Newbee to Carp fishing. Any help appreciated

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2016/11/13 13:49:00 (permalink)

Newbee to Carp fishing. Any help appreciated

Starting to change gears and start Carp fishing. Always Carp fished the Yough in South Connellsville down to Dawson. We only ever used Doughballs and Corn. Not asking any secrets or places. The Yough does not seem to have the population it had years ago. I've been reading about boilies and other Euro style of Carp fishing. I know they can be very spooky. Thanks!!!

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    Re: Newbee to Carp fishing. Any help appreciated 2016/11/13 18:51:11 (permalink)
    I've tried some of the euro boilies and had no luck with them. Nothing beats bread and corn. Hard to beat a simple hair rig with either a few kernels of corn or a small breadball on it.

    I've never fished the rivers for carp, I just stick to the local lakes since most are full of decent sized carp.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Newbee to Carp fishing. Any help appreciated 2016/11/13 19:16:38 (permalink)
    P. I. Erie some giant fish,of course Pymy a lot of fish but not many fish over 20 lbs. 
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    Re: Newbee to Carp fishing. Any help appreciated 2016/11/14 09:35:57 (permalink)
    I've tried some of the euro boilies and had no luck with them. Nothing beats bread and corn. Hard to beat a simple hair rig with either a few kernels of corn or a small breadball on it.

    This has been my experience as well. Though I do fish the 3 rivers for them as also. Last few years when cat fishing at night I always use 1 rod for carp/buffalo. Usually get at least 1 or 2 real close to shore. I just much prefer the fight of a carp that has lived in moving water.
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    Re: Newbee to Carp fishing. Any help appreciated 2016/11/15 20:23:06 (permalink)
    I spent a lot of time in my younger days carp fishing, started in chartiers creek in canonsburg in the late 70's. Still nice population of fish but not as big as then. But that was all there was due to pollution. Fished lake joanne pay lake carp tournaments till I mastered it (won money easily and consistent)...but staying up all night for a couple hundred bucks average while I had a two full time jobs already made me get away from it. Here's a couple tips. Chum the hell out of the place a day or two or four before you go in public water...big cans of corn like a sams club can or two or four..get em unwary..they are naturally skittish fish just ask the euro pay lake or real skittish situations go as tiny as possible considering the circumstance...I use to put a kernel of corn or a piece of elbow macaroni soaked in corn syrup on a tiny octopus hook embedded in a fist sized ball of whole wheat bran, grain, cornmeal, flour, whatever would hold in a ball to toss, and slowly  real in...slowly like one crank every half hour..torture...but you will get the big one in the crowd in a small gamble lake guaranteed, but chumming is the secret for public water 

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