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Musky on the Mon.
At our monthly sportsmans club meeting last nite a young guy invited me to go for Musky with him to-day. After I picked my jaw off of the floor I asked him what I have ever done to him to suffer like that.He then proceded to tell me that the Musky were on fire the past 10 days & that he & a buddy got a lot of them including 5 that were over 40" & the rest shorter. I can't imagine how they could stand to be on the water in a boat in weather like this.Maybe 30 yrs ago I would have gone ,but those days are long gone. sam
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/10 18:16:57
I wouldn't mind being on a boat in cold temps, although pretty much like going through ice if you were to fall in. Layer and you are fine if not falling in... I've waded in these temps and toes end up going numb, but if you keep your core warm, it isn't bad. Obviously, I'm not doing it, unless I know there is a good chance at great fishing.
That said, I'd be concerned about the water getting in my motor, freezing and cracking something. 20 degrees, and trailering, has to freeze that water solid. I get nervous about taking my boat out, when it is under freezing at night (storing outside).
What do you guys that boat cold water do, to avoid engine issues?
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/10 20:14:45
Coldest I've been out with the boat is 28 degrees. I'd like to get out right now, but 20 is just too cold for this old guy, 'specially when the high is only gonna be 30. Right now, the Allegheny is up at least 2 feet, and that causes a current problem for my type of fishin'. And, there's skim ice at the ramp in Freeport; I just checked this afternoon. When I come out of the water, I park on the incline of the ramp, (let's face it, there's nobody waitin' in this kind of weather), and trim the motor down right tight to the transom, and most all that water drains out. Then I just fire the motor for 2 or 3 seconds, power tilt 'er back up, and put the toter bar on, and go home. Never had a problem yet.
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/10 21:40:29
Mitch Do you store indoors? good idea ruining it dry to help evaporate.
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/10 22:01:02
emitch, If my feeble memory serves me right,that PF&BC ramp is a tad steep & might be hazardous leaving it parked on the ramp while loading in icy weather. sam
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/11 08:21:24
The Fish Commission ramp on Buffalo Creek is pretty steep, but I have a 4WD 4 door Ram with an 8' bed, a pretty long combination, so the truck is off the cement and up on the gravel and I don't have to worry about ice. Cowanshannok Creek up on pool #7 is a bit more troublesome as it is blacktopped right into the water, but I seem to be the only one using these ramps in this kind of weather and so it has mostly dried by the time I'm ready to trailer out. I trim all the way up to get the boat out of the water; most of the water in the motor runs out the lower ports, but there could be water left in the power head, which is why I trim back down. Any residual water drains down the tube back to the pump, then I fire the motor. I barely let it start before shutting off. I'll see a few spits of water then smoke (two stroke) out of the upper exhaust port, (through the hub exhaust), then I trim back up. You can leave the motor down while tying down, and that should let most all the water out unless it's so friggin' cold that it freezes in place before you do these operations, (if it's that cold, I wouldn't be out there), but I leave my motor up and on the toter bar always; that way the chrome power trim cylinders are inside their casings and not exposed to weather. This boat/motor combo set outside for 17 years without ever moving, (boat/motor/trailer bought new in '88), 'til I began a full boat rebuild in 2013. Never touched the motor until the boat was done, and with the addition of a couple of electronic pieces on the motor, the Classic 50 fired and ran immediately. I still store the boat outside, and I don't worry about it. When I get to the river, I pump the ball a couple of times, hit the electric choke, and she's runnin'!
post edited by EMitch - 2016/12/11 08:28:03
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/11 20:19:14
Biggest danger is falling in, you don't have much time. They have special Life Jackets for cold weather that could save your life. I've fished in 15 degree temps from boats, it's just not worth it. Young and dumb ! We caught fish too !    We were crazy ! Would not suggest trying this no matter how good the fishing is!
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/12 09:18:32
Captain, I'm not sure if I would shore fish in that water, knowing that I would slam fish... EMitch, Thanks for the advice. I've opted for wading a few times, due to fear of messing up my motor. This should extend my season a few trips! Thank you!!!
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/12 11:50:41
If you plan on fishing in that cold water look into mustang survival suits. MS2175 is a popular model. Expensive, but it keeps you super warm and could save your life if things go wrong. As for outboards we usually just trim ours completely down one you pull the boat and you can see all the water drain out.
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/12 17:31:05
Captain Hook, that looks like the Rainbow Bridge in the background of the 3rd pic. I'll say one thing. You've got cajones!!   Tell ya a little story. April in 2015, I'm down on the river by 4:00PM, fishin', and waitin' for my two boys and grand daughter to come down with my oldest boy's boat, whereupon my youngest was gonna get in with me and we'd fish 'til dark. I made 3 drifts down the river by the Freeport bridge piers and figured I could make one more drift before heading up the Creek to the ramp to meet them. Tied on a fresh Blakemore with fathead, punched the throttle wide open headin' up the river. Disaster struck! 30 mph, the tiller handle slipped out of my hand, the tiller swung all the way to the left, and the boat turned so violently that the stern went down under water and the bow was sky high. I flew out of the seat, cracked my right leg into the power T&T switch, and my left leg hit the undeployed electric trolling motor, (broke the Minn Kota mount, but that motor saved my life). I was on my way over the side of the boat, and I threw the rod & reel into the river to grasp the gunwhale. Being still in a hard right hand turn, the engine hadn't recovered yet from it's dunking, and I slapped hard at the twist grip to shut it down as I was falling backwards into the boat. Minnow bucket was upset and I sat on the floor for a few seconds to collect myself. I'm tellin' y'all right now, that was the closest I've ever came to committin' unintentional suicide. TALK ABOUT #4 PUCKER FACTOR!!! I to this day think about that every time I go out. Couldn't imagine being in 45 degree water with my boat running around me in circles at full speed. BTW, I now have a new kill switch lanyard.  I'm not tellin' ya this to prove how stupid I am, (or was). Just remember, ****e happens, and it can happen to anybody at anytime. I make sure I have a death grip on that throttle handle now, even to the point of havin' a blister in the web of my left hand between thumb and fingers after a days fishin'.
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/14 19:42:50
Mitch , that's the Peace Bridge last one across Niagara. All trucks must use that one. I've fished the shoreline right under it on NY side. Crazy story but I can relate with you. Your right on things going wrong in a boat fast. Had an older 33 HP outboard on a boat that the throttle stuck wide open right near the dock, almost plowed right into the dock wide open ! Just got lucky and killed it just in time. Pork , your right that was crazy. Sometimes when you travel a long way , make all your plans , and don't get much time off from working, you can make some bad decisions ! Lucky this trip had a good ending ,but as I look back way brother ! There's our launch ahead, just have to plow through all this ice to get there ....we did !   This is what can go wrong. We left that morning and the launch was ice free. As the day went on all the ice in the upper river broke free and settled along the shoreline down river while we were out in the lake. These pics (above photos in other post) are two different trips during the Spring. Ever try getting a boat back on a trailer with ice pushed in tight at the dock.......yea it took forever ! LOL....crazy!
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/12/14 20:15:57
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/14 22:11:12
Brock those are some crazy pics with all that ice but I probably would have been on there just like you were in my younger days. I remember being out on the ice very last ice on a warm day in march years ago. We were loosing ice really fast even saw someone go through a couple hundred yards away Do you think we were smart enough to leave no way luckily no body else went through
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/15 21:41:30
Done that hook! Wild stuff up there, totally diiferent fishing! But theres always fish there and not sure I would like to try and catch them now. But what a blast! Even if you don't want to deal with the ice, you need to fish the Niagara and the bar. It is probably the most intense fishing you will get on the G-Lakes and then to do it with the ice...... Loved it man!!!! Only place we tried shore fishing was at "ART Park" and only 2' from shore. You think current is ripping in a boat, 2' was enough for us. Great place and the water levels at the dams is somthing I doubt you'll see anywhere else on the planet. Thanks for sharing Smitty
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/21 14:01:53
Fishing in the winter is fun........til you have to touch the fish. It was -10 when we left the house and -4 when we launched. Guy's boats that fished the day before were frozen to the trailer, unless you had a roller trailer.  
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/21 16:20:36
You guys are crazy. That's a ton of ice. What kind of damage do those mini-bergs do to a prop?
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/21 18:15:17
D-nymph You guys are crazy. That's a ton of ice. What kind of damage do those mini-bergs do to a prop?
None at all, as long as you're running stainless.
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/22 13:34:00
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/26 21:20:44
Don't need rollers if you have the plastic. Great time and place. Want to do it some more..... Smitty
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/27 09:11:19
That looks TERRIFYING. I am trying to imagine how it even works. Do you fish around the ice?
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2016/12/29 15:15:43
tippecanoe Do you fish around the ice?
Yep. Around and in between the chunks.
post edited by Trout About - 2016/12/29 18:18:34
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2017/01/01 10:34:02
We found out when the river was that slushy you where better off not fishing it. Just too much trouble trying to maintain your line in the water proper with all that ice interfering in the flow. Shore fishing especially is about a waste of time in heavy slush ice conditions, also those conditions are the most dangerous and treacherous for fishing! Sometimes common sense should kick in over desire ! Yea we were guilty too, would never try or do it again in those conditions ! Just wait till ice flows are mostly gone then hit the river, the fish will still be there.
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2017/01/01 10:41:44
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2017/01/08 16:27:52
Nice pics guys sure brings back memories..i got stuck in one of those ice floes for a while once...a backyard sized one I tried driving through while amazing rush..back and forth for 15 min to get out...I fished opening day of lake trout in New York on the Niagara for almost 20 years...coldest was -15 air temp, I lasted 3 hours and the boat was ready to sink from ice build up, my coffee froze solid in 15 min while getting dressed in the boat no ****
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2017/01/08 16:29:49
And the boat floats off a bunk trailer if you give it 10 min in the water
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Re: Musky on the Mon.
2017/01/10 12:47:09
Meatball And the boat floats off a bunk trailer if you give it 10 min in the water
Yinz be crazy!