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browns vs steelhead
just a quick survey..... seems browns are all the rage lol ive been fortunate to catch numbers of both over the years ny pa great lakes tribs jus my vote goes to the steelhead in my experiences they fight better aaaaand if you choose to eat one they eat better...... just seems alot of guys get buck fever on the hook jaw male browns lol lol
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/21 03:37:16
Agree. Steelhead fight way better. Lazy brown. What taste a steelhead ? I don't know, and will never know...
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/21 05:32:11
Steel any day. They fight harder. Plus where are the 100,000 Browns put in every year? Only saw three caught this year in Erie
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/21 08:19:02
is it true browns dont imprint like steelhead do....?
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/21 09:28:35
I'll take a Brown over a Steelhead most days, same goes for inland fish too, I prefer resident Browns over Rainbows. Just my opinion, but I think Browns fight better. Browns stay down and dirty and keep your rod bent in a U for the entire fight, add in some violent head shakes, short powerful bursts; and the ability to sit in the current and not move until they want to and you've got my perfect stream fish (maybe it's because they behave so similarly to Lakers but they're in moving water that I love them). However, that's not to say I don't love steelhead because I absolutely do, they're one of the hardest fighters out there. What I love about steelhead is their sporadic tendencies, acrobatics, speed, and blistering runs. What I don't like is that they tire much faster than Browns because they use all their energy in bursts rather than consistently tear on your rod for 10-15 minutes like big Browns do. I also prefer a fish that dives to a fish that jumps. My 2c.
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/11/21 09:29:43
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/21 16:40:08
Brownie if its a female.....  nothing like brownie eggs...yum
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/21 17:13:19
pheasant tail 2
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/21 21:21:50
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/22 18:03:12
pound for pound,,steellies,,especially in colder water. Big inland river brownies fight beter than lake erie brownies. Trust me.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/22 21:19:40
Nothing prettier than a Fall colored river Brown ! Fight ....not even close Steel rules !
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/22 21:50:41
Browns can't even get a W on the fisherie forums. 0-16?
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/22 22:14:06
I've NEVER caught a brown over too pahhnds... Sad face. Steeliez fite hard.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/22 22:20:11
Very nice Cappy. This one is from the Allegheny and caught this past July. Didn't weigh it and released it. Measured 30 1/2" I probably had about 6 turns of fly line backing left on the reel before I was able to stop it. I've caught bigger lake run browns but this thing fought twice as hard as those.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 05:55:51
Porktown Browns can't even get a W on the fisherie forums. 0-16?
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 08:15:50
dano ive heard theres some hog browns in the allegheny ....obviously this confirms.. hahah.... im guessing they just come in from the tributaries... but i was also told they used to stock browns in the river....
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 08:36:05
Very nice river Brown Dano, I lost a beauty years back where East Hickory Creek empties into the Allegheny. Fishing for Smallies when I hooked into a hog Brown, broke me off after seeing him a few times. Not as nice as that but a good one .
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 08:51:43
CAPTAIN HOOK Very nice river Brown Dano, I lost a beauty years back where East Hickory Creek empties into the Allegheny. Fishing for Smallies when I hooked into a hog Brown, broke me off after seeing him a few times. Not as nice as that but a good one .
love fishing the clarion river in the late spring (may/early june) always catch some nice brook trout and walleyes on blue fox spinners and night crawlers.... fun to fish that time before all the canoers and kayakers show up
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 09:05:38
Wow, apparently I'm the only one who's defending lake run Browns as champions LOL. Nothing beats a "down and dirty" fighting style to me, more brute strength vs brute strength when you're fighting Browns which just want to bulldog and head shake like tanks, as opposed to steelhead which is "try not to let that fish jump on the bank at you" haha.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 09:11:27
Browns win the beauty contest, IMO. Dano & Capt, those are some great looking fish.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 09:44:51
size for size I want to fight and land trophy lake run brown. Beauty and strength aren't matched by its chrome brethren. I want speed and drag ripper chrome it is. Most days I just want my rod bent.
Fishing is one jerk waiting for another on the other end.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 09:58:17
6lb stellie size for size I want to fight and land trophy lake run brown. Beauty and strength aren't matched by its chrome brethren. I want speed and drag ripper chrome it is. Most days I just want my rod bent.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 11:57:42
Divemaster you need to hook into a big Hybrid Striper! If you want deep power fighting mixed with some line burning runs that's your fish ! None in Erie.....although I think they would be a great trial fish to introduce there being a hybrid, but I doubt that will ever happen.....too bad.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 12:01:32
CAPTAIN HOOK Divemaster you need to hook into a big Hybrid Striper! If you want deep power fighting mixed with some line burning runs that's your fish ! None in Erie.....although I think they would be a great trial fish to introduce there being a hybrid, but I doubt that will ever happen.....too bad.
Went out for some Ohio River wipers with the 8wt a few weeks ago but we couldn't find any takers, those d*** rivers never produce anything, smh... Anyway, stripers in Erie would be cool but they'd be direct competition with white bass (already competing with white perch), and eat a LOT of both juvenile Walleye and Steelhead, not to mention emeralds. Thankfully Erie has it's deep diving OW tank already, the Lake Trout. But man, Browns and Steelhead fight so much better in the creeks than in the main lake and even then they're still trying to compete with the fight of the battle-Char, I can only imagine the fight of a Laker in a high gradient tributary...
post edited by Divemaster - 2016/11/23 12:02:48
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 12:23:17
Someone on here caught a lake traaht in the elk crick
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 12:28:59
fishfashfush Someone on here caught a lake traaht in the elk crick
I know B-rad caught a small one in Elk. I'm talking more along the lines of a 20+ pounder though.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 13:04:14
The wiper beats all in pa, hands down. If you'd have gotten into a nice one with a 8weight in the river, you'd have been in for a brawl that you'd probably lose. Get one of those wide bastards on a run with current and your gonna be way into backing, quick. Lake Arthur, may/June, toss bomber long A's, and hold on.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 13:13:57
ShenangoEyes The wiper beats all in pa, hands down. If you'd have gotten into a nice one with a 8weight in the river, you'd have been in for a brawl that you'd probably lose. Get one of those wide bastards on a run with current and your gonna be way into backing, quick. Lake Arthur, may/June, toss bomber long A's, and hold on.
Tried last summer at Arthur and couldn't find any either. Just one of those few species that doesn't cooperate with me I suppose (musky...). But if they fight anything like white bass then I believe it, even at 12" those things fight better out on the lake than any Walleye I've caught. Need to get a pure Striper at Raystown soon, maybe cast some big topwater streamers.
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/23 20:54:45
ShenangoEyes The wiper beats all in pa, hands down. If you'd have gotten into a nice one with a 8weight in the river, you'd have been in for a brawl that you'd probably lose. Get one of those wide bastards on a run with current and your gonna be way into backing, quick. Lake Arthur, may/June, toss bomber long A's, and hold on.
Shenango Eyes , I won't argue that statement pound for pound they are one vicious fighter ! Those hogs we pulled out of Shenango Lake were unreal, heavy action rods, and braided line and they had that rod bent so bad it was creaking like an old rocking chair ready to crack! Started uses salt water plugs to hold em ! Runaway locomotives on line ! Never filmed the battle ( big mistake ) just photos before we released all of them. Kept one 15lber for the wall. Just an awesome game fish !
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Re: browns vs steelhead
2016/11/24 15:50:25
They really are beasts. My PB was a 28.5"x22" from moraine.
post edited by ShenangoEyes - 2016/11/24 18:46:38