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Re: Arthur 2017/08/19 20:51:12 (permalink)
Yes, anyone has.  And no thank you.  What a horrible job.  
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/19 21:10:51 (permalink)
So your saying it would be best to open a "can" of turtle meat? But I wonder, would a can of turtle meat have all seven textures? I guess I could read the ingredient label.

That did look like a dandy turtle though.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/08/19 21:13:29

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/20 14:49:50 (permalink)
Man, I love a good turtle soup, and since it's $30 a pound at Wholey's, catching them is my only realistic option.

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/20 15:14:48 (permalink)
I looked online last year and found canned turtle meat.

Was two sights but both sights had less than desirable reviews. I don't know if the reviews were posted by folks from PITA or maybe by a few turtle lovers. Still it was enough for me to shy away.

I've never attempted to cut a turtle up.

Last good bowl of soup having chunks of meat was eaten at a state fireman's convention made by a fire fighter from King of Prussia area.

Never attended a state fireman's convention I didn't like. Dam, those were the days.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/08/20 15:17:46

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/20 15:38:09 (permalink)
Unfortunately this is another mistake from my youth! I use to bring turtles home and my dad would make the soup! Problem being I never paid attention or watched him.But sure ate my share.
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/20 15:58:26 (permalink)
If you look for "cleaning snapping turtle" on youtube there are a dozen step by step videos.  The old times that my dad talked to always boiled them first, but pretty much nobody does that now.  I've watched a few of those and I've done it myself.  For that mess and work there are better things to eat.  
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/20 17:54:23 (permalink)
I suppose I could just cut up a chicken and toss it in with a bunch of celery, peas, carrots, barley allowing it to stew with a roux thickened, almost gravy like broth.

I could call it BTDT's Taste Like Chicken Turtle Soup.

Seriously though, the soups are tasty but for me, it's more about the good times while dining with friends. Best I leave the cooking to others.

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/21 07:58:51 (permalink)
All I know is this thing was massive.  I don't know what else it could have been unless there are manatees in Lake Arthur.  I like turtle soup.  Cleaning a turtle older than me?  Not so much--would probably have to use a chainsaw to get through the leather on that old S.O.B.
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/21 09:41:35 (permalink)
Dang all this talk of turtle soup. I been trying to make it to PI for over a month now. Maybe later this week, on my way, I'll run through Cambridge Springs just to see if any of the restuaraunts carry the soup on their menu. I remember Nick's and The Bridge Inn always had turtle this time of year. Been 25 years since I last spent Labor Day Weekend at the Spring Inn. Might be worthwhile, passing through, for some old chyts & giggles.

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/21 09:44:52 (permalink)
All I know is this thing was massive.  I don't know what else it could have been unless there are manatees in Lake Arthur.  I like turtle soup.  Cleaning a turtle older than me?  Not so much--would probably have to use a chainsaw to get through the leather on that old S.O.B.

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/22 11:20:35 (permalink)

Probably one of those state provided rocks, some kids were throwing in!
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/23 03:35:39 (permalink)
BRUSH CREEK INN/BAR used to have awesome turtle soup. Not sure if they are still open, might be something to check out?
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/23 08:14:49 (permalink)
Brush Creek Inn that's in Wexford?  Still open.  They aren't a full service restaurant anymore last I was there, more of a bar with food.  
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/23 08:46:41 (permalink)
Thanks Bighead.

Bar food, that's where you can find some of the finest turtle cuisine of the day.

Do I hear a invitation, did I hear you're buying dinner Zelie?😀
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/08/23 08:50:26

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/23 10:56:06 (permalink)
Let's set up a FISHUSA picnic and I'll cook you some turtle soup.  :)
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/23 11:10:32 (permalink)
Ummmm....... uhhhhh...... Errr

I'll get back to you on that you cook turtle soup thingy. 😜

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/24 21:23:38 (permalink)
My younger brother does turtle soup. He's been messin' around with 'em for 15 years or so, but he finally decided he'd like to clean 'em faster and more efficient, so he ordered a 2 part DVD from an expert from the northern peninsula in Michigan. 'Bout a month ago, he got 3, two of 'em pretty good ones, and used the vid for the cleaning procedure. Said he had 'em done in about 3 hours. The guy in the vid said his Grandma could do one in minutes. So now he's hot and heavy into turtle soup, seasoned fried turtle, and other recipes. There's large numbers of farm ponds all around and the supply of snappers is pretty good.

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/25 02:32:33 (permalink)
In my younger day did a lot of turtle catching. Lines with hooks hands in bank holes. After a close call with a muskrat, I bought a net trap,which was the best. You can pick and choose what you want to keep. Easiest way to dispatch 22 to the brain,a hatchet a hammer,good knife and about 20 minutes and I'm done. I haven't messed with one in ten years. Every year I threatened to get one but don't. September is a great month for catching. True there are many better things to eat, but I still eat small game squirrel and 
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/25 13:58:31 (permalink)
wonder how much PCBs are in snappers
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Re: Arthur 2017/08/25 18:54:29 (permalink)
Don't know about PCBs, but I'm thinkin' plenty of mud taste. My father-in-law. (R.I.P.) use to throw them in a fresh water (super cold) spring after trapping. He'd keep the iron grate on top of the spring box for 3 to 5 days, and it must've helped clean 'em up 'cause he made a pretty darn good soup.

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Re: Arthur 2017/08/25 19:26:06 (permalink)
wonder how much PCBs are in snappers

.....uhhh..... Ummm.... ahhhh.. I realllllly want tooo but I can't.

No I'll just won't do it.







post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/08/25 19:55:14

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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 08:31:41 (permalink)
Headed to Arthur on Saturday. How's the weeds/vegetation up in the Muddy Creek cove? Still chock full?
Debating what side of the lake I want to fish.
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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 08:58:34 (permalink)
I can tell you the weeds on the 422 side aren't close to last year's crop.  Probably the same over there.  Though the creek arm is always a mess of shallow muddy weeds.  
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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 09:03:25 (permalink)
Headed to Arthur on Saturday. How's the weeds/vegetation up in the Muddy Creek cove? Still chock full?
Debating what side of the lake I want to fish.

Way up in the MC arm (Upper 528 and up) water was very, very low last Sunday evening.  Couple other guys I talked to said they've never seen it so low.  The channel remains pretty open, but lily pads and other vegetation is still pretty thick.  I think it's thicker than it was last year in that arm of the lake.  
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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 10:06:16 (permalink)
The weeds don't seem to die off and clear out a bit until mid/late October/November.  Not sure if those nights in the 40s did too much yet.  Likely warm enough during the day for the weeds to recover.  Unfortunately, Arthur seems to pick up, when just about every other option in the area does as well.  When you hear the steel head are up to Rt 5, you'll likely have a relatively productive day on Arthur.  I think the same is said of Pymie, Wilhelm, Yellow Creek, Shenango and most moving water.
By no means, am I saying not to hit the lake this weekend.  You can possibly crush some fish.  Right now, I'd say most fish are in transition from summer to fall hangouts.  If you know where they typically are in both of those times, try some areas right in between, that you usually wouldn't consider.  If you are going to be there during the evening, give the main lake a shot.  If the wipers are still busting schools of alewives, at the very least, it is fun to watch.
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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 14:23:21 (permalink)
The weeds don't seem to die off and clear out a bit until mid/late October/November.  Not sure if those nights in the 40s did too much yet.  Likely warm enough during the day for the weeds to recover.  Unfortunately, Arthur seems to pick up, when just about every other option in the area does as well.  When you hear the steel head are up to Rt 5, you'll likely have a relatively productive day on Arthur.  I think the same is said of Pymie, Wilhelm, Yellow Creek, Shenango and most moving water.
By no means, am I saying not to hit the lake this weekend.  You can possibly crush some fish.  Right now, I'd say most fish are in transition from summer to fall hangouts.  If you know where they typically are in both of those times, try some areas right in between, that you usually wouldn't consider.  If you are going to be there during the evening, give the main lake a shot.  If the wipers are still busting schools of alewives, at the very least, it is fun to watch.

unfortunately I don't. This will only be 2nd time ever on this lake. 1st time was early June and caught tail end of crappie spawning. Was hoping tomorrow to run cranks and jerk baits on some bass. Maybe do some finesse fishing too with shaky heads and/or drag some jigs.
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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 15:28:59 (permalink)
Large mouth are not my thing, so others would be of more help.  That said, they always seem to follow me around when I am looking for perch/crappie.  Probably because I am targeting the same dinner they are...  They're kind of like the channels, I will catch a few just about every time fishing live bait or harnesses.  Until I target them, and they won't cooperate.
A few weeks back, I got one on the outside of some deeper weeds on a main lake point.  It was probably in 10-12 FOW, but within 20' of both 25 FOW and 2 FOW.  If I were to target them, those drop offs, not far from shore, would likely be where I would look first.  Main lake points and maybe some brush in somewhat deeper water.  I doubt they are in the shallows as of yet, but they might be.  Those drop offs are only 20' from the shallows, so if one doesn't work, the other is right there.  
In a few weeks, when the steel head are up to Rt. 5...  That Muddy Creek gets a ton of large mouths.  I've had days where I had to move, they were everywhere and not letting the crappies or perch have a turn.  Many times, making a lot of commotion at the surface too...
If you can stick it out into dusk, the last hour should be pretty fun if the wipers are active.  Might not hook into any, but at the very least fun to watch and get your adrenaline going.  Hook into one, and really get it going.
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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 15:46:34 (permalink)
Thanks for the tips. Was going to try around Nealy's point first and then go explore some with the electronics. Pan fish will be the backup pan. I'd like to fish till dark and see the wipers bust the surface, but we'll see how long the co-angler will stay out, ha-ha.
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Re: Arthur 2017/09/15 17:03:15 (permalink)
PSU if not already, check the thread by Woodnickle SHENANGO IN TROUBLE.

Good read and it includes some info you might find useful for Arthur.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/09/15 17:04:16

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Re: Arthur 2017/09/18 08:47:42 (permalink)
Stupid Fish!
Was marking a ton of bait balls and also fish in 12-17 fow, with almost all of the marks 1-2 feet off the bottom around Nealy's. Guessing they were wipers?  Saw couple guys anchored up right at Nealy's in 15 fow and were using minnows. Guessing they were sitting on rock piles or brush. Didn't seem they were catching much though. Ran up into the muddy creek arm, but the Lowrance temperature reading was 78.2, so way too hot.
Prolly should've have left the bass gear at home, and brought my bottom bouncing/drifting stuff I use at Pymy. Had a perfect breeze to drift fish. Might got something in that 15 fow area.
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