Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD?

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2017/04/14 12:46:27 (permalink)

Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD?

Surprised no one has posted this yet. Im all for advancing our city, but this could really hurt one of Pittsburghs best fishing spots. Ive fished here for the past 17 years and had some of my best catches at that spot. Whuddya think?

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/14 14:57:59 (permalink)
    I used to fish on the lock side up at Clinton on the Allegheny.  When they put the hydro plant on the other side the fishing dramatically dropped off. 
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/17 07:25:39 (permalink)
    What year do you think the hydro plant went in at Clinton?
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/17 09:09:52 (permalink)
    Looooong time ago, like 20 years or more.  Possible 30, things from those days are a little hazy.
    post edited by crawlerman2 - 2017/04/17 09:11:15
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/17 16:06:35 (permalink)
    Fished there from age of 5 to 35 before I left Pgh. Caught my largest smallmouth and flathead ever from there; and hooked but didn't land the largest walleye I've ever seen in real life.
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/18 15:49:19 (permalink)
    It does say that they are going to try and make this fishing friendly but there is only so much they can do. Most likely will completely eliminate the ability to get up into the whitewash from shore. Such a shame. 

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/20 20:19:12 (permalink)
    Only on one side. Not like the hydro plant installed at raystown and they fenced the outflow. AND recently caught a spear fisherman  frustrated over the 'do not enter' signs. It will remain a good spot.

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/20 20:20:53 (permalink)
    I'm getting old, I watched the building of the hydro plant at Raystown, wow, what an engineering feat.

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/04/20 20:25:38 (permalink)
    And I heard the 'I love going green' crowd complain that 'a so called renewable energy source' was ruining their outdoor adventure. Hmmm...fossil fuels bad, hydro plants bad...turn up the thermostat im cold

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/04 13:02:34 (permalink)
    Well, since my boat is 29 years old this year, I would say the power plants at Locks 5, 6, 8, & 9 are between 25 to 27 years old, as I was fishing all of those pools while they were being built. Now it seems the best fishing is on the power plant side. From a boat, you have to deal with the heavy current, and be careful not to go past the buoys toward the dam, or you get yelled at by the Lockmaster with his megaphone. 'Course, now that those locks are only open for very limited hours during the summer, there may not be anyone in there. I used to go inside the lower lock walls on all of them and catch fish 'cause there's always water pouring through and around the wall, and that stirs up a lot of baitfish, which attracts the predators. Now it seems the fishing is better on the power plant sides because besides the current, chopped up bait fish, and the warm water discharge, they put about a half a million rocks in the river all around it to aid in erosion prevention. Be prepared to lose a lot of tackle. It's really aggravating to retie on nearly every cast, but there's definitely fish of all species all around. Lock 5 has the best "pier" type fishing, as you can drive in and park right beside it. 6 is ok, and 8 & 9 have holes below them nearly 50' deep. I never catch anything in the holes, (there's probably some huge flatheads down there), but I can nail a few walleyes and some small mouths down river coming up out of the holes. In any case, be prepared to lose a lot of tackle. Oh! Did I tell you to be prepared to lose some tackle? Hey! You will lose some tackle!
    Oh yeah, if you're gonna boat up to the power plant at Freeport's Lock 5, you need to stay way over in the navigation channel nearly up to the lock, then work your way across slowly. It is very shallow from the dam down to the Kiski River mouth on the power plant side of the river. You can do some serious damage.
    post edited by EMitch - 2017/06/04 13:09:32

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/04 17:58:10 (permalink)
    For as much as this city wants to improve and increase use of its waterfronts, fishing is not high on the priority list, despite any tournament that may come, since they use boats and not shoreline.
    If the want shore, or someone ponies up the cash, it's gone, period. Sharpsburg HPD access went with a whimper. The mouth of Saw Mill Run was an astoundingly good spot for Smallmouth, Walleye, Sauger, Pike and Muskie, and it was ruined by making it a barge dock. 
    For all we spend, fishermen are low on the list of priorities.

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/05 19:15:24 (permalink)
    There is another wrinkle in lower Allegheny River fishing. The Corps of Engineers has not only proposed permanently closing Locks, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, they are floating the idea of completely removing the dams. That would be sheer devastation to anglers, boaters, camp owners, and all of the business' that line the river. The claim is that the only reason the dams and locks are there is for commercial traffic; that the dams have nothing to do with flood control. Now there's not any commercial traffic above Freeport anymore. J.K.Davidson and Glacial Sand & Gravel have been gone for a while. (if it wasn't for Freeport Terminals they might include closing and removing Lock 4 at Natrona too). You think on what would happen with those dams gone; the river level  would drop dramatically. Pool #6, between Clinton and Kittanning is already very shallow, you can jump out of a boat below the Kittanning Bridge and stand up. That is the only pool on the river that has NEVER been dredged. EPA and Fish Commission say that that pool is loaded with many endangered species. What would happen to them, (when they claim to protect endangered species)? Army Corps gives the age old excuse of insufficient funding to maintain the locks and dams. It's amazing the amount of money the government can **** away but can't come up with funding for our rivers. I mean, we've been at war in the Mid-East for 15 years or more; surely the government should be showing a profit by now.

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/06 16:22:05 (permalink)
    The Allegheny fishes just fine from Kinzua to Tidioute to Oil City to Franklin to Belmar to Fisherman's Cove to Emlenton to Parker and finally down to East Brady 
    Tear them out
    post edited by psu_fish - 2017/06/06 16:24:40
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/06 16:38:02 (permalink)
    Heyyy PSU....... no spot burning.😋

    Geeeez, I miss that river.....

    River people are cool.

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/06 16:42:03 (permalink)
    I fish the upper Allegheny all the time. 
    LOL  True story.
    And I agree with PSU fish, tear them all out.
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/06 19:17:12 (permalink)
    You upriver guys are being insensitive to our lower Allegheny fishing habitat. Do ya'll run jetdrive upriver? Around Franklin, do ya get out of the boat and drag it to the next hole?

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/06 23:29:56 (permalink)
    Jets are annoying up that way, but i float it in a jon and its never that low. Fishing is incredible even in middle of summer on a hot day. Tear all the dams out. You cant get close enough in a boat anyway and shore access near dams is all but gone. Tear out dams and the fishing is a lot better all over.
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/07 10:32:07 (permalink)
    You upriver guys are being insensitive to our lower Allegheny fishing habitat. Do ya'll run jetdrive upriver? Around Franklin, do ya get out of the boat and drag it to the next hole?

    yes, jet john.  Never fished Franklin area, sorry.  Also never hit a thing in the jet or had to get out & drag around anything "yet" anyway.  Next time out both will probably happen.
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/07 11:56:49 (permalink)
    I've run the Allegheny from Tionesta to Kennerdall using both jet and canoe. Few trips on historic French Creek to Chochranton too. Don't know what it's like now but back then, there were few jets running up river of Kennerdall but I was one of em.

    FYI to non-jeters, once on plane and in shallow water (less than a few feet) jets cannot slowdown, without chancing some serious damage and in fact, create less wake staying on plane.

    So expect jets to be hammering down in very shallow water.

    Also, bends along a stretch of river make it impossible for operators of both vessels to see each other so, if not paying attention there's gonna be some BIG surprises.

    Navigating around bends where the river narrows, providing little "navigable water" and you hear a jet.... grab the gunnels of your canoe.

    Hell I can remember nearly trading paint with other jets, on occasion, at the bend just down river of "Big Rock".

    Big PITA are the canoe rentals that do not provide 'heads up" information regarding the use of the river.

    Imagine being on plane rounding a narrow bend and suddenly you eyeball 10 to 20 canoes spread out everywhere and blocking the 'chute'!

    Dam-it Boy......! Even if the throttle is dropped, somebody still gonna get rocked and "mother f@#&ed"!

    Still..... river people are cool.

    Dam..... I miss that river........

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/07 12:34:22 (permalink)
    Plus after they remove the dams the SALMON will come back!  
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/07 13:24:39 (permalink)
    Plus after they remove the dams the SALMON will come back!  


    It's true uh-huh.

    The Lake Sturgeon is also a state-endangered species, found primarily in fresh water. Although it once was seen in the Ohio and Allegheny River watersheds.......

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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/07 14:12:32 (permalink)
    The kayak's and canoe's are the WORST. They float 10 wide from City of Franklin launch down to the takeout at Fisherman's Cove. They have no clue how a jet boat works, or how you have to run the riffles, and how jet boat simply cannot stop to appease them and their precious piece of molded plastic.
    post edited by psu_fish - 2017/06/07 14:13:51
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/07 14:16:13 (permalink)
    You upriver guys are being insensitive to our lower Allegheny fishing habitat. Do ya'll run jetdrive upriver? Around Franklin, do ya get out of the boat and drag it to the next hole?

    If the water is high enough and you got a big enough set of cahones, you can run French Creek from the mouth in Franklin to Carlton or Meadville.  
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/07 16:01:49 (permalink)

    If the water is high enough and you got a big enough set of cahones, you can run French Creek from the mouth in Franklin to Carlton or Meadville.  

    The only problem I had running a 65 HP jet to Meadville was a "BIG gas supply". Could take a couple days floating back to Franklin.🚣
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/06/07 16:06:48

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Hydroelectric dam being built at HPD? 2017/06/15 21:24:06 (permalink)
    I agree, loose the locks, taxpayers can only pay for so much anyway

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