Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs?

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2016/10/16 16:20:30 (permalink)

Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs?

Curious if that's still making money or if the decline of fish returns coupled with lsst big recession put a hurt on the Big Baller ?
Side note, is Krazy Karl W still around?
I know lots folk don't like him for lots of reasons... Some maybe even justified
But I couldn't help but like the little fook
post edited by genieman77 - 2016/10/16 16:26:14

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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/16 20:19:36 (permalink)
    Leeches ......all of them ! These small runs had to take a toll or they did a lot of Sucker fishing! 
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 09:22:43 (permalink)
    Wex cut ties with the beav some years ago. Talked to him last week. Still the most knowledgeable guide in Erie.
    Beav still has his leases in Erie Co. and last two dry years definitely impacted his wallet.
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 09:50:16 (permalink)
    Would it be possible for the Fish Commission to declare his sections as nursery waters, would be awesome.
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 10:17:55 (permalink)
    Wex cut ties with the beav some years ago. Talked to him last week. Still the most knowledgeable guide in Erie.
    Beav still has his leases in Erie Co. and last two dry years definitely impacted his wallet.

    If you see him again, tell him I said hey
    Speaking of guides, is Don "dafishinfool" still at it?
    Some guides got beat on here.
    But Don was/is good dude and straight shooter as far as I'm concerned
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 20:54:21 (permalink)
    This low water and small runs are a challenge to guides now days. Use to be a time they would get there early before light on public water and hog the hole with their clients, but these young guys that don't sleep at night are beating them at their old game ! 
    Imagine paying someone big bucks to stand in a three foot deep hole casting with four guys and not move all day !
    Now that's fishin!  lol.........
    As far as the Beav..........biggest parasite in a cancer to the regular fishermen !
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2016/10/17 20:59:46
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 21:16:18 (permalink)
    Gennie, I think "most" of the guides are still around, just some do different things along with the slimers. Karl W was and probably still is one of the best guides in the bay! Some of the others we know have moved onto the lake, they be some of the best as well! Gennie, the ones we knew the best , unfournatley have moved on...... Or so it seems.....

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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 21:49:02 (permalink)
    Never understood why someone would pay so much to fish the same holes we all fish ( except for there leases) dang guides and there sage ones being game hogs lol

    I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 22:26:57 (permalink)
     but these young guys that don't sleep at night are beating them at their old game ! 

    Tell me about it.
    there are two on my local crick that now coral my favorite spots. I think they sleep in their truck and jump out as soon as they hear me coming in. Now it's their new favorite spot.
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/17 22:40:20 (permalink)
     but these young guys that don't sleep at night are beating them at their old game ! 

    Tell me about it.
    there are two on my local crick that now coral my favorite spots. I think they sleep in their truck and jump out as soon as they hear me coming in. Now it's their new favorite spot.

    LOL !    I know a few young ones that roll out real early !
    I'm not knocking all the guides some are OK I guess.......just a few I ran into over the years were kind of jerks I thought.
    Had an attitude like they own the creek !  
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 09:55:46 (permalink)
    I'm about 45 south of Erie I'm usually stream side well before daylight I know a few guides they have lots of fly's for me to loose

    I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 11:00:29 (permalink)
    Wex cut ties with the beav some years ago. Talked to him last week. Still the most knowledgeable guide in Erie.
    Beav still has his leases in Erie Co. and last two dry years definitely impacted his wallet.

    Did KW cut ties with the Beav or did the Beav cut ties with KW? 
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 12:45:21 (permalink)
    I'm about 45 south of Erie I'm usually stream side well before daylight I know a few guides they have lots of fly's for me to loose

    I'm three hours away and usually go up a couple days at a time. Have gotten into getting up real early and driving up instead of driving up the night before and spending the night. Get on the creek earlier, and save 70 bucks or so on a hotel room night. 

    Just gotta stop at the Dubois sheetz for a coffee and one of those breakfast platters, then stop at the rest stop off I79 near Edinboro to do my business and get my waders on. 
    post edited by johnthefisherman - 2016/10/18 12:50:15

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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 12:48:05 (permalink)
    Wex cut ties with the beav some years ago. Talked to him last week. Still the most knowledgeable guide in Erie.
    Beav still has his leases in Erie Co. and last two dry years definitely impacted his wallet.

    Did KW cut ties with the Beav or did the Beav cut ties with KW? 

    After talking to both sides,,
    I stand by my statement.
    Things played out exactly as I predicted years ago.  
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 13:11:23 (permalink)
    found this online....
     Steelhead Alley Elk Creek Pennsylvania Executive Trip
    Private access to 3/4 mile of Elk Creek limited to 6 anglers per day Streamside grilled Steak lunch served with homemade pie.   Pa licensed guide for each two anglers.  No crowds and world class fishing. Streamside lodging available on property.
    private water and a steak lunch with home made pie!  all for the fish we paid for.... nice.
    i believe in michigan bodies of water cant be posted... not 100% sure tho.
    Per  two anglers   $550
    We have prime dates available for fall 2016.

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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 14:01:33 (permalink)
    found this online....
     Steelhead Alley Elk Creek Pennsylvania Executive Trip
    Private access to 3/4 mile of Elk Creek limited to 6 anglers per day Streamside grilled Steak lunch served with homemade pie.   Pa licensed guide for each two anglers.  No crowds and world class fishing. Streamside lodging available on property.
    private water and a steak lunch with home made pie!  all for the fish we paid for.... nice.
    i believe in michigan bodies of water cant be posted... not 100% sure tho.
    Per  two anglers   $550
    We have prime dates available for fall 2016.

    finding/securing  private water is the biggest reason some guides became persona non grata here .
    business is business though
    i said way back in the early days of this site, everyone was  getting something from the program EXCEPT the land owners ...and they should be compen$ated if you expect it to keep areas  open
    i was soundly thrashed for such an outrageous suggestion
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 15:10:34 (permalink)
    They (landowners ) should have charged 3 bucks a car for parking like up in NY and left it wide open they would have tripled their income past 5 years ! Last time at upper Elk years ago when it wasn't posted 23 cars parked there in one day !    $$$ x 7 days x 6 months = $ (nice )
    That's what I would have done......welcome all !
    I don't call that business, I call it taking advantage of a good situation....public fishermen pays to stock lots of fish,then private pay areas allow the chosen few with big $$$ to reap the public rewards .
    We all argued this "hot subject" years kind of see the results
    Less fishermen = less cash = less fish be it !    
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 15:23:32 (permalink)
    They (landowners ) should have charged 3 bucks a car for parking like up in NY and left it wide open they would have tripled their income past 5 years ! Last time at upper Elk years ago when it wasn't posted 23 cars parked there in one day !    $$$ x 7 days x 6 months = $ (nice )
    That's what I would have done......welcome all !
    I don't call that business, I call it taking advantage of a good situation....public fishermen pays to stock lots of fish,then private pay areas allow the chosen few with big $$$ to reap the public rewards .
    We all argued this "hot subject" years kind of see the results
    Less fishermen = less cash = less fish be it !    

    Which section is being referenced in jat's post?  Is it the posted area below the wire down from Folly's?
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 15:33:03 (permalink)
    I'd say yes.....could be from the covered bridge (if that's still there heard it burnt ) on up to the wire at Follies. Beav leases the Beckman Rd. area ....I-90 up close to the covered bridge.
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 15:41:51 (permalink)
     I call it taking advantage of a good situation.... 

    that may be so, Hook
    but some areas were posted before an entrepreneur approached them .
    Not getting into the right or wrong/fair or unfair aspect of it
    But if I had a stretch of creek I was tired of hundreds of yahoos tamping and trashing  it day in and day out...with NOTHING in I got fed up and posted it, I might entertain thoughts  of compen$ation for strictly limited (and policed*)  number  of anglers 
    * you can bet the guides that pay for private spots aren't going let clients trash the place and/or jeopardize  losing their golden spot .
    They'll police themselves
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 18:40:56 (permalink)
    I agree on that , but I have to blame the Fish Commission for being asleep on moving forward back then. Sometimes you have to commit to spending now to insure a better future for the sport.
    Just like at Trout Run , Elk Access , Walnut , you have to have some accommodation's set up for the crowds coming in. They should at the least had trash dumpsters set up at some of the private owned areas with owners permission.
    You need trash dumpsters , job johnnys , parking areas .  You see what they did at Rick Road sure it's not set up for 25 cars but does help. 
    I'll say what I seen over the years in the areas I fished was really very little trash along the creeks and shores but the parking areas were another story.
    Especially the RR tube parking area.
    I picked a garbage bag full of loose trash one evening there. Coffee cups being the # 1 throw away!
    I think a small dumpster would have been life saver for that area and maybe others.
    It got posted several years back but I wouldn't doubt that helped shut it down. 
    There is no one easy answer, but I think and maybe they did have some conversation with the land owners on what could help and work. Of course money is always the issue. 
    Who knows maybe some future leases will open more fishing areas, just hope the guys fishing now days don't loose more by screwing up !
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 19:36:52 (permalink)
    Wex cut ties with the beav some years ago. Talked to him last week. Still the most knowledgeable guide in Erie.
    Beav still has his leases in Erie Co. and last two dry years definitely impacted his wallet.

    If you see him again, tell him I said hey
    Speaking of guides, is Don "dafishinfool" still at it?
    Some guides got beat on here.
    But Don was/is good dude and straight shooter as far as I'm concerned

      If same guy I'm thinkin' bout' "dafishinfool", thought he passed away close to 10 yrs. ago.
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 20:02:27 (permalink)
      If same guy I'm thinkin' bout' "dafishinfool", thought he passed away close to 10 yrs. ago.

    Thanks Crappi
    I know Don lost a ton of weight (via gastric surgery I "think?)  but don;t recall hearing of his death
    Pretty sure the ad jat007 found is the guide I'm thinking of
    rivate access to 3/4 mile of Elk Creek limited to 6 anglers per day Streamside grilled Steak lunch served with homemade pie.   Pa licensed guide for each two anglers.  No crowds and world class fishing. Streamside lodging available on property.

    iI vaguely recall it was family/relative that owned a piece of property on Elk???
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 23:06:10 (permalink)
     Maybe I was thinking of a different guide that posted on here some yrs. ago.
    My bad
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 23:17:22 (permalink)
    Think there was a guide from my neck of the woods in southern Butler County that passed away a few years ago crappie. He was on here and guided in Erie, but can't remember his name.
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/18 23:41:23 (permalink)
     I was thinking of saxon1. My brain is shot...
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/19 06:37:44 (permalink)
     I was thinking of saxon1. My brain is shot...

    LOL...take it easy on yourself Pard'ner
    I vaguely recall Sax mentioning he had serious cancer
    speaking of brainshot...I can't recall Don's last name ...Mathews??
    anyway, almost positive  he's from Ohio.
    I remember when he went "big" ...had several guides in his network from the Black river and the other river near Sandusky to the Cat in NY
    he was helpful on the site ...and on the creeks too  the times I've seen him
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/19 07:22:56 (permalink)
     Maybe I was thinking of a different guide that posted on here some yrs. ago. My bad

    Saxton1 passed away. He guided with Don.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/19 08:36:58 (permalink)
    genie, yes matthews and ohio.... and yes all thru "steelhead alley"  look him up you can find his website....
    he says the smolts avoid the walleyes in the lake...idk if thats true lol... i thought that was funny.
    either way i would've loved to check out some of these other areas ... never got the chance too young at 22...
    i guess it has a lot to do with if the body of water is "navigable" .... seems like a lot of grey area to me.
    i dont agree with posting water but maybe its just because im not a landowner
    have to keep in mind also... very cold winters low water conditions where the seagulls pick off the smolts and anglers catch them in the spring etc.... i'd love to see a specified season for the steelhead just like there is for walleye, trout, bass, etc...
    call me crazy but what if they did a program like for hunting season issue tags for fish when you buy youre erie stamp you get a certain amount... maybe it'd help future runs... it would definitly keep the russians from just taking fish up to their car lol.....more fish will have the opportunity to return to the streams more than once... just thinkin out loud. it would certainly be difficult to manage but humans managed to put a man on the moon so i'm sure the commission could handle a task

    pheasant tail 2
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    Re: Is "the Beev" still running private play for pay stretches on PA tribs? 2016/10/19 23:31:45 (permalink)
    How many of you remember when the tribs closed to fishing on March 31st and reopened the 1st day of trout? I was led to believe it was done to decrease smolt mortality by anglers. If smolt mortality is an issue (for whatever reason) perhaps this worth trying again?
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