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Re: Flintlock season
2017/12/31 23:02:41
Went out Sat morn for 2 hours. 6 tree rats, 50 crows. Figured snow would be holding them tight. Noonish some guyz pushed up the street got a small doe. Climbed back in my ladder around 3:30. Had 11 doe walk under me around 430ish. they stayed for 20 plus minutes, then headed for the fields. Hooked the Xbow and started to get ready to leave and saw a loner coming in(gotta love the snow). Walked right into 30 yards broadside and stared at me for 15 minutes. I could see his rack but could not count them. I believe it was the 8 point I saw in the rut. Hope he forgets and comes back my way again, BUT not when its 2 degrees, because I won't be there !!
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Re: Flintlock season
2017/12/31 23:46:43
Great picture enjoyed the read, keep em coming. Good luck.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/02 19:59:35
Too many stories on this particular board of the missed opportunities when it seems to me you never had any intention of shooting anything to begin with.
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/06 16:24:44
Froze my rear off today. Hunted from daylight till 2:30. Caught three does feeding on a sunny south slope but just could sneak close enough for a shot. It was brutal out there..
My rifle is a black rifle
Big Tuna
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/06 16:46:58
I'm sorta glad I shot two doe on the first Saturday with my new 6.5 Creedmoor. That little gun puts the smack down on a deer. I really don't think I could have hunted in this brutal weather. I've been sick all week so that's been a good excuse. I did take a scouting trip by vehicle on Thursday and watch 9 deer enter a corn field,the last two were bucks but not legal.. They looked like brothers a high tight 4 and 6 pts. This week looks to be better..But so does ice
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/10 11:50:10
Saw a nice 8 pt and a piebald doe, along with over 20 other doe in a cut bean field on my way home from work last week. Too cold for me to be out. May get out Friday since I am off but looks like rain is in the forecast. We shall see.
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/11 12:56:24
Well, looks like the weather is going to stink tomorrow. That was going to be my off day and I was going to try and hit the woods. Guess I will come in to work if it is going to be pouring rain and shift my day to next Friday.
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/11 14:51:46
Also looks like lots of freezing rain late Friday into Saturday in the SW corner of the state to coincide with the morning drive to the flintlock farm for the last day. I don't mind driving in snow but ice on untreated back roads is a different matter.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/12 11:04:06
Leave the smoke poles at home. Had the herd ( 15 deer ) come out in the food plot yesterday around 5 pm. Pulled the trigger on a fat doe. Yep, you guessed it. Click! Too much moisture. BH
Walleye jigs
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/12 12:01:35
I take it you don't use a lock cover. Would eliminate that problem.
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/12 13:49:39
Had it on. changed out my flash pan powder frequently too. Frizzen and flint got damp and I didnt get a good spark. Dried them off good to unload and she went off no problem. BH
Walleye jigs
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/12 18:01:13
Sounds like you did everything right. Guess it was just the does lucky day! Still a fun day!
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/13 11:24:36
Got up this morning but decided to forgo the 45 mile drive. Roads looked nasty. Will do an afternoon hunt in 2B with the bow instead.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/13 22:02:46
Did an afternoon archery hunt close to home. Ended up seeing 7 does but all of them were on my downwind side and they never got into one of my shooting lanes. By the tracks in the snow around my stand, they must have been moving all day since it was snowing here at first light.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/13 22:32:41
We'll git em next year dpms, enjoyed your post but now I must go... drill holes in the ice to look for some stupid fish. Take care and til next time, tight lines.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/14 09:42:58
BeenThereDoneThat. We'll git em next year dpms, enjoyed your post but now I must go... drill holes in the ice to look for some stupid fish. Take care and til next time, tight lines.
Still got two weeks here in Allegheny county but it will be bowhunting from here on out as all of my spots are too tight for the muzzeloader.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Flintlock season
2018/01/14 11:30:29
OHHHHHhhhh sure, rub it in, still got two weeks. lol Afraid I'll have to pass on hunting the state of Allegheny, I'm only good for antlerless in 1A and it's near impossible (for me) to find a legal buck during the rut so I doubt I'll have much luck finding one, in them thar hills, this time of year. Besides, it's tough to pull the trigger, those elusive PA. White Tailed Deer are so damed cute. Good luck, keep the reports coming, they are soothing for those sufferin cabin fever. Time for me to hang up the Fang and pursue the elusive PA Stupid Fish. Although, bowfishing is permitted year round.... super!!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 