Helpful ReplyJust my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated

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2016/11/29 21:40:12 (permalink)

Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated

Ok, this is gonna get greeeasy but  here it goes... what is everyones opinion, pet peeves or thoughts  of being a good drift sharer.
My pet peeve is the people that storm in 8-9 am like they are gonna set the world on fire and have no respect for the guys that were already there for a few hours establishing themselves. You shouldnt expect to sleep in and get the hot spot for the day. You forfeited that hitting the snooze button. Also fish hawks. You catch a couple fish and people are swarming you before you can get the hook out,  throwing the exact gps coordinate of your presentation that you caught fish on. let er fly boys!!! It will help understand whats going through the common fishermens mind.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/29 21:53:02 (permalink)
Would ya mind changing that "Fish Hawk" thingy to "door knobs" or sumpthin...... huh?

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/29 22:51:04 (permalink)
Overplaying a fish to exhaustion when it coulda been landed in 3 minutes, then taking eleventy fotos of a 4 pahhnder.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/29 23:01:45 (permalink)
ts erie lol  build it and they will come ..........and they did and still do
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/29 23:03:16 (permalink)
Would ya mind changing that "Fish Hawk" thingy to "door knobs" or sumpthin...... huh?
not sure what you mean, just an elaboration

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 00:30:30 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby cdcaddis 2016/12/10 17:33:09
In the past 3 or 4 years, it's rare that I fish by myself in Erie anymore and don't have my boys with me.  But when I am alone, most of the jagoffery that goes on in regards to etiquette doesn't really bother me anymore.  I just laugh and move on and find the next run of fish, or I stay until I can't stand it if I've got a hot hand.  
But when some yinzer wanders away from his babysitters on Elk and starts casting over my kid's shoulder because he was tearin' em up, I get a little hot.  Or when the Rushin snagrs (true story) start chucking a 2/0 fly and 1/4 oz of lead into his drift, I call the WCO.  
When the mouthbreather on Walnut this year snaked my 6 year old after he smacked his first ever steelie, and then proceeded to walk right in front of him into the school of fish he was on so that he could get his piece of orange yarn out from under a rock, that steamed me up a little bit.  
But other than that, I just remember they're only stupid fish.  And really, if it makes me feel like a trout gawd to fool a critter with a brain the size of a pea and some moron with a brain the size of a pea can ruin my day over it, I got much bigger problems than that.  
post edited by rsquared - 2016/11/30 00:35:10
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 04:10:30 (permalink)
Smoke some pot before you leave the walnut lot.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 04:30:50 (permalink)
Before u leave??? You're gonna need something stronger than pot before u arrive if you're gonna deal with that circus.
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 07:32:26 (permalink)
In my younger days I tolerated a lot,but now I can't fish that way,yea I miss it but I miss a lot of things now.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/11/30 13:16:48
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 08:01:38 (permalink)
Usually the ones that mob you cant catch sh*t anyway, gets them even more worked up when you continue to consistently catch em.   If they get too close start working your rod like Luke Skywalkers light sabre, that usually backs them up, especially if your throwing a fly rod with 20' of line out.
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 08:35:46 (permalink)
fly rod guys who on every drift rip their fluorescent line thru the water and "set" the hook on the end of every drift and disturb the water.... those are the worst people to fish near..... and yes rsquare... people walking in the hole to get out their snag.... just tie a new **** hook on... once again the fly guys do this the most... i guess i should say the "wannabe" fly guys
i dont do the combat fishing because there's enough room to find somewhere to fish... but when you are sharing a drift with someone dont hold your drift down in front of the guy next to you while hes waiting to cast.... let the downstream guy cast... then you cast... easy to share a drift but a lot of people are stupid so its not easy.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 09:30:54 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby cdcaddis 2016/12/10 17:35:10
-Guys who make unnecessary noise trampling through the water at 50mph to get to a spot.
-Guys who jump in next to you knowing well that there isn't enough room for them (5-6' of space between anglers is the absolute minimum if you ask me, and usually I'll walk until I find spots with at least 10-20' between people)
-Guys who put a severe excess of weight on their rigs and scare the s*** out of the fish every time their gear plunks in to the water (most of the time a single 1/8" beadhead nymph or two is all I need to get to the bottom, even in fast water)
-Guys who let there stuff drift way too long, down past a line of guys fishing below them (sorry pinners, this usually refers to you)
-Guys fishing downstream of you who cast up past you
-Guys who are obviously snagging fish (they know who they are...)
-Guys who mishandle fish they intend to release (fighting longer than necessary, dropping on rocks, keeping out of water, lip gripping, GILL gripping, "tossing" fish back in the water without revival)
-Guys who keep their limit every single day and especially when those fish are jacks (1-2 fish at least 21-24" is an ideal limit for those who want to eat those nasty things but I'll not get in to that now)
-Guys who keep hens solely for the eggs
-Guys who target fish on redds or actively spawning
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 09:42:28 (permalink)
Guys that are fishing a hole and can't hook up while you and your friend are hooking up every drift.... decide to walk into the hole before leaving.
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 10:15:23 (permalink)
"-Guys who make unnecessary noise trampling through the water at 50mph to get to a spot."
no joke.... i was fishing in new york at 18 mile... i got to the bottom of the hill and of course everyone was sprinting to the pig pen... i just started wading across the creek.... i turn around and see a light bouncing down the hill and a big splash and someone coming across the creek he sounded like a heard of buffalo in the water ... nearly knocked me into the water as i waded across to beat me to the spot... joke was on him... i wasn't going where he was going... and i caught that brown in my pic and a few others and he had the audacity to ask me what i was using... i just laughed at him... he had a russian accent lol

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 10:28:50 (permalink)
"-Guys who make unnecessary noise trampling through the water at 50mph to get to a spot." no joke.... i was fishing in new york at 18 mile... i got to the bottom of the hill and of course everyone was sprinting to the pig pen... i just started wading across the creek.... i turn around and see a light bouncing down the hill and a big splash and someone coming across the creek he sounded like a heard of buffalo in the water ... nearly knocked me into the water as i waded across to beat me to the spot... joke was on him... i wasn't going where he was going... and i caught that brown in my pic and a few others and he had the audacity to ask me what i was using... i just laughed at him... he had a russian accent lol

We had a similar experience two weeks ago on the Oak. Heading down the hill to the road hole and three guys come from nowhere behind us and ran down the hill to get the spot at the bottom. Similarly to your experience, we weren't fishing that stretch anyway and the one guy in their group almost broke his ankle running past us for nothing lol.
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 10:48:09 (permalink)
The guys that show up late, then start with the small friendly talk with you.
Next thing you know his one leg is in your boot and he's your new fishing partner in the drift !
That's the smooth way they try and sneak in, until I usually explode with the "Set your alarm" speech if you want this spot!
I just love the look on their face when I go off......they leave every time ! 
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:08:29 (permalink)
Lol so its fair to say we all agree on something.. for once.. now how do you deal with these offending peckers

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:14:08 (permalink)
Lol so its fair to say we all agree on something.. for once.. now how do you deal with these offending peckers

Here's an idea. If you're fishing with a buddy or two, tie a rope on to the side of each person and have it hanging between the members of your group. If they try to go under it, try a few layers of barbed wire instead.

Honestly though, if I see someone looking to come in next to me when there's no room, I'll just start Spey casting with my 8wt to close the gap until they leave, maybe throw on a size 4-6 purple leech if they aren't getting the message, then it's back to tight line nymphing after they're gone.
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/11/30 11:15:15
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:16:00 (permalink)
Lol so its fair to say we all agree on something.. for once.. now how do you deal with these offending peckers

just be a bigger D!CK lol... 
i don't mind sharing a drift or a hole with somebody but there's boundaries and there's things you should and shouldn't do... and most of the idiots just think they can do whatever the hell they want.... on the bight side of things hunting season has kicked in so wont be seeing nearly as many big camo coats, orange hats and 15lb mono streamside.... 

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:20:20 (permalink)
- Guys with crappie bobber sized indicators and giant split shot in gin clear water, dragging them across the surface every time the indicator budges, spooking the entire pod. 

- Guys who don't pull their lines out of the water, or move out of the way, when you yell "coming up/ down." Also, guys who move into your spot when you move away a bit to fight a fish. 

- Guys who stand on the bank near a spot, or stand in the water not fishing, trying to keep people who are actually fishing out.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:23:18 (permalink)
Why don't yinz just get together and buy a big chunk of ground and post the crap out of the area.

That should fix them turds.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:26:05 (permalink)
After reading these posts I know why the Erie scene is losing its appeal for me.It's not much fun anymore:(
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:28:39 (permalink)
That's not a bad idea BTDT!!!
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:28:44 (permalink)

- Guys who don't pull their lines out of the water, or move out of the way, when you yell "coming up/ down." Also, guys who move into your spot when you move away a bit to fight a fish. 

THIS! I've lost half a dozen fish this season due to idiots not moving alone, either I can't get down to net the fish, it's tangled in their lines, or it's actually wrapped around the guys!
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:32:43 (permalink)
Why don't yinz just get together and buy a big chunk of ground and post the crap out of the area.

That should fix them turds.

Fisherie crew should buy the lower nut and have restrictions! Only 6 guys at a time allowed in Manchester hole, 3 guys for the waterfall hole, 4 guys for the stopsign hole, and in the chutes and riffles only one guy per every 10-15'. Imagine how crowded the mouth of Trout would be if that stretch of Walnut got posted... Or we could all just buy Trout Run LOL
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 11:36:38 (permalink)
Id love to have a group of guys get some ground and be able to enjoy it fishing peacefully.. But then we would be known as the fishusa elitests and ****s for posting it haha... as for the people not moving, i had some break off on people's boots where they just refused to step out of the way.. also ive had people yank my line trying to redirect fish from where they were standing.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 12:39:48 (permalink)
I admit most bad run ins are rare for me now days , I try to avoid crowded areas like poison ivy !
Most guys I run into are fairly rounded in stream etiquette and usually no problems exists.
Areas like Walnut and Trout Run have been off my fishing list for 20 years or more.
Those are high combat fishing areas, just not my style of fishing.    
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 13:02:11 (permalink)
How about yinz guys getting together and asking the Fish Commission to impose a even/odd calendar for fishing.

Last number of your fishing license dictates which day of the month you fish. Heck, the next to last could dictate AM/PM.

Maybe just implement the regulation for just certain months of the year on certain streams.

OK......... I'm going back out and sit in a tree.

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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 13:44:47 (permalink)
How about yinz guys getting together and asking the Fish Commission to impose a even/odd calendar for fishing.
Last number of your fishing license dictates which day of the month you fish. Heck, the next to last could dictate AM/PM.

That would probably increase license sales from people buying two licenses, an odd and an even.
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Re: Just my understanding on etiquette...gonna get heated 2016/11/30 13:52:39 (permalink)
You forgot the guy who wades waist deep into the holding water you've been fishing since day break
I find tying the largest hook I have on and sinking it into their leg works to cure this behavior.

wishin i was fishin
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