Walleye jigs
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/07 18:28:49
Yeah but you have not lived till you try turkey hunting with black powder. Work that bird in 20 to 25 yards, drop the hammer then jump up and run thru the smoke to find your prize. Makes me want to be young again! Bird would die of old age before i could jump or run now days.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/07 23:10:04
Heck Jigs if I was using a flintlock to hunt turkey I'd probably jump up running through the smoke from the pan ignition and shoot myself in the asz. lol
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/07 23:46:16
Well BTDT and JIGS you are both surely keeping me entertained.... keep it up , this is great guys 😜🍺🍺 .... oh ya BTDT my 7mm is cleaned and put back in cabinet , hunting outfit washed ... lol but have to say my neighbor has got 2 doe early with the bow ... I have traded some walleye I have in freezer for some deer burger , hot sticks , and balogna ... lol and he is still hitting the woods 😜🍺
post edited by mopars0 - 2016/12/07 23:57:59
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 00:07:21
Had a great day in field and forest. Did a bit of still hunting from midmorning til 2:30. Loads of sign showing the presence of deer only, just not while I was there. Well now 'they' will see lots of sign I was there and dam lucky not when they are. Climbed into my ladder stand just before 4:00 and soon was treated to a wildlife show of anterless Whitetails coming forth from forest to field, 150 yds to my south. No problem putting the crosshairs of my 4x Foremost scope on any shoulder, just near impossible holding steady standing in a windblown tree. Got a little smarter, in that this time, instead of crouching on the platform and using the seat to prop my arm to steady the gun, I stepped down a few wrongs (duh). Now I am standing (duh) leaning against the ladder and using the seat as a shooting bench.(estupendo!) Now I got a ring side seat to a show only mother nature can produce..... no charge!!! No meat either........ they are just sooooo cute. Oooooh wellllll you know about, tomorrow.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/08 00:11:30
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 04:23:23
Up and ready,can't sleep. Hunted till 10am yesterday due to my last visit to the Dr. office. Saw 2 doe mom and fawn,should have shot but didn't. Dr.said I'm good to do anything now,next visit July. I'm starting to feel normal again,it's been to slow for me recouping,my mind was ready but my body said no no. Looks like we might be Ice fishing by January. Looking forward to some late bunny hunting and ice fishing. If I don't kill a buck or a doe by Saturday,I'll be muzzleloader and may throw up a couple ground blinds for some X bow hunting. I feel more confident with it than the flintlock. I've killed 9 deer with my flint over the years,definitely not a pro with it but ok with under 50 yard shots. I actually don't know how many years I hunted with it. I do know I bought it and hunted the first year the PGC started that season. I got a beautiful Thompson Renegade big boar 54. Never got a buck with it,the last time I hunted with it was 2014 and my son an I both took a mature doe that season.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 05:55:51
Well the freezer is full !! took a 7 point buck that had a couple problems or I would had let him walk. He had a broadhead stuck in his left leg and was hanging he couldn't put his weight on it. Then at a better look threw the scope seen he was gut shot to. So I put him down. he was a 2/3 year old kinda of a shame, but better than letting him die slow. Now I become a walking dog for some friends looking to put some meat in the freezer.
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 06:04:51
Congrats on the buck Bighead.
Walleye jigs
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 06:52:50
That's why us old people should always use long gun flintlocks by the time we get to the end it gone off!
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 07:14:14
Thanks BT Of coarse I'll see the monters bucks today doing the drives LOL
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 13:50:14
Did find 7 fresh gut piles around the property Sat. Somebody(amish) was piling them up.
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 14:30:54
Two years ago the Amish logged two woods that I hunted. One in Ohio and one down the road from my house. 33 and 27 deer went to heaven. That a pile of deer. I think it's a requirement with the land owners for hunting rights when they log. Those two woods are quite deer less now,thank you Mr Amish loggers. They shoot everything from a 45 lb fawn to the 156 inch buck I was watching for three years,makes no difference meat is meat.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 19:05:40
Anybody out in that wind today? Mercy I swear it was one letter from being _rutal! Tried standing on the ground behind some big trees between my field and the neighbors pasture. Saw one other person walking two fields north of the pasture. Don't know if it was the neighbor but I know it wasn't a Dutchman hunting because, the person was dressed in full orange. Was leaning against a large diameter tree using it for a wind break, trying to keep my eyes from watering due to the cold wind and itching like I splashed sand in my face this morning. Most likely a mild reaction to my journey of yesterday. Meanwhile I try watching to my South, across my field and East along the fence line when the strangest noise occurs. Hard to explain that noise other than say it sounded like a 5 strand barbed wire fence shaking and rattling when being hit with, not one but, three White Tailed Deer. Less than 30 yds to my West three Doe; one making a three point landing on her nose; one rolling and, one with legs spread in different directions landing on her belly hit the ground after failing to clear the fence. I most say I was very impressed with seeing the deer hitting the ground, rebounding quickly and continue on. Even more impressive, seeing the fence still standing. No doubt those deer were kicked from a grove of trees by the dude dressed in orange who was not hunting or just didn't see them as no shots were fired. I think. Hoping the deer might return I maintained my position til near dark and I could no longer deal with the tears streaming down my cheeks and now, my nose joining in the fun. All in all todays excursion was enjoyable and there is.... always tomorrow. I just hope my eyes stop itching. Stupid ragweed.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/08 19:20:25
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/08 19:58:36
Not hardcore OldDog just the results of eating too many Blizzards too quickly at DQ. I believe it is refered to as "brain freeze".
I don't know if the deer were so scared or possibly saw me and changed direction at the last minute. I did not see them coming but I sure saw the acrobatic show they put on.
I'm thinking one could say they brought true meaning to "brown and down".
As for Captain Hook, I'll be needing some standing room on the shores of somewhere to bide my time til late season archery and/or hardwater.
Should I be fortunate to make his aquatence..... he's buying the coffee.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/09 17:31:07
Cold windy but still went. On stand by 7: 05 at 8:35 made a redemption shot. 90 yard neck shot no tracking required. I hunted solo after getting the ok from my Dr. I shot it,gutted it,and pull it out by my self. I somehow got a sense of accomplishment that I can still do it.lol Only trouble? How do I get this tank doe in my truck by myself.lol That's why I carry a cell phone.lol Sonny boy came to my rescue.lol After seeing 2 bucks and 94 doe I finally shoot one.lol Its hell getting old,but the other alternative not to good. Happy to do what I love one more year. Oh well I'll be there tomorrow looking for horns. Good luck guys be safe shot straight.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/09 17:38:48
Congrats Big Tuna ....go get mr horn tomorrow.... good luck !!
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/09 20:31:00
Congrats-- Am not the same as in my 30s either. lol Carry a rope with a double pulley system to pull them up into the truck bed--works great and its easy.
post edited by r3g3 - 2016/12/09 20:33:14
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/09 21:38:26
Congrats Big Tuna on both your recovery and your elusive PA Whitetailed Deer. Didn't brave the elements today but heard a fair amount if shooting. Plan on being at it bright and early tomorrow afternoon. Not so much to hunt, just to be seen and hopefully keep the Dutch army from 'clear cutting' my little piece of Penn's Woods. Weather dude hit the nail right on the head forecasting .5 to 1" of snow last night. Except the dude forgot to tell us about the other 2.5" and in addition, we get another 3 to 6" tonight and I think, we are darn near there... already. Should be interesting with the new snow fall and being the last day of "brown and down".
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/09 21:46:14
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/10 00:11:17
Update: Lake effect snow advisory extended til 5:00 AM.
May be a bit after, early afternoon, before I venture forth seeking the ever elusive PA Whitetailed Deer.
Stupid snow!!!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/10 05:00:32
And so this is the last day of gun season. I'll be sitting out today feeling kind of rough? Any of you guy's going today Be Careful and Safe, Be on guard for multi shooters trying to do a last minute tag fill and just letting the lead fly. Congrats BT It sucks trying to load a deer into the truck by yourself sure. I tie a rope around the head pull it thru the latch/tie down on the bed pull the deer up as far as I can tie it off and pick up by the back legs and kinda do the fling works pretty good. Probably would be funny to see LOL
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/10 06:09:55
Up and ready. It's the last day for the 2016 gun season. Those two weeks flew by. Not much sun this season a lot of grey overcast days. It's a old school kind of day, remember those sub zero two day doe seasons? I'd use a big back pack full of extra clothes and my Mickey mouse boots to put on after getting to my stand.Well I made a traditional deer hunters lunch yesterday,I cut the little inside tenders out and fried in butter and onions,baby portabella mushrooms and a clove of garlic. Wow that is ridiculous,better than any 5 star restaurant. I remember the old days hunting doe in the mountains. There was 10-25 guys in camp( rooster with 25) For two day we ate those delicious little tender loins. Slice in medallions,onions,mushrooms,bell or hot banana peppers,garlic,in real butter. On stick bread or a good hard roll of course add some shredded provolone of mozzarella wash down with a ice cold beer. I always was the camp cook. Two reasons.I can cook with the best of them,second reason I was usually the first back to camp with my deer. Had some fun in the day in Potter.co,Shinglhouse also Cameron co..Emporium..Did that for years,back then it's was one deer a year. I even went on the years I killed a buck just for fun of it. Just look at the clock I got to go,Mr Bucky still out there!
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/10 07:04:46
Well as I sit here and drink my java listening to a GH owl hooting in the back yard when I should be already in my stand. I'm contemplating on should I go out in that foot of new snow or just hunt off the back porch. This day can't end fast enough for me. I'd much rather chase them after Christmas when the pumpkins go home.
Good Luck to all those out today. Shoot straight and be safe.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/10 11:20:50
Interesting Mike as this morning shortly after 9:00 I just finished clearing the remnants of last nights snow, from my favorite deer stand and had the dogs all fed with greastest of care, when from across the road there arose such a "KA-BLAM. Down the steps I ran to see what was the matter, when what did appear but two pumpkins standing over a dead deer. Buggies are beginning to gather at the Dutch farm down the road, wishin' it was a barn raisin' but I may as well wish in one hand and $$!# in the other then see which one fills up first! Well gotta get, had my forth cup of coffee, need to move around a bit, make my presence known hoping to keep the pumpkins across the road and not come lookin for the other six deer, they didn't get. Gonna be a long day.... just over 6 hours to go.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/10 11:28:05
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/10 18:16:55
Well it's official over. I hunted my stand from 6:55 till noon. Had choppers flying over Ohio wardens by air,this hunting is high tech stuff. This spot is 1/4 mile from the Pa. Ohio line. Saw nothing but a gang of Pa. and Ohio wardens on the road 200 yards from from me. My son hunted with me and decided to put on a little drive that produced nothing. Ohio wardens parked behind my truck but heading into Ohio in search of Pa. hunters that where spotted by air. I got tired of the Pa.warden driving by at slow speeds searching for us (at least 6 ) times. At 11:00 a herd of 11 doe came flying by and crossed the road by my truck and the Ohio wardens. I told my son lets go and let the warden check us and make him happy. We walk down the hill to the truck where the warden stepped out and check me out but not my son.lol It's sort of harassment in my opinion to get you out of the woods, it was the same head warden that followed me into my driveway,but he still pulled out my license again. I've never been checked twice in one year. He said it was a poor year kill wise,but gave us the same B.S. about everyone crossbow hunting and gave up gun hunting. Heard 2 shots all day. I guess you can't heard the crossbows.lol Oh well it's bunny time mixed in with a flintlock hunt and late crossbow hunt. Pretty poor season for us.My son monster Pa. 8 pts, my small broken Ohio buck and Pa.doe.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/10 21:17:46
Yes Big Tuna it is over.... until Dec.26 in the PA Wilds. Then' as you know, it's back to hunting them elusive PA White Tailed Deer with smoke poles and sticks. Thought about the smoke pole but since Jigs mentioned, pulling the trigger then jumping up and running through the smoke, I'm thinkin' I'll stay with the sticks. Had a wonderful day playing in the woods watchin' the Dutchman drive through the smallest brush areas hoping to kick out a elusive PA White Tailed Deer. Best part was seeing them push through the marshy area bordering the neighbors pasture and creek bottom then coming to the fence, and seeing the "posted" signs on my side. Bester part was watching them walk the fence out to the road so they could circle my place and come back in and push the marshy area between the crik bottom and now a wheat field to my south then.......... seeing me there. Hey I was friendly.... I waved. I'll say one thing; them boyz can walk cause I know they continued to walk another 1/2 mile before crossing the road and pushing a hollow on the other side of a corn field. Must of seen sumpin' too cause they commenced to shootin' and shootin' and shootin'. Don't know what they was a shootin at but six deer, came running through the corn field, crossed the road then through another 'now a wheat' field, I'm guessing 75 yds to my south, then into the trees. Stood my ground til just before sunset then returned to my field bordering the, 'now a wheat' field, to my south. Tossed it back and forth whether to call it quits or stand till last light when I caught glimpse of a deer coming into the field. Leaning against a tree, gun propped across my forearm, cross-hair on a shoulder and thumb on the safety, I lift my head to see five more deer coming into the field, single file, in my direction. Cross-hairs again on the lead deer as, step by step, they drew ever closer. Wanting to be certain, I scoped the other five deer then returned to the shoulder of the lead deer. I was sure I would soon be spotted and the deer would stop, if just for a second or two, and this would become a text book shot. This group of deer, I'm thinking, is that same bunch that bolted past me this morning as I just finished snow removal on my favorite deer stand. Then it happened, I shouldered the Foremost bolt action 30-30, waved my hat in the air and watched as their tails disappeared back into the woods, from where they came. Couldn't do it, just couldn't pull the trigger, Elusive PA White Tailed Deer are.... so cute!. Oh well, there's always late season. PS. Congratulations again, to those that were successful this year. Enjoy your deer jerky aaaaand may you bight your tongue, while you chew it.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/10 22:48:34
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Walleye jigs
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/11 08:26:39
That's only when turkey hunting with the black power shotguns.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/11 13:58:38
So you are saying that I should REMAIN seated through the smoke from the "flewie" and run through the smoke AFTER the  ka- blewie.  Got it! Stupid smoke......
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/11 13:59:49
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/11 16:52:28
Took this old girl on the last Saturday with my Marlin Guide Gun in 45/70. I passed many does up this year but it felt right when the safety came off this time.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/11 17:25:02
Getting no picture dpms but I'm sure she is a trophy, just the same.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/12 04:42:19
So this hunting season has seemed to be without any hunting/shooting accidents ? I haven't seen anything on the news. This may be a all time first In PA , Would be a great year for hunting EH Unless one of you guy's have see/heard about a case??
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/12 05:47:53
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 