Turkey day on the salmon
Launched at 9 with no other trailers in the lot though lfz had plenty of cars in it. My boat was full of snow and had 3 inches of ice on the floor leaving me with no anchor system to let down when a fish strikes. Hit the first fish top of unemployment hole small guy about 5lbs popped of before we could beech him as my net was also froze in the ice. Had another good pull above fraziers and another at elis cove lot both misses. At the tail end of the hole got a good pull and while joe was fighting the fish I managed to free the net and we landed a solid 12 pound male. Down thru to the bovines and another male to net about 8 or so. Hit another in the trestle along the left shore in that 8 pound range and one more good swing and miss above pinball alley so we went 3 for 7. Have pictures but photobucket froze my account because I wont upgrade so not able to post, hot colors were the Grinch and red and green pirate, great day and much needed break for me though I did miss most of diner, thankfully wifey didn't really mind. I like the leftovers best any way. Happy Holidays to all!