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Skull mount buck
Thinking about getting a skull mount of a buck. They can paint them in several different colors. What is a good color and what do you do with the mount when you get it back? Are they too ugly looking to hang on the wall? Does any one have any thoughts or comments on this issue? The charge is $100.00 for a taxidermist to do it. Would not attempt myself.
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/06 01:29:33
I do mine myself,a few hours work and the turn out beautiful. I have about over a dozen. I even did my 135 7/8 12 pts from Ohio last year. I ran out of wall space for anymore shoulder mounts plus 500.00 bucks plus is to much money to spend. You can easily do them yourself and even watch videos on how the get the camo or painted look.
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/06 07:36:53
BT What color did you paint them and did use a back board? Are they on your wall? My wife said I can't put it on the living room wall. I have a buck and 2 fish on the living room wall now.
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/06 09:17:16
+1 on doing them yourself. Little time consuming, but I did the euro mount in the buck I got last year (my first one) and it turned out great. Didn't paint mine it's just bleach white, but someone showed me a video last year where people had taken spray paint in camo colors, sprayed it into a large vat of water so it floated on top, mixed it a little to give it a marbled effect, then did a dip with the skull. Looks pretty neat when it was done. I'm sure you can find a video or two on YouTube showing how to do it.
Big Tuna
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/06 10:16:18
Panfisher, we just do them natural,boil remove the flesh and brain matter then a final boil in hydrogen peroxide and water. They turn out beautiful,snow white. My son is somewhat of a woodworker and make beautiful plaques from cherry or walnut and we display them through out our game room,I also have 6 without plaques displayed on a shelf area. They make interesting conversation,plus someone can actually pick it up and hold them in their hands. You tube will show you how to apply the paint version,if that what you want to do. I my self like the bleached skull look.
post edited by Big Tuna - 2016/11/06 10:54:43
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/06 10:54:45
I second the bleached skull look. My brother in law has 2 done and as soon as I have one worthy of doing it I'll do the same. I like them mounted on driftwood better than a plaque though.
Big Tuna
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/06 11:25:33
These aren't a plaques that fit flush to the wall,they are made specifically for skull mounts. They are beautiful and really accent the head.
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/08 18:55:17
Decided against the skull mount. I just cut the horns off. Maybe I can find a board to mount the horns to. So if I boil the piece of skull in water the meat and remaining hair should come off. Is this correct?
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/08 19:11:14
Panfisher Decided against the skull mount. I just cut the horns off. Maybe I can find a board to mount the horns to. So if I boil the piece of skull in water the meat and remaining hair should come off. Is this correct?
It will loosen, based on my experience, unless I didn't boil long enough. A knife, screwdriver and other hand tools are your friends for this. I've seen the dips in person and on videos. Just a personal preference, but I don't care for 'em at all. Really like the traditional Euro mounts, either on their own or in front of a nice plaque.
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/08 20:13:20
I watched the procedure for skull cleaning on Youtube where the dude boiled the skull then used s pressure washer to finish the cleaning before the peroxide boil. If I'm not mistaken there was some caution regarding the nostril area.
Buddy of mine used the maggot and I believe a beatle process for cleaning and I do believe there is Youtube videos on that process also.
My buddy does cattle for European style mounts.
I've seen his skulls mounted to plaques, drift wood and old fence post. Unique to say the least.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Skull mount buck
2016/11/10 06:17:34
Check out a kid on Face Book by the name of Dalton Stine. Seems to be local and his pics show some interesting work with skull mounts. Reasonable too.