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Raystown Salmon?
I just learned that landlocked Atlantic salmon exist in the lake. Can anybody tell me if these fish run into the streams that feed the lake in the fall.
Thanks in advance
Kokanee Killer
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2017/09/02 15:20:55
no expert on raystown far as i know the state no longer stocks them anymore even when they did they didnt catch too many in the lake and never heard of any running tribs to spawn.. but i may be wrong.. if therse any left in there i betting they are survivors from awhile back.....
I have become comfortably numb
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2017/09/02 18:19:58
Not sure of the date, but it has probably been a decade or more since Atlantics were stocked in Raystown. Even when they were, very few were ever caught -- like full time guides getting 1-2 per year. Never heard of them running at all and at the time I worked at the lake.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2017/09/02 23:32:29
Sounds like this was a failed venture by the PFBC. Scientists say they can live up to 10 years so there could be some left but it doesn't sound too promising
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2017/09/05 10:13:35
They did the same thing on Kinzua many moons ago, didn't take.
Screamin Steel
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2017/10/14 17:33:48
....Im a raystown area native. Always wondered what would happen if they stocked some steelhead smolts in Trough Creek and let them imprint and run out to the lake. :-D. Haven't heard of an Atlantic caught in over a decade. Only ever saw a few or even heard of....
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2017/10/17 09:00:44
I highly doubt there are any Atlantics left in the Raystown system. Better chances of shooting a unicorn than hooking into an Atlantic salmon. If you want Atlantic Salmon, go fish the Finger Lakes. NY DEC stocks those lakes with em.
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2017/10/17 10:41:09
Screamin Steel ....Im a raystown area native. Always wondered what would happen if they stocked some steelhead smolts in Trough Creek and let them imprint and run out to the lake. :-D. Haven't heard of an Atlantic caught in over a decade. Only ever saw a few or even heard of....
With live rainbows being a bait of choice for the striper fishermen, I would bet that many/most steelhead wouldn't make it to the point of running the creeks. I'm sure some would survive, but not sure if it would be worth the investment, knowing those stripers have a large appetite. That said, many lakes out west that have trophy stripers, also have a good trophy rainbow trout fishery.
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2018/04/06 00:22:23
Lots of lake trout, in the lake but few salmon.
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2019/02/25 20:11:02
I fish Stripers and lake trout in the lake and the stripers eat more Alewife's and shad than trout, The Lake Trout do very well so why rainbow would not survive is beyond me, but I just fish what do I know, The fish commission says brown trout and rainbows wont survive in the creek behind my house because the water is too warm, I am not sure what Kool Aid they drink but I catch them all the time, big browns and Rainbows so what do I know. And the bass fisherman told me 40 years ago the muskie would eat all the bass, Well the muskies are still there and so are the bass, I think Smolts would do very well in trough creek, How about it Fish Co, give it a try.
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2019/02/26 08:30:10
I have seen couple photos of some pig Brown Trout pulled out of Raystown caught while trolling for Lakers
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2019/02/26 09:10:54
There still some salmon in the lake itself and I have caught one before that was sitting in raystown branch of the little j. It was a decent size fish but after I released it I never caught another one again. I have caught plenty of pig browns at night there but no more salmon
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2019/02/26 20:36:44
I caught some nice browns at night also, fun times in the raystown branch, My neighbor caught a salmon about ten years ago that is the last one I herd of.
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2019/02/27 08:45:03
cjstoner96 There still some salmon in the lake itself and I have caught one before that was sitting in raystown branch of the little j. It was a decent size fish but after I released it I never caught another one again. I have caught plenty of pig browns at night there but no more salmon
How long ago was that? PFBC ended Atlantic Salmon stockings in the 1990s for Raystown....
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2019/02/27 21:02:48
I meant 20 years ago, typo.
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Re: Raystown Salmon?
2019/02/27 21:07:31
Lots of Lake trout in the lake, we catch them all the time,