Big Tuna
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Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
Record setting year since 2002 333,254 total deer killed 149,460 bucks up 9 percent 183,794 doe up 3 percent Bow hunters took 33 percent 59,550 bucks 49,700 doe Muzzleloader 20,409 kills 1,350 buck 19,059 doe 56 percent of bucks taken where 2 1/2 year old or older. Doe kill break down 64 percent adult doe 20 percent button buck 16 percent doe fawn Off course all this B.S. is based on 24,000 actually check by the PGC And 100,000 report cards actually sent in. So basically it's a educated guess as always. PGC is predicting even a better trophy buck kill next. Your thoughts
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/14 19:34:05
Gonna be a better year next year cause we can mow em down with ARs. Uh Oh....😒 [giggle]
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/03/14 19:38:56
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 09:14:53
Deja vu all over again. From here on out this should be called the Trump report. "Best year ever, enormous year, thousands of deer killed, and next year the biggest bucks you've ever seen, I tell you, they'll be massive".
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 13:01:15
I will bite, Big Tuna what are the real numbers? I would like to hear the facts, none of this guess work, lay it on me, im prepared for the truth. Seriously why are you hyping this up? either accept it, or dont. Whats the point of making a big deal about estimated numbers. Most people would not even take the time to look it up on there own because it has little impact on their day to day lives. Just curious why the fuss?
Big Tuna
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 13:55:42
Anzomcik, if you don't like my post don't post anything back plain and simple. You are a PGC lover,that's fine I'm not. Your happy with the deer numbers and the huge bucks behind every tree in your neck of the woods. I'm not. I can't believe it's a record year when so many people complained about lack of deer numbers. I can harvest deer even when numbers are low,been doing it for 51 years in 4 states. I was checked twice this year and all the warden talk about was lack of deer killed in gun season,and how all the bow hunters kill all the deer. I knew even before these bogus numbers came out that bow hunters where going to have a banter year. I'm glad some people care about the deer herd and other people care about filling a tag.
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 13:59:29
Anzomcik, just curious; why all the fuss?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 14:19:42
its all b.s. I cannot believe hunters killed 20000 deer in muzzleloader. I hunt a lot ant I do not see any hunters out muzzleloading. or hear that many shots . maybe it is me and where I hunt but that's how I feel. I think the numbers get blowed up every year. big ? is how many muzzle stamps did they sell. anyone know that.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 14:31:55
PGC! Prycks Got Caught! Must be counting My. Lebanon secret kills as sportsmen harvest.
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 14:45:40
"Off course all this B.S. is based on 24,000 actually check by the PGC And 100,000 report cards actually sent in. So basically it's a educated guess as always. PGC is predicting even a better trophy buck kill next. Your thoughts" You asked for thoughts, i guess you only wanted thoughts from people that are like minded. Always awesome for conversation. two thumbs up As for my fuss I was asking why Tuna was fussin when he doesnt believe it himself. So when i ask for what he feels are the correct numbers I get nothing to answer and told to not talk and labeled. Ok so i can stay at this belly ache party heres goes... well Its an outrage!!! These numbers AAAAAAAHHHH!!! Cant be TRUE, the PGC must be trying to pump the numbers to make people buy more licenses, because the more they sell the more cash gets deposited into off shore accounts!!!! Not only will more hunters buy permits thinking it will be better this coming year they dont realize that these record kills mean less deer this fall AHAHAHAHA!!!! The plan is coming together perfectly. All the hunters are killing themselves out of there heritage, soon there will be no game species to hunt and our accounts will be so full of tax free dollars we will eat steak every night from the extincted PA whitetail deer... Seriously whats up with the numbers, genuine question. Why do they matter to you?
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 15:34:53
Figures lie and liars figure...I did not score this year with a deer....I did pass on some small bucks...I had 3 doe tags I do not shoot doe I did buy tag to save deer... less and less deer each year...very little shooting this year in gun hunting...I hunted bow and gun just about every day ...being retired ....sad to say the deer are there in low numbers,,,,not like they were in the past..
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 20:15:42
Snow event has all but settled, in my little piece of Penn's Woods, as I stand watching the last of the sun fall behind the trees I am amazed to see 14 deer feeding in the pasture across the road on a Amish farm, no less. Looking to my east, across my field, another four, elusive PA. white tails, digging through the new fallen snow. To my south, "no Doe hunting" signs are being posted for the coming season. Sure will be nice to get a shot at a "legal buck" this coming season, been 15 years since I have had a chance to put one of those in the freezer. Never had faith in the PGC deer estimates and never will.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/03/15 20:17:57
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/15 21:17:30
Saw close to 60 deer feeding in a few mile drive around Indiana. I'm guessing those were all decoys. No deer in Pa
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/16 21:02:31
I usually get a deer every year in rifle season. I'm lazy and take it to the local deer processer that's been cutting up wild meat for over forty years. I usually ask them how's the count look every year ? They are probably more accurate with their numbers each year as to good or bad season kills !
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/17 11:43:31
CAPTAIN HOOK I usually get a deer every year in rifle season. I'm lazy and take it to the local deer processer that's been cutting up wild meat for over forty years. I usually ask them how's the count look every year ? They are probably more accurate with their numbers each year as to good or bad season kills !
Impossible Captain.. There are no deer in Pa. I sure the Big, Evil and corrupt Game Commission has paid off all those processors to lie.
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/17 20:50:05
Usually I find that Deer & Turkey are pretty much Yarded up this time of year,if you see some there is usually a lot of empty areas around, also there is usually a lot of posters around. I made the trip from Jeannette to Yellow Creek twice in the past 3 weeks, approx.50 miles each way & did not see a single deer dead or alive,each trip. Must be in the wrong part of Indiana I guess. P.s. BTDT the Amish must be bad shots in your area from what I hear about them. Good thing that them Russians don't hunt. lol sam
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/17 21:46:51
mr.crappie Usually I find that Deer & Turkey are pretty much Yarded up this time of year,if you see some there is usually a lot of empty areas around, also there is usually a lot of posters around. I made the trip from Jeannette to Yellow Creek twice in the past 3 weeks, approx.50 miles each way & did not see a single deer dead or alive,each trip. Must be in the wrong part of Indiana I guess. P.s. BTDT the Amish must be bad shots in your area from what I hear about them. Good thing that them Russians don't hunt. lol sam
I too am very surprised to see as many deer as I have this post hunting season Sam. However I have since learned, land to the South West of my Amish Neighbors farm had been posted just prior to firearm. To my East, 45 plus acres that was logged prior to Archery, got posted by the farmer who also posted a couple hundred more acres owned and leased by him and his father which, at one time, was red tag land. Farmland to my South, has been posted again with no deer hunting, as the owner will allow for goose, duck, rabbit, 'yotes and that dam groundhog to be shot. Those surplus deer could also be a result from the changes made with "antler-less deer" season or, possibly all the Amish kids are just getting older and no longer privileged to youth regulations. Word got out (  ) about the use of "semi-auto loading rifles" being approved. Farmers don't seem overly excited 'bout that idea. Might be, they just need to get use to the idea. As for the Russians, I didn't see anybody dragging deer on a yellow rope, I don't know, maybe I should be watchin' at night.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/17 22:33:50
I haven't been through the Indiana area,but traveled the turnpike from Beaver county to Harrisburg with snow on the ground,I was a passenger and can definitely spot deer easily from a car,here's what I observed,two dead yotes, two dead deer, about 50-60 turkeys consisting of 4 small flocks,and yes one live deer . Considering we traveled through peak deer time very early daylight and late afternoon till dark. I saw more deer today 7 or 8 standing in a yard in Cranberry township,a suburb of Pittsburgh today.
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/18 22:09:39
Doesnt seem like much differences in the numbers in the 100's and 100's of acres I hunt. Heard lots of Muzzleloader's going off this year, more than I've ever heard. Seen 7 in the neighbors driveway yesterday. Here I thought we kilt em all. BH
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/18 22:29:51
Zombie deer.... I bet, and they're looking for revenge. Beware.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/03/18 22:40:53
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/18 22:50:36
btdt, read bh post, that must mean that those Amish are now using flintlocks. I told you that they can't hit anything,now they left 7 more get away. sam
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/18 23:15:58
Sam can you imagine what will be happening next year when them Amish boys hit the fields with their ARs???
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 02:24:37
btdt, I am more concerned about the following year when Airbows become legal. sam
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 06:11:58
I see tons of deer every day in my neck of the woods (95% posted within a 5mile radius) i just got mixed up in about 8 of them on the backroad to my house, had two running along side my car and a couple crossing back n forth in front of me n behind me.. i felt like cole trickle in days of thunder
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 11:15:46
Sam I am all for AirBow so long as 3 blade NERF arrows are required. I believe C & R would have a positive effect with the PA deer herd.
Heck, I might even get to see a "legal buck", let alone a B & C or P & Y, during hunting season.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Walleye jigs
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 12:53:51
On my morning walk this morning. Counted 31 turkeys, 9 deer, hear 1 pheasant and saw 2 Eastern bluebirds and numerous Robin's.!
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 14:09:48
Walleye jigs On my morning walk this morning. Counted 31 turkeys, 9 deer, hear 1 pheasant and saw 2 Eastern bluebirds and numerous Robin's.!
I think someone in this thread needs a new prescription for their Sunday Drives. Might see more deer
Walleye jigs
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 16:13:12
I see 6 to 8 deer outside my backdoor almost every 🌃. No big deal, same with turkeys in this area, only not in my yard. Those little blue birds have only been back for a couple of years and they way the gas people are butchering these woods for their right off ways these animals are only going to get harder to see. So if you don't mind I'll treasure everyone for now, with or without my prescriptions.
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 16:21:04
Walleye jigs I see 6 to 8 deer outside my backdoor almost every 🌃. No big deal, same with turkeys in this area, only not in my yard. Those little blue birds have only been back for a couple of years and they way the gas people are butchering these woods for their right off ways these animals are only going to get harder to see. So if you don't mind I'll treasure everyone for now, with or without my prescriptions.
I wasn't talking about you.. Sorry. A certain other poster that goes on long Sunday drives and can't see any deer.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 18:42:06
Than I apologize I misunderstood stood. We have game everywhere in this area just no land open to hunting unless you want to travel to the nearest gamelands.
Big Tuna
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Re: Well here it is News flash PGC propaganda is out!
2017/03/19 19:07:37
Driving down a road and seeing deer isn't like hunting. Go sit in the woods and hunt daylight till dark. See if you see 50! I'm looking out my back window right now watching the same doe and fawn that didn't get wacked. They stay very close to my house,that's the only way they made it. Four winters ago I had 13 come every evening, then the Amish loggers took care of that. 33 on the first day from a 45 lb fawn to a trophy 156 Boone and Crockett buck. Meat is meat and brown is down.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2017/03/19 19:30:32