Eye speed

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2017/08/16 18:12:02 (permalink)

Eye speed

I am a perch guy trying to move to eyes.
Was drift trolling and eyes were getting worms off rigs!!
What is best speed (was .8mph) to eye troll??
Any other tips?
Thanks, Ron 

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    Re: Eye speed 2017/08/22 09:15:28 (permalink)
    2-2.2 but, it changes, depending on the day.  Make turns, if inside rods on turns get hit, they probably want it a little slower.  If the outside lines get more hits, they may want it a little faster.  DON'T just pick a speed and run off trolling all day long ESP. if you aren't getting hits.  Need to vary it until you find out what works (along with depth of water, depth within the water column, color and style of baits, distance back from the boat, distance to the sides, etc. etc.)  Its a little bit science, a little bit luck and a decent amount of work to make it all come together on a consistent basis.  
    If unsure or new to the game, the $500-$750 spent on a charter will be $ well spent to see how the pros do it on a daily basis.
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    Re: Eye speed 2017/08/22 23:18:15 (permalink)
    Agreed with everything above ^. I've caught Walleye anywhere from 1.2 to 3.8 mph. Generally slower speeds for crawler harnesses, higher speed for (most) spoons, and a wide range for plugs/stickbaits. If you're catching them at drift speed make sure you keep the pressure on them more than usual, Walleye in particular are great at rolling hooks out if they're not being drug behind the boat at a constant speed lol.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Eye speed 2017/08/23 02:49:24 (permalink)
    Slower speed more junk. 1.8-2.5 mph plus works the majority of the time. I also like to work a color pattern,with a mix of spoons and plugs that all have similar colors in them. I was never much of a crawlers guys did it one day and caught to many goats,white perch and white bass. I spent $25 dollars on worms that day to get a 3 man ticket. It would have been better to add 3 more plugs to my box. lol It's pretty hard not to get eyes this year,although I've been working 7 days a week my buddies are killing them from Ohio to Pa. 70 plus fow, fish seem to be 50-55 this week. Tons of eaters 16-17 inches making up most limits with a few big fish mixed in. Hope this helps you out. My one buddy ran a worm harness on Sunday and never had a hit,but got a 2 man ticket in 1.5 hours. Go figure. 40 million eyes and not one wanted a crawler.lol He said they where puking up emeralds next to the boat.
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    Re: Eye speed 2017/08/24 18:51:28 (permalink)
    Tuna hit it, harnesses catch everything and drive you crazy but you gotta go slow..1-1.5, better off at 2.2-3 with spoons and plugs, or drift and avoid trolling hassles altogether but you don't cover enough water that way. Kinda like trying to catch a big bass in a farm pond with a worm, but the gills won't leave it alone. (Catch the gill and use him for bait, works every time lol)

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