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Low water levels..or??
Now i know we havent had much rain but do you think that these are actually low water levels or seemingly low due to the results of these streams being eroded and slowly filling in? Ive done a lot of walking and have come to the conclusion that the cricks have changed soo much- so much more than previous years. A lot of fill ins and a lot of cleanouts. What they did demolishing the old bridge on mid-upper elk is a shame, its not even shoelace deep where it used to be a few feet deep and formerly a good holding spot. The power of water is crazy. Look how deep the stop sign hole is now since the top log came off. I also noticed fish mostly use that as a thru way instead of holding now compared to last few years.
post edited by fishfashfush - 2016/11/13 21:05:55
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/13 21:17:27
I will agree cliffs are falling in left and right elk creek in a year or two will be very difficult to fish. I myself have put many miles on my boots this year and the change is unbelieveable. The great fishery that once existed will be gone in a few years. Looks like the only fishable water will b the mud hole and the lake. The worst days are yet to come
A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything. I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/13 21:30:39
Makes you wonder if the fish commish knows that these creeks are going to be too much work in the future. "Supposed" cutbacks of stocking , lack of initiatives to buy access..no real plans or projects for the future.. are the good times really over for good ..hmm
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/13 21:43:43
I don't even think it's a question. I truly believe we are wetting our last lines in the Lake Erie ecosystem. It truly was an amazing run I had driving 2 hours on little sleep to spook the last few fish that were still around. At this point the fish that are left are just disoriented and haven't realized that their mission is complete. Shame that the smart ones are gonna have to find a new place to drop the eggs that will never hatch. I really enjoyed the times when they chose the Erie tribs. Those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end.........
A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything. I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/13 22:02:40
I think the state is just too overwhelmed with people and their demands. Fishing for steelhead got too big too fast for whatever reason. They could bring more staff on in the fall and take it more serious. Ive had more encounters with the fish commission and game commsion while fishing and hunting elsewhere for license checks, etc. I guess they got people where they want them. Bringing in boo coo money laughing at all of trib fishermen. Even if they are slowly hitting the reset button do you think the creeks are gonna endure a second chance? Ive seen a lot of small local creeks near my home be filled in with erosion to the point of inhability. If this keeps up it will be the end for sure.
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/13 22:40:48
Pack a few extra outfits, throw some extra gas in the tank and New York it is
A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything. I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/14 10:56:02
SRNY is slow too so far this season...be floating Jan 16th up there can not wait!!! WCW
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/14 11:09:22
The erie tribs have always been very changeable. It is hard to believe how much one rain can change the look of places up there. But, the geology and the changing nature of the run off is what dictates those changes. Being mostly shale it doesn't give much chance for water to sink in or run off carrying bed load with it. The increasing development along the watershed also gives more intense and frequent floods, which then change the lay of the land. The future will be more of the same. But, it is a put and take fishery, very little natural reproduction happens.
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/14 11:18:06
As a lot of some of you more seasoned guys that have been around the block a time or 2 have stated a lot of old places that held fish have been gone for 20 years less and less holes
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/14 11:22:02
a lot easier to catch fish in a deep run with a nice drift than a shallow run where theyre spooked
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/14 11:26:14
☄ Helpfulby bigbear2012 2016/11/14 13:00:48
FishUSA Dredging party 2017. Bring explosives, heavy equipment and beer. Lets create new holding holes on all creeks! We will make the Erie runs Uuuuuge again!
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/14 21:50:41
conrail tubes on elk 15 years ago both had great flow and were deep at both ends the hole outside was a great deep run with current and holding water and the tailout was amazing when the fish were running up from rte 5 tubes i aint kidding when that area easily held a few hundred fish in the 90s aint nothing now but a deep pocket in front end of the left side tunnel looking upstream
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/15 14:55:58
As the main Lake drops in great levels without rain all creeks run out that much faster . LipRip nailed it ! The high cliffs are eroding and drop tons of shale gravel into the flat rock bottom creeks and just fill in all holes and crevices! I've seen many a good run or holding hole just disappear with time. All filled with loose shale rock, maybe some will reappear in the future but most are a total loss! Took this photo in 2003  Gives you an idea how much had fallen with my friend in photo.  It's too bad most of you guys will never get to fish this area. The most scenic ,secluded, and pristine area on all of Elk Creek! Huge shale cliffs with waterfalls dripping down into some of the best fishing holes ever. It got posted to private pay fishing years ago. I had the pleasure for around 15 years or more with my son and a few close friends. Just fantastic Steelhead fishing, the way it should be enjoyed ! I truly miss it ...........
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/15 14:59:57
just wow
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/15 15:02:48
there was a couple holes i fished when i was WAY younger.... we probably walked a good mile down some rail road tracks and walkd upstream from the big rail road tressel.... has big cliffs like this one... i know it was on elk but dont remember exactly where... i think between the legion area and i90....? either way it was a beautiful area too...
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/15 15:09:37
i fished a really nice area of a trib on sunday... TONS of holding water and big high cliffs and big pines... but no fish... dam......
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/15 15:13:28
used to fish up high on walnut that had some nice holes and the creek was surprisingly wide in that area... would never see another person and we used to slam fish.... pretty sure its posted now...
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/16 06:49:44
Capt, I was fortunate to fish that great area for a few years! I used to hike up and fish the little feeder stream that was just below and opposite of the high wall....solitude and an occasional Steelie.
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/16 20:14:42
Highstick , Yes it was all great fishing most years. That area your talking was called Little Elk and it was a good spot were it joined into Elk. That whole area required about a 3/4 mile hike down into the gorge from the road then extra walking as you moved upstream , but all well worth it. Going back out was a workout, being younger was an advantage then ! lol There were at least 7 good holding holes along with about 5 nice flowing runs and all held fish ! How great was it that we would "walk and fish" from hole to hole and never worry about anybody up ahead being there! I fished it in the late 80's on to about 2005. Not sure exactly when it got posted up but right around that time. 90's till 2003 were just awesome fishing days there. Always double digits most trips with some days never seeing another person !  That's Little Elk in back round iced up , Elk's flowing good. C&R  Just barely upstream from Little Elk here / C&R 2003
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/16 20:45:01
so glad i fished during the gold rush lol lol yes captn your absolutely correct mid 90s thru 2003 elk creek was simply steelhead heaven with the occaisonal coho thrown in for good measure
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/16 22:20:30
Me too .....that was the silver rush ! lol......Your right a few Coho in the mix. Never caught a Brown or seen one caught way up. Biggest Erie Brown I caught was in Girard Park about 24". Seen a Palomino caught at Trout Run around 30", more of a silvery yellow. I caught a few at Trout Run. Seen a Lake Trout caught there early one morning , they were protected then I believe or had a season. Guy kept it didn't know how to tell fish .
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/17 00:45:38
seen a palomino in trout run 1996 trying to jump falls last one i ever saw although i saw a modest size king there just 3 days ago too prob 32 in or so
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/17 06:17:56
Caught a lake trout at the mudhole in 2007. Around 2:00 am
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/17 09:07:28
Theres the stillhed jesus, pics or it didnt happen
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/17 09:14:30
Awesome pics Capt! Thanks a bunch for sharing! That section just had everything going for it!
steel whisperer
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/17 11:20:50
Erie tribs spate creeks change year in and year out. Erosion constantly happens. Its no worse or better then it has ever been. New runs form as old ones fill its nature. Have seen it for 20 years some areas have out lasted others and some change multiple times annually. Once blow out happens some fill and some get cleaned out. This is nothing new however seems more drastic last few years due to low flows followed by blowouts, the steady flows seem to be less common. Capt you are correct many people truly don't know what they are missing in that stretch on elk. It is saddening the current status as that 3-4 miles or water could better then all the tribs combined. Reminds me of Cattaragus Creek in Zoar Valley plenty of areas for fish and anglers to spread out.
Fishing is one jerk waiting for another on the other end.
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/17 13:17:27
Whisperer, Good comparison!
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Re: Low water levels..or??
2016/11/17 15:45:13
Did any of you guys fish there in the 80's when that old rusted car was upside down in the creek there ? Some old timer many years ago told me when you come across a car in Elk Creek your in the best fishing area ever! He never told me where, he was super tight lipped. I walked that creek for a few years fishing up and down always thinking about what he said, but never had a glimpse of a car. When I came across that car several years later it was like I found a treasure ! lol..... And he was sooooooo right !