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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 12:48:35
I have heard that a smoked fish can go for 120.00 on the streets of New York
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 13:16:23
jeez, even the NYDEC is gettin politically correct. back in 65( 1965 that is) a coworker sunk a gill net in seneca lake (N.Y.) for lakers. at abt. 4 am he,d use a grapple on a rope to lift the net ,n, get his fish. anyway one morning the wardens were waiting for him. dumbazz jumped in lake, couldn,t swim, warden jumped in to save him, he paniced ,n, da*n near drowned warden. 1 warden started beating him with boat oar, other started whacking him over head with pistol. they finally beat him into submithion , pulled him in ,n, took to hosp., then to jail, then back to hosp., he da*n near died. they didn,t care, threw book at him. sweet Jesus, i just remembered, we called him Boris the Horis(horse) because he was h... well, never mind. just thats what we called him
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 13:49:40
I watched a car at Trout Run years back about 5 am. still dark, pull up, a guy got out with a large handled net, run upstream and made a scoop and ran back with 3-4 fish in the net. He tossed them into a cooler slammed the truck closed and they took off all in about 3 minutes ! I couldn't tell you what the car was in the dark let alone a license plate it was that fast ! No doubt with a lookout parked up the road at 3 am. those professional poachers could wreck havoc on those fish in 20 minutes ! And probably have once the fishing traffic slows down............pitiful.
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 14:08:21
rmcmillen09 I have heard that a smoked fish can go for 120.00 on the streets of New York
heard from whom?? don't they have legal fish markets in NY?? ..L.T.A.
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 14:43:01
"Come on over here kid, I got a kilo of home smoked Erie fish just for you, remember you don't know where you got this" !
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 14:53:17
CAPTAIN HOOK "Come on over here kid, I got a kilo of home smoked Erie fish just for you, remember you don't know where you got this" !
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 15:01:15
rmcmillen09 I have heard that a smoked fish can go for 120.00 on the streets of New York
heard from whom?? don't they have legal fish markets in NY?? ..L.T.A.
A Fish cop told my wife and me this down at walnut access a few years back , when we were watching the circus at the stop sign hole. We were talking about the people who had a bunch of steelhead hidden along the stream that got caught.
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 17:35:09
rmcmillen09I have heard that a smoked fish can go for 120.00 on the streets of New York
heard from whom?? don't they have legal fish markets in NY?? ..L.T.A.
L.T.A. they do have their own fish markets in N.Y. but under that states smoking laws; their fish are hard to lite and the dam things won't stay lit. Awww c'mon at least, give me a boo!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 18:43:52
A Fish cop told my wife and me this down at walnut access a few years back ,
interesting..thanks I don't know any fish cops But I know a lot of regular cops Shoot with 'em in competition and have taken advanced combative handgun classes with them . I know a bunch, associate with many (some have been to my training classes) ... and a few cops i call friends I only mention the above to suggest I'm not a cop basher cause i'm about to say.....you can't believe everything you hear just because it came from a cop one the other hand.....Maybe that fish cop does indeed know people in NY dumb enough to pay $120 for one of Poor Richard's secret sauce fish...but I'm a tad a skeptical no matter HOW dee-lish-uss PR's fish are ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2016/11/04 18:45:05
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/04 18:59:17
Fall 2015 fishing oak orchard .. got bored down stream so went up to the snagging wall trying to drift beads close for browns .. same two ppl drifting egg sacs days in a row .. mid wall .. last day they started talking to me said they were local and asked if I needed money .. was curious so I inquired as to how I'd get it .. said take salmon to Medina walk up to closest black person and sell em .. now I'm not trying to sound racist , these are their words not mine .. but I imagine several locals up there make bank from anybody willing to buy those nasty things ..
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/05 21:39:46
Russians suck make em eat dem fish
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/05 22:21:25
They do ! With cheese and Vodka.
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/06 07:07:10
properly smoked trout or salmon are delish on Ritz crackers with cheese AND good whiskey to clean the pallete . IF you will provide the fish, i,ll guarantee to provide the crowd to partake of it. wire
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/06 07:48:31
its a shame this happens..
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/06 07:48:36
Panther99 Russians suck make em eat dem fish
Next time you are running the highways and byways, of our great nation on your way to your favorite fishin' hole, give some serious thought as to who is driving the 'big truck' that just "blew your doors off".
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/07 00:05:47
I figure the truck with the hammer down must've been a Russian with several coolers full trying to get back to NY before they spoil... lol j/k
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/07 00:35:52
Smallsac I figure the truck with the hammer down must've been a Russian with several coolers full trying to get back to NY before they spoil... lol j/k
10-4.... probably pulling the same wagon "they" used to haul a load of garbage from NYC to Poland then pick-up a load of nasty fish back to NYC and I doubt there is coolers. Yummy lol.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2016/11/07 00:38:46
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/07 06:39:56
B.T this is where I have to draw the line on your B.S! Are you trying to convince us that there are drivers out there doing things they shouldn't? How dare you! Good morning guy, enjoy your fish sandwich.
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/07 08:24:41
Or could just be a bob tailin', gear grindin', jake brakin' blurry eyed b.stard trying to avoid being a yard jockey...
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/07 08:36:54
Walleye jigs B.T this is where I have to draw the line on your B.S! Are you trying to convince us that there are drivers out there doing things they shouldn't? How dare you! Good morning guy, enjoy your fish sandwich.
Mercy Sakes Jigs...... I said stitting behind the wheel "driving the truck" not sitting behind the wheel "truck driving". Ever give any thought as to what other perishables and goods get back hauled on a garbage wagon? Hope that thought doesn't make anybody lose their lunch. lol Have a good one buddy, I hope all has been well.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/07 09:10:29
Smallsac Or could just be a bob tailin', gear grindin', jake brakin' blurry eyed b.stard trying to avoid being a yard jockey...
That is a Jockey 10-4? I know.... I know..... wrong thread. lol We be gone!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/07 13:43:52
I got ya, 10-4! Keep the rubber on the road and the shinny side up.
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/08 12:46:52
I ran into a foreigner...assuming Russian...an hour or so before daylight on 16 Mile last year. He hustled past a buddy and I and went to the stream bank where he grabbed a large sack and disappeared down stream. I wasn't aware of these night time activities at the time or I would of definitely stopped him. So it's definitely happening in Pa waters!
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/08 13:41:05
post edited by rsquared - 2016/11/08 14:38:01
pheasant tail 2
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/08 21:11:03
Oh it happens in PA, has been for years. A dear ole friend of these boards, Doccy Do Nuffin, a.k.a Grendel, then a DWCO was involved in a large case on Walnut one evening 10+ years back. The details escape me, but a number of suspects were apprehended with many fish in burlap bags. There was also case that involved individuals pitch forking fish and chucking them in 55 gallon drums. PT2
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/09 08:31:37
wow.... would love to see some pics and more details
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/09 08:59:15
Home > Sports > Outdoors  Poachers get hooked in steelhead haul Sunday, October 27, 2002 By Deborah Weisberg Three Parma, Ohio, men were caught poaching steelhead Monday night. They netted 53 fish weighing more than 300 pounds -- landing, in the process, $5,000 in fines. The men -- Anatoliy Zozulya, 40; Eugeniusz Sroka, 43; and Vladimir Yewtukh, 48 -- apparently took advantage of streams deserted by Steelers fans, but didn't count on state waterways conservation officers to be on patrol. At about the time of the Steelers kickoff, WCO Mark Kerr and deputy Mark McSkimming were walking through the woods, upstream of the Manchester Hole, when they spotted three individuals netting fish at the chutes just above the hole, according to John Bowser, the WCO in charge of Erie, whom Kerr alerted at home. "When Kerr and McSkimming approached the suspects and turned on their flashlights, the three fled. As they ran up a steep hill, one slipped and fell, enabling the officers to apprehend him and take him into custody at the Walnut Creek access area. The others got away." "Past experience told me where their car might be parked, and that, when you find the car, you'll eventually find the suspects," said Bowser, who ordered deputies to the Manchester Nursing Home parking lot, about a half-mile south of the Walnut access center, where they saw a suspicious vehicle. "State police gave us the owner's name." While two deputies kept watch on the car, Bowser and deputies Duane English and Randy Leighton circled the area, and saw two men in chest waders -- without rods. "I called out the name of the guy the car was registered to. I knew I had them when they turned around." They, too, were taken to the Walnut access center. But Bowser and his deputies still had to find the evidence. "Officer Kerr returned to the chutes and uncovered 25 fish on one stringer," said Bowser, who went back to the site the next morning and found another stringer with 28 more. Seventeen of the fish were trophy-size steelhead. Two-thirds were female. Chinook salmon were among them. "Any angler would have been thrilled to catch any three," said Bowser. All of the fish had been netted. Two of the men were unlicensed. In all, 22 citations were issued. They have 30 days to pay the $5,000 in fines, request a hearing or face a summons, said Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission spokesman Dan Tredinnick. "We're not talking out-of-town parking tickets. This is serious business." The fish were taken to Poor Richard's Bait and Tackle, where Gary Heubel cleaned and smoked them for free. Bowser plans to donate them to property owners as a gesture of thanks for their keeping their land un-posted, despite crowds of anglers who don't always practice responsible behavior. this is nothing new. people are naïve to think different.. Poachers come in all types.. Burlap bags or Loomis rods. Back in the mid 90's and beyond the people in this article were no worse than the groups of 3-4 guys who would take their 3 fish limit then come back in evening to take more. seen it too many times....
post edited by Indiana_Bob - 2016/11/09 09:02:22
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Re: Salmon Poachers
2016/11/09 10:20:56
holy hell... talk about some russian names... that's absurd. keep patrolling the area... my gf dad is a game commission officer and patrols at night, weekends and during they days and said you wouldn't believe how many ppl they apprehend