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Dr Trout has passed
He used to be a regular poster here and ran his own outdoor message board. Dave passed away this past Saturday while hunting. For those that remember him, or those that don't, please send some prayers to his family during this difficult time.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/07 09:48:03
Didn't know him but always enjoyed reading post by Dr. Trout. You say Dave passed away while hunting? Condolences from my wife and I to his family and friends. May he eternally hunt and fish, along the banks of the Clarion. Thanks dpms for the info.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/07 09:54:11
BeenThereDoneThat. You say Dave passed away while hunting?
Yes. Never returned after hunting last Saturday. A search was mobilized and he was found. He loved the outdoors so one has to believe that he passed exactly where he would have wanted to.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/07 10:00:09
Dr. Trout and I engaged in a lot of deer wars discussions and his commentaries were always great.
Passing away while doing what he loved is a fitting end that I hope to experience.
RIP Dr. Trout.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/07 10:28:42
It is sad to hear, but after reading his posts for years I also have to believe that given a choice of locations he would have chosen the woods he so obviously enjoyed. Prayers for him and his family...
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/07 14:32:12
Sorry to hear of his passing. He clearly loved the sport.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/07 15:02:35
RIP. Prayers to all who knew and loved him. I pray that is exactly the end my life path leads to; I hope life gave him "enough", I hope his family finds the peace they deserve and revel in a life that, to me, seemed full of passion. I too enjoyed his postings and I will miss his words on these pages. God bless all.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/07 16:06:28
Sorry to hear that,we had a few heated debates. lol I'll miss him. We all would be blessed to go that way doing what you enjoyed. Happy hunting and fishing grounds Dr Trout.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/08 04:19:17
Never met him, but like many others I enjoyed his posts. RIP Dr Trout
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/08 22:49:54
Rip Dr trout . Good guy. You will be missed . Prayers for the family
Fishing Fox
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/09 01:53:41
Enjoyed his website, nice pictures and record of his fishing and hunting seasons. A true outdoorsman! RIP
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/09 06:02:49
Always enjoyed his posts and pics. RIP Doc
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/09 06:12:06
So Sorry to hear that news. Doc was a good man that stood up for what he believed in. Prayers to his family. At least he was where he loved it the most, in the outdoors.....
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/09 15:10:26
Couldnt help but suddenly, and a bit surprisingly, think about Doc when walking in yesterday in the very early AM. Hope he felt the same great outdoor satisfaction on his last hunt.
post edited by r3g3 - 2017/12/09 15:11:51
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/09 19:47:51
Sad news for sure... prayers for the family 🙏
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2017/12/10 09:16:08
Just saw this sad thread. I have said final earthly farewells to so many these last several years. Doc was always helpful and tried to pass on knowledge that he had. I believe the banks of the Clarion River will miss his presence. My prayers to Doc and his family and friends.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2023/08/02 09:01:12
It has been almost six years since Dave has passed. I just randomly thought of him today. He was a nice guy and I just wanted to take a moment and remember him. He had a heart attack earlier in life and it limited his mobility so almost all of his fishing posts were from the Portland Mills canoe launch on the Clarion River as it was easy access. He'd post fishing pics and almost every time some d-bag would give him crap about something. Always irritated me that people did that. I was going to go visit his old message board but sadly it seems to be gone now. At least his posts are still on this forum. I stopped to meet him once at the general store that we worked at and I used to message him about fishing the Clarion. Just a nice guy. As others said previously I'm at least glad he died doing something he loved. We should all be so lucky.
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2023/08/03 15:32:26
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2023/08/12 15:23:46
Yeah I didn't like how some would take jabs at him. He seemed like a nice guy. Rip
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Re: Dr Trout has passed
2023/08/21 07:17:32
outfortrout It has been almost six years since Dave has passed. I just randomly thought of him today.
Same here. Time sure does fly but I still think of him when I visit certain boards.
My rifle is a black rifle