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solitario lupo
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2017/01/24 18:25:22 (permalink)

Making spinners ?

Been getting into making my own spinners. Anyone here make their own spinners. Was looking for some help have a couple of questions.
What size clevis goes with what size blades ?
What size do you like for trout?
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/24 20:03:58 (permalink)
I tie worm harness sure beats $3 a pull. I use just 3-5 size Colorado blades, depending on cold fronts and how warm the water is. I don't put much thought in clevis. Buy them in packs of 500. I suspect small as you can get for trout.
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/24 21:29:12 (permalink)
I tie worm harness sure beats $3 a pull. I use just 3-5 size Colorado blades, depending on cold fronts and how warm the water is. I don't put much thought in clevis. Buy them in packs of 500. I suspect small as you can get for trout.

This post was ABSOLUTLEY no help. It didn't even come close. He asked about spinners for trout and you make a post about worm harnesses. Wow
post edited by Indiana_Bob - 2017/01/24 21:49:50
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/24 22:11:38 (permalink)
At least he offered more help than you did there, Indiana Boob!

Yes, we are still here!
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 00:06:14 (permalink)
At least he offered more help than you did there, Indiana Boob!

really cmon bob is rite   its like saying what workr for walleye  should work for trout lol lol lol
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 08:21:14 (permalink)
I tie worm harness sure beats $3 a pull. I use just 3-5 size Colorado blades, depending on cold fronts and how warm the water is. I don't put much thought in clevis. Buy them in packs of 500. I suspect small as you can get for trout.

This post was ABSOLUTLEY no help. It didn't even come close. He asked about spinners for trout and you make a post about worm harnesses. Wow

geezee bob relax..... 
save your time just buy a rooster tail they're like 3$

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 08:40:34 (permalink)
Spinner Construction

This example is for making one #1 White Bead Gold spinner (approx. weight: 1/8 oz.). 

Cost Per
Supply Item Spinner
1. Single Strand Wire (Diameter .026)
H 548 Foot Coil for $13.10 (makes approximately 2,192 spinners) $0.00598 

2. Beads
H 1/8" $44.50 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.04450 
H 3/16" $50.71 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.05071 
H 7/32" $63.36 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.06336 
H 1/4" $76.45 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.07645 
H 6mm $15.35 per 1,000 (Plastic Simulated Pearl Bead - Size 6) $0.01535 

3. French Spinner Blade
H Size 1 $38.25 per 1,000 (Polished Brass) $0.03825 
Note: If bought at Cabela's a size 2 is actually the equivalent of a size 1 Mepps blade.

4. Folded Clevise
C Size 1 $8.99 per 500 (Nickel) $0.01798 
Note: A size 1 at Hagen's is a little smaller than a size 1 at Cabela's and a size 2 at
Hagen's is a little bigger than a size 1 at Cabela's. Cabela's doesn't sell brass-colored

5. Treble Hook
H Size 10 $86.52 per 1,000 VMC Bronze 9650BZ $0.08652 
Cost per spinner (excluding postage and labor): $0.39910 

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 09:24:28 (permalink)
Excellent reply bings.. Man of honor
solitario lupo
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 09:44:29 (permalink)
I tie worm harness sure beats $3 a pull. I use just 3-5 size Colorado blades, depending on cold fronts and how warm the water is. I don't put much thought in clevis. Buy them in packs of 500. I suspect small as you can get for trout.

What size clevis do u use for the Colorado blades.
solitario lupo
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 09:45:33 (permalink)
Spinner Construction

This example is for making one #1 White Bead Gold spinner (approx. weight: 1/8 oz.). 

Cost Per
Supply Item Spinner
1. Single Strand Wire (Diameter .026)
H 548 Foot Coil for $13.10 (makes approximately 2,192 spinners) $0.00598 

2. Beads
H 1/8" $44.50 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.04450 
H 3/16" $50.71 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.05071 
H 7/32" $63.36 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.06336 
H 1/4" $76.45 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.07645 
H 6mm $15.35 per 1,000 (Plastic Simulated Pearl Bead - Size 6) $0.01535 

3. French Spinner Blade
H Size 1 $38.25 per 1,000 (Polished Brass) $0.03825 
Note: If bought at Cabela's a size 2 is actually the equivalent of a size 1 Mepps blade.

4. Folded Clevise
C Size 1 $8.99 per 500 (Nickel) $0.01798 
Note: A size 1 at Hagen's is a little smaller than a size 1 at Cabela's and a size 2 at
Hagen's is a little bigger than a size 1 at Cabela's. Cabela's doesn't sell brass-colored

5. Treble Hook
H Size 10 $86.52 per 1,000 VMC Bronze 9650BZ $0.08652 
Cost per spinner (excluding postage and labor): $0.39910 

Thanks bings
solitario lupo
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 09:49:03 (permalink)
I tie worm harness sure beats $3 a pull. I use just 3-5 size Colorado blades, depending on cold fronts and how warm the water is. I don't put much thought in clevis. Buy them in packs of 500. I suspect small as you can get for trout.

This post was ABSOLUTLEY no help. It didn't even come close. He asked about spinners for trout and you make a post about worm harnesses. Wow

If you must know your an idiot. Worm harness Can be used for trout also they are made with clevis and spinner blades which is my question. Go be a troll somewhere else and don't high jack my thread. Your post is absolutely useless.
post edited by solitario lupo - 2017/01/25 10:00:49
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 11:04:00 (permalink)
solitario lupo
I tie worm harness sure beats $3 a pull. I use just 3-5 size Colorado blades, depending on cold fronts and how warm the water is. I don't put much thought in clevis. Buy them in packs of 500. I suspect small as you can get for trout.

This post was ABSOLUTLEY no help. It didn't even come close. He asked about spinners for trout and you make a post about worm harnesses. Wow

If you must know your an idiot. Worm harness Can be used for trout also they are made with clevis and spinner blades which is my question. Go be a troll somewhere else and don't high jack my thread. Your post is absolutely useless.

It's you're not your. If you want to throw the Idiot term out. Basic English..
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 14:43:55 (permalink)
geezee bob relax..... 
save your time just buy a rooster tail they're like 3$

I got to agree with above.........but I'll take a Mepps , they always spin !
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2017/01/25 14:45:07
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 15:08:09 (permalink)
Back in the day, CP Swing.

Never could copy those darned things.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/01/25 15:12:21

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 15:24:02 (permalink)
Spinner Construction

This example is for making one #1 White Bead Gold spinner (approx. weight: 1/8 oz.). 

Cost Per
Supply Item Spinner
1. Single Strand Wire (Diameter .026)
H 548 Foot Coil for $13.10 (makes approximately 2,192 spinners) $0.00598 

2. Beads
H 1/8" $44.50 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.04450 
H 3/16" $50.71 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.05071 
H 7/32" $63.36 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.06336 
H 1/4" $76.45 per 1,000 (Solid Polished Brass) $0.07645 
H 6mm $15.35 per 1,000 (Plastic Simulated Pearl Bead - Size 6) $0.01535 

3. French Spinner Blade
H Size 1 $38.25 per 1,000 (Polished Brass) $0.03825 
Note: If bought at Cabela's a size 2 is actually the equivalent of a size 1 Mepps blade.

4. Folded Clevise
C Size 1 $8.99 per 500 (Nickel) $0.01798 
Note: A size 1 at Hagen's is a little smaller than a size 1 at Cabela's and a size 2 at
Hagen's is a little bigger than a size 1 at Cabela's. Cabela's doesn't sell brass-colored

5. Treble Hook
H Size 10 $86.52 per 1,000 VMC Bronze 9650BZ $0.08652 
Cost per spinner (excluding postage and labor): $0.39910 

The Frank Nale system, yea? 
What's your TPH, Bings? 
pheasant tail 2
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 22:14:11 (permalink)
I was thinking the same thing D. There is recent post that shows some of his spinners in the trout section of the Huntingpa Board. I imagine if you'd ask Frank might be willing to share the components he uses? Metal isn't my cup of tea, but he seems to have excellent results with his homemade spinners.
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/25 22:52:42 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby D-nymph 2017/01/26 10:09:00
That is Frank's system from a post over on HPA. 
Not a big fan but the man can build a spinner.

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 00:37:28 (permalink)
So what your saying; it's cheaper to stock your freezer with fish from Giant Eagle?
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/01/26 00:38:51

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 06:45:25 (permalink)
Just outta curiosity is this more of a cheap route or a satisfaction of a homemade rig? If its satisfaction.. maybe start with some spoons.. i used to make my own to crush smallies with. Its always fun to play around with creating homemade lures because if you strike gold you know noone else is throwing that same rig.

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 08:14:23 (permalink)
btdt i've heard about cp swings... a lot of old timers swear by them...

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 08:56:18 (permalink)
Janns's Netcraft is good place to get stuff. they sell inline spinner kits and Panther Martin knockoffs. Plus they sell individual components if you really want to customize.
I like 1/16 and 1/8 rooster tails personally. 1/32 I will use in really small stocked creeks...but 1/16 gets the most use.
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 09:29:09 (permalink)
btdt i've heard about cp swings... a lot of old timers swear by them...

Back in the day before power baits, spinner baits, buzz baits, plastic baits, the one go to bait for casting spinners was the CP Swing not to be confused, with the Swiss Swing. Dare Devils where the spoons of the time and if a guy was jigging, most likely he be using (with pride) his home made Bucktails.
Worm harnesses and home made spinners were generally produced in ones basement as were fly's, both wet and dry, highly displayed and fished with great pride.  Never new of a home made bait that did not contain at least one but sometimes more, ruby red jewels.  Umm except fly's of course, however it was not uncommon, to see those with ruby red eyes.
Catching a trophy fish gave a guy sense of pride but catch a trophy, with your own home made bait, your buddies were in for some long term boasting as they practically begged for a few of those lures you been producing.
But the real fun, yeah the real fun was the "Kodak Moment" when a fella walked into his local drugstore or camera shop and picked up his long awaited pictures, let the good times roll.
Yep CP Swings, still available from FishUSA, came in all sizes made for trout to musky and a once highly prized artificial fish bait.
Catching fish is great but there just ain't no feeling like setting the hook, trophy or not, with a home made bait.

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solitario lupo
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 12:46:18 (permalink)
Just outta curiosity is this more of a cheap route or a satisfaction of a homemade rig? If its satisfaction.. maybe start with some spoons.. i used to make my own to crush smallies with. Its always fun to play around with creating homemade lures because if you strike gold you know noone else is throwing that same rig.

For those with curiosity (think innovation) it is homemade because I'm making something that you cannot buy in the stores. I would post pics but this is fishusa (troll city). I pretty much already have everything but the clevis to fit the blades. It's actually not really just a spinner and something like a joes fly. It's more fly tying than anything. I'm just having a hard time getting the blade to spin good. Looks like I'll experiment a little more on it.
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 14:53:26 (permalink)
Experimenting is what it is all about. As for the spin concentrate on the blade rather the clevis.

Recommend quick change clevis of course.

Put a CP Swing to test with a Swiss Swing. Even though they appear alike.... they do not perform alike.

Disclaimer, based on actual expierence during the late 50s-mid 70s.....ouch!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/01/26 14:56:53

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 15:01:54 (permalink)
Also.... test your spinners first, without a snap swivel to check blade action. Using a snap-swivel may allow the entire rig to spin, keeping the blade quiet.

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 15:26:06 (permalink)
SL - 
Give this site a look.  They have forums for all sorts of lure crafting.  A lot of good guys, wise in the ways of science.  I got a lot of help when I started making stick baits.
I don't do much in the ways of wire baits.  I have attempted some, but they didn't work well.  Avoid the rolled wire, in favor of the straight shafts, would be my top recommendation.  That was a major issue with mine.  I'm planning to copy some of the Clarkspoon Clark Casters before my trip to the beach this year.  I've been making some imitation Clarkspoons that I pulled from below.  I plan to give them a try locally.  Not really expecting much, but who knows?  Like most lures/flies, they're fun to make, and a bonus to catch something.
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/26 16:29:02 (permalink)
i made a fly/jig/lure with a artificial finger nail before..... it was white and all glittery and threw a feahter on the tail.... and jigged it... i nailed the crappies

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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/27 01:46:43 (permalink)
Farm raised Idaho trout will run you about $5.99 a pound you do the math!
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/27 10:18:43 (permalink)
Here are a few comments based on what I read above:
The recipe given earlier in this topic was for one of my homemade White Bead Gold spinners.  A photo of one of them can be seen at the website HuntingPA in the "Trout/Salmon Fishing Forum" under the topic "Frank Nale's 2016 Trout Season Summary."  I've been making my own spinners since 1981 so I have considerable experience.
I buy almost all of my components at Hagen's.
When components are bought in bulk, quality spinners can be made for about $.50 each right now.
If the blade on a spinner is not spinning constantly the spinner is basically worthless.  One thing you can try is to put a small bead next to the clevis (on the side closest to the hook).  If you look at my spinners in the photo mentioned above, you'll see that I taper the size of the beads away from the clevis.  I believe this helps the blade spin freely.  I know for fact from experimentation that a large bead against the clevis inhibits the blade from spinning.
Another thing that can cause the blade not to spin freely is when the blade is cupped deeply.  I sometimes use #3 Indiana blades and they are all cupped too deeply and frequently hesitate during retrieval.  To avoid this problem, I smash them nearly flat with a C-clamp against a board before I use them.  If you don't want to mess around with doing this, just use a #1 French blade like on the Mepps Aglia spinners.
I would never use a spinner with any hair or hackle tied around the hook.  If fishing a stream with algae, this hair or hackle will soon look and smell like algae to a trout.  It's extremely rare for me to catch a trout on a spinner when I have even a speck of algae on the hook, so that should tell you something about how well a spinner with hair or hackle would work.  Now, for those of you who will disagree with me on this and say that you've caught trout with spinners that have hair or a hackle tied around the hook, I would have to ask you how many trout have you caught this way?  I would bet that it is very few.
I chased the link to the CP Swing given above.  They describe it as an "inline" spinner.  To my knowledge, only spinners without a clevis are truly "inline" spinners.  One reason I suspect I'm right on this is that Hagen's sells "inline" spinner blades and they are the Panther Martin blade-style only.  Think about it, if a CP Swing is an inline spinner, then are all spinners "inline" spinners?
I've never used a "Joe's Fly" but I have seen photos of them.  They look much too light in weight to cast far enough to be effective trout catchers.  If you want to catch lots of wild trout on spinners I recommend that your spinners be no lighter than 1/8 ounce.
- Frank Nale -
post edited by FrankTroutAngler - 2017/01/28 11:20:30
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Re: Making spinners ? 2017/01/27 14:25:59 (permalink)
Farm raised Idaho trout will run you about $5.99 a pound you do the math!

Yeah, but you still need to go through the hassle of putting a stringer in them, and dragging in warm stream water for a few hours to really bring out the taste.
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