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how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
I've noticed some of us that frequent here don't SteelTrib much anymore I'm curious who here are; regular S'headers Defined as a minimum of 2-3 trips a month all season long Semi-regular Defined as a minimum of once per month Ole Timer regular (you know who you are) Hellooo, Dano!!! You're still my hero, My Friend Ole Timer Non Regular Defined as once a regular or semi regular for at least a couple years. and have left the steeltrib for love affairs elsewhere , but still might wet a line in Erie whenif the Spirit Leads non regular "wish I could more" and everyone else type angler Defined as, an angler that can only make it once or twice a year...but wish they could go more Just curious is all who we have left here ..L.T.A.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 07:50:05
1-3 times a week stillhed chaser.. i often wonder that myself as i look around at people on the water
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 08:08:03
Usually every or every other weekend for 2 days at a time
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 08:09:33
Didnt mean to post twice so i have to post nonsense here
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 08:28:47
couple times a month... when i was in school it was 1-2 times a week... id skip class in fish! too tough to fish often with work and variable weather conditions on the weekends...
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 08:30:57
the drive is 325 miles to elk and 254 to the salmon river, but i still manage 10-20 trips per year....not sure if that qualifies as regular for you
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 08:39:54
September and October I'm up 2-3 weekends (4-6 days) each month. November and December are 1-2 weekends each. January-March 1-2 days each month. Then come April it's Lakers every weekend.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 08:42:46
Down to roughly once a month/every 6 weeks the past 4 years or so from October thru March.
Useta make the 2 hour drive acrost 422 and mup 79 about twice a month for the 6 or 7 years prior to that.
Two teenagers and a kid in elementary school that play sports/do lotsa extra curriculur activities has cuts into all day fishin excursions.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 08:55:13
Make 5-10 trips from late September through early April. Plus sometimes dabbling in the streams when I come up for ice fishing or bass fishing, if there are any feesh around.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 09:50:11
im definately a old timer non regular.............and yes i have discovered a new affair of fishing type
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 10:13:30
It's a 6 hr drive for me so I only go when I can make it a 4-5 day trip,can't swing it too much these days so I'm not a regular.Also,because the "good old days" are gone I don't have the strong desire to make the trip anymore.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 10:18:18
Back in the early to mid '90's, it was once every 2-3 weeks. When my work schedule changed in the early '00's, it became once about every six weeks. A few years later it became 1-2 times per year.
When I started to fish the One Fly, that was the only trip for the year. Since the One Fly ended, I have not been back since.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 10:21:03
My work is seasonal. Usually mid September untill the end of mid November I'm at work. So after I get a layoff it's a 2.5 hour ride once a week untill mid feb. When I go back to work.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 12:31:07
About once a week for me. Sometimes I miss a week, and sometimes I go twice a week. One-way average drive time is usually 40min-1hr 15min......which covers everything between Cleveland and Erie. I don't really fish the east side.....once or twice a year max. Haven't this year
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 12:45:56
Well I know im gonna get killed for saying this but, I only have a 10-15 minute drive to several tribs. Depending on weather and schedule could be 5 days a week or just 2. for 20 years its varied like that. Some years the number of guys or lack of fish in the areas I frequent discourages me and take a small break or just need to restock the cupboards. That being said its getting to my favorite time of year. Saw 1 guy in 3 hours yesterday and this year certainly shaping up to be best i've seen in last 3. Fish are spread out nicely and much larger.
Fishing is one jerk waiting for another on the other end.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 13:53:14
Old Grey Skull, limited trips anymore. Not a big fan of crowds and have lost a few of my Jellyholes to posters in the last couple years.
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 14:18:32
Use to go up all the time in the fall. Why drive 300 miles to fish 24-35" fish when i can drive 10 miles and fish for fish up to 45lbs and have the lake to myself..
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 14:33:15
Old timer semi regular who rarely goes at all these days. Got sick of the crowds. I go fishing to get away from a-holes, not be surrounded by them at every bend. So I bought a river boat.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 16:15:36
Mountian Man Use to go up all the time in the fall. Why drive 300 miles to fish 24-35" fish when i can drive 10 miles and fish for fish up to 45lbs and have the lake to myself..
don't lie man your up there shacked up with ugG bootz
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 16:20:20
Mountian Man Use to go up all the time in the fall. Why drive 300 miles to fish 24-35" fish when i can drive 10 miles and fish for fish up to 45lbs and have the lake to myself..
AinT nO KaRPz thAt bIG BroH
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 16:34:05
Old time steel slayer...started in 1971 with Coho Fever....had the best of the best! Now about 3-5 trips a Fall season ....half Ohio half Pa. (NY is past history too ) Crowds, posted areas, low fish numbers, cold weather....kills the thrill ! I go to plan B now days , local water fishing. I'm lucky, to have a good backup choice !
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 16:49:03
Been fishing. Good to be back on the boards again. I see some old names still lurking. Good fishing the last two weeks but now a young doe's road rage put my ride out of commission. Amazing how much damage a little deer can do. I dunno about this 'ole timer'  stuff but I do still get out quite a bit. I try to limit it to no more than 4-5 times a week and no more of those dark to dark marathons. I've been doing this long enough that I can get on to decent fishing while still avoiding the crowds. I don't fish Erie much anymore unless conditions dictate it as my only viable option or I'm meeting up with some of the other locals for a social fish-n-chat. I've more or less morphed into a big stream kinda guy. It's true what they say, bigger water + bigger fly/bait = more bigger fish. I had one decent 30+ fish day in Erie, but the most memorable day was pulling out three heavy fish while prospecting the "big creek" in less than favorable conditions.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 17:20:27
genieman77 I've noticed some of us that frequent here don't SteelTrib much anymore I'm curious who here are;regular S'headersDefined as a minimum of 2-3 trips a month all season long Semi-regularDefined as a minimum of once per month Ole Timer regular (you know who you are)Hellooo, Dano!!!You're still my hero, My Friend Ole Timer Non RegularDefined as once a regular or semi regular for at least a couple years.and have left the steeltrib for love affairs elsewhere , but still might wet a line in Erie whenif the Spirit Leads non regular "wish I could more" and everyone else type anglerDefined as, an angler that can only make it once or twice a year...but wish they could go more Just curious is all who we have left here ..L.T.A.
Used to be 1x-2x a week depending on conditions starting in 93/94 until 5 years ago. Crowds and Work (travel) stopped that. Usually just a few times thru dec and Jan..... Usually hitting the Mi streams now, but less often. Archery in other states has taken 1st chair now..
post edited by Indiana_Bob - 2016/12/08 17:21:56
Plum Bob
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 17:27:04
Been fishing the Erie tribs several times a week in the fall since '81. Getting old & crippled up so have cut back a bit last couple years. Still enjoy it with friends like Glen & Dano. Live 1/2-1 hr from about 8 Ny,Pa tribs. Thousands of hrs. fished & thousands of steelbows. Been a lot of fun but the experience doesn't begin to compare with the thousands of hours spent chasing Muskies at Chautauqua. Live in Bemus, 300 yds from the lake. Now a days enjoy tying steelhead flies and giving them away as much as fishing.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 17:31:37
Ole timer non regular Haven't been to the tribs in a few years. Use to fish it regularly. Just wish I lived closer than 200 miles away.
The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 17:40:46
old dog ''I go to plan B now days , local water fishing. I'm lucky, to have a good backup choice !'' you sure do.
I sure do. At one time, the local steelheading thing kinda became "old hat" for me. I just keep finding different ways of catching em to keep it fresh. The funny thing is, after all theses decades of fishing for them, there's always something with the fishery that surprises me once or twice a year. This year was full of surprises.
Mountian Man
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 19:55:50
Mountian Man Use to go up all the time in the fall. Why drive 300 miles to fish 24-35" fish when i can drive 10 miles and fish for fish up to 45lbs and have the lake to myself..
AinT nO KaRPz thAt bIG BroH
TruStmee thErs plEntee DO hoMwoRk PeePole r tWo dUm tO kAtcH thEm
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 19:57:13
Mountian Man Use to go up all the time in the fall. Why drive 300 miles to fish 24-35" fish when i can drive 10 miles and fish for fish up to 45lbs and have the lake to myself..
don't lie man your up there shacked up with ugG bootz
Check erie craigslist i sell uggs outta a van in poor richards parking lot some smell smokey
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 20:18:31
I work in the area at least twice a month. Sometimes I got time to fish sometimes I don't. I always end up gettin enough to have some fun. And I hardly ever experience the horror stories that yinz talk abahht. Just walk and fish somewhere else.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: how many of us are regular steelTrib anglers?
2016/12/08 20:25:16
fisherofmen376 I work in the area at least twice a month. Sometimes I got time to fish sometimes I don't. I always end up gettin enough to have some fun. And I hardly ever experience the horror stories that yinz talk abahht. Just walk and fish somewhere else.
sure makes for some good entertainment for discussions haha
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em