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Big Bucks question
In my area (wmu 2C) there was a lot of big bucks shot and a few really big bucks harvested. Does this mean next year there will be a shortage of big bucks? I guy in the barber shop said this might be the case. I don't think so but you never know. One lady harvested a nice buck but also got 7 stitches above her eye where the scope hit her.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/04 19:09:47
Bucks grow up just like any other animal. Last years scrub 2 1/2 year old 6 pt can be a real nice 3 1/2 year old 8 next time around. Not to mention that around rut time and thereafter bucks can go miles looking for love.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/04 19:26:47
r3g3 Bucks grow up just like any other animal. Last years scrub 2 1/2 year old 6 pt can be a real nice 3 1/2 year old 8 next time around. Not to mention that around rut time and thereafter bucks can go miles looking for love.
I hear you. A had a guy tell me a buck he had on camera was shot several miles away.
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Big Tuna
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/05 00:03:52
Next year statewide,three up rule will be in place. There will be monsters behind every tree.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/05 01:02:05
Be nice.....😄
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/12/05 01:08:17
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/07 14:39:57
Been 'one of those years for me so far. Passed a few doe early on and now haven't seen a thing on the past several hunts. The Deer seem on 'lock down' in a big way here. Generally NO mast crop whatsoever in the places I hunt. If they are in fields at all its nocturnal and it seems they are back in the thickets holding VERY close eating browse. Some guys report passing and watching Doe simply hanging around the same immediate areas for hours. Hope the second (smaller) rut kicks them around a bit. The ridges I hunt have ZERO deer sign where ya usually see all kinds of scratching for mast and beds. Was seeing some in early AM skirting area homes near yards and staying there- not coming back into the woods like normal. Dopy critters------------
post edited by r3g3 - 2017/12/07 14:53:57
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/07 18:23:51
Haven't seen a deer the last 2 days. They definitely went nocturnal.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/09 06:09:12
r3g3 Been 'one of those years for me so far. Passed a few doe early on and now haven't seen a thing on the past several hunts. The Deer seem on 'lock down' in a big way here. Generally NO mast crop whatsoever in the places I hunt. If they are in fields at all its nocturnal and it seems they are back in the thickets holding VERY close eating browse. Some guys report passing and watching Doe simply hanging around the same immediate areas for hours. Hope the second (smaller) rut kicks them around a bit. The ridges I hunt have ZERO deer sign where ya usually see all kinds of scratching for mast and beds. Was seeing some in early AM skirting area homes near yards and staying there- not coming back into the woods like normal. Dopy critters------------
That's why I never pass anything up, as long as it's decent size. Took my doe during archery. Opening day of gun I saw 15-20 doe throughout the day, come that Saturday doe season, didn't see a one, and neither did my 2 buddies hunting in the same area.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/09 15:14:14
Took a little buck in early bow and don't generally shoot a doe till later in the season waiting out some horns. Hate to shoot buck bait. Last rifle season saw 11 doe in the first 2 hrs in one place- numerous sightings on most every hunt there. Called the place a zoo. This year- saw only 4 deer there in 6 hunts. 3 were behind a house while walking in. Tight year lol- but still love it.
post edited by r3g3 - 2017/12/09 15:20:27
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 15:40:34
This micro controlled deer hunting gets old fast. When you see a buck you can't shoot until you know if it's legal, better have good eyes and a powerful scope and limited cover....or luck. For some reason deer in rifle season don't hang around too least where I hunt. Come doe season they are all wise , nocturnal, and spooked from buck season stating earlier . They act like they want deer numbers reduced ,but most rifle hunters just give up hunting more after hours of seeing nothing. That last Sat. of the season was quite as a church gathering ! I enjoyed the old days of deer hunting much more......better action.....a lot more stories too !
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 16:16:40
A small buck can put on a lot of antler in one year. If a decent amount of sub legal bucks made it through rifle season, there will be some nice bucks next year.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 16:29:15
Unless they are genetically predisposed not to have brow tines, like two of the lines are in my area, then all they do is pass on those genes year after year.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
Big Tuna
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 17:48:13
There will always be big bucks somewhere. I took my largest deer to date in 1988. Yea I know 29 years ago,big giant 8 pointer with 11" G2's and 7" brow tines. It scored in the mid 140's and that's a lot for and 8 point. No antler restriction back them either. Three things make big deer genetics,age and good food source year round. That big 8 was at least 4.5 year old deer. The farmer shout down hunting when someone killed his dog for 4 years. I begged him to let me hunt and the begging paid off. I shot him on the first day of gun season chasing a doe. Yes and my only legit 202 lbs field dressed. Shot a lot of above average deer in Ohio but not 200 lbs. A huge Ohio buck will field dress 175-190 and that's a lot of deer. Buy a scale and weight your deer,not a guessement.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 19:41:36
dpms A small buck can put on a lot of antler in one year. If a decent amount of sub legal bucks made it through rifle season, there will be some nice bucks next year.
True I passed on several smaller bucks this year. Also, had 3 nice bucks on camera. I did not hear of any bucks shot in the area I was hunting. Not even any doe shot that I know of.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 19:44:38
Another thing. There is not as many hunters in the gun season so the deer aren't getting chased around and harvested. So the big bucks should be there.
The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
Big Tuna
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 20:01:31
Another record buck kill this year? Can't wait for the results from the PGC.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/10 21:46:25
A small or young buck can put on a lot of antler in one year and likewise the brutus of the woods this year can be a sub-legal next year. Numbers of hunters moving/sitting/ even if, in the woods I think depends on a given area and/or the weather. My little piece of Penn's Woods sees plenty of hunters and I feel safe in saying more of the hunters are under the age of 16. In addition, AM & PM hunting pressure begins first day of archery and escalates through firearms. Weather wise, some areas may see a lower turnout due too lack of snow or minimal movement by hunters during warmer conditions. Which certainly will affect the kill ... err, harvest numbers. Unless you might be privy to a deer drive in a certain area at some period, during the season. Than there is those special places where a trophy or two may be found. Those places, in my little piece of the Pennsylvania Wilds, can be easily identified by those lovely yellow/red signs, we've all come to love so well. So yes, the ARs are working fine for those living in the right area at the right period of time and for, the junior hunter. Whatever the true intention let there be AR's for all, or go back to the way, it use to be.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/12/10 22:40:29
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/11 14:45:47
I'm personally not a fan of ARs . The area we hunt really hasn't seen any significant difference as to 25 years ago. AR's work partially because lots of hunters have to pass, or are not sure. Some hunters shoot and look later by some of the illegal dead bucks I've found over the years. Sure you seem to see more bigger bucks killed, but a lot has to do with today's social media and photo technology. I've seen plenty of Pa.trophy whitetails taken way before AR's, but most of them were old polaroid's that only a handful of hunters would see. I personally know a guy that has a huge monster Pa. buck hanging on his wall that was never scored because he just never felt like worrying about that kind of stuff. I own a copy of Pennsylvania Big Game Record book....1965-1986...put out by the Game Commission.....get a chance check it out....then tell me how AR's are working so much better ! So we shoot the bigger bucks off so the little bucks can breed late season ? Friends just got back from camp......out of six camps with probably with an average of 5-6 guys per camp....only one legal buck was taken! Not many stories to tell. Whatever............just my input.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/13 09:14:40
Big Tuna Another record buck kill this year? Can't wait for the results from the PGC.
I can't wait either.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/14 10:45:47
I hunt Venango and Clarion Counties and see lots of deer. I hunt both private and public lands. The hunters I hunt with took 6 bucks with spreads over 16" inside this year. Biggest had B&C mid 140's. I shot small buck second Thursday cause I like my venison. I saw quite a few better bucks (thirteen in rifle season alone) trying to tag a good one but they stayed elusive to me. I hunt every day of the season, as I am mostly retired.There were quite a few hogs around that made it through the season this year too. Them big boys get real slick with age. Ever watch an old doe snake her crew through the woods, awful crafty also. These days most of the hunters that are left are nestled in a nice cushy heated shanty or perched high in a tree. The days of stump sitters and them dept. store "insulated" boots are over. With less hunters and none moving around deer can relax all season long.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/14 13:03:10
I agree.....rifle season is basically a two day event...and they are home free. With less and less hunters and pressure expect some better sightings. Posted ground is also a major factor added in, especially posted areas that allow no hunting at all.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/21 09:25:23
CAPTAIN HOOK Posted ground is also a major factor added in, especially posted areas that allow no hunting at all.
That's where I see the most road kills.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/21 17:15:51
Rifle hunting is slowly fading away as the years go on. Posted ground, private clubs, antler restrictions, changing rules ,and just plain less interest, all add up to less deer hunters. Owning a bunch of rifles is almost not worth it now days. I've sold several while there is still some good value left. Gun dealers in my area are swamped with older rifles and offer you very little on trade. Todays rifles are all cheaper made synthetic stock versions, but easily affordable if you want one. A box of shells can last a long time !
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/21 18:05:41
CAPTAIN HOOK Posted ground is also a major factor added in, especially posted areas that allow no hunting at all.
That's where I see the most road kills.
I been looking at a piece of property 75' x 250' along the Allegheny River. The entire hillside from top to river is posted, encompassing several hundred acres. Neighbors advise us that a heard of 10 deer take up residence in the area helping themselves to flowers, bushes, shrubs and trees on a daily bases. I guarantee, you will concentrate on watching your every step if walking that small parcel of ground or, you will be carting fresh deer crap on your shoes....... umm, provided you are wearing shoes. It is unbelievable, the deer activity in that tiny community. Not a deal breaker but certainly something we are taking seriously. Property's in the area are deeded "no discharge of firearms" unless for personal protection so I'm thinking the deer will continue to be a nuisance. Unless I can claim the dangers associated with slipping in deer crap and falling on my asz.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/22 08:04:12
Any community with that restriction must be as liberal as liberal gets- NO WAY-where does it stop.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/22 11:37:40
Indian Lake Boro in Somerset County has an ordinance "no hunting in the boro". They have an exception though if they get over run with deer they will allow hunting. May have happened only once.
The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/22 12:55:04
Game laws supercede local ordinances in Pa. So as long as you are not violating safety zones, etc. You are good to go. Been down this road with local yocals before, many are not aware of this.
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Re: Big Bucks question
2017/12/27 18:23:44
Moses Guthrie Game laws supercede local ordinances in Pa. So as long as you are not violating safety zones, etc. You are good to go. Been down this road with local yocals before, many are not aware of this.
I told my wife if I owned property there I would hunt it. So it would be legal then.
The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.