2016 deer gun season
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2016 deer gun season
Ok here comes the 2016 gun season. Have all my hunting guns shooting deadon. clothes are ya hanging. stands and blinds ready to go. Now hopefully it is a safe and productive season for all !!! One of the farms I hunt the adjacent porperties went to leasing. Only two people are on the lease. So they did a little posting, But kinda have the post lines a bit off and 50 yards into where I hunt. No big deal tho. It is a double edge sword meaning the herd of other hunters used to hunt there have pushed a pile of deer over the years. And of coarse they would try sneaking onto the farm I hunt and I would have to give them the Boot. On the up side if these guy's have a clue we all will have a great chance at a good buck. We'll see LOL Have a SAFE SEASON GUY"S and I will try to also
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/26 08:40:54
I hate gun season so bad. Hunters everywhere deer not doing natural things so much luck in gun hunting,any smuck can kill a trophy buck. Love the posse drives that start on the first day. Years ago this was the biggest day of the year to me now,I sort of dread it. I guess I'm just a die hard bow hunter. This will be the first time gun hunting for a Pa. in 6 years for buck. I shot the lowest recoil gun we own 243, one shot in the bull so if I miss it's my fault. I guess I'm ready. My D.r said no hunting till December 21 by them the season over,lol. My son will be sitting with me,second pair of eyes and ears,plus the man power to drag my buck out. Good luck guys,more important be safe. I'm not trophy hunting this year,the first legal buck will be ok with me. Just fell very fortunate to be here ( alive )to hunt. I'm very thankful for a second chance on life. Good luck to all,shoot straight,be safe and get your buck.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/26 10:45:46
I will not be going out since I got my buck already. Good luck to all and be safe out there.
The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/26 11:02:16
I started going along with my Dad when I was 9. Always thought of the opening day of PA deer season as the biggest holiday of the year. Now, 46 seasons later, I'm not bothering to go.
My Dad had to stop hunting at 82, but still bore the excitement and sheer joy of deer hunting until he passed away at 91. In fact, our very last conversation included deer hunting -- some old stories and some new hopes.
This will be the second season since his death. Last year I broke with tradition in going to where we always went. I just don't have it in me for a mile long uphill drag through the woods any more. So I hunted a local farm where the haul out was easy. It was my plan to do so again this year, but when I talked to the land owner, he has relatives coming in to hunt. I am welcome starting on Saturday.
I put trail cams up on my property and over the last month or so, have 17 different legal bucks in photos. 5-6 are real dandies -- all within 25 yards of my 12'X12' tree house. So why am I going to be putting up Christmas lights rather Ghana being there?
I made a promise to a coworker last year when we acquired the property that his father, a retired State Trooper, who is in his 70's, could hunt there any time he wants. And I will stick with that promise. It is my sincere hope that I hear a shot and get to help him haul out the trophy of a lifetime.
I'll hit the farm on Saturday and hope to get a doe or two (that is why I get to hunt there -- herd control).
To all that venture out, have a safe season and best of luck.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/26 11:29:36
Not much on gun season myself BT but I do enjoy shooting.
Shooting range is always open at the house of BTDT and today will be "sight in day" for upwards of ten hunters that wish to assure their aim is accurate.
Two new guns and one newly mounted scope will be put to the test, for their first time today.
Lazer sighting is available out to 25 yds as is live shots at 50; 100; 150 and, 180 yds from bench. Once sighting is confirmed, for those wishing to test their skills, free style is available out to 200 yds.
Of course there shall be bets and challenges of who may be the best shot and this will be, where I break out my trusty 30/30 bolt action J C Penney. For those who dare and willing to wager a sizable sum, I will offer to shoot with one eye closed and my left hand behind my back.
Remember; once the bullet leaves the gun; you can not call it back.
Be safe and shoot straight.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/27 05:08:27
I usauly just use gun season for meat, But I'll be looking to shoot a buck { A MATURE BUCK } If I don't kill a buck this week next weekend I will have the best of worlds Yeah You Know IF IT'S BROWN IT"S DOWN LOL Not really I'm pretty selective on that age group I'll be taking for the freezer. ( Hunters everywhere deer not doing natural things so much luck in gun hunting,any smuck can kill a trophy buck ) Yeah BT it's really Not that any SMUCK CAN kill a trophy in gun season. Most trophy bucks get spook once and then go striaght into nocteral stage. Don't get me wrong I think your right to a point. you can push a trophy once in a great while, unless you have permission to push property's that turn into safe heaven's. Then you have a pretty good chance.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/27 16:24:59
Gave up the rifle hunting years ago due to too many people out just not paying attention with a high powered rifle in their hands. Will be working and waiting to hear a good report from my dad. My next deer hunting trip this year will be with the flintlock for the first time. Good luck everyone. Stay safe.
Walleye jigs
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/27 17:37:33
The late flintlock season was always my favorite ! Fewer people and you actually have to see you target to shoot it. And most importantly I didn't have to dress up like a pumpkin.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/29 19:03:18
My report for the first two days of 2016 Gun Season............
Stupid deer!!!!
Not really, Monday I saw plenty enough deer to make me wanna go out and do it all over again today whereby; I saw enough deer to make me say, to hell with hunting tomorrow.
Saw three buck with the first having a nice hat rack but being better than two hundred yards followed by, a halfrack that wouldn't keep it's nose off the ground long enough to confirm 3 up then, a definite shooter presenting only a butt shot. No thank you, very much.
Plenty of Doe to go along with the buck..... go figure, not in season for me.
Happy hunting to all.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/30 07:49:02
Came back from camp Tuesday night. Even though I tagged a buck in archery I spent all day Monday and most of Tuesday in the woods. I never saw a deer Monday. First shot was not until 8:15 and I only counted 12 shots all day. No deer taken by our crew and no deer taken on the country block. Every year it gets slower and slower in this part of 2A. A few fellas from other camps stopped in and all reported the same thing.
My rifle is a black rifle
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/30 08:08:41
First day was nice not wonderful,saw 13 deer 11 doe,2bucks. Unfortunately the first deer of the day was the ONE. At 7:10 I miss a true giant. I'm still a little sick about it. It would have probably been the heaviest rack deer I would have killed and had a least 20 inch spread. I will admit it was not a cake shot, about 120 yards picking it way through semi brush and never really stopping,but I made that shot before and blame myself. I wish it would have stopped in an opening and came in with better light but that's hunting. I pretty much was ready to call it a day after that chance,after searching for 30 minutes we resumed our positioned and hunted till dark seeing a 6 pts and 11 does. At 3:30 had a wind shift relocated and recheck the missed shot area with the same results. Saw one single doe from that spot. Hunted solo a first for me on the Tuesday( don't know what I would have done if I shot a deer) saw three doe behind the house,then my son met me and walked his butt off sending 8 flat heads in one ball. That's been it. Today it's raining to hard and I'm kind of tired anyway so I'm not hunting. A interesting thing happened yesterday,had a warden pull in my rural driveway and check me out. He was ok but full of PGC propaganda. The reason no deer are getting killed is because everyone got one in bow season.lol Supposedly only about 550,000 hunters this year. I told him expect less next year. The HR lasted two long,way less deer and there not going to multiple because of the heavy predation on spring fawns from the yotes. I can see the AR working because there are some really nice bucks now but the slaughter of does should go back to old school 2 day season. You got 6 weeks to kill a doe with a bow plus,a week of early inline/ rifle then two plus weeks of flintlock and late bow,is that enough time? The warden checked the game lands close to my home,zero deer on the first day.lol I don't care what people say the deer herds in trouble,except in the suburbs. Good luck guys,. I plan on sitting where I missed Mr Bigs the rest of the season,but I doubt he'll return.lol
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/11/30 08:24:52
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/30 09:43:31
Glad to hear the Antler restrictions are working... somewhere. I can't complain of seeing "no buck" in my little piece of Penn's Woods except they do not meet the restrictions.
No problem seeing a couple of sub-legal racks at the same time and I do wonder' if the racks next year would be legal.
Had they not been hanging from a Amish barn.
If there is going to be Antler restrictions then let there be Antler restrictions.
I want my trophy tooooo!!
ehhh..... sorry, got caught up in the moment.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/30 19:09:11
Well I sit 10 hrs in my shanty Monday , 7:15 saw my first deer, a small spike about 80 yds from me .... now how about this, it was the ONLY deer I saw all day 2D area . Very little shooting nothing close at all . Sit in my stand Tuesday from 2:00 until dark NO deer again and no shooting at all. Saw 7 hunters Monday and 4 on Tuesday afternoon. Stayed home today.... hit it tomorrow afternoon again. I do agree with ya BIG TUNA , the herds are hurting and we need to go back to 2 or 3 days doe season . I remember when they opened the doe season the way they did I thought it was great and I did my share of filling my freezer up and not to mention all the bonus tags you can get ... well my dad told me we are going to pay for this and boy was he right .... may he RIP ! Funny how the big ones I see on the camera in bow season just disappear.... but most of them were at night ...talked to a few guys today that seeing about the same as me .... that would be NOTHING 😜🍺🍺
post edited by mopars0 - 2016/11/30 19:12:11
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/11/30 20:08:40
Count me in fer today too. Shoulda been seein' something so I thought. Stayed closer to home today; like right on my deck but I can see everything from there as well as I can sitting in a tree. Cept, the deck is further away and I can't hit nothing from that distance. Specially with a pointy stick.
Raining heavy and said to continue through the night with the temps holding in the mid thirties through the day. Hoping the rain freshens the woods and the colder temps have them elusive PA Whitetailed critters up and moving in the wee hours before noon.
I have a new camo pattern I'll be trying in the woods tomorrow. I've taken my orange hunting apparel and applied white reflective tape around key areas. Now those elusive Whitetailed rascals will think I'm a construction barrel.
Unfortunately so might some dude who just traveled, for hours through construction sights, getting muupere to do some hunting then.... sees me.
Anyway, back at it again tomorrow, maybe try some still hunting what with the now drenched woods.
Anybody available to help a little old fat man drag a dead deer over wet leaves, sticks and stuff.
Not that, that will be needed but "Ya just never know".
Luck to all, hunt safely and don't be shootin' no construction barrels.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 05:37:29
mopars0, we all bought into that doe hunting HR I believe it started 2002, my son and I banged them every year. Deer where plentiful in any woods,it was no problem seeing deer in numbers. After 4-5 years we began to notice the decline and started not to shoot them. I really thought they would change the law but after my friends and I sending countless letters to the PGC without any results,I could see that's what they wanted very few deer and still a million deer hunters. The overall herd is in serious trouble,yea there are honey holes loaded with deer here and there,mostly the suburbs,where your in or your not. PGC didn't take into account the heavy predation of spring fawns. The state of Ohio and Pa. put cameras over den of yotes and the results were unbelievable. In Ohio one pair killed 29 fawns,in Pa..one pair killed over 30 fawns. Take into account the numbers of coyote in the state the fawn predation is staggering. Quite possible.there taking more deer than hunters. Combine that with the actual deer kill by hunters the herd has no chance of every increasing. I really don't no if it can come back. I do believe if they change drastically and for several years like 5-6 things could get better. But it's my belief they don't want to or they would have by now. I'm sure insurance companies and timber companies play a part in it. Unfortunately young people will never have what we had. I believe the trend with some larger bucks being taking since the AR has more to do with lack of hunters and posted land. Bucks are living longer therefore getting older and bigger. All I can say is an all out war on the PGC. I suggest every hunter that it's time to EMAIL the PGC on your concern of the deer herd and the future of deer hunting in the Penn's woods. Just maybe if they hear millions of complaints they might consider change. By the way I hunted in the afternoon drizzle only to have a single fawn walk up to me at.4:50 pm. Saturday is coming and there be less deer in the woods. I really don't know if I want to shoot one, it's bad being a hunter and feeling guilty about shooting a doe. Even though it's perfectly legal with a doe tag it just doesn't feel right, I dread the second week of brown its down. I talk to so many hunters that say there only buck hunters but when it comes down to nitty gritty there driving the he --out of my woods on the last Saturday mowing them down.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 06:13:08
Saw two ****ing doe after two days of hunting.... No deer left. Part of it is from poaching. I was pulling up to deer camp Sunday night and I heard three shots (11:00 at night) also I walked through a field and I saw a deer with a bullet hole in its back and it's rack was cut off.
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 06:23:51
Sad Brad, I remember seeing over a hundred deer on the first day in Potter county. I believe there was poaching back then too just many to choose from then. The locals ate deer year round, as one guy told me we shoot them when we need them regardless of time of year. Not many deer in the big woods anymore,sad,sad,sad. Please Email the PGC on your concerns.
Moses Guthrie
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 06:46:32
Numbers are down from the past but I think a bigger problem is lack of hunters moving deer. I harvested a buck in archery, hung out in camp monday, two hunters private land 2D. 7 bucks seen,large 9 point harvested. Roughly 60 doe. Played dog for one guy tuesday 2D public land one buck maybe legal no shot and 31 doe seen. Yesterday played dog in 2F public land 15 doe, 1 4 pt seen and one yote harvested. 2 hunters seen monday that is it. None last two days.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 08:07:21
Moses Guthrie Numbers are down from the past but I think a bigger problem is lack of hunters moving deer. I harvested a buck in archery, hung out in camp monday, two hunters private land 2D. 7 bucks seen,large 9 point harvested. Roughly 60 doe. Played dog for one guy tuesday 2D public land one buck maybe legal no shot and 31 doe seen. Yesterday played dog in 2F public land 15 doe, 1 4 pt seen and one yote harvested. 2 hunters seen monday that is it. None last two days. That is an often overlooked part of the equation when it comes to deer seen. Yes, numbers are not what they used to be but during this time of the year, pressure moves deer. Without pressure, you wont see many. According to the PGC, half as many hunters were out there Monday compared to 15-20 years ago. The hunting tradition and passion for the sport is dying. Things are changing. Even in areas with good deer numbers, hunters will be seeing less deer. Hunting escape routes, overlooks, funnels etc... just ain't gonna cut it moving forward. In many parts of the state, rifle hunters are gonna have to start thinking like archery hunters to see some deer.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 12:04:10
Funny, I saw more deer this hunting season over a period of a few days than I've seen total, in the past five years. Included, four buck of which two being legal shooters having scrub racks. I'm not a horn hunter by any means but, I am critical about the shot and, I'll allow an animal to walk rather than chance wounding. I have taken Doe during archery season, but since, have lost that desire. At one time I was a believer that there was a need to "cull" the heard. Now, I am a believer the PGC abuses our sport for money making. For the lack of hunters on opening day; first I wouldn't believe anything provided by the PGC regarding any stats, other than they will eventually use the info to generate bogus reports to further their agenda. My pessimistic observation says poor hunter turn out increases deer heard; PGC to increase antlerless tag allocations, reinstates two week season and, approves the use of automatic weapons. Second: I believe the weather played a leading factor in the hunter turnout and/or the seeing of deer. Of course no snow but also, the warmer temps which will lead to very little movement by predator or prey. Third, the attitude of the hunters has taken a further downturn and I include the junior hunters into the mix. In this thread alone, there are those seasoned devoted hunters that have expressed their disappointment. If I generated a report using the satisfaction expressed (with hunting) on this thread, in the same fashion used by the PGC, my spin would be captioned; "HUNTERS DISGRUNTLED BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS"! CRAP it just dawned on me..... this is one time I "could" be right. The opinion expressed is solely the idea of someone, spending too much time, swaying in a wind blown tree. Good luck folks, may you harvest the trophy of a lifetime.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/01 12:09:10
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 13:49:11
I hunted with my son today, had a hillbilly on a side by side John Deere doing loop Dee loops through the deer woods. This clown never got off his four wheeler but he did provide me with a very action packed 5 hour hunt. He hustled 11 does to me 2,2,1,4,and 2. So I had the gun up 5 times.I hope he's there tomorrow and Saturday. A bucks got to come through again I'm hoping.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 15:30:14
With the split seasons, First Saturday is the "new" first day. With predicted snow in the northern tier possibly on Saturday, there will be a lot of sightings and a lot of deer hitting the ground. Just my prognostication.
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 20:45:29
Well did the usual 2:00 until dark hunt in my stand again today... was going to my little shanty in the corner of the thicket but there was 2 guys covering the thicket.... lol Told me they would leave didn't want to mess me up , told them no problem I would just sit in my stand about 175 yds away from them ... boy that was a mistake it was windy and COLD 😜🍺... The one guy said he had been there since 7:00 and saw NO deer 😡. At 4:30 I see 3 doe coming out of the thicket thought ok here we go but NOPE no bucks. Messed around by my stand until dark then they left ... ok well warmed me up anyhow.... Good luck everyone !
pheasant tail 2
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/01 22:49:47
To sum up deer hunting participation in my estimation, its quite simple, the casual deer hunter is a dying breed. I believe we will one day regret the loss of this group. I don't consider myself a casual hunter but I understand why this group (and their license dollars) are going away. Its pretty simple. Not belly aching. My JR. wingman was successful, we saw a few deer (less than a handful) and a black bear in Greene County. PT2
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/02 00:19:41
Congrats to your junior wingman Pheasant Tail. I began the day dressed for a walk in the woods. Lovely day for a stroll with the forest floor heavily carpeted with wet leaves and very quiet except for the occassional dead branch which when stepped on, replicated that of a 22 rifle. Did enjoy the day, breaking up the monotony of total loneliness with occasional rebuttals posted to another thread. 3:00 PM rolled around and I decided to finish the day by sitting in my ground blind but, jumping three deer changed that plan having me opt for my ladder stand on the corner of the "now a wheat field", plus overlooking my field. By 3:40 I'm thinking the wind could stop blowing anytime and, wishing I had dressed for sitting instead of walking. But, I just knew the deer I jumped would be coming into the "now a wheat field" at any time. 4:50 PM I am facing the tree trying to locate the top wrung of the ladder with a now numb leg and foot. 4:58 I step off the bottom wrung and hear what sounded like a 22 rifle as I placed my foot on a freshly fallen branch. 5:00 PM stretching and trying to regain feeling in my lower extremity while standing in the windrow on my fields edge, three shadow like figures emerge into the field. A quick peek through my scope verified my suspicion...... stupid deer! OH well, tomorrow is another day. The day, not a total loss as a nephew sent me a picture of a fine buck he killed plus, a video taken earlier of two black bear frolicking near his stand. That there's hunting at it's best.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/12/02 00:25:35
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/02 05:15:45
4 days in report, in woods first three days all day sits, 10/15 does, 3/4 bucks all non-shooters day that was a average per day. 4 afternoon hunted, 11 does 4 bucks 1 HUGE Shooter, But no shot to far. The weather is mighty strange from 65 to 30's It's 32 here going to low 40's This is going to be a all day sit. Lets hope I can get a better look at the buck I seen yesturday. Somebody mentioned not hearing much shooting and I have to agree. I heard 2 shots from very far away first day then notta one till wensday afternoon hearing 3 shot from different directions. Well got to get a moving Good Luck And Be Safe
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/02 11:17:52
Good luck out there Bighead....
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/02 11:33:50
Haven't even been out once yet. No gun hunting for my son this year, as he recovers from some finger surgery. Since he couldn't hunt, we hit the Erie tribs on Monday and had a blast with the low crowds. I've been so busy with work and coaching our 7th grade Middle School hoops team this week, that I haven't even had a few hours to sneak out in the morning. Hoping to get out tomorrow morning in 2D to at least get a doe. My son can still shoot the crossbow, but doesn't like to wake up early on Saturdays, so we may try to get out together for an evening hunt. Good luck to all! Hope to see some pics of big bucks here soon!
Big Tuna
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/02 11:55:39
Hunted from daylight till 11:15, very cold ( to me) had the same wind as yesterday. Saw a single doe then later a nice big mature doe and a fawn. That was it. I'm going to rest up for tomorrow's big all day hunt. A bucks got to show up. I'm still debating to shoot a doe.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/12/02 16:36:07
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Re: 2016 deer gun season
2016/12/02 21:02:17
Just another day in the journals of outdoors legend, Me.
Stupid deer. Stupid Wind, Stupid aching legs from not exercising before stumble hunting in thick marshy areas, stupid exercising.
Anyways, I saw nothing including the log I tripped over and the sink hole that was deeper than the height of my boot. My fault of course, should of had my pant leg tucked into the boot. Would of allowed the slimy mud to go over instead of under, my pant leg. Thank goodness I had the laces tied cause the last time, the mud sucked the boot right off my foot. It ain't funny, you'd think I would remembered where that dam sinkhole was.
Not sure what I'll do but considering tomorrow is first day of "brown and down", I'm thinkin' there should be more "once a year shooters" in the woods so I'll play it smart and sit....... in my house.
Hunt safely; the life you save may be mine.
OH.....! And good luck.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 