Helpful ReplyKeeping Fish
Captain George
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016 6:45 PM
Keeping Fish
The majority of fishers like myself pay for a license to catch fish to eat. simple. stop complaining about people keeping fish. fish have been kept for years and years and they are still there in the creeks year after year. I know the run hasn't been like past years but instead of ****ing and complaining about it go out and enjoy urself and keep quiet. I fished with my dad this weekend we each caught 3 in 2 hours. everyone we bumped into had nothing to say besides there's no more fish blah blah blah. guy had the nerve to say "theres no fish in the creek and u genius' wana keep 6".. well ya jagoff, there are fish in the creek and yes we want to keep 6, woulda kept 100 if the limit allowed. enjoy gods creation and stop the ****ing
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:06 PM
LOL.... "theres no fish in the creek and u genius' wana keep 6" 6 fish in two hours . were you accused of snagging or lining/lifting too? prob'ly not I think you have to catch like 4-6 an hour ea on a slow bite day before the accusations start to fly .... Do you really eat these nasty tasting things? if so, what's your favorite way to bury the foul taste? Tons of spices and smOke? do you eat sky carp too? (that's goose to those not aware) ..L.T.A.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:28 PM
GEORGE calm down you might bust a nut.... dont complain come December when you cant find fish....
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:39 PM
captaingeorge The majority of fishers like myself pay for a license to catch fish to eat.
I like to keep a few myself every now and then, but let's be honest . . . Most hunters and fishers could be eating wild salmon or ribeyes for dinner 3 nights a week for what we spend on travel, gear, licenses and time for hunting and fishing. We pay for a license because we enjoy the pursuit and the experience. If we like to eat fish and game, it's a bonus. As for the complainers, I don't really see anyone "complaining" on here much. Offering some common sense solutions about reducing limits a little bit to help a fishery in decline. If the worst thing that happened to you this weekend was someone complaining about you keeping too many fish, I'd say you had a pretty good weekend.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:51 PM
genieman77 if so, what's your favorite way to bury the foul taste? Tons of spices and smOke? do you eat sky carp too? (that's goose to those not aware) ..L.T.A.
there's not a piece of chicken, beef, fowl or wild game out there that i don't do something to before i cook it. same with fish. you? soak a steelhead fillet or two overnight in water, brown sugar and pickling salt. put it in the smoker for a couple hours, with very light applewood smoke. delish. as fisher of men said in another thread a few days ago, bleed 'em right away (which i do as soon as they go on the stringer) and keep 'em cold in the water or in a cooler.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:52 PM
On the topic of keeping fish, below is great for snipping the gills of larger fish to bleed them out. These fish are too big to pull out effectively with your fingers (often cut your finger trying), and pain to use a knife. Tire plug reamer is good to give them a death spike to the brain, if you feel the need to put them out of their misery. If you are more the sadistic type, put them back in to be tortured a few more times by flies in their backs or hooked in (or around) their mouths while they try to eat or avoid being tricked, then dragged around, before being pulled on shale bank, handled with dry bare hands, and photo opt with a thumb in their gills, or just kicked back in for the same thing to happen again. http://www.harborfreight....el-scissors-97042.html
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:52 PM
captaingeorge The majority of fishers like myself pay for a license to catch fish to eat. simple. stop complaining about people keeping fish. fish have been kept for years and years and they are still there in the creeks year after year. I know the run hasn't been like past years but instead of ****ing and complaining about it go out and enjoy urself and keep quiet. I fished with my dad this weekend we each caught 3 in 2 hours. everyone we bumped into had nothing to say besides there's no more fish blah blah blah. guy had the nerve to say "theres no fish in the creek and u genius' wana keep 6".. well ya jagoff, there are fish in the creek and yes we want to keep 6, woulda kept 100 if the limit allowed. enjoy gods creation and stop the ****ing
haha. God stocks the stealhedz you guys so shut up, George doesn't want to hear your yammering!
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 8:01 PM
rsquared there's not a piece of chicken, beef, fowl or wild game out there that i don't do something to before i cook it. same with fish. you?
Agree. Even a nice ribeye is better with salt & pepper or spices. It has it's own built in "butter", in the amount of fat they have. I have a feeling, many cook steel head with skin on. Which isn't bad, but it traps the bloodline in the fish. If that red meat is removed, steel head is a lot milder tasting.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 9:15 PM
The trolling thread is a few lines down.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:44 PM
rsquared there's not a piece of chicken, beef, fowl or wild game out there that i don't do something to before i cook it. same with fish. you?
seasoning can "enhance' the flavor of some fin, feather and fur critters or they're good plain too the one's you "just have to know how to cook" to make edible code word for "they taste like crAp, so you bury the real taste somehow" i love chicken livers, oysters cooked any way or raw. I'll eat farm raised catfish by the bucket full but there's two things that will never taste good to me no mater how you cook it ....steelheads and sweet potatoes make it three things and add goose ..L.T.A.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 0:46 PM
I kept a ton back in the glory days ! Remember the limits were even higher back then on the lake.  Use to brine up, hickory smoke , and glaze with melted brown sugar. Took them to work and the guys fought over them , hunting camp guys tore them up, I kept about 3-4 for myself. Now days I release about 99% just don't feel like dragging a stringer around for hours. Never said a word about people who rope that's their choice don't bother me at all. Most fish won't return due to all the elements of nature and how many times can one fish be caught and played out over and over. The argument isn't people keeping fish it's the low amount they are stocking past 5-7 years. Crowd control in progress ! Won't change soon.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 1:08 AM
The Erie steelhead complaints department manager is Helen Waite.
If you have a complaint, contact Helen Waite.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 5:13 AM
Lol i dont care either way... i just laugh because noone pays attention to the consumption advisories... gonna be walkin around with a nutsack growing on the side of your head hahaha
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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Re: Keeping Fish
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 10:56 AM
captaingeorgeThe majority of fishers like myself pay for a license to catch fish to eat. simple. stop complaining about people keeping fish. fish have been kept for years and years and they are still there in the creeks year after year. I know the run hasn't been like past years but instead of ****ing and complaining about it go out and enjoy urself and keep quiet. I fished with my dad this weekend we each caught 3 in 2 hours. everyone we bumped into had nothing to say besides there's no more fish blah blah blah. guy had the nerve to say "theres no fish in the creek and u genius' wana keep 6".. well ya jagoff, there are fish in the creek and yes we want to keep 6, woulda kept 100 if the limit allowed. enjoy gods creation and stop the ****ing
haha. God stocks the stealhedz you guys so shut up, George doesn't want to hear your yammering!
Praise Allah
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Re: Keeping Fish
Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:08 AM
Everyone is crapping on geese, man you don't know what your missing, my dad cooked some up with this orange sauce a few years back and it was some of the best food I had eaten, then he lost the recipe and now we can't get a goose to save our life, but that was some good food when we had it.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Thursday, October 27, 2016 1:50 PM
Steelhead can taste very good and mild when processed quickly after catching, and prepared within a day of the catch in my opinion. They have the one of the highest Omega 3 fish oil contents of any fish, so if you don't bleed them immediately, get them on ice, and cook them within a day, then the fish oil will make the meat strong tasting. That fish oil is one of the reasons why salmon/steelhead/trout are the best quality fish to smoke though, because the oil holds the smoke just like the fat on a pork shoulder or brisket. I have a feeling that those of you who say it's foul tasting really can't cook very well or aren't preparing it fresh within 1 day of the catch, because almost any kind of fresh meat can taste amazing when prepared the right way. I usually only keep a couple Steelhead in the afternoon of my last day on trips, right before I return home. If you keep fish on ice for multiple days before you return home, or rope them in the morning and drag them up and down the creek for hours first, then yeah no matter what you do to cook them they will probably taste a little fishy or foul. As someone else said; you should always cut the dark meat out of the center of the filet too, where the blood line is, as that meat is stronger tasting. Here are a few of my favorite ways to make them. Does anyone else prepare them differently than what I listed, that you would recommend trying? 1) Grilled - On a cedar plank, with your favorite dry rub 2) Chowder - The fish takes on the taste of the soup. Steelhead/Asparagus Chowder is my favorite 3) Smoked - Either a dry brine slow smoked and preserved to eat with cheese/crackers, or a wet brine smoked hotter and quicker to eat as a hot meal. 4) Baked - Wrap a half of a crab cake with pieces of Steelhead filet, top with butter, lemon, bread crumbs, and paprika. 5) Fried - Beer battered and fried in hot oil with some homemade tarter sauce. I like using Honey Brown or Yuengling Lager for the batter.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - Thursday, October 27, 2016 1:53 PM
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Re: Keeping Fish
Thursday, October 27, 2016 2:05 PM
fishfashfush Lol i dont care either way... i just laugh because noone pays attention to the consumption advisories... gonna be walkin around with a nutsack growing on the side of your head hahaha
I pay attention to it, and only really keep a couple to eat a few times a year. Most other people I know who bring home 3 - 6 fish on a trip, will usually give half or more of them away to family members or parents who like to eat them fresh right away. I'd be willing to bet that even with the consumption advisories over PCBs (which do affect almost all fresh water fish in PA, not just lake Erie) that lake Steelhead are probably still safer than half the meat you buy in cellophane packs at the grocery store, or anything from McDonalds and most fast food places. Those pink slime burgers fast food places sell, cleansed by pushing the burger through stainless tubes filled with amonia gas, and then re-colored and re-flavored with chemicals, should have consumption advisories on them as well!
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Re: Keeping Fish
Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:04 PM
I'm not big on goose, but I had a friend bring some in to work and it was almost like eating steak! I would have never believed it . All in the preparation and seasoning .
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Re: Keeping Fish
Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:36 PM
Consumption advisory....... I'll give that some thought on the health risks as soon as I'm done eating my forth little Debbie oatmeal cream pie slathered with creamy peanut butter and finished smoking my Lucky Strike..... LTA
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Re: Keeping Fish
Thursday, October 27, 2016 11:33 PM
old dog lol cap, i had a bud who shot dozens of geese each year and turned them all into jerky. i'm not sure what he seasoned them with but they were, by far, the best jerky i'd ever had.
I'll be honest, there was a guy that had a table next to mine at the gun show. He sold deer jerky and deer smokies...they were great One time he brought in some goose smokies ..they weren't "bad" .L.T.A.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 11:48 AM
Yes it's amazing how some people can prepare wild game or fish and make it really taste much better then others or even yours ! I see Arby's is going to sell venison sandwiches in Nov. at selected restaurants ! (New Castle ) "We have the Speed Beef "
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 12:07 AM
genieman77 the one's you "just have to know how to cook" to make edible code word for "they taste like crAp, so you bury the real taste someho ..L.T.A.
actually, it's code word for don't overcook it. the biggest mistake people make with goose is cooking it too long. It is a red meat with no fat. cook it beyond rare, maybe mid rare, and it turns into dried up liver. cook it truly rare with a cool center and it's as good as a steak. i treat it no different than beef.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 12:15 AM
I'll take yellow perch and bluegill filets esp from ice any day over any trout cooked any way!!!!!!!
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 12:29 AM
Agree big gills,big crappie,big perch are about the best. Walleye is good but I prefer smaller eaters as to the Erie hogs. Steelhead are not my favorite but a piece of smoked properly sitting on cream cheese and a good cracker and a good beer isn't bad once in awhile. As to goose hot sticks there better than deer.
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 1:23 PM
☄ Helpfulby genieman77 Friday, October 28, 2016 11:38 PM
old dog tasted like a cross between dog food and leaves.
If you don't like dog food and leaves, it's because you're not preparing it the right way
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 1:55 PM
George it is not worth my time to even argue with you
Captain George
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 1:59 PM
thanks for your input DownSouth1
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 2:58 PM
od, I don't ice fish any more. Too tired to clean a bucket ov Perch & Crappie last night so dumped in cooler & smothered with ice. Just as tasty as ice fishin'. Goose taste like roast beef Love blind robins,Sardines with mustard & eat anchovies right out ov the can  Pig liver is a little tough to swallow. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - Friday, October 28, 2016 3:09 PM
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 4:40 PM
So what I've gathered is that steelheds taste better if you hide the taste of the steelhead?
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Re: Keeping Fish
Friday, October 28, 2016 4:47 PM
Yes dano. Stop roping them! YOU are the reason we have no and your clan of elders...bait dunkin, worm slingin sack drippin jags...alla yinz! Yinz should become more dignified and practice catch and release fly fishing like the evolved amongst us.
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