Boats on Chartiers Creek

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2017/05/10 10:16:03 (permalink)

Boats on Chartiers Creek

I was doing a little scouting of the lower stretches of Chartiers Creek (Steubenville Pike to the mouth of the Ohio) earlier this week.  I came to a few conclusions.  
The good news is the fishing looks fantastic--especially for wayward Ohio River flatheads..  Now for the bad news--and there is a lot of it.
Most of the bank is waaay overgrown for shore fishing.  Most of the bank is also privately owned and it seems there are some crazy landowners (according to some locals) along Creek Road that are likely to shoot you if you trespass.  There are a few shore spots in the Rocks that look ok but they likely carry the same risk of some combination of robbery, dismemberment, and/or death especially given that I will mostly fish at night.  Everything else is owned by the railroad.
I do, however, have my trusty jon boat.  It drafts 6-8" and I've managed it into some pretty tight places--it is really great in small water.  Being on the creek solves the private property issue and adds an element of safety assuming nobody is taking potshots at people in jon boats (although in this day and age this may be optimistic).  I guess I have enough faith in humanity left to assume I will be safe.  So the plan is to anchor up along creek road and catch the flathead of a lifetime.    I can launch at Newport Marina across the river.
I'm assuming there is enough water at the mouth of the creek to get into the channel.  Current was high earlier this week but the creek channel appears to hold a few feet of water.  Has anybody ever seen a boat on the creek before?

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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 10:57:58 (permalink)
    I have taken my kayak on it.  DO NOT go on it after any rain.  It is filled with sewage after any sort of rain.  I have also seen boats at the mouth, maybe 30 yards up into the creek, from the mouth.
    I used to fish from shore at the point, but it gets extremely sketchy.  Housing projects are on the other side of the shopping center parking lot, and a good bit of rif raf will hang out at the railroad bridge and point.  After fishing there and about 20 guys showed up there to party, and luckily didn't demand my belongings as I snuk away "to find a better spot", I decided that spot wasn't worth it.
    I personally would go to about 100 other places before there...
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 12:30:47 (permalink)
    is Chartiers deemed navigable?  if not, private land extends through the creek if they own both sides.  just a  warning.  
    also, get your tetanus shots.  
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 12:40:18 (permalink)
    If you have seen boats in the mouth then I can get where I need to go.
    The stretch I was looking at was upstream from McKees Rocks along Creek Road--getting more into Kennedy Township and probably a good mile from the mouth.  If there were partiers or junkies they would have to go through a he** of a lot of trouble to get where I'm going.    
    That lower stretch seemed pretty barren anyway and I wasn't much interested in it.  Farther up though looks like catfish heaven--tons of sunken logs, bends, and undercuts.  
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 12:45:19 (permalink)
    is Chartiers deemed navigable?  if not, private land extends through the creek if they own both sides.  just a  warning.  
    also, get your tetanus shots.  

    Good point Gilligan.  Glad you brought that up.  Will have to look into that.
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 12:59:48 (permalink)
    I actually think it is believe it or not.  See below.  Will try to dig up the minutes from the state legislature if I can as well.
    From Chartiers Township website:
    Colonel James Allison settled in the Township in 1774 as one of the first settlers on Chartiers Creek. He and his family were one of the twenty families who came to this area in that year, among whom were the Scotts, McDowells, Parks, Morrisions, Struthers, Norris, and others. (Crumine, 1882) At this time, there was navigation on Chartiers Creek. US Congress declared this creek as navigable and in fact some local entrepreneurs used it as a point of shipping flour to New Orleans. (Funk, Observer Reporter, 6/29/2003) Colonial John Cannon, the founder of Canonsburg, loaded two boats with flour from his mill and shipped them to New Orleans via Chartiers Creek and the Ohio River. In 1793, the state legislature declared “Chartiers Creek a public highway for boats and rafts”. 
    From fish commish website:
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 15:07:11 (permalink)
    Would STRONGLY advise conceal carry. Better safe than sorry.
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 15:40:15 (permalink)
    i have a buddy that floated it from near crafton all the way to the mouth.  said it took way longer than expected and was sketchy as heck.
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 16:00:56 (permalink)
    Yea.  Starting to sound like a bad idea.  Fishing is lots of fun but not worth dying for.
    Mountian Man
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/10 18:12:24 (permalink)
    is Chartiers deemed navigable?  if not, private land extends through the creek if they own both sides.  just a  warning.   also, get your tetanus shots.  

    I'd be more worried bout the HIV infected needlez

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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/14 22:53:42 (permalink)
    I have taken my kayak on it.  DO NOT go on it after any rain.  It is filled with sewage after any sort of rain.  I have also seen boats at the mouth, maybe 30 yards up into the creek, from the mouth.
    I used to fish from shore at the point, but it gets extremely sketchy.  Housing projects are on the other side of the shopping center parking lot, and a good bit of rif raf will hang out at the railroad bridge and point.  After fishing there and about 20 guys showed up there to party, and luckily didn't demand my belongings as I snuk away "to find a better spot", I decided that spot wasn't worth it.
    I personally would go to about 100 other places before there...

    That is EXACTLY why I got a carry permit over 25 years ago...always had the wife fishing with me and waay to many dirtbags congregate to verbally abuse and demean the big deal by myself, I can handle myself, but if you feel threatened don't be a victim permits and guns are easy to get for the law abiding..don't think twice, shoot em if they threaten you, plain and simple. they'll shoot you no prob. Watch the news. They do every day. I had two young African americans (who started that name anyway? Geez, were they born in Africa? I wasn't born in Italy, I'm not Italian American, just American) throwing rocks at me and a friend fishing the dam on the beaver river. Yelling did nothing so I climbed the hill and confronted them...well, two dads (African American too lol)were there of those boys, and it was obvious immediately why they were that way. I told them I was going to use their kids intestines like nightcrawlers for bait if it worked, its the fear factor, don't be a victim, pack a gun, protect yourself and others with you.

    "I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day"
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/15 10:58:35 (permalink)
    Darn tax rocks strike again!  
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/15 11:20:26 (permalink)
    Darn tax rocks strike again!  

    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/15 13:09:56 (permalink)
    That's were glass bottom boats were invented! Cheap way to replace bottom of boat after that creek desolved the original.
    Mountian Man
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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/15 16:09:07 (permalink)
    Darn tax rocks strike again!  

    Those were ebt welfare rocks not tax rocks. Tax rocks are lighter in color.

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    Re: Boats on Chartiers Creek 2017/05/16 10:31:27 (permalink)
    Mountian Man
    Darn tax rocks strike again!  

    Those were ebt welfare rocks not tax rocks. Tax rocks are lighter in color.

    I see what you did there.....
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