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Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
seemed to have generated a stir recently over reports Is there a general consensus on what should or shouldn't be posted in a report? (either "Ohfishal" or just "generally understood" ) me personally, I'd filter ban all of the minor creek names and limit major creek locations to upper and lower Before or after the braggin', whining and sharing parts.. It'd be nice if all folks would give a summary of creek conditions The impo'tent stuff like color, volume/flow, trees down, leaves off and/or when/if washed out or into holes . what do you guys (that includes the wimmin folk too) think would be proper report guide lines (if any) ?? I wonder if there is a general conscious your thoughts welcome ..L.T.A.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 17:09:44
fishusa has a spot burn "policy," that if actually enforced on the reports pages and on here pretty much falls under your guidelines. think a lot of folks think the concern is about keeping honey holes secret so as to hoard fish, but as you and others who have been around the steelhead game awhile well know, the concern is about losing access when hordes descend on a hole on private property and do what hordes do on the erie tribs - litter, drop their waders for relief, destroy property, and generally act like yard apes cause they "paid for dem stillees." if/when pa anglers are ever relegated to feeshin ONLY truly public water, or water open to the public under official easements, someday they'll see it really wasn't worth bragging bout how many they caught in xyz hole, when xyz hole is on privately owned property. someday when east end angler has to shut down his business because there's no access over there, he'll see that it really wasn't worth naming east side tribs and holes on those tribs. lots of guys do it right on here, and on social media. enough don't to make it a concern for all interested parties. i couldn't care less if my favorite spots on the tribs got fished out, but i'd be pretty bummed if some of 'em got shut down 'cause of slobs.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 17:13:08
All it should be is general stream conditions. Not i caught so many at this hole on this fly/bait an adding more pressure to already pressured fish in ditches. Tons of people just want spoonfed and use the reports page in such a way.
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 18:43:10
genieman77 seemed to have generated a stir recently over reports Is there a general consensus on what should or shouldn't be posted in a report?(either "Ohfishal" or just "generally understood" ) me personally, I'd filter ban all of the minor creek namesand limit major creek locations to upper and lower Before or after the braggin', whining and sharing parts..It'd be nice if all folks would give a summary of creek conditionsThe impo'tent stuff like color, volume/flow, trees down, leaves off and/or when/if washed out or into holes . what do you guys (that includes the wimmin folk too) think would be proper report guide lines (if any) ?? I wonder if there is a general conscious your thoughts welcome ..L.T.A.
I caught fish on Elk Today. Water was stained and medium flow. Would have caught more, but crazy elderly gentleman kept running long drifts disrupting everyone's fishing.. That would be fine
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 20:25:30
Brad_porter77 Wtf do you guys care... It's just a ****ing fish... No wonder nobody posts on fisherie anymore. You want to catch fish and have the stream to yourself? Go out when it's winter. Since everyone on these forums wAnts the streams to themselves. Without people fishing the stocking of smolts would end.
Very little of it has to do with having the stream to myself or a load of fish in a bathtub. It has very much to do with future access to privately owned stream sections, which is a huge percentage of where people fish in Erie. Couldn't care less if people say Walnut access, Trout Run or Elk access was on fire. Almost all access to East side streams and many places on Elk and Walnut could be gone tomorrow. Access to many areas currently open on different cricks has been tenuous at best.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 20:55:58
When you post specific spots and x fish caught... and then you complain about people shoulder to shoulder... People keeping fish... Well, that is what you get with reports. Everyone reads those nowadays. So Saying Water stained, several hookups on Upper / Lower / Middle elk. Not the usual... Caught 12 out of 18 fish at Elk on This road, near a tree in the water. Lots of fish there!
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 21:06:47
They should enforce their own "Spot Burning" policy for the reports page.. Used to see reports for upper 20 Mile (private land) on there that just should not have been.. We lost that piece of water.. Hate to say it but one of the reasons I don't post alot of pics anymore.. It's not beacuse of the 100 members who could be on. But sometimes there are a couple thousand lurkers and some of them can surely recognize where you are. Next day the parking lot is full..
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 21:10:25
Mountian Man
Brad_porter77 Wtf do you guys care... It's just a ****ing fish... No wonder nobody posts on fisherie anymore. You want to catch fish and have the stream to yourself? Go out when it's winter. Since everyone on these forums wAnts the streams to themselves. Without people fishing the stocking of smolts would end.
Why do you care that we care? Don't read the message forums. Pretty simple. You seem like you have some inner issues? Possible Gender mistake after you were born? Please seek help
You have a big mouth don't you? it's kinda hard to ignore when you creeps complain about ****ing reports everyday. Get new comebacks Indiana slob
Lmao.. Yeah, has to be a gender issue. No man gets that excited about a message forum.. Good luck with your choice, whatever you chose FishUsa will support you..
Hey Bob i get a tingly feeling when i log on lmao
It must be tough for Brad. Hopefully things turn around for him..
Did you just assume my gender..
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 21:12:35
bingsbaits They should enforce their own "Spot Burning" policy for the reports page.. Used to see reports for upper 20 Mile (private land) on there that just should not have been.. We lost that piece of water.. Hate to say it but one of the reasons I don't post alot of pics anymore.. It's not beacuse of the 100 members who could be on. But sometimes there are a couple thousand lurkers and some of them can surely recognize where you are. Next day the parking lot is full..
Hey bing duUD when you wanna go for karpaz? :)
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/12 21:43:42
Kind of late for criticizing spot burning spots on Erie tribs now days. This should have been a policy about 10 years ago ! Not really much to hide in my opinion, one only has to look for a stack of cars and come back early the next day, or later that evening. Secret holes ? On Erie ? LOL.....Once again maybe 10 years ago ! They're a secret because us old timers ain't fishing them anymore! But you should remember, good fishing spots are rare, so be careful who you chirp to !
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 04:45:25
Here's the thing. Spot burning or not on here. A few years ago I went to a "secret spot" with a buddy. he had me shut my phone off as to not save it on my GPS. No cars when we go there. 1 hour later 15 guys. So really no spot is secret. Not a month ago I was at a well known spot people everywhere 40 yards above and 4o yards below. people walking past me looking not seeing any fish they keep walking I caught 5 out of that run. My point I'm not sure it really matters if you spot burn or not people fish where people fish.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 08:11:02
It's VERY SIMPLE: location discussed on the Internet...more people aware of it, crowds flock to location. That's no good! R squared summed it up well. Brad porter don't git yer panties in a bunch, just don't post specifics, there's NO NEED!!!
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 09:55:30
Date, stream name, conditions, fish caught, flies used. Or, if you're uncomfortable with saying the stream name, just say "west" or "east side" tributaries.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 11:14:08
Here's what I personally view as a good report, in my opinion of course... Stream name options include: "Elk", "Walnut", "small west side creek"(to include anywhere on Walnut above the Manchester waterfall), and "east side creek". No more specific than those options......unless there's a notable piece of important announcement-type info, like a massive tree down blocking the parking lot at ABC Rd. on upper Elk, all the fish got netted at 3 Mile Creek, etc. "Good day of fishing. Conditions started out perfect with a great flow and nice green stained water, but slowly cleared up as the day went on. Should still be nice tomorrow before things get too low again. Got into a nice group of fresher fish this morning that were pretty active, and then later on found a handful of older fish spread out farther up. Got a few of the more active fish to eat streamers but with the cooler water dead drifting egg imitations in the deeper areas seemed to be the ticket. There's a good amount of fish around if you're willing to do a little walking, and drive around if a certain section isn't producing much. But there's fish around" As opposed to..... "Epically amazing day bruh went 18 for 37 at XYZ Hole on middle Elk they were crushing neon purple jigs and single eggs got our limits in 30min so much chrome around. Then we hit up upper Elk and wacked a bunch of older fish not many people up there go get em lots of fish just have to walk a bit from the parking lot. Next day 4 Mile was PRIME everyone was hooking up left and right." Yeah, there aren't any secrets up there, but if the fishing is better in one section as opposed to another, and people post glowing reports about it, you bet some of the people reading those reports will go there.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 11:25:07
troutguy Here's what I personally view as a good report, in my opinion of course...Stream name options include: "Elk", "Walnut", "small west side creek"(to include anywhere on Walnut above the Manchester waterfall), and "east side creek". No more specific than those options......unless there's a notable piece of important announcement-type info, like a massive tree down blocking the parking lot at ABC Rd. on upper Elk, all the fish got netted at 3 Mile Creek, etc. "Good day of fishing. Conditions started out perfect with a great flow and nice green stained water, but slowly cleared up as the day went on. Should still be nice tomorrow before things get too low again. Got into a nice group of fresher fish this morning that were pretty active, and then later on found a handful of older fish spread out farther up. Got a few of the more active fish to eat streamers but with the cooler water dead drifting egg imitations in the deeper areas seemed to be the ticket. There's a good amount of fish around if you're willing to do a little walking, and drive around if a certain section isn't producing much. But there's fish around" As opposed to..... "Epically amazing day bruh went 18 for 37 at XYZ Hole on middle Elk they were crushing neon purple jigs and single eggs got our limits in 30min so much chrome around. Then we hit up upper Elk and wacked a bunch of older fish not many people up there go get em lots of fish just have to walk a bit from the parking lot. Next day 4 Mile was PRIME everyone was hooking up left and right." Yeah, there aren't any secrets up there, but if the fishing is better in one section as opposed to another, and people post glowing reports about it, you bet some of the people reading those reports will go there.
Bigger question.. Why even post a report?? What is the purpose..
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 11:30:11
To give someone who may want to fish on a particular day some information to start out with.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 11:32:28
johnthefisherman To give someone who may want to fish on a particular day some information to start out with.
Teach them how to read the stream gauge. That all anyone needs to fish. Steelhead fishing isn't rocket science. Jeez, 75% of walnut water doesn't hold fish. There are no secret spots. Every inch of water has been walked by thousands of every trib. Most guys have little clue how to catch these fish, they just ruin it for the ones who do.
post edited by Indiana_Bob - 2016/12/13 11:43:11
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 11:44:07
I cant give a response my posts keep getting deleted lol
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 11:55:37
fishfashfush I cant give a response my posts keep getting deleted lol
Lol... Keep posting. It's the thought that counts. Maybe they made Bradlina a moderator??
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 12:07:39
Yeah, if you know what you're don't need reports. Do they help, sure, but if you know how to read the gauges, rainfall, temps, yada yada, don't need a report to catch steakheads. They're helpful for people that don't have the means to get out and spend time to learn the ins and outs, because of their schedules.....whatever. Gives them a starting idea of the situation instead of going in completely blind. But if you're experienced you don't need to rely on reports. Heck, sometimes reports give you an idea of where NOT to go if the spot got burned so bad. I do enjoy reading about other peoples' times on the water. Even if it's a place I will never fish in my lifetime.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 12:11:47
Leave the reports short n sweet. Had a good day 11/23 on an eastern trib lots of fish etc.
Then inquire and settle fine details through pm's if someone is curious enough or needs help then pm the report poster, im sure they will give you helpful tips.
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 14:05:48
If ya wanna post reports within those guidelines, post, if you're afraid that posting a report is going to bring 1000 guys to purposely ruin your fishing, don't. Freewill.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 16:43:48
johnthefisherman post, if you're afraid that posting a report is going to bring 1000 guys to purposely ruin your fishing, don't. Freewill.
The guys making the "eyebrow raising" reports aren't the steelheadding "regulars" The regulars know the score and how to post a good report (unless they're toopid rookies or two year wonders) It's the non regulars that don't know better ..and they won't be back the next day and maybe not back til next season. They don't know what can and does happen when they innocently share their exuberance and places (like Redman did) They simply don't know what they don't know . Being pr1cks about it doesn't educate anyone I don't know if they're are guidelines established by the owner(s) It's THEIR call you know ,as this is a for profit business and we're guests in their establishment. But if there are guidelines, might be a good idea to add it to the Reports Page FYI..(for the few that read and follow it) Posters expecting to be spoon fed is one thing...'ell I'll keyboard pistol whip those cueballs But innocent posting/questions by those that don't know better, it better handled by INFORMING them. if they act a foo after they were informed (in A non PR1CK fasion) ...Game's on..munch lunch ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2016/12/13 16:45:17
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 17:07:29
the world is full of bastards... the number rapidly increasing the further one gets from missoula montana. erie is purty darned far from missoula
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 19:15:11
genieman77 I don't know if they're are guidelines established by the owner(s) It's THEIR call you know ,as this is a for profit business and we're guests in their establishment. But if there are guidelines, might be a good idea to add it to the Reports Page FYI..(for the few that read and follow it)
Buried in the Acceptable Use Policy at the bottom of the home page under things that are prohibited: - Mentioning specific fishing locations on private property which may cause increases in angler traffic (a/k/a "spot burning").
Pretty straight forward. Most spots in Erie that hold steelhead shouldn't be mentioned, as there's very little truly, fully public property. Seems to be some challenges with a lot of fishermen with comprehending the difference between privately owned but still open to fishing and publicly owned. Not enforced with any regularity or consistency on the reports pages over the years, but then again about 1/3 of the stuff on their list of no-no's isn't really enforced anymore either. Unless something is called to the attention of an admin.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/13 22:53:48
Here's another way to look at reports, do you actually believe them ? I never did! Could care less what somebody said or reported as far as fish numbers caught and where. I knew where to go at a certain time of year or at least start. I guess nobody ever writes a false juicy reports just for kicks to get some suckers going the wrong direction. Experienced guys should care less , today with cell phones your secret spot is only a call away ! Try and stop that creek to creek communication .
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/14 08:35:33
Around 1990 in the summer Erie Times had a photo and story of a guy with 5 walleye, The way it was worded he had caught them from the wall at Walnut Creek access. In the photo you could see the bottom bouncers on his rods,so I took a ride down there the next day just to see if anyone was misled by this. People were lined up down the lower wall waiting for the fish to turn on.
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/14 09:24:39
Got to love that Sucker fishing !
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/14 09:32:49
build it and they will come
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Re: Welp....what should a report's page report be'like ??
2016/12/14 09:33:49
Lol suckers as in fish? Or suckers as in people that believe everything they read in reports and flock to the spot immediately ... because you know steelhead don't move and water conditions don't change..right?
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em