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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 10:48:46
Section 15 must have a paved parking lot and marina.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 11:05:20
The majority of angler effort was once again observed downstream of North Fork in location codes 14 and 15. Interviewed anglers downstream of the Middle Fork in location code 14 averaged 27 hours per steelhead caught and 127 hours per steelhead kept. Interviewed anglers downstream of North Fork in location code 15 averaged 16 hours per steelhead caught and 26 hours per steelhead kept. Upstream of North Fork in location code 16, interviewed anglers averaged 15 hours per steelhead caught and 16 hours per steelhead kept. Angler effort upstream of the Lemhi River in location code 17 was low, and anglers in this area averaged 6 hours per steelhead caught or kept. The BEST catch ratio is one fish every 6 hours Man-o-day ...Erie tribs would be ghost towns if that was the norm here ..L.T.A.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 11:30:06
Hmm suddenly that ghosttown dont sound like such a bad thing! Ive waited longer for 30+ pound flatheads to mAke their rounds. Quality over quantity.
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 12:17:21
fishfashfush Hmm suddenly that ghosttown dont sound like such a bad thing! Ive waited longer for 30+ pound flatheads to mAke their rounds. Quality over quantity.
I would rather catch 5 with nobody around than 20+ with the band of Idiots that clog the tribs everyday..
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 12:52:04
many times i refrenced the steelhead catch rate in the west......guess we got it good here buuuuuuuut then again they have real steelhead out there fish that are genetically superior they run long distances to reach there spawning grounds sometimes hundreds of miles......if our erie steelhead had to cover those distances they would be gassed lol lol like comparing a tri athlete to a lazy guy filling up at all u can eat buffet ......... hey tiny pass the giblet gravy har har har har har lol lol
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 15:25:18
I would rather catch 5 with nobody around than 20+ with the band of Idiots that clog the tribs everyday..
Not if takes 4 full days to catch those five..... then again they have real steelhead out there fish that are genetically superior they run long distances to reach there spawning grounds sometimes hundreds of miles......if our erie steelhead had to cover those distances they would be gassed lol lol like comparing a tri athlete not sure I'm buying all that, Brother a healthy fish, is a healthy fish Great Lakes steelhead eat well and are pretty healthy ..L.T.A.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 17:45:36
I'd rather catch a single 40" Steelhead than 10-15 fish in the 16-26" range, personally. Not that I can hookup with more than eight in a day anyway haha. Especially if that kind of catch rate deterred a significant amount of anglers from the Tribs. Far too crowded up there for my blood, but the monster fish are what keeps me coming back, even if I have to walk all day to find one or two undisturbed fish in a pool or run all to myself.
Big Tuna
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 17:50:36
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 18:04:52
Big Tuna 40" really?
There's some Steelhead easily that big in some watersheds out west, Skeena is the first to come to mind. Not common though. I'd settle for a single 35" for a weekend of fishing :).
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 18:56:09
I know your young and I'm old. I fished Erie and Ontario with a passion 3 days a week from 1978-1992, I caught thousands of eyes and never got a 10 pounder, you know why because we actually weighed our fish. Hundreds in the 9 lb range but no true 10's. Caught 30 lb kings and steelhead to 19 lbs,40" no. 20plus lb Lakers 16 lb Brown's. I'm not a estimator or a guesser. We measured and weighed our fish. Hell my personal best 19 lb steelhead wasn't even 40" and at the time would have been a state record in Pa. but taken in NY.There might be 40" somewhere but not in Erie and that what where talking about.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 19:04:39
Big Tuna I know your young and I'm old. I fished Erie and Ontario with a passion 3 days a week from 1978-1992, I caught thousands of eyes and never got a 10 pounder, you know why because we actually weighed our fish. Hundreds in the 9 lb range but no true 10's. Caught 30 lb kings and steelhead to 19 lbs,40" no. 20plus lb Lakers 16 lb Brown's. I'm not a estimator or a guesser. We measured and weighed our fish. Hell my personal best 19 lb steelhead wasn't even 40" and at the time would have been a state record in Pa. but taken in NY.There might be 40" somewhere but not in Erie and that what where talking about.
Just a joke man, I'd never expect a 40" Steelhead to come out of Erie, but they do exist in their native rivers out west. Best I'd expect from the Great Lakes would be 36-38" and MAYBE 20 pounds. Guy on Lake O caught a 40.25" Steelhead this summer but it only weighed 13.5 pounds. Then someone in Lake Michigan catches a 34" fish that's 20 pounds on the dot. If you don't mind me asking, was your 19 pound Steelhead from Erie or Ontario? As far as Walleye goes I'm not sure how the fishery is now compared to them. We very rarely target eyes and all of our big ones have come while targeting other species. 30" 12# last June trolling for Steelhead, 29" 11# in April trolling for Lake Trout, and 33" 14-15 pound BEAST Memorial Day weekend trolling for Steelhead. Every one of those fish weighed with both a manual and digital scale, kept the 12 and 14-15 to eat and released the 11. Never had a Walleye take 60' of line off a tight-drag diver setup before that day.
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/11/26 19:06:13
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 19:42:05
First trip I ever made to Lake Ontario,fished out of Olcott. Fished of the Microwave towers,there a big break in front,trolled all day and used a lot of different spoons. Must have hooked 40 plus fish,we kept 10 fish 12- 19 lbs each 35 foot down and about 25 behind to ball. Just a crazy day,the fish where out of the water before you would grab your rod. They jumped so much they came in dry. Those fish where different strain from Erie fish.Just full of fight. My two biggest where 19 and 17 lbs,still got pics of those two right after netting them. Back them if given the choice NY would get the nod,just huge fish Kings,coho,steelhead,Lakers,and browns. You never knew what you might catch. Me and my buddy first trip was to Burts damm for fall kings,we brought 10 kings home that weighed 270 plus pounds. 30lb fish where common. Never ate any of those fish but sure made friend fast passing them out,we did buy a big smoker and learned the smoke them after a few years.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 19:44:41
Big Tuna First trip I ever made to Lake Ontario,fished out of Olcott. Fished of the Microwave towers,there a big break in front,trolled all day and used a lot of different spoons. Must have hooked 40 plus fish,we kept 10 fish 12- 19 lbs each 35 foot down and about 25 behind to ball. Just a crazy day,the fish where out of the water before you would grab your rod. They jumped so much they came in dry. Those fish where different strain from Erie fish.Just full of fight. My two biggest where 19 and 17 lbs,still got pics of those two right after netting them. Back them if given the choice NY would get the nod,just huge fish Kings,coho,steelhead,Lakers,and browns. You never knew what you might catch. Me and my buddy first trip was to Burts damm for fall kings,we brought 10 kings home that weighed 270 plus pounds. 30lb fish where common. Never ate any of those fish but sure made friend fast passing them out,we did buy a big smoker and learned the smoke them after a few years.
That sounds epic! I know exactly where you're talking about off Olcott, we fished there this summer and caught the most Steelhead right off that point from shore about 450-510 FOW fish down 20-60'. 100% spoon bite other than a random FF Chinook.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 19:54:30
i caught a 33in male in 1998 elk creek thay only weighed 13lbs and that fish was skinny as a rail so i bet that 40 in lake o must been really thin
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 20:10:40
Don't really understand why you're so negative. You have some great fishing here. Maybe there are not wild but they're healthy and beautiful. First time for me here, and I like the place. Been today on the Walnut (yes it's crowded) then the Connie where I found fish and nobody around.
I prefer 5 or 6 fish a day than one 40" in a month. My 2 cents
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 20:39:49
Ben64 First time for me here, Been today on the Walnut
oh my.......from France to Walnut Did you hire a guide for Connie or are you fishing solo? edit..oh yea, forgive my poor manners welcome You might be our first international angler to be posting here Stick around and keep us updated ...but please don't mention specific areas of the creeks you fish ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2016/11/26 20:45:13
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 20:53:47
With a friend I met years ago on the Salmon River. When I say "found fish", not 15 lbs fish but enough to enjoy the afternoon.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 21:07:40
Thank you. No worries I don't even know the names of the holes/pools we hit today.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 21:44:34
Cool man. Wish the water conditions were a little better for you glad your trip wasn't a waste.
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 23:25:08
nerka i caught a 33in male in 1998 elk creek thay only weighed 13lbs and that fish was skinny as a rail so i bet that 40 in lake o must been really thin
Thing looked like a Pike, or maybe a Barracuda would be a better comparison LOL. Was as long as the Chinook the guy was holding next to it but about 1/3 as tall.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 23:34:16
Just outta curiosity was it spawned out? They tend to all slender out and take a cigar shape towards the end of their stay in the creeks/ rivers after all they did just travel and endure all the blow outs, freeze and spawning
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/26 23:39:32
fishfashfush Just outta curiosity was it spawned out? They tend to all slender out and take a cigar shape towards the end of their stay in the creeks/ rivers after all they did just travel and endure all the blow outs, freeze and spawning
No the guy caught it trolling in Lake Ontario in mid Summer, either July or early August. I'll find the picture tomorrow and post a link to it. Oddly enough, all of the Steelhead I caught trolling this summer with the exception of one or two were all pretty thin as well, and a lot of my trib fish this fall have been rather tall and or girthy. Seems like it should be the other way around.
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/11/26 23:40:40
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/27 15:49:43
Big Tuna They jumped so much they came in dry. Those fish where different strain from Erie fish.Just full of fight. My two biggest where 19 and 17 lbs,still got pics of those two right after netting them. Back them if given the choice NY would get the nod,just huge fish Kings,coho,steelhead,Lakers,and browns. You never knew what you might catch. Me and my buddy first trip was to Burts damm for fall kings,we brought 10 kings home that weighed 270 plus pounds. 30lb fish where common. Never ate any of those fish but sure made friend fast passing them out,we did buy a big smoker and learned the smoke them after a few years.
Your right Fred those early years up on NY were awesome ! The fish were much bigger and the crowds weren't around. We brought home a bunch of Salmon one trip and the smallest was 22 lbs. the largest 33lbs. I caught a few of those Skamania strain Steelies ....wild jumpers...long and silvery ! Here's one below and he's dry ! lol..... 35 " Steelhead from Point Breeze NY .....about 14+ pounds
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/27 16:08:32
Listen up ..... Wild Western Steelhead might fight way better and crazier then these Erie stream fish and I'll go along with that, but take a ride to the Niagara River up in the Devil's Hole area. Tie into a 15lb. Steelhead there from shore and I'll guarantee you'll be lucky to land that fish! Big current water allows fish to be much more aggressive and the Steelhead in the Niagara are all that. Western fish got nothing on these other then size. The boats have a big advantage as they can drift with the current and fight the fish, much easier than trying to hold on from a dead standstill point on shore with a strong current! Want a super Steelhead challenge..... there it is .....only 3 hours away. Climb those long steps down into that gorge and see what a real Steelhead can do under his conditions. You'll be in the Major League's of fishing now !
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/11/27 16:44:07
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/27 19:46:59
fishfashfush Just outta curiosity was it spawned out? They tend to all slender out and take a cigar shape towards the end of their stay in the creeks/ rivers after all they did just travel and endure all the blow outs, freeze and spawning
No the guy caught it trolling in Lake Ontario in mid Summer, either July or early August. I'll find the picture tomorrow and post a link to it. Oddly enough, all of the Steelhead I caught trolling this summer with the exception of one or two were all pretty thin as well, and a lot of my trib fish this fall have been rather tall and or girthy. Seems like it should be the other way around.
It's possible your fall fish that are girthy are Randolph strain rainbows, not Chambers Creek steelhead. They have been much less common in NY this fall, which makes the rainbows a little more noticeable. And the skinny ones could be suffering from Thiamin deficiency from eating too many stressed out alewives.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/27 20:42:45
yeah i read that about the thiamin deficency interesting stuff
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/28 10:10:52
CAPTAIN HOOK Listen up ..... Wild Western Steelhead might fight way better and crazier then these Erie stream fish and I'll go along with that, but take a ride to the Niagara River up in the Devil's Hole area. Tie into a 15lb. Steelhead there from shore and I'll guarantee you'll be lucky to land that fish!Big current water allows fish to be much more aggressive and the Steelhead in the Niagara are all that. Western fish got nothing on these other then size. The boats have a big advantage as they can drift with the current and fight the fish, much easier than trying to hold on from a dead standstill point on shore with a strong current! Want a super Steelhead challenge..... there it is .....only 3 hours away.Climb those long steps down into that gorge and see what a real Steelhead can do under his conditions. You'll be in the Major League's of fishing now !
Still need a trip to that river this season. I was more thinking for Lakers but Steelhead and Browns would be welcome to take my offering too :). Is it even possible to fly fish the Niagara or should I just invest in a float rod?
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/28 10:12:29
fishfashfush Just outta curiosity was it spawned out? They tend to all slender out and take a cigar shape towards the end of their stay in the creeks/ rivers after all they did just travel and endure all the blow outs, freeze and spawning
No the guy caught it trolling in Lake Ontario in mid Summer, either July or early August. I'll find the picture tomorrow and post a link to it. Oddly enough, all of the Steelhead I caught trolling this summer with the exception of one or two were all pretty thin as well, and a lot of my trib fish this fall have been rather tall and or girthy. Seems like it should be the other way around.
It's possible your fall fish that are girthy are Randolph strain rainbows, not Chambers Creek steelhead. They have been much less common in NY this fall, which makes the rainbows a little more noticeable. And the skinny ones could be suffering from Thiamin deficiency from eating too many stressed out alewives.
I have trib fished NY this fall (last weekend, actually) but it was nothing but wild (yes, wild) trophy Browns, no Steelbows to be had. All my trib Steelhead this fall have been in Erie creeks. This summer caught steelhead in both lakes trolling, though.
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Re: Steelhead Fishing in the Real World
2016/11/28 12:01:06
I have trib fished NY this fall (last weekend, actually) but it was nothing but wild (yes, wild) trophy Browns, no Steelbows to be had. All my trib Steelhead this fall have been in Erie creeks. This summer caught steelhead in both lakes trolling, though.
Sorry bud, I know where you fished in NY if you are talking about the browns you posted on a Facebook website, they weren't wild. I have fished there and the guy you were with was shown that stretch by a friend of mine. Same strain that runs Olcott,burt and rest of the tribs in that area. Maybe, quite possibly 1 or 2 were wild but knowing your track record of story telling..... Like the 6-7' Sturgeon you saw swimming in lake Erie. or the State record brown you lost on the boat in Lake erie and the record atlantic you caught in Lake O. I get every fisherman exaggerates but Ill call BS when I see it. Just be real. If you have to impress people with tales its not impressive.
Fishing is one jerk waiting for another on the other end.