Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake

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2017/03/30 10:38:19 (permalink)

Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake

Occasionally I'll see this news or that saying the PFGC is going to rebuild the HM dam so they can fill the lake with pelletheads for wayward PGH trout folks.  Well, another chance gone by.  I'm torn on this one because I live very near that lake and with it gone Zelie and the surrounding areas have suffered.  But also there are very few creatures lower on my uselessness list than opening day trout type people.  
It will be curious to see if they ever rebuild the lake.  

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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/03/30 11:12:01 (permalink)
    I agree with the crowds.  I've dropped that circus act about 10 years ago.  Even then, it was on streams about 4 hour drive away, often going 2 weeks after opening day.  I've pretty much dropped the whole trout thing.  Maybe 1-3 trips (including Erie circusheading).  It's worth the combo stamp though.  It clears out Arthur on opening day.  Those same truck chasers are either playing pocket pool in a tree stand or 'mupat the circus in the fall.  Unfortunately the deer in PA are getting that crazy waste infection, and Trump's comrades are hacking into the circushead supply.
    I'm all for HM getting filled up.  Hopefully with a nice kayak launch and sailing base!  
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/03/30 12:02:04 (permalink)
    When I was younger and lived up there I use to get accused of living at Hereford Manor by the other half! Now their both gone and I still miss Hereford! Course I don't fish for trout any more either. When they started fist fighting on the first day I quit.
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/03/30 12:28:54 (permalink)
    First rule about Troutfight Club...
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/03/30 21:48:31 (permalink)
    I took opening day of buck season off, to see what all this steelhead fishing was about, a few years back. It was still elbow to elbow caught one decent male. Took it home filleted it, what a waste. Never went again!
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/04 10:39:22 (permalink)
    Without the first day of trout only fisherman, there would be a lot less licenses sold.  Although if I had my choice I'd rather see the money go to other species.  Would love to see pure striped bass stocked or at least more hybrids. 
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/08 19:26:26 (permalink)
    Can't say that I don't have the same exact thoughts! A striper lake on west side of state would rule. Reasoning that I have heard about stripers messing with natural populations of stripers makes no sense. Plenty of lakes in KY and others between us and Gulf of Mexico. Not going to reproduce in our climate. If they do, maybe like steelhead.

    I'd love a "trout" style lake, focused on big perch. Not even close which one tastes better. I'd suck up my druthers and chase perch stocking trucks!
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/10 13:09:53 (permalink)
    Heck yeah Pork.  Poison Wilhelm on down to zero and fill it with big fat perch.  European perch would be even better.  :)  Though I do like the taste of striper.  Big white flakes!
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/10 16:15:24 (permalink)
    I wonder if the European's taste the same?  Hard to beat that slightly sweet taste of the yellows.  My favorite fresh water.
    Wipers are good if done right.  I actually like the thinner fillets of pan fish, I guess more breading...  I even prefer the 9"-10" crappie over the slabs.  The texture of those larger crappie is kind of strange.  I'll bonk a couple wipers each season for the grill.  I'll fry them too if really looking for fried fish, but would rather have perch.  Large gills are pretty dang good in some hot oil too.  Its getting too close to dinner to be talking about this!
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/10 16:44:21 (permalink)
    Ya gotta cook up a big kettle of stewed maters to serve along side them wipers.

    Though, pretty sure the local stuff, even slathered in mayonase and throwed on the grill, would not taste as good as those Maryland Strippers.

    WAIT.... What? Rockfish I mean them Maryland Rockfish slathered in mayonase.....

    Also, Zelie you leave Wilhelm alone. It's the only place I use to be able to "catch" fish!!!

    So, just start stocking plenty of them yellar critters and let em feed for a couple years on them stupid shad.

    ByTheWay.... Maryland Striper just happens to open on, non other than April 16 I do believe.

    PS. At least, when I now fish Wilhelm, I have a excuse.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/04/10 16:49:34

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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/10 19:31:29 (permalink)
    Mayo on the grill is the way to go!
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/11 05:06:42 (permalink)
    I only found one place to consistently catch limits of jumbo perch. And it isn't any inland water lakes. If you like 12"-15" plus perch,you've been wasting time fishing elsewhere. Plain and simply the Bay. I don't have the luxury of fishing any spring day or summer day because of my business. I take full advantage of the "Hot bite" Been fishing the bay for many moons. 
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/11 09:07:44 (permalink)
    As long as you get all of the red meat off of the fillet and eat it fresh (not frozen) stripers are hard to beat.  Chunked up, dipped in beer batter and fried.  I don't know if they sell it up here but house autry seafood breading makes an excellent base for beer batter. 
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/11 15:18:28 (permalink)
    When is the typical bay perch season?  
    Definitely need the red meat out.  That stuff is disgusting!  Probably my top reason for liking walleye more.  Much less of that stuff to deal with.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/11 18:06:18 (permalink)
    Ice out till the end of April.
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    Re: Another trout opener with no Hereford Manor lake 2017/04/11 18:36:11 (permalink)
    Do those Lake Erie boating regulations apply for the bay?
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