Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead?

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Big Tuna
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2017/10/27 07:15:51 (permalink)

Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead?

My buddy fished yesterday,2 of them 2 bites one on the rope. They took it to Poor Richard's and traded it for one already smoked but paid 14.00 bucks. So what angle are they taken with the smoked fish exchange. There's still money involved, it appears like selling fish to me. Just a question. I know you and I could not sell fish or game. By the way a lot of fish in Walnut,a lot of anglers,no water. Thanks if anyone can answer my question.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2017/10/27 07:17:53

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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 07:57:24 (permalink)
    Yeah it's a ripoff for sure. They say it's a trade. And WHO KNOWS what fish they are using for the "trade?" Later in the season you might catch a fresher fish and trade it in for an old moldy boot!

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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 08:13:27 (permalink)
    It's gone up $3 since the last time I "traded" 7, 8 years ago.  I got smart and bought my own smoker and do it myself now.  Nothing to it.  Stopped paying for cajun smoked backstrap from the deer processor too.  
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 08:21:04 (permalink)
    Aw come on, carp tastes just like steelhead when its smoked.
    Smoking your own is absolutely the way to go.

    wishin i was fishin
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 08:56:49 (permalink)
    I gave up on smoking fish a long long time ago. I could never keep the darned things lit. Tssh... badump👎

    OK, so it's an old joke but, yinz just being sour dough cause I thunk it first.

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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 09:12:27 (permalink)
    Definitely is not a fair trade . I smoke four or five a year. The recipe can be copied fairly easily for a lot cheaper. They have a monopoly tho
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 17:27:03 (permalink)
    I've wondered the same Big T. Nothing against seems to work and keep people happy. I guess it's an even trade or exchange, but your paying for them to process it, kind of like getting deer cut up and processed your getting your product back, but you pay for the cut and wrap and extras not for the deer.
    Might be the next episode ......drop a deer off , weigh it, grab your frozen choice cuts, boloney, hot stick, whatever, pay the man...... drive away 10 minutes later with your processed deer meat ! 
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 18:46:31 (permalink)
    Keep in mind they are about the only ones doing it. I always thought they did a good job
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 19:33:53 (permalink)
    Yes, you cannot “purchase” smoked stillhed from pr without giving up a fish of your own. The $14 is their smoking service. I tried to buy a smoked one last minute as a gift and got shut down for not having a fish to submit. So, again they are not “profiting” from a public fish (hence skein “donation”)

    Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 20:53:54 (permalink)
    That fine I understand now your paying for the service not the fish. But hey where the first one come from? I smoke my own fish,make my own hot sticks,from deer and geese,and process my own deer. I want to eat my own fish and game because it's properly handled.
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/27 23:56:34 (permalink)
    Big Tuna
    That fine I understand now your paying for the service not the fish. But hey where the first one come from?

    Lol good question. Someones gotta get the ball rollin lol someone somewhere has to donate fish or something.. maybe they are in with the russians 😂

    Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/28 00:25:35 (permalink)
    Big Tuna
    My buddy fished yesterday,2 of them 2 bites one on the rope. They took it to Poor Richard's and traded it for one already smoked but paid 14.00 bucks. So what angle are they taken with the smoked fish exchange. There's still money involved, it appears like selling fish to me. Just a question. I know you and I could not sell fish or game. By the way a lot of fish in Walnut,a lot of anglers,no water. Thanks if anyone can answer my question.

    Big Tuna
    My buddy fished yesterday,2 of them 2 bites one on the rope. They took it to Poor Richard's and traded it for one already smoked but paid 14.00 bucks. So what angle are they taken with the smoked fish exchange. There's still money involved, it appears like selling fish to me. Just a question. I know you and I could not sell fish or game. By the way a lot of fish in Walnut,a lot of anglers,no water. Thanks if anyone can answer my question.

    Big Tuna
    That fine I understand now your paying for the service not the fish. But hey where the first one come from? I smoke my own fish,make my own hot sticks,from deer and geese,and process my own deer. I want to eat my own fish and game because it's properly handled.

    You can do that. Although they may charge you two bucks extra to clean your fish.  They'll smoke your fish.  You have to go back and pick it up two or three days later.

    Still fourteen bucks seems kind of steep for the amount of work and ingredients. 

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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/28 10:35:48 (permalink)
    Big Tuna where the first one come from?

    good question
    but more than "one" would sure  be neede
    can game or fish  be donated?
    can the vendor start with his own catch?
    if so, that would seem to comply with regs 
    In the interest of full disclosure, I haven't been to Po-Dicks in years, but consider Gary and Dottie friends.
    and make an effort to buy/support their biz whenever in town
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/28 14:21:24 (permalink)
    Smoking joking
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 13:48:02 (permalink)
     Practice catch & release & you won't have that problem  ...For fourteen bucks you could buy a nice piece of Halibut..WAY better eatin  
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 16:10:47 (permalink)
     Practice catch & release & you won't have that problem  ...For fourteen bucks you could buy a nice piece of Halibut..WAY better eatin  

    I personally catch and release but I always keep 3 or 4 to smoke. Would rather have some nice Perch
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 16:33:07 (permalink)
    I think smoking and cleaning are both a nice service they provide for fisherman on the run or from out of town.....or lazy. Must work good they have been doing it a long time. Look at what people pay for a pack of smokes !
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 17:06:16 (permalink)
    East Side Angler's smoked fish is way better than poor Richards.They have a bourbon brown sugar version that is truly delicious. 
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 18:47:33 (permalink)
    people always bustin chops on a business' profits..figures..what would many do without a baitshop in erie...don't use em to prepare your fish...many do and its well worth it to them..ive smoked me?....I forgot what we were talkin bout

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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 19:46:18 (permalink)
    Well I think the system is truly unfair. I mean what about us folk who can't catch fish, how we suppose to buy this delicious smoked fish y'all been talkin bout. Does it have to be a trout for a trout or maybe I can trade in a roadkilled catfish or sumthin?

    Meatball you have a smoked fish recipe you care to share or you just smokin then snackin? 😎

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 20:01:54 (permalink)
    people always bustin chops on a business' profits..figures..what would many do without a baitshop in erie...don't use em to prepare your fish...many do and its well worth it to them..ive smoked me?....I forgot what we were talkin bout

    Actually no we aren't. Dude asked a legit question. Many spoke here about PR being a good business. I agree and shop there every time in ereee, just not a fan of the "trade." I think in another thread a buncha duuds commended anothwr business for doing good work too.

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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/29 20:11:14 (permalink)
    Trading a fish is better than traveling 2 hrs back to Erie to pick one up. Thank the good lord we have this resourse and I can get there 2 or 3 times during the run. Pour Richards, keep up the good work. There was a mention of Eastside Anglers, I dont care for all that additional flavoring.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 07:14:01 (permalink)
    Believe me I'm not busting chops. I only support Poor Richard's about 90 percent of my money spending is there. I spent 80.00 on shiners alone in my 5 perch trips last Feb- March not to mention jigs,hooks,sinkers,and a new American Angler electric knife. I'm a small business owner myself. It's was just a question? Can you or I do a smoke fish exchange? I was just curious how it works. Those that can't do their own fish,that's great. I'd probably never do it because I'm funny about eating someone else's fish same reason I don't take my deer meat to be mix in with 50 other guy's meat and made into hot sticks.  Some people post on this and probably never even spent a dime at PR. I've supported that business before some of you where
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 11:18:49 (permalink)
    If you ever stop at PR's during early season and see what kind of fish are being traded in... you might want to hold off lol. Im sure the smoke and flavor cover the look and taste. But to me Steelhead taste like doodoo no matter what you do to them. 
    I've heard someone say that people would pickup a dead floater they didn't catch and take them to get traded in for a smoked fish. More likely a fib, but who really knows?
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 11:50:02 (permalink)
    Haters gonna hate
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 11:55:19 (permalink)
    Interesting convo... maybe PR shoots a couple suckers in walnut In august and advertises as smoked steelhead
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 12:08:16 (permalink)
    Doesn't the PFBC get that form one has to fill out before you can trade your fish?
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 12:11:32 (permalink)
    Great..... so I can take a roadkilled catfish in for trade?

    Sorry...... 'tupid cabinfever!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 12:30:55 (permalink)
    Great..... so I can take a roadkilled catfish in for trade?

    Sorry...... 'tupid cabinfever!

    I was hoping for some Asian carp for dinner tonight
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    Re: Question? How does Poor Richard's sell smoked steelhead? 2017/10/30 14:25:51 (permalink)
    I like turtles. 

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