Personal Bests

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2016/11/07 14:07:24 (permalink)

Personal Bests

this isn't meant to be a contest.....
being that i'm a quality and not a quantity kind of guy.... share some of your personal bests worth mentioning of any fish species...
steelhead i've got a few around 30 and the ten pounds
and a couple over all from erie tribs never got any big ones from a ny trib...
the brown in my pic is by far the biggest i have caught definitely bigger than ones my friends have caught.....HA HA.... that was one i regret releasing and would've liked to have put him on the wall
caught a pike twice in the same day while walleye fishing a few years ago that was 36 inches.


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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/07 14:59:47 (permalink)
    The very first steelhead my son ever caught - right around his 7th birthday - was the biggest steelhead I've ever handled.  I did not measure or weigh it, but the pic is below.  Frank guessed 13# and that's him in the pic, I am much more handsome than that.  
    It was a slow morning on lower Elk, and somehow we ended up next to the legendary Loudmouth Frank.  He said that nickname hurt his fillins a little   Frank was kind enough to let my son take a few drifts in his spot and fight several fish, and this was the first of his life.  

    I've hooked one bigger than that once, middle of the night at the stop sign hole on Walnut.  Fought it for about 20 seconds and it took off for the lake and snapped me off.  
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/07 15:07:49 (permalink)
    nice fish and cool story.... i haven't ran into frank in a while he used to ALWAYS fish the end of the rocks .... and yes he talks A LOT 

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/07 15:18:04 (permalink)
    Loudmouth Frank... lol - Fished next to this dude lots of times... or should I say he's walked in on me many of times... At least he talks to you before walking right next to you to jig bait. 
    12lb is my personal best (that I know the weight of). Was hooked deep so ended up keeping it. 

    I think this one would of been my new PB, but released it. Wish I could of got a better pic as it doesn't do it justice.

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/07 15:24:14 (permalink)
    nice brown... i cant seem to catch ANY browns in erie..... 

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/07 17:07:09 (permalink)
    Here's a few of my PBs

    Steelhead: 28" 12 pound FAT hen, 510' in Lake Ontario
    Stream Steelhead: 27" 9-10 pound bull
    Brown Trout: 22" 6 pound male, 10' in Lake Ontario
    Pink Salmon: 18" 2.5 pounds, 120' in Lake Erie
    "Pinook" Salmon: 22" 3.5 pounds, 140' in Lake Erie
    Lake Trout: 36" 23-25 pounds, 110' in Lake Erie
    Brook Trout: 15" native Brook in a Potter County blueline
    Walleye: 33" 14-15 pounds, 80' in Lake Erie
    Yellow Perch: 16" 1.5 pounds, 30' in PIB
    FW Drum: 30" 14 pounds, 45' in Lake Erie
    post edited by Divemaster - 2016/11/07 17:08:16
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/07 17:11:32 (permalink)
    nice brown... i cant seem to catch ANY browns in erie..... 

    Feels like 5% of anglers catch 95% of the Browns LOL. Wonder why they're not doing as well in Erie as they are in Ontario. After all, they can tolerate warmer water and prefer to eat species like Gobies in water 100' or less, so it sounds like Erie would be a perfect fit for them.
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 02:07:08 (permalink)
    9' bullshark in the surf near Myrtle Beach....

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 07:35:55 (permalink)
    Steelhead  19.5 lb hen SRNY
    Brown 16 lb hen Oak
    King 33.5 lb male SRNY
    Coho 15.5 lb male SRNY
    Walleye 34 in 13.5lb Lake O OZ'
    Largemouth 24 in 8lb Indiana Public lake
    Best trout on dry fly 21 in holdover brown Broadheads Creek PA
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 07:57:30 (permalink)
    One of the best to date
    an 8 pounder that came last night at 11:47
    Our first Grand Son !!
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 08:11:00 (permalink)
    nice brown... i cant seem to catch ANY browns in erie..... 

    Feels like 5% of anglers catch 95% of the Browns LOL. Wonder why they're not doing as well in Erie as they are in Ontario. After all, they can tolerate warmer water and prefer to eat species like Gobies in water 100' or less, so it sounds like Erie would be a perfect fit for them.

    imo they just don't stock as many and is it true that browns don't imprint like steelhead and salmon?

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 12:31:06 (permalink)
    Genieman...Congratulations! Keeper for sure..
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 12:37:04 (permalink)
    One of the best to date
    an 8 pounder that came last night at 11:47
    Our first Grand Son !!

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 14:52:43 (permalink)
    Congrats,  Gman ! 
    When you think of Browns think of Carp. lol.....
    Browns love dirty muddy bottom water . All the best NY Brown Trout creeks are just that.
    Oak Orchard is silt mud bottom 95% of the creek as is 18 mile (Burt Dam).
    Johnson , Keg , Sandy , Wilson , all mud silt bottoms with slow flow.
    Some reason Browns are attracted to those sluggish style creeks.
    We caught Browns in the Niagara but never huge numbers like the slow muddy creeks.
    I bet the Cat gets more Erie Browns then all the others it's always dirty.     
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 15:11:21 (permalink)
    Congrats,  Gman ! 
    When you think of Browns think of Carp. lol.....
    Browns love dirty muddy bottom water . All the best NY Brown Trout creeks are just that.
    Oak Orchard is silt mud bottom 95% of the creek as is 18 mile (Burt Dam).
    Johnson , Keg , Sandy , Wilson , all mud silt bottoms with slow flow.
    Some reason Browns are attracted to those sluggish style creeks.
    We caught Browns in the Niagara but never huge numbers like the slow muddy creeks.
    I bet the Cat gets more Erie Browns then all the others it's always dirty.     

    how are the michigan tribs? "muddy" also? 
    i know there's some HOG browns up there too... check out eric hataaja 25+ lbs
    i wonder if they just chase the salmon in there to feed and being the majority of ontario tribs are "dirty" anyways

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 15:25:12 (permalink)

    how are the michigan tribs? "muddy" also? 

    They are mostly sand or silty bottomed rivers with log jam & undercut banks for structure as opposed to the Erie bedrock shale bottomed creeks. 
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 16:47:49 (permalink)
    There you go! Don't know why but they are attracted to that type water.
    I seen a pack of huge Browns one year on Johnson Creek that were in a huge mud bottom area just loaded with bank roots and fallen timber. I'd say none were under 10lbs.with some probably pushing upper teens. Couldn't hardly cast let alone land one !
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 17:15:27 (permalink)
    There you go! Don't know why but they are attracted to that type water. I seen a pack of huge Browns one year on Johnson Creek that were in a huge mud bottom area just loaded with bank roots and fallen timber. I'd say none were under 10lbs.with some probably pushing upper teens. Couldn't hardly cast let alone land one ! 

    Sounds more like Bass fishing at that point, but they sure as heck fight better haha.

    Guess this really explains a lot of the wild Trout streams out there. Browns are more abundant in the low gradient, wider creeks with lots of overhanging brush and sunken timber, not that they don't feed and spawn in areas of gravel though. Whereas Brookies are much more present in high gradient freestone mountain streams with rocks being the main structure present and much colder water. But then where do wild 'Bows fit in? I'd guess somewhere in between, with preferences more similar to Brooks than Browns.
    post edited by Divemaster - 2016/11/08 17:18:59
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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 20:25:11 (permalink)
    since brownies seem to be the talk heres my biggest one to date 22 inches 6 lbs from trout run caught him on a glob of powerbait, i hate admitting to what i caught him on but hey it works this was 2014

    these next 4 were all this year and are all personal bests this walleye was caught january 31st in frigid cold waters while wading the river fish just missed 30 inches coming in at 29.75 and just under 12 lbs, it was worth freezing for 

    this next fish  is my favorite bc lets face its who doesn't like big bass, no length but weight just under 6 lbs

    this cat seemed to never wanna come in no weight but measured 39.5  caught on a giant bluegill from the beaver river

    last but not least, caught this past weekend up erie on 11-5 from the pier jiging for whatever wanted to hit, and it hit. after a 15 minute fight and almost spolling me twice  this fish was measured and weighed at 31 inches and 22lbs this picture doesn't do this fish justice

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    Re: Personal Bests 2016/11/08 22:28:04 (permalink)
    All nice fish and photos Mike !
    My personal best are mostly on the Fish USA photo section in my album.
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/11/08 22:37:20
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