Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp Mercu
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Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp Mercu
Hey guys! Glad to be a part of the community! So I have a question regarding a boat I am possibly interested in purchasing! I've been looking for an aluminum boat that would ultimately be a project boat for me a fixer-upper and I found this boat for sale used it's a 1993, 19 foot Princecraft aluminum boat. Needs a lot of work, (Flooring/carpet and upholstery he says) It comes on a trailer and has a 70 horsepower Mercury motor, I'll find out what year asap, but he claims it's a great boat, great motor and runs really well, just needs floor work and restore. It is currently registered as a non-op since 2013 though so I would have to register it obviously. Not to sure on how that works out either if anyone has any insight on what that will run me I'd appreciate that too! BUT, my main question here is, what do you guys think is a fair price for me to pay considering the boat needs all the work done which I will be doing all myself of course. Here are the pictures he sent me of the boat. Hope someone may have some good insight and suggestion as soon as possible! Thanks in advance!!
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2017/10/31 17:29:19
I can't see the pictures, but in general that boat should be $2000 to $5000 depending on how nice the engine and trailer are. Literally dozens of those for sale year round in the PGH/Erie/Youngstown area. Often the seller will throw in various gear with the sale that may or may not have value for you. For instance my 20' Sea Nymph was loaded up with water skiing gear. Skiis, tubes, ropes, etc. Worthless to me. You may or may not need anchors, life vests, radios, etc. All depends on your goals for the boat. Oh, registration isn't a big deal, but titles are! No title for boat AND trailer in PA = run like the wind. I'm serious about this, search for 2 minutes and you'll find lots of horror stories. Get titles or walk. Too many of these around to mess with that.
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2017/10/31 21:28:35
I rebuilt my Sylvan Backtroller over 2013/14, and if your floor is rotten, you're in for some work. I stripped the boat to a plain aluminum hull, dug out all the waterlogged level flotation, drilled out every rivet that anchored the original floor, put in all new level flotation, and every panel, floor, and doors are now made out of 5/8" marine plywood, covered with vinyl now in place of the original carpeting. Up front, instead of a wooden "glovebox door", and in place of a wooden front storage door for under the casting deck, I installed "Slam Hatches". The casting deck was also reinforced by double thickness plywood for the hatch and the front seat mount. I also took the transom apart and replaced the transom wood with a sandwich of 3/4" plywood. It's quite a bit of work, but my boat is will be 30 years old this spring and serves me well. When I bought the boat new in '88, boats didn't have a title. I have one for it now; put it in my and my youngest son's name. You can research the original registration, and if the boat is clean, you can get a title.
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2017/11/01 01:00:22
Welcome aboard, they call me BTDT, when they ain't mad at me. I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none. My opinions are just that but shipping, is always free. I should like to agree with Sam, no title, no deal especially on the trailer. Not sure of the year when all power boats needed titled but before that, the owner need only sign the back of the registration card for the boat to be sold, in PA. Getting a title for a registered trailer can be a PITA as well as expensive. Your best bet is to seek assistance from your PA state representative. (assuming you reside in PA) Just stop into their local office and ask their help. Also, be sure the trailer fits the boat and is rated for the weight. Used trailer's for a 19 ft boat can easily sell for a $1000.00 or more, depending on options. Keep the price for the trailer low, when transferring the title. Same holds true when it comes to the price on the boat. Keep the value low as possible. In PA. you title the boat, not the motor. No need for anybody to know what you value the motor at. As for the boat, be sure to check the transom, if there is wood within and it's rotted, you got big problems. Check all welds especially around the transom. Cracked welds and loose rivets are a easy fix but can make for a PITA finding them after the rebuild. Doesn't hurt once the interior is ripped out, flood the boat to above the draft line and look for external leaking. Motor should be checked by a qualified mechanic who can do compression evaluation, as well as condition of components such as the coils. If the water pump hasn't been rebuilt within the last few hundred hours of running or the motor has set for more then a year have the pump rebuilt. Could save you thousands in the long run. Check the the lower end gear lube, making certain there is lube and it hasn't been contaminated with water. Inspect the prop assuring it hasn't been used for shredding rocks. Same holds true for the skeg being beat to hell and throw caution to any repainting in those areas. Work the remote gear shift, throttle and steering to assure smooth easy operation. Frozen cables can get costly to replace. Cost wise, without seeing the rig first hand, I'd offer a lowball figure, you can always offer more. I looked at used 10 year old boats (+/-)sporting 20hp, in the 16 to 17 foot range needing no to little repair, in the $5000.00 range. I am not knowing if any of my opinion is helpful but one good thing, shipping is always free. Good luck, have fun and keep us informed.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/11/01 01:07:49
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2017/11/01 09:12:03
Hey BTDT... "frozen cables are costly" might not be true in all cases. Your crazy Erie guy in the woods charged me $40 a cable if I recall. After he dug them out of his nest. :) But yeah to the rest of that. And I regularly see boats with slightly used 20hp engines which cost 3-5k new themselves listed with boat and trailer for basically the price of the engine. Deals can be had!
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2017/11/01 10:00:28
GOOD GRIEF!!!!! Sam you didn't do any bidniz with that dude.......... did you? LMAO. But yeah, the ole boy is A-ok 'cept at times he can sound like a sailors parrot gone awry. Can make a 35 run like a 20 too! zoom zoom. No better time then the present, to shop for a boat or new trailer. Which has me thinking, with this lovely weather, perhaps I should heed my own advice...... a shopping I shall go.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2018/07/09 14:24:46
Well, here we go again. A local marina and sales/repair shop has a boat for sale that my youngest is very interested in. It's a '96 Triton Aluminum 20 footer with a 90 Merc on a tandem axle trailer, all in reasonably good shape. The boat originally belonged to the Tennessee Fish & Boat Commission, and the local dealer bought it at an auction. The boat still has the original Tennessee registration number on the hull, and the problem becomes getting titles for both the boat and trailer. Pennsylvania wants to make it very tough to get titles. The dealer still has all the paperwork he got at the auction, but no titles as many states did not require a title for a boat. I went without one for 27 years on my own boat, and it was no problem to get one when I put the boat in mine and my sons' name. The fact that the boat came from out-of-state seems to be the problem. I'm thinkin' that surely Tennessee would have a record of the boat simply by supplying them with the registration number. Same with the trailer. Shouldn't be such a problem, should it?  (Unless of course somebody stole the boat and brought it up here to auction it off with false papers).
post edited by EMitch - 2018/07/09 14:27:08
Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2018/07/09 21:25:16
If the boat was never titled, you are golden. Pay PA their blood money and they'll make you a title. You don't need one in PA by the way, not for the boat. You can just register it, pay the blood money, and you're GTG. Can't remember why they say you should get one. Some BS about recovering it if it gets stolen. If the TRAILER doesn't have a title with it you are hosed. Don't do it. Trailer title with it is easy peasy, just a couple signatures and you walk away with a plate. No title no good times. Trailers are a nightmare here. Don't think for a second any DMV is going to help you with that. No way.
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2018/07/12 10:31:47
Mostly all solid advice.... Here's my two cents... First of all, a boat needing that much work is worth very little. Most folks consider them junk so the market is small, there's not many of us that are willing to put in the time, effort and cash to bring one back from the dead. By the sounds of it I would offer way below $1,000 for it. Old outboards can be nothing but problems, but I'm not a big outboard fan at all, so there's that... Titles and PA are not a good mix, was told by my state rep to take pictures of the trailer and block out the manufacturers name then get some receipts and title it as home made... Solid advice from an elected official... I have purchased lots of older aluminum boats and have done ok cleaning and reselling them, Haven't paid more than $1,200 for any of them. The last one I bought, current project I don't have time for, is a 25' Starcraft Chieftain Hardtop with a straight six mercruiser IO.... Paid a whopping $300 for it. I have the trailer about finished and already have close to another thousand in it so a fixer upper isn't the cheapest way to get in....
Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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Re: Need advice on possile boat purchase please! 1993 Princecraft 169 Aluminum 19ft 70hp M
2018/07/13 09:27:50
bulldog1Titles and PA are not a good mix, was told by my state rep to take pictures of the trailer and block out the manufacturers name then get some receipts and title it as home made... Solid advice from an elected official...
They expect you to have a parts list, receipts for the materials (so they can tax you, the &^#@*&@#^ crooks), plans you built from... complete BS. If you have a sketchy notary you might be fine. A stickler and you are no way getting by with a half-baked "I built it" claim. The whole process makes me insane.