Helpful ReplyAtlantic Salmon

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Mountian Man
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/05 14:59:21 (permalink)
They have been catching some real nice looking Atlantics this year up in SRNY more then I remember in the past good to see.And yes they are in the finger lakes and do spawn  in creeks my couisin went to college in Syracuse and fished for them and knew a few guys who catch them regularly in a private stream going into one of the lakes forget which one.I say why not stock some in the lake...WCW

I think it's a good idea. But just to see what kind of support there'd be...

Who else here would support a trial run Atlantic Salmon stocking program for Lake Erie?

Stock Wels and snakeheads. Trustmee /end ere

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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/05 16:50:23 (permalink)

Who else here would support a trial run Atlantic Salmon stocking program for Lake Erie?

I'd rather they  spend the money on per$uading land owners to open water.......
or stock more steel
The vast majority don't tramp the tribs in search of variety's ALL about steelie numbers in Pa 
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/05 18:02:28 (permalink)
^ this.
We are losing access. Let's put available resources into gettin land, not startin something new.
Also, please email yer local fish commish peeps and ax them to get out of the truck. Sooo many snaggurz. They could fund more easements if they just enforced the laws.

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Matthew 4:19
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/07 18:28:23 (permalink)
How about some Skeena strain Steelhead and Seaforellen and Ferox strain Browns instead :). I think if they stocked triploids, bait shops would never be able to find Emerald shiners lol!
Hey DiveMaster ~ good idea for your pipe dream but - the Skeena strain is a wild huge strain from BC and the Ferox strain of brown trout is from Scotland.  Good luck trying to ever get the government involved to cough up some eggs for good ol' PA.  The Seeforellen strain of brown trout are very temperamental and don't take to all lakes the same.  
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/07 18:46:44 (permalink)
I say quit stocking. Let Mother Nature sort it out...
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/07 18:58:56 (permalink)
They did that in the 50's & 60's didn't work well. Lake Erie was about dead !
Takes sportsmen money to keep good fishing around.  
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/08 08:14:06 (permalink)
I say quit stocking. Let Mother Nature sort it out...

well none of the fish were talking about are native to erie so the fishery would probably eventually disappear...

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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/08 08:19:55 (permalink)
How about some Skeena strain Steelhead and Seaforellen and Ferox strain Browns instead :). I think if they stocked triploids, bait shops would never be able to find Emerald shiners lol!
Hey DiveMaster ~ good idea for your pipe dream but - the Skeena strain is a wild huge strain from BC and the Ferox strain of brown trout is from Scotland.  Good luck trying to ever get the government involved to cough up some eggs for good ol' PA.  The Seeforellen strain of brown trout are very temperamental and don't take to all lakes the same.  

too much money to start bringing in more strains ... stick with what we have that's successful 

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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/08 09:28:52 (permalink)
I say quit stocking. Let Mother Nature sort it out...

 well none of the fish were talking about are native to erie so the fishery would probably eventually disappear...

Even some of the native fisheries are dependent on stocking, like Lake Trout. So the halt of all stocking and other fishery agency actions like Sea Lamprey removal would be catastrophic for Erie.
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/08 09:30:53 (permalink)
nerkaHow about some Skeena strain Steelhead and Seaforellen and Ferox strain Browns instead :). I think if they stocked triploids, bait shops would never be able to find Emerald shiners lol! Hey DiveMaster ~ good idea for your pipe dream but - the Skeena strain is a wild huge strain from BC and the Ferox strain of brown trout is from Scotland.  Good luck trying to ever get the government involved to cough up some eggs for good ol' PA.  The Seeforellen strain of brown trout are very temperamental and don't take to all lakes the same.  

 too much money to start bringing in more strains ... stick with what we have that's successful 

Was just kidding, only dreaming haha. Honestly yes, whatever strain of Steelhead we have now is working well, and the next thing is to find an affordable strain of Brown Trout that will take off better than the strain we're using now.
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/08 09:45:38 (permalink)
the strain of mutts is what we have here..pretty much our own pa lake erie steelbows  that have been  collected from trout run over the decades  so they have adapted well to the lake ....its our own unique mutt.... back in the early 90s  we had a true run of spring steel  manistee strain...  chromers in march and april    now the spring pickings are mostly dropbacks that have been in creeks all winter... i remebber those chromers in spring from back then   fun fun  ...... pfbc was experimenting with the rome strain  a disease resistant strain of browns  last few years dont know if they still are though??
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/08 10:03:42 (permalink)
back in the early 90s  we had a true run of spring steel  manistee strain...  chromers in march and april    now the spring pickings are mostly dropbacks that have been in creeks all winter... i

welcome Nerka
are you new to the site or an ole hand that registered under a  new name?
i saw they had you on a short leash at first understanding Ohio stocks Manistee ..years past they also stocked Skimania(sp?)
But dropped them
I didn't know Pa stocked Manistee strain...I figured what little Spring run you guys  get were mostly Ohio strays
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/08 23:23:37 (permalink)
genie  yeah im a old time poster  and yeah a short leash lol
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Re: Atlantic Salmon 2016/11/09 08:23:30 (permalink)
mountain man are you in love with snakeheads?

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