Coming mupere this week

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2016/10/16 16:27:58 (permalink)

Coming mupere this week

I'll be working in the area the next few days. Gonna try and wet a line. Pm me if you got the goods on where the dummerest ones are (or if you wanna fish). I know the spots and got the maps and yadda yadda. But I always appreciate a shout out. I'll hit the surf too at some point.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

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    Novice Angler
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    Re: Coming mupere this week 2016/10/16 16:40:11 (permalink)
    if you want to actually get the line WET, go straight to the lake. elk creek isn't even  the size of big run right now
    Expert Angler
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    Re: Coming mupere this week 2016/10/16 20:03:48 (permalink)
    Fished this weekend and did okay, all but one came on a mop fly, then had one on a "white death" zonker, got him close and touched him with the net, then he made one last run and broke me off. Close enough. 

    Oh, and had a fish that ran me down to my backing, then had a guy who didn't reel in get tangled with my line, then my reel had a loop in the line and my drag was failing, and still managed to land the fish. Gotta love da nut 
    post edited by johnthefisherman - 2016/10/16 20:06:49

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    Re: Coming mupere this week 2016/10/17 09:41:58 (permalink)
    Still not seeing great numbers off the beach but that could change in a day.
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