Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes

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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 06:47:22 (permalink)
More likely the result of a "Trojan Horse" redirect.

Could also be a "redirect virus" now affecting your computer.

I don't think it was anything as nefarious as that, just that an ownership change over, at least on the cyber side, is already in progress.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 07:08:12 (permalink)
Maybe Dardy's but the "Trojan Horse", is a "trick of the trade" and very common on the internet. Some redirects are set up to affect business web sights and some "redirect viruses" are intended to affect computers.

I Googled "Shotguns Gander Mountain" and was taken directly to GM's web sight.

But would not have been surprised if I ended up at WalMart. lol
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/05/09 07:11:58

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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 07:32:39 (permalink)
I was looking for a specific brand and model of shotgun on Google. Many different sites came up, with GM being fairly far down the list (but still on the first page). With their bankruptcy, I was curious if it was on sale or not (not looking to buy one, but rather to divest myself of one) and clicked on the link. It went to Overton's.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 07:43:21 (permalink)
A friend of mine was informed that the Greensburg location, at least, will stay a gander mountain.
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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 07:48:47 (permalink)
Dardy's I was hoping to find a good buy on a shotgun myself. Even though the sight lists guns as being on sale, at the time and to my knowledge, still are not.

Just my luck. Stupid sale.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 07:59:33 (permalink)
FishinGuy your friend is probably correct.

Here is a list of 70 stores to remain in operation according to the new CEO as of yesterday.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 09:45:37 (permalink)
Johnstown one is closing. Every thing is 10%-20% off. Not enough to go on a spending binge, but not bad.
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Re: Gander Mountain Chain sleeps with the fishes 2017/05/09 13:48:20 (permalink)
They just opened a new Sportsman's Warehouse in Morgantown, I haven't made the trip up yet.  This is too far for all but a few of you.  I have heard that it is a lot like a Gander Mountain from the handful of people I know who have gone there.  Tried to stop in last Friday morning to see if they had neoprene gloves, but they don't open until 10:00, and I had places to be.
I like Cabelas in Wheeling and Field and Stream in Washington, but to be fair I buy most of my tying stuff in Morgantown at the local fly/bow shop, Sportsman's Emporium.  They keep lots of buck tail and Partridge Hooks in stock.  I haven't bought a gun in many years, (although I have been keeping my eyes peeled for a little CC pistol), and I don't shoot enough to be shopping ammo competitively.  A couple boxes of shotgun shells a year is about all I buy.  I am not a gear junkie with bowhunting either, so really I don't have much of a dog in the fight.
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