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/28 16:38:32
12 egg chickens is a lot. My son with a family of 6 had a dozen egg chickens and he was giving eggs away constantly. If the chickens produce, then you'll end up with about 60 eggs a week. If we eat a dozen eggs a week that's good enough and it's much easier to get them from a local farm at $4.00 a dozen than to care and maintenance of the birds. If the wife and kids are intent on them, I'd suggest no more than 6 birds. Good luck
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/28 17:37:17
fishin coyote
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Re: The garden thread
2021/03/28 17:45:01
Yeah I’d only go with 6 also because when they 1st start laying you’ll get 4-6 a day and that adds up quickly unless you have someone or somewhere to get rid of the extras. I currently have 14 but they are all 3+ years old and I still get 5-9 a day.
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