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Mentored youth participation rates
Some were mentioning the mentored youth program and what ages were participating. Here is a chart. It is on the older side as we have more MY now than when this was made. But, it does give you a perspective for the age breakdown.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/21 19:03:15
Remember, not every permit holder actually hunts. This is just the breakdown of ages for holders. During discussions at the PGC, some hunters mentioned that they bought permits for the young children at very young ages as keepsakes and collector items.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/21 23:23:48
Is there a chart for how many daddy's shoot the deer?
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/21 23:51:10
Big Tuna Is there a chart for how many daddy's shoot the deer?
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/21 23:55:01
PGC sez charts and we all know, we can take the PGC for their word.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 07:52:46
Big Tuna Is there a chart for how many daddy's shoot the deer?
How many daddy's shoot mommas deer even though momma is still in bed? Point is, violations occur in every season and by all walks of life. The greatest violators are adults in the general firearms deer season. Lets not penalize a great program because very few abuse it. A comment was made in another thread about 4-6 year olds. This chart shows how few even actually hold a permit and not all of those are even hunting.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 08:43:24
The fact there are 4 and 5 y/o in the woods and able to shoot legally is absurd
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 11:57:37
Big Tuna Is there a chart for how many daddy's shoot the deer?
How many daddy's shoot mommas deer even though momma is still in bed? Point is,
I will agree there and have to say I have done this when they opened up doe season the way they have and now we are paying dearly for it....but with the MY SEASON all I'm saying is that 4-6-8 & so on kids are not mature enough to be using firearms ....
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 12:48:00
Watched the metored youth in action. White van pulls up in front of my house and dumps off four amish kids. 2 10-11years old and two that were mabee 7-8 years old. Not an adult insight. None of them were carrying a firearm. Had to stop them from walking by the "NO TRESPASSING" posters in my field. The old man or older brothers were using them for deer drivers.. complete BS. Wouldn't be so bad but around here in amish country every house has a herd of mentoured youth. And they will fill every tag. Putting 4-5-6 year old in the woods with high powered rifles is complete insanity. I don't care if there only a few. You shouldn't be allowed to shoulder a firearm for any season with out some formal safety training. These same law breaking unsafe adults are the same ones mentoring some of these youth..
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 14:30:32
bingsbaits Watched the metored youth in action. White van pulls up in front of my house and dumps off four amish kids. 2 10-11years old and two that were mabee 7-8 years old. Not an adult insight. None of them were carrying a firearm. Had to stop them from walking by the "NO TRESPASSING" posters in my field. The old man or older brothers were using them for deer drivers.. complete BS. Wouldn't be so bad but around here in amish country every house has a herd of mentoured youth. And they will fill every tag. Putting 4-5-6 year old in the woods with high powered rifles is complete insanity. I don't care if there only a few. You shouldn't be allowed to shoulder a firearm for any season with out some formal safety training. These same law breaking unsafe adults are the same ones mentoring some of these youth..
You didn't watch the mentored youth in action. You watched a bunch of adult law breakers in action, who were forcing their kids into illegal activity. Is that really different than how the straw hats have operated in the past, except now they just have some additional buck tags for non AR legal deer? And I hope you called the PGC.
Big Tuna
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 17:05:10
Mentors are not permitted to drive deer. They logged the woods down the road from my house 1/2 away they killed 27 last year now there driving the woods behind my house 4 little kids no guns no adults with them. I mentioned it to the warden,and he sort of said it's illegal but he fills sorry for them.lol I bet he'd sorry for me or you if we turned 4 youngsters loose on a deer drive. What gets me about wardens,is there's some grey area,one will bust you the other has his own rules and won't. I know a guy the shot a 6 pts that was not legal,he called the warden,warden made him take him to the spot of the kill. It was a 50 yard shot,warden says it was close you should have seen it wasn't legal. Case closed 5 bills,my friend was very mad,because he could have just walked away but he thought he did the right thing. This year my son's buddy's mom shoots a 6 pts with a bump it not legal no way,they call the warden. He says well the deers just going to go to waste so will call it a 7. The guy that got the 500.00 quit hunting.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 17:59:47
Problem as I see it, this mentored youth thingy gives greater advantange to, abusing game laws.
Certainly has me wondering about the mentality of those approving that law.
As for reporting individuals to the PGC because they are walking the hundreds of acres of land, they or other clan members own or lease.
Let me know how that works out, will ya.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 18:17:38
Correct me if I'm wrong but one of the rules with the M.Y program the licensed adult had to be within so many feet at all times.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 18:22:40
BeenThereDoneThat. Problem as I see it, this mentored youth thingy gives greater advantange to, abusing game laws.
Well geeze, we should outlaw spotlighting too, since so many deer are poached at night. Probably should outlaw the sale of shelled corn and mineral blocks so people don't shoot deer over bait Probably should make it illegal to carry a firearm in the woods at all during archery season, since a couple times a year people just can't help themselves when Brutus shows up while they're small game hunting While we're at it, we should probably just eliminate guns from society because it gives criminals a greater advantage to commit crimes BeenThereDoneThat. As for reporting individuals to the PGC because they are walking the hundreds of acres of land, they or other clan members own or lease.
Let me know how that works out, will ya.
Bings clearly identified them as trespassing on HIS land, past HIS posters. Call the PSP too. Trespassing violations and hunting violations. See who shows up first. Any time I've ever reported a hunting violation to the PGC, I've received a very prompt response. Including the time I called to report my neighbor's son and his buddies shooting at game in a safety zone multiple times on their hundreds of acres of land.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 18:24:25
Walleye jigs Correct me if I'm wrong but one of the rules with the M.Y program the licensed adult had to be within so many feet at all times.
Within arms reach. The MY cannot carry or hold the gun until both the mentor and the MY come to a stationary hunting position.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 20:11:59
BeenThereDoneThat.Problem as I see it, this mentored youth thingy gives greater advantange to, abusing game laws. Well geeze, we should outlaw spotlighting too, since so many deer are poached at night. Probably should outlaw the sale of shelled corn and mineral blocks so people don't shoot deer over bait Probably should make it illegal to carry a firearm in the woods at all during archery season, since a couple times a year people just can't help themselves when Brutus shows up while they're small game hunting While we're at it, we should probably just eliminate guns from society because it gives criminals a greater advantage to commit crimes BeenThereDoneThat. As for reporting individuals to the PGC because they are walking the hundreds of acres of land, they or other clan members own or lease.
Let me know how that works out, will ya.
Bings clearly identified them as trespassing on HIS land, past HIS posters. Call the PSP too. Trespassing violations and hunting violations. See who shows up first. Any time I've ever reported a hunting violation to the PGC, I've received a very prompt response. Including the time I called to report my neighbor's son and his buddies shooting at game in a safety zone multiple times on their hundreds of acres of land.
Well geeez if you wanna dicuss all those points we surely can. I see some others have begun a thread regarding crossbows, weather, fishing, perhaps you would care to start one about baiting or one of the other subjects you mention? The safety zone thingy, was that the property belonging to the violators or owned by someone else? How did that turn out?
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/22 20:14:04
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 20:32:49
Property owned by the violator's father. They were cited and fined. I don't believe any of the things I wrote should happen. Just pointing out that if you want to stop law breakers, punishing the majority who are law abiding sportsmen isn't the solution. That said I do understand the concern some have about young children shooting deer and the safety of it. If some sort of modified HTE were offered for mentors and mentored youth to be able to participate in the season I would be OK with that. Not an 8 hour lecture that I endured with my son last year that makes watching paint dry sound like an exciting alternative. But an hour or three on firearms safety and ethics. However the way the MY program is set up all of the responsibility for safety and ethics rests with the mentor. Just like any other segment of the hunting population in any other season there will be those who ignore safety and ethics but the vast majority, as has happened so far, will be responsible and ethical.
post edited by rsquared - 2016/12/22 20:40:13
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 20:39:55
rsquared Property owned by the violator's father.
They were cited and fined.
OK..... Thanks.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 22:04:23
Hey when's for PGC going to do something for seniors,for supporting them for 50 plus years. I like the idea of a senior buck hunt in October or and early turkey season. lol Thats never going to happen.lol Maybe even a MS ( mentor senior) hunt where your son takes you out and points out where the deer is.lol
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/22 22:53:23
Tuna don't forget the kid shoots the deer, field dresses it, drags it to the vehicle, pays for the processing plus all speacialties, buys the rounds of beer at the local bar while bragging to all his buddies about daddy shooting astupid deer. HECK YEA....... count me in but I plan on staying in bed ummmm, at least til the bar thingy. 10-4!!!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/22 22:56:33
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2016/12/23 09:32:48
Big Tuna Hey when's for PGC going to do something for seniors,for supporting them for 50 plus years. I like the idea of a senior buck hunt in October or and early turkey season. lol Thats never going to happen.lol Maybe even a MS ( mentor senior) hunt where your son takes you out and points out where the deer is.lol
I bet you'll see something in SRA's in the next 5 years along those lines . . . Either bucks in the early muzzleloader season, including in lines, or bucks in the 3 day jr & sr hunt. Again only in the SRA's, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if that happened. I've heard NO, ZERO, ZIP talk of that out of the PGC or other official sources. Just a guess based on the way things have progressed in the SRA's over the past couple of years.
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Re: Mentored youth participation rates
2017/01/05 12:06:25
rsquared, you can definitely tell who the old, ****ety, curmudgeons are on this thread. good luck in the late season if you get out. both my kids still have their MY tags and I have a 2B AL tag I can transfer. Haven't made it out yet though.