Arthur Cats

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2017/07/15 11:35:45 (permalink)

Arthur Cats

Been many, many years since I fished Arthur. I understand there is a strong catfish fishery there. I plan to take my fishing kayak up and do some fishing, specifically targeting cats. 
So my questions are( i know folks don't like to spot burn but maybe cat spots are not so closely protected?)
- I plan to fish daytime. Any particular areas I should begin at that I can anchor up for cats?
- Any suggestions for preferred bait? 
- Would like to keep some for dinner? I assume cats from Arthur are pretty good table fare? 
Thanks for any and all advice!

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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/15 13:21:10 (permalink)
    I live near lake Arthur. Probably the best place is south of the 528 bridge.Just float around in there and you will pickup cats.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/15 18:07:41 (permalink)
    dpms, Never really target them but catch plenty.I trolled around a sunken island across from the sailboat bay. I'd run Hot an Tots and catch them. They where big 6-14 lbs. Late June to around the first week on July they spawn on that clay bank of the island. I caught many of huge males with a million baby's in their mouth. I caught them by the dam fishing with big creek chubs at night. Ever time I'd fish for eyes I'd get 6 cats to 1 eye.I caught plenty I've fishing on tip ups or jigging. There pretty much everywhere.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/16 02:21:13 (permalink)
    I've taken 3 channels over #20 in the last 2 years from Arth
    Big Tuna
    dpms, Never really target them but catch plenty.I trolled around a sunken island across from the sailboat bay. I'd run Hot an Tots and catch them. They where big 6-14 lbs. Late June to around the first week on July they spawn on that clay bank of the island. I caught many of huge males with a million baby's in their mouth. I caught them by the dam fishing with big creek chubs at night. Ever time I'd fish for eyes I'd get 6 cats to 1 eye.I caught plenty I've fishing on tip ups or jigging. There pretty much everywhere.

    Big Tuna
    dpms, Never really target them but catch plenty.I trolled around a sunken island across from the sailboat bay. I'd run Hot an Tots and catch them. They where big 6-14 lbs. Late June to around the first week on July they spawn on that clay bank of the island. I caught many of huge males with a million baby's in their mouth. I caught them by the dam fishing with big creek chubs at night. Ever time I'd fish for eyes I'd get 6 cats to 1 eye.I caught plenty I've fishing on tip ups or jigging. There pretty much everywhere.

    X2!!! I've caught 4 channels over #20 in the last 3 years from arthur. All in the vicinity of the dam.All on cut or live gills. All between 8:30 and 11:00 pm. Good luck!!!!

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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/16 08:53:14 (permalink)
    Thanks for the advice thus far. Looks like I may try to snoop around the dam. The McDanels boat launch doesn't look too far away. When you say "cut bait" what are you using? Are you catching a few gills then cutting them up, or are you using something else like a dead shiner or something?

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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/16 13:01:04 (permalink)
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/17 02:11:32 (permalink)
    You know the channel kitties are big if they are taking live gills!

    Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/17 10:47:45 (permalink)
    - I plan to fish daytime. Any particular areas I should begin at that I can anchor up for cats?
    If you can plan to hit the evening hours, I think your odds will go up a bit.  I've done great after cold fronts push in, and completely turns off every other fish in the lake.  
    - Any suggestions for preferred bait? 
    Cut or live bait as noted.  Shrimp works too.  Also noted, target walleye and you will get a bunch...
    - Would like to keep some for dinner? I assume cats from Arthur are pretty good table fare? 
    Arthur is clean, fish from there can be consumed without too much fear.  Not sure if I would eat fish every day from anywhere.  I've eaten a few cats from Arthur and were great.  Like any cats, you need to get that "silver skin" / red meat out of the fillets, or it tastes gamey/muddy.  According to a few, they taste better out of cold water than summer time.  I can't confirm this, as most I have caught & consumed came during spring/fall, and not cold or hot water.  If worried, then you can soak your fillets in water in your fridge, and keep changing the water for 24 hours.  Whether this does much, but I have done before and fillets came out great.  Bleeding after catching then icing immediately should help in making the best table fare.
    I think others have noted, they seem to be in just about every spot around.  I've got them crappie fishing in brush, underwater structure for walleye, feeding shelves for wipers and weed lines for perch.  The only times that I don't catch them, is when I am specifically out to catch them...  So, I'd plan to "target" something else, and trick them!
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/18 17:08:20 (permalink)
    Thank you all again for the advice. Looks like I am going to launch at McDanels and paddle over towards the dam. Catch up a few gills and chunk them up and onto a slip sinker rig they will go. Maybe pick up a dozen live shiners and put one down on the bottom as well. 

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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/19 08:26:35 (permalink)
    Kind of shocked nobody said alewives.  The best catfish bait by a large stretch are alewives.  They will swim up and fight you for your cast net to get them.  They'll jump in the boat and root through your cooler.  Sure, any cut bait will work.  But the lake is literally boiling with the perfect bait, and you should be using it when you can.  
    List of things I've personally caught cats on at Arthur: fatheads, shiners, crawlers, shrimp, live bluegills, cut bluegill, cut perch, cut crappy, creek chubs, ALWIVES.  So yeah, they aren't picky.  
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/19 22:51:39 (permalink)
    Kind of shocked nobody said alewives.  The best catfish bait by a large stretch are alewives.  .  

    No way, mooneye or even a smaller but big stanky gizzard shad for flatheads. Mooneye my favorite but you can't always catch them like gizzard shad. 
    Channel Cats on Arthur may be alewife is the best live bait but that's probably true of every predator in Arthur. I bet they go wild for chicken liver though like all channel cats. 
    I still believe PA's flathead record(49lb) is one of the easiest in nation(Ohio is 77lb, WV 70), heck there are at least 2 fish on youtube that would break the PA record if the angler just went through the process of keeping the fish til morning and taking the fish to a certified scale.
    I got obsessed with a friend on breaking the flathead record for a few years. He is still into it and has a boat rigged for catfish and all kinds of custom rods from down south. Learned quick not to use chicken liver, you may catch a flathead but you will definitely be unhooking channel cats all night long. Turtles like it too.
    I would like to try to use alewife in the rivers but not sure if that's legal. 
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/19 23:15:49 (permalink)
    Caught cats up there over 20# darned near 20 years or better ago, lots over 20#. Average is 10-12 if you fish for them, catch them while trying for others is 8# or less. Can be had all over lake, all sizes, becomes a nousense sometimes when going for others. One person gave you good advise, figure it out and follow....... Not spot burning either guys,,,,,, LOL....

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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/07/20 07:58:23 (permalink)
    All great advice.  It's pretty much impossible to not catch catfish in Lake Arthur.  There are plenty of sizeable fish and they are excellent in the fryer.  At night you can catch them pretty much anywhere there is shallow water.
    Only thing I have to add--when cleaning don't skin with pliers.  Fillet first and then fillet the skin off.  This removes all of the silverskin and results in much flakier meat.  
    Also,  soaking in buttermilk overnight (or even two) results in a much cleaner flavor.  After I do that I don't even worry about the lateral line.   I've also heard saltwater works.  I usually blacken mine (southern boy) and they are hard to beat. Will be out Saturday night for sure and the wife always looks forward to "Catfish Mondays".
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/01 08:43:07 (permalink)
    Launched from McDaniels last night to try to catch some cats before surgery puts me out of commission the rest of the summer. Caught one 8# channel on gill and a slightly smaller one on liver. Caught a couple small stripers on worms. Would have been a perfect night if it weren't for some asshat going around with a spotlight, deliberately shining it on every vessel he passed. Still amazes me the amount of disrespect boaters show one another.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/01 10:22:14 (permalink)
    I bet last night was perfect on Arthur, based on the weather at my house.  After the storm on Saturday I'm jealous.  Grats on the cats!
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/01 13:36:11 (permalink)
    Launched from McDaniels last night to try to catch some cats before surgery puts me out of commission the rest of the summer. Caught one 8# channel on gill and a slightly smaller one on liver. Caught a couple small stripers on worms. Would have been a perfect night if it weren't for some asshat going around with a spotlight, deliberately shining it on every vessel he passed. Still amazes me the amount of disrespect boaters show one another.

    Was it the local WCO doing night patrol?
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/01 15:00:39 (permalink)
    I bet last night was perfect on Arthur, based on the weather at my house.  After the storm on Saturday I'm jealous.  Grats on the cats!

    Thanks. It was perfect weather, and just enough moonlight to make everything visible, but still dark enough to catch several shooting stars. Couldn't pass up the opportunity even though I am now at work operating on 2 hours sleep over the last 36 hours.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/01 15:05:00 (permalink)
    Was it the local WCO doing night patrol?

    Honestly never considered that and it would explain the obnoxious behavior with the spotlight. Do they do that often? Never seen daytime patrols where I typically fish, let alone night time. Only my 3rd time at Arthur and first time at night.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/01 15:24:57 (permalink)
    I don't venture out at night with my boat, so couldn't help ya. But when I read that...first thing came to mind was PFBC.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/01 22:34:07 (permalink)
    I would like to think the PBFC would have identified themselves.

    Use of such lights are not legal unless the vessel is at anchor or within 100 ft of shore or boat launch for the purpose of docking.

    This is the law as it was explained to me as a very nice officer from Ohio handed me my warning.😕

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/02 07:49:33 (permalink)
    Interesting point. The boat never got close enough to another vessel to be able to identify itself verbally, if it was a patrol. It held the light on other boats long enough to appear like a**** but could also have been trying to determine if vessel had proper markings from a distance. I sent an email to the park to ask if there was a patrol that night and if they were using spotlights. Will post their response when received.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/02 09:04:45 (permalink)
    You could be correct with checking registration.

    Hope you hear back from the park office, will be interesting to hear.

    Take care and tight lines.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/02 09:19:06 (permalink)
    I night fish Arthur pretty regularly and I can tell you that it wasn't WCO.  In fact I can't even tell you the last time I saw a ranger checking anything.  I'm torn between being glad they aren't bothering me and being annoyed that jerks are clearly rule_breaking and nothing is being done.  End of the day I follow the rules, even the dumb ones, so them checking me is more bothersome than idiots running their I/O or keeping shorts.  
    No wait... I remember the last time I saw them.  Three years ago first nice week of summer two clowns launched PWCs from Porter's and roared across the lake.  By the time they came back there were two patrol cars there waiting and they got rung up.  I'm certain someone called that in though.  Wasn't a routine thing.  
    Back in the day, say 15-20 years ago if you fished the weekend you were going to be stopped at least once.  And that guy/those guys were jerks.  Now you might see them drive by the Bear Run launch in their jeep but they never stop and get out.  
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/02 10:28:53 (permalink)
    Does PBFC still practice "law enforcement"? Do the biologist actually go out on patrol? (For bad guys?)

    Last two times I was checked was by two very nice people at the Jamestown boat launch. Not looking for violations mind you, they was just searching for weed.

    Wait! What...., no not that weed, the other weed ya silly's.

    Anyways I got a free bobber each time and I still have em. Yep, a free bobber just because, I'm a nice guy.

    No Zelie, you can not have one.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/02 10:40:13 (permalink)
    You don't use bobbers BTDT, because you'd have to use bait!  =p  
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/02 10:49:19 (permalink)
    That's why I still have them...... and you still ain't gettin one!

    That's what you get for out fishing me..... so there!

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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/03 10:16:52 (permalink)
    Never received response so I just called. They were not patrolling. Just someone being a**** May take the kids slingshot with me next time I go out at night.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/03 12:41:13 (permalink)
    Or a bigger brighter spotlight.

    But than again, with my luck, it would be the fish police this time.😆

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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/04 17:41:12 (permalink)
    My two sons were fishing Arthur 3 years ago in the 14' Sylvan. My oldest cracked open a can of Caffeine Free Diet Coke, which is in a gold can. Funny how that can looks like a can of Miller Genuine Draft. Here comes the fish cops. Now, it could also be 'cause my sons, one 47, the other pushin' 38, both have long hair, so naturally they have to be doin' somethin' wrong. Cop asks them if they're ketchin' anything, checks their licenses, _itches at them for not having PFDs right beside them while fishin'. Roger tells him if the boat starts goin' down, he'll put the life jacket on his tackle box, 'cause there's about $2500 worth of equipment in there, and that they'd swim to shore. Then the cop hassles him after readin' the address on the license that they live in Freeport, "What're you doing up here"?, where Roger replies "Really, it's a Pennsylvania fishing license. Get it. It means we can fish anywhere on public water in Pennsylvania. Now go away and leave us alone. The water cops left, but then the boys were POed, so they left too.
    We got hassled on Pymie in April in that 14 footer for not wearin' the PFDs. I knew we were in trouble when I saw that boat comin' with the twin 50s on the stern. The only reason you need that PFD on is so they can recover the body easier. If your 300 yds. from shore and end up in 40 degree water, chances are pretty good you ain't gonna make it to shore.
    post edited by EMitch - 2017/08/05 05:50:26

    Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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    Re: Arthur Cats 2017/08/05 09:51:41 (permalink)
    Twenty years ago or so, we would venture to Arthur to fish the April Fools KBBC bass tournament. Many of us didn't have a restricted horsepower boat, so we brought our regular bass boats and just fished with the electric motor (never expected to do well, but you got points toward the Classic for just showing up, so we did just in case we needed them). We would get stopped 3-5 times per day and get everything checked each time. Of course, the same guy would remind us, each time, that is was a restricted horsepower lake and we couldn't use the big motor.

    The checks got annoying to the point that we would all wear sweatpants and display out fishing license on the bow of the drawstring. When we were asked to see our license (who has a full blown bass tournament rigged boat with all the gear and tries to skip out on buying a license), we would dutifully grab a handful of **** and tell them "If you want to see it, here it is."

    For some reason, they stopped asking.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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