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2017/12/03 17:42:21 (permalink)


I heard there was an 800 lb + bear shot in Allegheny County.   Can anyone verify this?  I looked on the game commission website and the biggest one they list is 700 lb.

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    Re: Bear 2017/12/03 18:07:13 (permalink)
    If you look at the breakdown on the PGC website for the firearms season there were none taken in WMU 2B or Allegheny County.

    But they have not yet posted the results of archery bear, and in 2B bears are in season the entire length of deer archery season. So it is possible one was taken in archery season but for some reason the PGC doesn't include those kills in their press releases during general bear season.

    Not sure what they do in the extended gun areas either for their counts. In 2B bears are open during firearms gun season for deer too. So again that's another possibility that we may not hear about officially for awhile.
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    Re: Bear 2017/12/07 18:22:35 (permalink)
    Apparently the guy I talked to is all wet.   No evidence of a bear harvested that heavy.

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    Re: Bear 2017/12/11 18:46:40 (permalink)
    172 pounds


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    Re: Bear 2017/12/13 07:29:08 (permalink)


    Let’s hear the story.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: Bear 2017/12/13 09:13:00 (permalink)
    Awesome.   Congrats.

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    Re: Bear 2017/12/16 21:27:44 (permalink)


    Let’s hear the story.

    Not a whole lot to the story. I hooked up with these guys from Titusville for the 1st time this year on the opener of bear. We drove hundreds of acres, 14 of us, with drivers and standers. We managed a 423 lb. bear that day. Only 7 of us ventured out during the special 1B Buck/Bear season on Thursday and Friday. I was a stander most of the time in the morning because my legs were whooped form the day before. After about the 3rd push, I told the boys my legs are good for some pushin. They put me on the outer edge of the drive, on a property that I was already familiar with. We were to push to the power line and stop. These guys being way younger than me got there way before me. I was 2nd to last guy there. Waited like 2 minutes and the last guy just kept walkin past the power line. The group leader radioed and told him to hold up. He radioed back and said he was on a bear and to keep pushin. As soon as we stepped off the power line and back into the woods, I stopped for a count of 15 secs. and than started drivin. Bout a 100 yards later, I heard the 1st shot, and the group leader yell to me ( dont know why he didnt use the radio ) " Coming Your Way ! " . Being that I was 15 seconds behind, I started running to catch up. While running I was looking for good shooting lanes. Ran about 30-40 yards, had a few good lanes and I dropped to a knee. I spot the bear coming up the side of the hill that I was on. He see's the field and decides he doesnt want to be in the wide open and turns towards me. I'm like " Oh Ship ", he's only about 30 yards out and I bust 1 between his front shoulder and breast bone. The bear flinches but kept coming.I know he was hit, I could tell by his reaction and I dont pull the trigger and miss. At 25 yards now I'm thinking " Oh He!l No, I shoulda brought the bear gun, not the deer gun. " I stood up while racking in another round. Didnt want to fight a wounded bear on my knees. When he seen me stand, he turned broadside for the field. KaBlam, right in the body, but I was a little tardy ( did I mention he was on a dead run ). he decides to do a 180 and turn back down the hill the way he came. Too late, already had 1 racked and that slight pause he made bought me enough milliseconds to pump a round right in the boiler room. Down he went. 2 loud DEEP groans and he expired.
    What I learned in the 3 times I hunted with these guys is the drivers scored the bear all 3 times.
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    Re: Bear 2017/12/17 09:24:59 (permalink)
    That is a great story!

    I’ve never hunted bears (or bare, for that matter), but an outdoor writer friend of mine was involved in a vest driving gang for years and they had a run going of eight years in a row with at least one bear harvested (killed, whatever) in the group and one year they took six. More often than not, it was, as you wrote, the drivers whom were successful.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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