PGC future?
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Re: PGC future?
2016/12/21 11:27:00
Years back I had Pheasant dogs and hunted the stocked birds regularly on State lands. They were raised and stocked by the state. Then Ct went to a 10 tag, pay extra, system and the stocking was done by various Clubs. All to raise funds and cut expenses. I stopped hunting them. After years I trained one of my Labs -bought the tags, and went to an old State land often enjoyed in the past. When I got there a fella said I was in luck as the stocking had been done that very morning--8 birds, where twenty or so was the norm in days of old. Went to a nearby lot and a group of Club Guys from a neighboring town were just leaving- their Club stocks that area. Ok-- they said they had taken 7 birds. Geee, how did they ever know where to go that AM. So much for 'public' hunting areas. -IMHO. Cut my tags in half -dropped them in a barrel and never hunted Pheasant again. Dont know anyone- other than Club guys- who hunt them anymore. Clubs have their place and their own properties to hunt and often raise their own birds- am not knocking them-but when introducing them to the public areas as the ones stocking there seems an obvious result for John Q. Tread carefully as it could happen to you too----
post edited by r3g3 - 2016/12/21 11:33:12
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/09 20:49:49
As a youngster I grew up in Penn Hills and chased wild Pheasants with a little fiberglass longbow. I never got one but came close. Shot rabbits at times. When real young we guided hunters to where we knew the game was. Oh how I envied them and their guns. There were Quail around in the early years of my youth and it wasn't uncommon to hear their calls. I stopped back in the neighborhood and asked an old friend of mine if any Pheasants were still around and he said they were but very few. There just isn't much habitat left I obtained a mixed breed pup last fall and was amazed at his hunting drive. I haven't been around a dog that motivated since my Brittany many years ago. Well the Grouse population around my haunts is dismal and I do not want to kill any, so I thought Lets chase some stockers. We had a ball and he was fun to hunt with. Do not mind an extra license but feel it is approaching the end of the line for the Pheasant in Pa. The Com. is backed into a corner and the Politicians are making a rather odd statement. Not letting an increase in the license fees seems like a joke. Of all the taxes and fees that have increased throughout the state why deny the G.C.? Are they trying to look like martyrs where the bottom line and consequences do not look bad for them in any way? The politicians in their zest to appear as saviors for the hunters with the dastardly G.C. wanting more money, are probably just another nail in the coffin in the Pa hunting heritage.
post edited by treesparrow - 2017/01/09 20:57:31
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/09 21:05:05
Big Tuna Who thinks PGC is going a good job. Who thinks PGC is doing a bad job. There's no need for a in depth explanation,just Yea or Nay vote. After the voting is over there's plenty of time for in depth discussion. Nay
Terrible for permitting crossbows in Archery.. Everything else I'm fine with. Need a price increase to help with funding for programs and enforcement...
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/09 23:41:14
NUMBER OF PAID HUNTING LICENSE HOLDERS, LICENSE SALES AND COST TO HUNTERS FISCAL YEAR 1977 State Resident Hunting Non-Resident Total Hunting Licenses, Tags, Hunting Licenses, Licenses, Tags, Gross Cost Paid Hunting Permits and Tags, Permits and Permits and to License Holders l-1 Stamps Issued Stamps Issued Stamps Issued 2/ Hunters Alabama 336,991 398,085 21,129 419,214 Alaska 67,878 71,489 12,114 83,603 Arizona 183,470 311,505 13,406 324,911 Arkansas 347,966 496,991 43,626 540,617 California 584,957 966,676 3,410 970,086 Colorado 298,383 394,828 58,774 453,602 Connecticut 82,534 101,683 869 102,552 Delaware 28,563 25,900 2,663 28,563 Florida 260,566 257,182 3,384 260,566 Georgia 361,449 812,562 21,374 833,936 Hawaii 12,079 12,006 272 12,278 Idaho 217,954 437,676 36,544 474,220 Illinois 486,353 474,820 11,533 486,353 Indiana 436,680 541,402 / 10,354 551,756 Iowa 369,108 481,795 44,953 526,748 Kansas 221,252 216,887 22,073 238,960 Kentucky 323,041 382,087 10,471 392,558 Louisiana 360,142 502,751 13,746 516,497 Maine 214,827 182,740 32,087 214,827 Maryland 193,855 366,458 33,761 400,219 Massachusetts 106,125 187,720 1,606 189,326 'Michigan 921,858 1,263,766 30,273 1,294,039 Minnesota 369,665 562,877 3,303 566,180 Mississippi 339,210 530,355 44,881 575,236 Missouri 487,695 729,801 30,874 760,675 Y ana 204,298 588,846 125,306 714,152 h aska 178,625 319,006 29,322 348,328 Nevada 48,615 69,925 4,800 74,725 New Hampshire 89,126 96,425 14,432 110,857 New Jersey 168,856 251,807 1,770 253,577 New Mexico 149,105 145,740 21,320 167,060 New York 746,171 1,338,788 32,064 1,370,852 North Carolina 378,417 564,592 13,964 578,556 North Dakota 290,992 262,960 28,032 290,992 Ohio 594,737 733,377 3,162 736,539 Oklahoma 267,430 411,177 5,523 416,700 Oregon 328,335 756,035 6,253 762,288 Pennsylvania 1.,281,177 1,856,341 100,450 1,956,791 Rhode Island 15,676 18,111 822 18,933 South Carolina 215,920 253,232 24,503 277,735 South Dakota 127,953 296,404 29,374 325,778 Tennessee 483,539 731,743 24,195 755,938 Texas 845,463' 1,084,455 25,817 1,110,272 Utah 234,442 262,274 14,882 277,156 Vermont 132,789 114,878 44,223 \ 159,101 Virginia 443,741 834,979 68,041 903,020 Washington 330,517 813,943 4,662 818,605 West Virginia 308,130 420,003 53,233 473,236 Wisconsin 702,351 990,857 21,051 1,011,908 Wyoming 207,588 188,189 109,407 297,596 2,043,029.00 2,140,550.00 2,163,087.00 2,651,023.50 6,595,719.00 10,239,276.00 372,331.OO 194,914.95 1,593,318.00 2,559,008.70 92,732.oo 3,836,286.50 1,704,286.50 2,005,720.00 3,310,890.00 2,059,539.00 2,419,999.00 2,732,840.00 3,001,296.50 2,258,204.51 923,420.oo 9,647,088.00 4,803,705.00 2,243,179.25 5,447,597.00 3,725,580.00 1,763,427.00 843,365.OO 1,222,517.75 2,217,544.00 2,103,126.26 7,869,427.25 3,483,?03.00 1,049,023.50 3,880,085.00 2,183,343.75 5,217,983.00 14,885,430.95' 64,783.OO 1,790,320.75 1,704,657.60 5,070,988.74 4,981,272.44 2,892,822.50 1,785,890.00 4,239,094.50 5,351,603.00 2,4?3,044.00 7,683,909.50 7,312,755.50 TOTALS 31 16,386,594 24,114,129 1,314,088 25,428,21? $172,834,738.40
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/09 23:52:54
This might be a little easier to follow. What was the cost ov a adult lice back then 'bout 5 or 6 bucks & no mig. bird stamp needed nor a trapping lice, nor Elk drawlin', nor a extra Turkey tag available, so on &
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 08:26:48
Let's see 1977..... hmmm, what do I recall about hunting the PA. Wilds in 1977???
Unless I am mistaken there was no Antler-Restrictions except for spikes and a three day antlerless deer season, no over sale of antlerless deer tags, no WMUs, No mentored programs, no special muzzle loader season, no special youth gun season etc etc etc.
How about young hunters waiting for and earning "the right of passage", not being spoon fed their wild game only to become disappointed, when they too must hunt in the real Pennsylvania Wilds.
So..... how's them changes been workin out for the PGC?
Oh, did I mention enforcement officers far out numbered the biologist, at one time?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 10:48:59
It might have been a two day doe season. Not sure. Now we have a 5 MONTH DEER SEASON.
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 12:45:59
I believe you are correct Tuna; two days with the PGC extending the season by one day depending on the kill. Or as would be stated today; The "Harvest" was down.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 13:40:15
BeenThereDoneThat. I believe you are correct Tuna; two days with the PGC extending the season by one day depending on the kill. Or as would be stated today; The "Harvest" was down.
1992 was one extension I remember. Most of the Laurel Highlands got 2-3' of snow the last weekend of buck season. Went out with pneumonia on the Saturday extension and got my first doe. Think there were a few others between 1988 and 1997. Seem to recall one where a good chunk of the state was hit with an ice storm on the first day of doe season, and I remember my dad trying to make it up over Laurel Ridge on Rt. 271 pretty unsuccessfully. Don't recall any since I moved back to PA in 2001, but that's about the time HR started in earnest so wasn't really needed by then anyway. I started bow hunting in 1990, at age 16. Weren't there some convoluted rules about using a buck tag for a doe in archery or something, similar to the way a flintlock tag is now? Was archery season bucks only back then? Must be getting old, can't remember the rules back that far with all these changes over the years.
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 14:11:51
Hunting season "back then" was about "hunting". No bullchyt "harvesting" of "trophy racks" or promoting "brown and down" and "kill for the thrill" antics called "hunting". Least not worry about (legalizing crossbows and semi-auto loading rifles) kissing the asz of certain mfg of who advertise in what was once, a regulation booklet.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 15:01:28
I turned 12 in 1998...and never experienced an extension of the 3-day doe season....
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 15:40:33
1966 a law allowing for the extension of "antlerless season" was enacted in cases where inclement weather prevented adequate or desired results. I believe it was 2000 the three day antlerless season was enacted.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/01/10 15:55:19
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 16:02:45
Back in the day one deer period. Archery season buck or doe your back tag. If you shot a archery deer your doe tag wasn't good you where done. Got could send for one tag,your where very lucky to get a tag for any county in the Big woods. There was a lot shaky doings with country treasures. I remember driving to Tionesta and putting my tag in the post office Saturday night and getting it back in the mail Monday morning stamped sold out on the One deer,one fall turkey,one spring turkey,but one h-'ll of a lot of small game,rabbits where everywhere,birds where wild,grouse where plentiful with up down cycles,even had wild covey of quail. I've always ran beagles and I've been a business owner for 42 years, I always had plenty of friends in rabbit I'm kind of anal and keep a hunting journal since I've started hunting. Just to show you the type of rabbit hunting we had 152 kills in one season. That was a total taking out friends not me. I shot on average 30- 59 rabbits a year myself,when I hunting alone I killed about 1/3 of the rabbits my hounds ran,I just love to here them run. I had one little hound that caught 11 rabbits in one season.He'd slither under a bush pile or under a creek bank and come out with a squealing bunny and retrieve it to my hand. I had a lot of fun bunny hunting. Oh the old
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 16:33:40
Today we can't launch a boat without walking through goose poop, are blessed with a great population of Coyotes, the raptors abound and let's not forget, the expansion from a few square miles to hundreds of square miles, our new Elk range.
So with all that, who needs them wascally wabbits anyways?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 16:40:05
I recall hunting with beagles rather fondly. My Dad, brother, and I would have a contest for bragging rights. It was the total number of shots taken for the season divided by the total number of rabbits to give a shots per kill batting average.
I don't know what year it was that the late season after Christmas started, but that was our favorite. We could hunt a swamp that was froze over that could not be hunted during the regular season. There was no place for them hole up, so the dogs kept circling them until someone got it.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
Big Tuna
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 17:58:45
I ran a upper speed dogs. On a scale of 1-10 they ran a 7-8 and where close on the line. The rabbit had two choices hole up or die. The late season was the time to roll. Had priorities to keep a dog fast,close,no trash,hit the brush and listen to me. Although you never have the perfect dog,many many where a hunters dream. A wet fresh 2" snow,sunny temps above freezing after a couple of sub temps.Wow rabbits would roll,you know when they come back carrying the mail and you lead them perfect and they somersault 3or4 times. Fun times. I trade that today and give up deer hunting. Back them deer hunting was second fiddle.
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 19:25:27
I believe it was 2000 the three day antlerless season was enacted.
3 day doe season was at least as early as '92, the year it was extended that I referenced above. I can remember trying in all that snow anyway, despite the near impossibility of getting any distance in it without snow shoes. BT thanks for clearing up the deal with archery doe and buck. Thought it was something like that.
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 19:49:49
I'll certainly stand corrected but I sure can't find where antlerless deer season ran for three consecutive days statewide, before 2000 in PA.
Maybe one of those special regulations like a property owner not permitted to discharge guns in a safety zone on his own property.
I'll continue to research the archives of PA. game laws.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 20:21:28
I might be wrong too but I swear sometime in the 90's doe season was always Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after the last Saturday of buck season. Doe tags were county specific.
Was thinking it was that way for at least some of the years I was in high school. Almost certain while I was in college '93-'97.
I lived outta state from '98-'01 and that's when things really got different in PA.
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 20:45:27
I'm looking neighbor, but I'm on my phone so I'm really limited, to what I can access on some web sights.
You are correct about the time when thing's starting getting stupid. Personally I wish the PGC would have left Gary Alt in the woods crawling around dens studing bear skat.
But that's just me, being me.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 21:59:27
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 22:38:01
Can't pull the first link up........
Second link I can't zoom the print on my stupid phone so I can't see what you are saying.
Stupid phone.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 22:49:40
1995 and '96 doe seasons were three days. First is an article from a PA newspaper. Second is a summary from Field and Stream on PA deer hunting prospects including seasons. Although now that I really have thought about it, I do seem to vaguely recall a one day doe season early in my hunting career, which began in '88. Huh, first link worked on my laptop, but does not work on my iPad.
post edited by rsquared - 2017/01/10 22:52:05
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/10 23:28:04
I'm 65 but I remember in the 80's always taking Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday off work for doe season ... then last few years before it came in the whole season , it came in on last Saturday with last day of buck , then Monday & Tuesday .... anyways we have had to many days for years ... wouldn't mind seeing it go back to just 2 or 3 days ..
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/11 08:55:13
Like I said in an earlier post, I turned 12 in March 1998. Took my HSE with other 5th graders from one our teachers after school. There was none of these 5 y/o Mentored Youths "shooting" bucks, nor stupid antler restrictions or special seasons for Jr and Sr hunters. It was nothing to see a herd of 25-30 running round and round on SGL #45 just like a ball of baitfish dodging orange pumpkins....and you could usually bet a buck or two was the last deer to run past. Parking lot was full of trucks, and the gate was locked off Camp Coffman Rd, so guys had to walk to earn a deer. School gave us off the 1st day of Buck, then we got the 1st day of doe off as well. I can remember sending in and getting a "Clarion County" paper antlerless tag. I think 2001-02 is when the mass changes came....cause it really screwed me over, since 2F and 2D split Clarion County in half via 322. I hunt both sides of the road. Now the school just gives off the opening Monday and Tuesday of general firearms, and I have to carry a sharpie in the field to fill out my greasy yellow plastic tag  , SGL #45 has more gas wells than deer, the gate stays open for the 2-week season, and there is about 1/3 the hunters and they like to sit at the top of the ridge and make campfires, while I walk down into the creek valley, and after confirming that brown thingy is actually a deer..I then have to count for points
post edited by psu_fish - 2017/01/11 08:56:51
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/11 09:50:03
psu fish, Have you noticed how many Coyote are roaming around G.L. #45. There are definitely less deer than 10 years ago. Still some nice bucks back in there but fewer.
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/11 10:32:19
I heard SGL45 was now the outskirts of Pithole City because of the oil and gas wells.
PSU you think you got screwed by the WMUs in Clarion County look at Venango. We got @aped 10-4? PGC said type of available feed was different in them four sections of der county.... Yah? lmao!!!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/11 11:06:36
I started hunting in the mid 60s I don't remember all these rules!
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/11 14:56:25
I have seen 2 coyotes on SGL #45 in rifle season over the years, and pretty sure I saw a flash of a 3rd one. Once you get in the valley and further back in, there is a lot of boulders that would make for some great dens to burrow under and raise pups. I have walked way in and used my FoxPro to try to call em, but never coaxed one to the call. Use to be a ton of turkey scratching along the ridge too. BTDT...where you at in Venango? North/South/East/West? I work in the county...and travel all over..other than the S/SW section that's been mined....its all about the same.
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Re: PGC future?
2017/01/17 10:24:46
OK, so the big meeting with the PGC is the 27th, correct? How come there is STILL nothing published on the PGC website as far as outline/itinerary?