Gauge calibration??
Heres a brain thumper for some more knowledgeable folk.
Does anyone know how accurate that gauge is??? I have notes from the past couple years that i mark the cfs, height and turbidity, when i am there so i know what to look for.... This weekend was nowhere near the notes i had taken at all, not even close. The gauges were showing somewhat favorable conditions,matching my notes as well as the pictures on the "gauge help thread". Only to be nowhere near that in person. Im sure those things take a beating, but do they get serviced or maintained?
Anyone else that follows those gauges find any surprises upon arrival? Now ive marked it when ive been there and its blown out, when its low and clear ..even when its just right.. (using the stream gauge as reference obviously) the thing that didnt match up mostly was the turbidity.. yea i understand it rained so many inches...but when the gauge reads low on the turbidity and it doesnt match your previous notes something doesnt add up!
Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em