Ever loose a trophy fish ?

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2016/11/08 23:10:09 (permalink)

Ever loose a trophy fish ?

We have all lost big fish or trophy size fish in our outdoor fishing adventures . Some we got to see escape , some we never had a chance, but always wonder what and how big was it . Some you forget in time, but some really stay in your memory mostly the ones you actually got to see or glimpse for a few seconds or more. I'd like to hear and share a few stories on "the one that got away" !
Years back I was fishing a local strip-mined lake that held nice size Bass and Bluegill. I noticed a large tree had fallen into a section of water near shore. As I approached the tree I could see very clearly a huge Largemouth Bass just under the surface of the water. I mean I'm talking huge like 25" or better and wide !
I tossed a big live minnow about 20 ft. past him and reeled in toward him so as not to spook this monster. He sucked it up like candy and disappeared into the depths.  I let him run awhile then set the hook, up he come and did a huge summersault on top the water causing a giant explosion ! I seen my hook and minnow slip away just as he slammed the surface ! If I say this Bass was 10lbs. I don't think I'd be exaggerating much....... I'll never know. 

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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/08 23:42:36 (permalink)
    yeah capt  lets go to the way back machine    1999  conrail tubes   back when both tubes had a flow and held fish   low low water  mid november about 150  and thats a conserative estimate steel in tube  to left looking upstream   2lb test magnathin and a 1 64th hand tied by me  black jig   bobber under  huge splash  ya know what i mean u can tell by the smack on water its huge   up n down  then the large buck tries to go upstream and  down right side   gets close to concrete then  snap........   i threw my rod into the trees outside the tubes /';.,   i guess it at about 36 in and atleast 17 lbs  i play this back in my mind often              my personal best was in 1996  12lbs 4oz male 30in  lots of 10 plus back in the golden years   i even got a big coho  10lbs 8oz same year 31in  at conrail tubes great memories that will never die..
    smally hunter
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 00:09:59 (permalink)
    Walleye opener 2011 .. fishing outflow In Jamestown .. catching eyes lots of shorts .. feel a thud on a jig and minnow .. start bringing it in .. now mind you my biggest eye anywhere is 8lb+ 28.5 inches .. well what came to the surface dwarfed that .. easy 32-35 inch fish .. big an round like a lg coffee can .. hooked right in the dorsal fin ... Could bring myself to land that fish .. quick wrist snap and see ya later
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 13:47:01 (permalink)
    While wind drifting the Erie shores for Smallies I got a hold of a very strong heavy fish. I was drifting large shiners back then and this fish just wouldn't come up. I fought it for quite awhile as it just hugged the bottom of the 25 foot water we were in. Seemed it was 10-15 minutes just holding that bent rod and getting nowhere. Finally I started horsing on the rod and pumped him just about to the surface when the rod popped up ! Gone......never seen a shadow!
    I'm guessing a huge Catfish but who knows maybe a Sturgeon.
    I've landed 20-30 lb. fish before and this was easily above that category .
    I always wondered over the years.       
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 14:05:50 (permalink)
    I've been lucky in that I've been able to land the biggest fish I've hooked and played.
    Except for one big channel cat and that ended up being my friends fault when he tried to help?? out.  
    This Summer I landed my personal best inland brown trout at 30.5", not weighed and released on my home river.
    post edited by dano - 2016/11/09 14:07:42
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 14:41:45 (permalink)
    Yes.  I've had two 45-50" class musky eat flies & I blew it.  It's not something you get over easily. LOL
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 15:05:28 (permalink)
    Landed some big ones, had two that I lost I would have loved to land.
    One was a large mouth in a strip pond when I was about 16....still think it would have been a state record.
    The other was a huge cat down on the Susquehanna last year, I've landed them up to 35 lbs...this one took one look and just destroyed my tackle.
    It keeps us going back and excited about what the next one might be :)

    wishin i was fishin
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 16:18:50 (permalink)
    Lost a nice palomino on donegal a few years back. It was missed with the net and it spit the hook. Definitely was in the 6 - 7 pound range. That's great for a stocked fisherie with lots of pressure. Also lost a king on 20 before. It wasn't huge but I still am ****ed I didn't land it. It was around the 8 - 9 pound range.
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 16:25:39 (permalink)
    If you regularly fish and never have missed a trophy, you need to fish more.
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 17:30:40 (permalink)
    Yes there's always the one. Mine was about 7 or 8 years ago. I had  unbelievable walleye fishing off the spillway at Pymy. I my son and I hit it 4 different days in the two week run and limited out on all occasions. I convinced him on one more trip even though I knew it was getting late. We got there around 3 am and the joint was empty,not a good sign but we fished through the night and landed two keepers a piece. I said will fish till  About 9am and head home. About 8:30 my Vibe-E went slack on the drop. I set the hook and my 10foot noodle rod double in half. I assumed a large carp had hit my lure. I put max pressure on the fish and after a few minutes it surfaced. Well it was without a doubt the largest musky I've every seen,this was a true behemoth. I've netted two 30 lb plus fish from Pymy for other anglers. This fish was in the 40's,a fish the size of a railroad tie. Well I played this fish like a pro and  thought I was going to land this fish. After 45 minutes the game was still on,the fish was so heavy it could not jump but just rolled on the surface. I don't know what happened but all of a sudden this fish get a jolt of energy and head for the main lake,it rolled one last time out by the row of rocks straight out from the spillway. The line just goes slack, the 1/8 oz Vibe-E still there but the hooks pull straight and the big girl was set free. After a 45 minute battle it was over. I never got over losing that fish.
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 17:39:31 (permalink)
    Told the story of the mega steelie lost years ago several times here over the years ...won't bore anyone with another rerun
    Lost  plenty of "unknown" heavy fish
    the only other "known" trophy* lost (meaning  I actually saw it to know what it was and how big)
    was in northern Ontario at a walleye lake ...hooked a BIG Northern ...got it to the boat and lost it
    *really don't know what a "trophy" size Northern is...but it was bigger than the 38" Muskie I  landed at a lake near me
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 21:06:08 (permalink)
    Oct. early 90s down river from whirlpool on the Niagara in a slow portion of river that flows back towards the outflow of the whirlpool. Lost a male king that would have been well over 40 lbs. have caught up to a 38 lb. and this fish was much larger. It was wore down and laying on it's side as I was easing him in the last 15 feet when he shook and blasted the hook right out half straightening it . Wish I would have had my VCR camera with me that evening.
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 22:08:24 (permalink)
    I have had a couple. A smallmouth in Allegheny wading was enormous, and after a couple jumps he threw the hook. Then a Northern in Canada on 4 lb test and a #2 mepps with a bit of worm. I had it on for 10 minutes having hooked it while fishing small mouths. I would put all the pressure the 4 lb would take and it would slowly come in just finning not swimming. It would get right below me make one kick with its tale and be gone again. Then I would slowly pull it back up. I did this a few times back and forth. The last time it was coming up head first at me and he or she flared its gills and blew that mepps out. I think it was just holding it in its mouth the whole time. I have caught them up to 46" and that one was a monster. I am not really sure how big because at that time I hadn't caught that many big ones musky or pike. It was in that monster class though.
      I have had musky fishermen tell me when you hook a big one and the head looks like a spade shovel they are big. I knew a fella that caught two 50 lb Musky the same day. That was what he fished for, big Musky with big live suckers. That was in the 70's and he was a taxidermist.
      Saw a carp swim by at 10 ft in crystal clear water that I do not ever tell people its size because no one would believe me. I do not know what kind of tackle it would take to land. My musky net he would trash. I have not caught that big of carp, perhaps 20 lb. Not even in the same class.
      Had an ocean fish on a pier just swim away like it was nothing I wasn't  even phasing it. Took all kinds of line then luckily the hook pulled  and I didn't loose all my line.
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    Re: Ever loose a trophy fish ? 2016/11/09 22:32:41 (permalink)
    50+ inch muskie - Chautauqua Lake. Perhaps what makes the memory so vivid to this day is the fact that I lost it!
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