PGC future?

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2016/12/17 08:27:58 (permalink)

PGC future?

 Who thinks PGC is going a good job. Who thinks PGC is doing a bad job. There's no need for a in depth explanation,just Yea or Nay vote. After the voting is over there's plenty of time for in depth discussion.

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 08:42:03 (permalink)
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 08:42:40 (permalink)
    Neutral. There is a lot I like and some I don't like. Overall, I support them. 

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 09:39:31 (permalink)
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 12:02:06 (permalink)
    My New Year Resolution; if I can't say something nice, I shan't say anything atall!

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 14:35:03 (permalink)
    barely acceptable
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 15:24:00 (permalink)
    Over all not real happy with them ....

    Walleye jigs
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 17:21:42 (permalink)
    B.T. you know you're not going to keep that resolution so go ahead and get it off your chest, it's bad to hold things in, so they tell me.
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/17 20:00:44 (permalink)
    OK Jigs but you gotta keep this under your hat and besides it ain't the new year yet.

    I think the PGC is [Awl Snap 😩internet connection lost]

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 03:03:14 (permalink)

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 07:04:39 (permalink)
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 10:25:04 (permalink)
    Gee, there seems to be some unhappiness with the PGC.

    Imagine that!!!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 12:06:15 (permalink)
    Is it too early yet to start a discussion, lol? 

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 13:20:55 (permalink)
    Go for it dpms!
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 14:04:29 (permalink)
    Seems to be many negative opinions. Lets explore them some. What are they for those with overall negative views?

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 16:33:25 (permalink)
    I think deer management has been the biggest sore spot with hunters since AR/HR began.

    Locally/isolated areas I hunt in 2D seem to be rebounding since we went to the split season. Don't hunt 2B as much the past two or three years but same there since the month and a half gun season for does has been eliminated outside of Allegheny.

    The financial crunch they're facing makes a lot tough for them. Pensions and retirement benes are killing them. No license fee increase with huge decline in hunting numbers. Cuts to the pheasant program are tough but understandable given the circumstances.

    Don't hunt game lands or state land much other than a few times a year for pheasants, so not really qualified to speak to management there, though I can certainly understand hunter outrage with fees for game lands usage that are being talked about.

    For the past 10 years it's been mostly deer and waterfowl for me, and PGC has very little to do with waterfowl other than setting seasons. In the south zone seasons are pretty much the same from year to year though this year duck season is a little later.

    So overall pretty satisfied personally but I can understand why many are not.
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/18 19:49:24 (permalink)
    I think deer management has been the biggest sore spot with hunters since AR/HR began.

    I agree.  

    Locally/isolated areas I hunt in 2D seem to be rebounding since we went to the split season. Don't hunt 2B as much the past two or three years but same there since the month and a half gun season for does has been eliminated outside of Allegheny.

    Deer numbers are rebounding for sure. The lack of hunting pressure, going back to the split, and decreasing hunter numbers are certainly  helping the deer numbers.

    The financial crunch they're facing makes a lot tough for them. Pensions and retirement benes are killing them. No license fee increase with huge decline in hunting numbers.

    The pension issue is crippling the state and the general assembly refuses to address it. That is why I am at the point where I cannot support any tax increase or any fee increase(yes that includes hunting licenses) until the unsustainable pension issue is resolved by the legislature. The majority of any license increase will go directly to the broken pension system. Something I cannot support. 
    Cuts to the pheasant program are tough but understandable given the circumstances.

    Interesting this is that there has been talk of a pheasant stamp for years, which needs legislative approval. Turns out the PGC always had the ability to create a "pheasant hunting permit" and set the fee for it on their own. They are only now talking about. After years telling everyone they need revenue, knowing that the pheasant program was a financial drain, they never considered the permit till now.  

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 00:51:19 (permalink)
    Seems to be many negative opinions. Lets explore them some. What are they for those with overall negative views?

    I hunt in where the numbers of deer there use to be when I started seeing almost 12-20 deer was pretty common lucky to see 2-4 tops. AR sucks since it was passed.. I hunt for food not a hat rake for bragging rights.

    People abuse that mentor deer hunting. Needs to go back to 12yos at least for big game.

    Cant complain about small game/trapping though as those critters kinda exploded back up in population as deer and turkey are about the only thing people here hunt.

    Pheasant program is a waste. I seen more crushed on the road then I flushed out. If they wanna make more money up the general license, add a pheasant stamp, and a State Game Lands stamp. Yea its all turning to pay to play but everything else is...I do pretty well at trapping so i usually end up in the green after a season.
    post edited by Mountian Man - 2016/12/19 01:00:33

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 07:00:21 (permalink)
    no big increases r needed. deer numbers need to come back some more to promote the sport and keep hunters..... also if there having pension issues do like most of us have to go to  a 401k let them contribute there money for a change. then a match. maybe save a few bucks no pun intended. over all im on a fine line.
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 08:16:27 (permalink)
    Mountian Man

    People abuse that mentor deer hunting. Needs to go back to 12yos at least for big game.

    People abuse the regulations in most seasons. The highest level of abuse and violations occurs in general firearms seasons by adults.  As is the case with all season, lets not let a few bad apples spoil a great program.
    Not saying this is the case with you, but many oppose the MY program cause deer numbers are lower. Connect the dots on the relationship between the two.
    The Mentored Youth program had been proven safe and has provided many great experiences for those that participate. The harvest by MY is minimal.

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 08:49:59 (permalink)
    1). The WMU cutoffs are stupid. 322 splits 2D and 2F, so I can shoot a 6 point on the north side of 322 (2F).  But if said deer crosses the road, it magically becomes a non-legal deer, since it will not have meet the "3-up" rule.
    Bobcat is open in 2F, but not 2D. SGL #45 is split by 322. So if a bobcat crosses the road to the south, I cannot trap him, but he takes 20 steps across the road, fair game.
    Northern 2D is vastly different than southern 2D which is Suburban Pittsburgh. The old county doe tag system was better. Make smaller WMUs
    2) The HR/AR has ruined it for many hunters. Kids don't want to hunt when they see 2 deer in a 2 week season. And then they have the nerve to blame it on video games, Facebook, etc. When I was 12, I couldn't wait to go hunting, cause we would see a pile of deer.
    3) Drilling a ton of wells on SGL #45, then wanting to add a User Fee to the ones that actually fund the agency.
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 09:28:39 (permalink)
    2) The HR/AR has ruined it for many hunters. Kids don't want to hunt when they see 2 deer in a 2 week season. And then they have the nerve to blame it on video games, Facebook, etc. When I was 12, I couldn't wait to go hunting, cause we would see a pile of deer.

    Certainly part of the reason for the decline in deer hunter numbers.
    Another thing to consider is that while deer numbers are gaining in many places again, sightings in deer season are not. The perception of many is that if they see less in rifle season, there are less deer. Without pressure, deer travel very little during the winter months and bed close to feed. As hunter numbers keep decreasing, we will see less deer during rifle season, even if deer numbers are good.
    Case in point. First day of deer season in 2A, our group of 3 hunters saw 6 deer. Second day our group of 3 hunters saw 4 deer. First Saturday of deer season, the farms up the road had some driving pressure, our group of 3 hunters saw over 35 deer.

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 09:29:46 (permalink)
    Talk of a $25 Pheasant license which seems a bit high. Lets lose some more licensed hunters. They should have tried $10 as max long ago. 
    Years ago with more hunters and most on the ground not in trees and deer stands the deer were on the move. Plus the old made in Japan insulated (not) boots guaranteed you didn't stay still very long.
    Areas I hunt have a much higher buck to doe ratio than when I was a kid, and I am 65. One year I saw over 150 deer and not one horn.
    post edited by treesparrow - 2016/12/19 09:38:50
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 09:38:18 (permalink)
    One of the negatives for me is I believe the PGC overprotects certain predators. We now have almost  twice as many bears in this state as we did when the PGC said 10,000 was a population goal. Every year, the PGC says we should have a record harvest. We don't and the populations grows again. We now have resident bear populations in areas they never where and never should be. As prey species decrease, predators become more of a controlling factor and the need for hunting decreases. Antihunter orgs have been pressuring game agencies to protect predators and/or reintroduce them for that reason. 
    Fisher populations have exploded statewide and the PGC has been slow to increase opportunities. Fishers are hell on nesting ground birds and our turkey and grouse populations are decreasing.

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 09:41:46 (permalink)
    Talk of a $25 Pheasant license which seems a bit high. Lets lose some more licensed hunters. They should have tried $10 as max long ago. 

    I agree. If the PGC has the authority to do it, which they do, they should have created a $10 permit years ago for pheasants. Implementing one now, at a price that is relatively high, will cause some to hang it up. We know a significant number of hunters are buying licenses in this state that do not deer hunt.
    I support a pheasant permit, but the cost should be marginal to keep those that just hunt small game in the game.  

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 10:09:02 (permalink)
    There is no path for the PGC to stay viable and independent. They keep shrinking the base with ever-changing deer management policies, and now proposing to hammer whose are left with user fees and stamps.
    I also do not understand why people automatically think PGC will merge into DCNR. PFBC and PGC can merge, and leave DCNR out of it.
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 10:15:26 (permalink)
    I also do not understand why people automatically think PGC will merge into DCNR. PFBC and PGC can merge, and leave DCNR out of it.

    Yep. I fully support a PFBC and PGC merger if DCNR is kept out of it.

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 10:38:33 (permalink)
    Mountian Man

    People abuse that mentor deer hunting. Needs to go back to 12yos at least for big game.

    People abuse the regulations in most seasons. The highest level of abuse and violations occurs in general firearms seasons by adults.  As is the case with all season, lets not let a few bad apples spoil a great program. Not saying this is the case with you, but many oppose the MY program cause deer numbers are lower. Connect the dots on the relationship between the two. The Mentored Youth program had been proven safe and has provided many great experiences for those that participate. The harvest by MY is minimal.

    Yea I find it hard to believe these 4-6 year olds are really shooting a rifle at a buck.

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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 10:52:33 (permalink)
    Sorry for the long read.
    I'm a couple posts behind, but I would ask you to temper your anger at the PGC(PFBC, State Police, Teachers, etc) and focus it where it belongs, with those who created the problem.  The state has underfunded the state retirement systems by using investment returns to fund their contributions; at times, they were actually paying in less that 1% of the 6.5%(or more) they should have been paying.  While this isn't a bad thing per se, they saw this coming in 2001(and possibly before) and yet the only action they took exacerbated the problem.  I agree, we are stuck with the problem and a fix needs to be implemented, but I believe we need to push for a permanent fix and stay away from the band-aids which the legislators passed and got us here!
    Here are some relevant facts.  BTW, all of this came AFTER they had increased the multipliers for retirement by 25-50%.  Anyone wanna guess who got the 50% increase?  The legislators.

    • In 1999, SERS & PSERS were funded at more than 100%. Riding the crest of record investment returns in the 1990s, legislators passed Act 9 in May 2001. It raised the “multiplier” used to calculate individual pensions from 2% to 2.5% and 3% for legislators and judges and cut the vesting period from 10 years to 5. Act 9 made pensions bigger and more people eligible and were to be paid for by higher member contributions.
    • After 9/11, legislators realized that with investments in a nosedive, the state and school districts would have to increase pension contributions to meet Act 9 obligations.  To keep employer contributions from spiking, legislators passed Act 38 of 2002 to limit increases in their contributions to 3.77%, instead of the 9% needed to keep pension funds financially sound. They also gave retirees who had not benefited from the increase in the multiplier a much-needed but unfunded cost-of-living increase.
     • As pension funding-ratios continued their slide, the legislature passed Act 40, which again suppressed employer contribution rates and shorted pension funds by nearly $6 billion over the next five years. Some years, school districts and the state contributed nothing.
     • Throughout this period, PSERS and SERS members made their full contributions (5.25% to 7.5% of their salaries) every paycheck, every year.
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    Re: PGC future? 2016/12/19 11:40:42 (permalink)
    Mountian Man
    Yea I find it hard to believe these 4-6 year olds are really shooting a rifle at a buck.

    It's really not as hard to help a kid shoot a deer as many imagine it to be.  Sitting in a 2 man ladder stand with a railing or a ground blind with shooting sticks makes it very practical for young kids to be able to kill a deer.  
    A .243 in a youth size/model is low recoil and lightweight.  Start 'em out on a bench and progress to shooting sticks, with a little assistance in the hold.  
    I didn't start my oldest son on the mentored tag till he was 8, but several of his friends; my daughter's friends; and my youngest son's friends started at age 5 or 6 with a crossbow and/or .243 and killed deer.  
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